
(Forenoon), At 10 o’clock, shimmering before eye; at 10 o’clock, boring in maxilla; towards noon, sensation of nausea; feeling in gastric region; towards noon, movements in abdomen, etc.; towards noon, cutting through abdomen; after moving about, colic; towards noon, when walking, symptoms of colic; towards 11 o’clock, burning on right chest; pain in right chest; drawing in trochanter; when walking, stitches on thigh; drawing in knee joint, etc.; towards noon, when walking, drawing, etc. in knee joint; heaviness of feet.

(Noon), Pain in middle finger; sleepiness.

(Afternoon), Commencing about 1 o’clock, all symptoms, especially colic, fever, etc.; confusion of head, etc.; toward evening, heaviness, etc. in forehead; at 1 o’clock, pain in left forehead; at 2 o’clock, boring in temple; pain in all teeth; towards evening, aversion to food, etc.; towards evening, griping in epigastric region; at 4 o’clock, abdominal pains; at 4 o’clock, griping in umbilical region; sensitiveness in abdomen; pain in groin etc.; twitching, etc.; towards evening, sensitiveness of larynx; pressure etc. on chest; towards evening, stitches in side; stitches in right chest; towards evening, drawing in limbs; aching in shoulders; towards evening, pains in lower extremities; drawing in thigh; about 6 o’clock, boring in knees; pressing in toes, etc.; lassitude; towards 5 o’clock, universal lassitude; uneasiness; towards evening, oppressed sensation; at 5 o’clock, pains frequently repeated.

(Evening), The symptoms; on sitting down, vertigo; headache; tearing in forehead; boring in temple; feeling in eyes; boring in maxilla; loss of appetite; at 10 o’clock, during a walk, after supper, pain in pit of stomach; pains about navel; movements in abdomen; pain in bowels; pain on thorax; oppression of chest, etc.; towards 8 o’clock, oppression of heart; on going to bed, stitches in cardiac region; lassitude, etc.; pains in wrists, etc.; at 9 o’clock, pains in joints; stitches in humeri; tearing in knee; pressing in knee; drawing along tibia; when sitting, sensation in foot; pain in foot; tearing in metatarsus; when going upstairs, feeling in toes; weakness; unfitness for occupation; when walking, sensation of failing strength; discomfort, etc.; in bed, itching; itching on abdomen; cold hands; cold feeling in upper arm.

(Night), Cramp in stomach; umbilical region painful; towards morning, rumbling in abdomen, etc.; colic, etc.; prepuce drawn back; cough; dyspnoea; when lying in bed, drawing in shoulder; towards morning, cramp in leg; sweat; towards morning, palpitation.

(Before midnight), Oppression of chest.

(Midnight), On waking, tearing in tibia, etc.

(After midnight), On waking, as he lay on right side, pressure, etc. in left side of forehead.

(Open air), Coryza.

(Walking in open air), Weakness of all limbs, etc.

(Ascending stairs), Weariness of thighs.

(Beer), Headache; bitter taste in mouth.

(Bending forward), Pain of head, etc.; sensitiveness of head, etc.; pressure in eyeballs; aching in fore head; pain in lower abdomen.

(Bowing head), Painfulness of head, etc.

(After breakfast), Immediately, rising of liquid.

(Coffee), Sticking in joints of feet.

(Coition), Cramp in calves.

(After dinner), Confusion of head; almost giddy; feeling in head; insipid taste; stomach ache; stitches in hepatic region, etc.; sensation in umbilical region; immediately, pain in the umbilicus; colic, etc. about navel; movements in bowels, etc.; immediately, rumbling in abdomen; discharge of flatus, etc.; pain in abdomen; aching in hypogastrium; cutting in lower abdomen, etc.; pappy stool, etc.

(Eating), Eructation; sensation in epigastric region; cutting in umbilical region, etc.; pain in abdomen, etc.; pressure in intestines; cutting in abdomen; colic.

(Eating fruit), Griping around the navel.

(On getting out of bed), Drawing in popliteal region; pain in umbilical region; cutting in abdomen; oppression of chest; sticking in chest; stitches beneath scapula.

(On going out), Weakness.

(On intellectual exertion), Feeling in all limbs.

(Loud laughing), Pain in umbilical region.

(Lifting), Sticking in umbilical region.

(Lying on left side), Sensation in lumbo dorsal region.

(Lying on back), Headache in forehead; sticking in loin.

(After meals), Griping in epigastric region.

(Motion), Drawing in femur, etc.; pain in hollow of knee.

(Moving head), Headache along sagittal suture; headache.

(Moving upper eyelid), Pain through brain.

(Potatoes), Colic, etc.

(Pressure), Pain in groin.

(Rest) All symptoms; cutting in eyelid; pain in cheeks; pain in scapula; drawing in joints; pains in arms; sticking in bend of elbow; pains in palms; twitching in calf; cutting in calf; stitching on back of foot; tearing in sole; pressing on great toe; debility.

(On rising up), Empty eructations.

(On rising from stool), Eructations.

(Every shock), Pain from upper abdomen.

(Sitting), The symptoms; throbbing in lumbar region; drawing, etc. in joints; sensation in knees, etc.; pressing in shoulders; pains in wrists; pains in lower extremities; pains in muscles of thigh; stiffness in knee; feeling in knees; boring, etc. in knees; drawing, etc., pains in knees; bruised feeling in knees; drawing in legs, etc.; drawing in calf, etc.; pressure, etc. in ankle; sensation in feet; all pains; itching on gluteal muscles.

(When standing), Boring etc. in calves.

(After stool), Griping, etc. in umbilical region.

(Stooping), Headache along sagittal suture; headache in forehead.

(Stooping while sitting), Pressure in intestines; oppression of chest, etc.

(After supper), Abdomen full, etc.; abdominal pains.

(Treading), Pain in temple.

(Turning head), Painfulness of head, etc.

(On suddenly turning head), Vertigo.

(Urinating), Sensation in temple.

(Walking), Drawing, etc. in head; pains in forehead; sensation in temple; sensation about navel; pain in umbilical region; colic; discharge of flatulence; pain in bowels; griping, etc. in bowels; colic; painfulness of abdominal integuments; cutting in lower abdomen; pain in lower abdomen; stitches in upper chest; sensation in chest; drawing in extremities; pain in leg; drawing in muscles of calves, etc.; pain in feet; pains on dorsa of feet; sensation in great toe, etc.

(Wine) Sticking in joints of feet.


(Evening), On getting warm in bed, cutting in abdomen.

(Night), The pains.

(Violent agitation of body), Colic; griping in intestines.

(Open air), Sensitiveness of head, etc.

(Walking in open air), Headache; drawing in upper arm.

(Beer), Pains in lower extremities.

(Bending forward), Pain in bowels.

(Black coffee), After dinner, some of the symptoms.

(Becoming erect), Twitches in intercostal muscles.

(Movement), Pain in cervical muscles; pain in sacrum; pain in toes.

(Pressure), Pain in abdomen; constriction of viscera.

(Rest), Pain in ankle, pressure, etc. in leg.

(Rolling about), Griping in intestines.

(Sitting), Sensation in temple; stitches in hip; all pains.

(Sitting up and moving head), Headache.

(Smoking), Colic pains.

(Standing still), Colic.

(Touch), Stitches in temple.

(Walking), Stiffness in knee; tearing in knee; contused sensation, etc.; the symptoms; feeling of warmth in abdomen.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.