
Flying drawing, now here, now there, and troublesome itching in the anus, especially in the evening, developed themselves every day, gradually, however, wearing off (sixteenth day). Transitory drawing, now here, now there (first day). Tearing (in the small of the back, in the nape, over the temple, in the knee-joint, in the tarsi, and some of the finger-joints), mostly on the right side (first day). Drawing and fleeting deep stitches in various parts of the body (eleventh day). (* These short transient stitches, caused by Thuja, were like electric shocks. *) The characteristic tearing-drawing pains (weakly marked), sometimes in the frontal eminences and in the occipital protuberances, sometime in the middle of the left arm and thigh (only at rest), (after one hour and a half). Tearing in the concha, the eyeball, the scrobiculus cordis, the shoulder blade, the in shoulder and hip-joints the thighs, from the ischia to the knee, in the leg in the arm, and firearm,. Frequently a transitory tremulousness over the whole body (seventeenth day). Having taken much exercise, the pains became less (twenty-sixth day). next day more violent, decreased by degrees on the following days, and ceased, but again returned. After most part, drawing, rearing or crawling, seldom pressing, and least of all frequently changed their location and came on more distinctly when at rest than during motion,. Constant shooting stitches in all parts of the body (eighty-first and eighty-second days). Sticking and tearing, now in this, and now in that part, scarcely a spot was intact.

Flying stitches in different parts of the body (eighth day).

Sticking in different parts of the body (elbow, tibia mammae, chin, scrobiculus, scapula, shoulder-joints). Sticking in and on almost every part of the body, on the vertex, through the brain, in the eyeball, in the sternum, under the nipples, in the ribs, through the chest, from the scapula through the heart, in the groins, in the maxillary bones, shoulder, elbow, and knee-joint, in the ankle and wrist, in the os ilium, in the thigh, in the calf, in the arm and forearm, in the metacarpal and metatarsal bones, in the tendo Achillis, in the final joint of thumb and great toe, at the root of the nails of the thumb and index finger. Sticking (in the ear, under-jaw, splenic region, hip- joint, iliac region, in the middle of the, thigh and leg, in the tarsus, shoulder-joint, arm and forearm, carpus), mostly on the right side (first day). Sticking and tearings sometimes in the same part, sometimes in other (ear, ear-cartilage, ala of the nose, near the sternum, in the epigastrium, between the shoulder blades), and sometimes in all the limbs, in the evening, in bed (second to seventh day). Its influence upon the muscles was of very short duration. The peculiarity of the muscular pains was that they generally affected the middle instead of the tendinous portions of the muscle. The symptoms came on almost exclusively while at rest, remained but a little while, and were either rendered worse, or caused to break out afresh, by the use of spirituous liquors, except the customary beer. The symptoms recur in an intermittent type, in one to three days, and duplicate, in the morning, at 10 to 11, 4 to 5, and 10 to 11 p. m., at 12 at 2 at night. Very much affected by every noise.

Wine aggravates the vertigo, spasms, uneasiness in the blood and the fever;tobacco likewise, so that he is obliged to leave off or reduce the amount of smoking. Motion aggravates the pressure and heaviness in the stomach, paralysis and vertigo. All symptoms are aggravated towards evening and in the night. The pains are worse after three o’clock both in the afternoon and at night, also they prevent falling asleep, in the evening. Morbid feelings aggravated during rest; and by remaining quiet, symptoms are developed which disappear on motion, in the open air (fourteenth day). Most of the symptoms came on during rest, many of them on waking in the morning. Better and worse on alternate days. Motion relieves the headache, the sensitiveness and rigidity of the side of the body upon which he has just been lying and momentarily the heart-cramp. Warmth relieves the whole condition cold aggravates. The symptoms disappeared in the open air (forty- second day); (sixty-eight day); (fifty-eight day).


Objective. A morbid growth of the hair, which hither to has covered the larger part of the skin usually not hairy; most of the hair was long, but partly crinkly, partly covered with perspiration, which sticks to the hairs like a sandy dust, gradually disappears, while at the same time a dirty gray cadaverous color of the skin becomes changed to a fresh and healthy color. (Oedematous puffiness of the face and limbs, with swelling of the abdomen, increasing for a long time, then alternating, sometimes more, sometimes less, and at last disappearing with improved health. General oedematous swelling of the skin, mostly of the abdomen and about the joints. Blueness of the skin about the clavicular region. (The chlorotic look of the skin improves from day to day (first four weeks). The discolored, dirty, bluish-brown skin of the legs remaining after a sore formerly caused by an irritating inunction, now becomes cleaner and cleaner (seventh month). (The burnt color of the skin on the dorsal surface of both hands, as if burnt by the sun, which had persisted unchanged for many years, gradually disappeared during the first nine months). The skin scales off in large flakes from the cracked lips. Desquamation of the skin of the face, as in measles. Eruptions, Dry. Round blackish-brown, elevated spots appear in various parts, mostly in the face, nape of the neck, and on the chest. In the ball of the right hand a brownish-blue spot, extending to the index finger. Light-brown, yellowish spots on the face. On the forehead, over the root of the nose, a red streak, which did not itch nor present any appearance of roughness, in the morning, visible till noon (second day); again visible (third day). A red mottled, painless spot on the left forearm. A mottled red spot, painless, on the back of the right foot. On the fifth day, after commencing the proving, several wart-shaped excrescences, of the size of poppy-seed, made their appearance on both hands, gradually increasing during the proving, and amounting in number to sixteen. At the conclusion of the proving they varied in size, according to the different periods when they had made their appearance. Their shape was that of a truncated cone; their surface was smooth, and they appeared to be seated in the epidermis. (* She had formerly been troubled with warts, and when she commenced the proving, she had one on the dorsum of the left hand, which had been in existence several years. *)

Wart like excrescences frequently appeared on the back of the right hand, on the chin and other places. A wart on the right side of the neck becomes filled with blood, sensitive and at last dries up and falls off (after eighteen months). A painless nodule, of the size of a pea, near the border of the hair on the left side of the nape of the neck, disappearing on the following day, except a small rough place (twenty-ninth day). A tubercle on the inner side of the right thigh, an inch and a half from the perinaeum, which felt like a wart, and looked dark red, of the size of a hemp seed, the tip having a dingy white appearance, and the base being surrounded with a bright-red areola of some three or four lines wide; it was somewhat painful when touching or moving it, and was filled with pus on the day following (thirty- second day). A few days afterwards it changed to a brown scab, which came off spontaneously. A painful tubercle of about the size of a lentil in the neighborhood of the anus, on the raphe of the perinaeum, which disappeared in two days (sixteenth day). A small painless, non-itching tubercle, near the raphe of the perinaeum, in the morning (thirteenth day). Two painless tubercles about the size of a hemp seed, in the sulcus between the nates, not far from the anus (forty-ninth day). A red tubercle, between the scrotum and the right thigh (seventh day).

A gouty node on the left ring finger, which disappeared again after twenty-four hours (fourth month). White nodes as large as hazelnuts on the calf, with violent itching in it for some distance about them, after rubbing a sticking-burning pain. In the evening, three round red spots of the size of a lentil, which itched and obliged me to scratch, appeared on the inner surface of the right forearm near the wrist, the itching became burning when they were scratched (fifteenth day); on the following morning they had disappeared without leaving a trace. Liver-spots about the neck, with red pimples, small tetters, and many small warts, all of which itched very intensely, and which he was obliged to scratch violently, especially at night (after eleven months). White dry desquamating tetter scabs over the whole body.

The right hand, from the tip of the finger to the wrist, becomes covered with a dirty, dry, crusty eruption, thickest between the fingers, at the same time spots of dry tetter appear on the face.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.