Cinchoninum sulfuricum

Cinchoninum Sulfuricum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Sulphate of Cinchonine, Formula, C20 H24 N2 O, SH2 O plus 4H2 O (Baup).

Preparation: Triturations.


Sort of transient intoxication. Complete disinclination for work (seventh day).


Confusion and Vertigo.

Confusion of the head (first day). Confusion of the head, becoming better towards noon (seventh day). Confusion of the head, with vertigo (tenth and eleventh days). Confusion of the head, with sensation as though the brain had increased in volume (sixth day). Confusion of the head, with pressive pain in it, and a kind of dizziness, at 9 P.M. (seventh day). Confusion of the head, with pressure in the eyes (third day). Vertigo, in the evening (third day).

Dizziness (Berandi, from 20 grains).

General Head.

Rush of blood to the head, with heat in it (second day).

Heaviness of the head, and rush of blood to it. Head heavy, painful (0.70). Headache. Headache every morning, affecting the whole head. Headache with vertigo and great thirst in the afternoon, on walking in the open air (fifth day). Headache, involving the whole head, worse on stopping, with sensation of dulness (seventh day).

Headache, especially involving the left side, aggravated by stooping (seventh day). The headache returned every afternoon about 3 o’clock, became a general heaviness of the head, and towards evening a pressive pain, especially in the occiput and in the coronal suture, worse in the evening (sixth day). Severe headache (fourth day). Specific headache, mostly in the anterior part, with a very remarkable sense of compression (0.70).

Headache, as if the head would burst, especially worse in the occiput, on waking (sixth day). Pressive pain on the head as from a heavy weight pressing the parietal bone against the brain (tenth day).


Pains in the anterior lobe of the cerebrum, as though a net were drawn through the whole substance of the brain (ninth day).

Pain in the forehead, lasting till evening (third day). Pain in the forehead, pressing down to the eyes, aggravated by motion, while walking. Pain in the forehead and pressure upon the eyes, in the afternoon (first day). Some pain in the forehead, especially affecting the right side, noticed now and then, especially through the afternoon, and disappearing before going to sleep (first day).

Pressive pain in the forehead (tenth day). Periodic throbbing pain in the right half of the forehead (seventh day). Violent headache in the forehead, extending to the occiput, lasting till noon, then ceasing for two hours, and then lasting till going to sleep (second day). Frequent frontal headache, in the afternoon; chill in the evening, even by a fire (first evening).


Headache, especially in the occiput, relieved after rising (eighth day).

External Head.

Profuse falling out of the hair for eight days.

Sensation of tension in the scalp, with soreness at the roots of the hair, as if pus were under the scalp, mostly on the right side (seventeenth day).



Sparkling eyes, which are heavy and difficult to open.

Blue rings around the eyes (third day). Accumulation of mucus in the eyes (second night).


Sensation as if the eyes were lying deep in the head (second day).


Pupil sometimes dilated, sometimes contracted. The pupil dilates only from poisonous doses; from less than a gramme it contracts.


Obscuration of vision. Attacks of darkness before the eyes (second day). On exerting the eyes it becomes black before them.


Humming in the ears (as from Sulph. Quinine, but a less constant effect). Ringing in the ears (sixth day); (second day).

Frequent ringing in the ears. Roaring in the ears (fourth day); (seventh day). Roaring in the ears, during the night (third day).


Sudden nose-bleed, of thin bright red blood, while sitting (second day). Dryness of the nasal fossae, followed by increased secretion.


Animated countenance. Pale sickly color of the face (second day). Face pale and hollow-eyed. Face very much swollen about the eyes, which was perceptible on opening the lids (second day).


Tongue. Redness of tongue (Berandi, from 20 grains). Thick yellow coating at the root of the tongue, with clean moist edges (sixth day).

Thin coating of mucus in the middle of the tongue (eighth day).

Tongue covered with thin saliva-like coating (first day). Dry tongue, with yellow coating.

General Mouth.

Heat in the mouth. Sensation of heat, and as if burnt within the mouth and throat.


Increased salivation. Accumulation of water in the mouth, especially in the forenoon (second day). Ptyalism (Berandi, from 20 grains). Dryness of the mouth and throat. At first the mouth is dry, followed by increase of saliva, but it remains gluey, frothy.


Taste pasty (first day). Intolerably bitter taste, which goes off entirely on rinsing the mouth two or three times (immediately).


Great dryness and roughness of the throat (fifth day). Burning in the throat. Sensation as if the throat were burnt with hot drink, and something were sticking in the pharynx. Sticking pains in the throat, as with fine needles, on swallowing (sixth day).



Hunger, without appetite (sixth day). Great appetite (after seven days). Little appetite (second day). Very little appetite; became satiated and full from very little food (third day).

Loss of appetite (sixth day). Thirst; (seventh day), Thirst the whole day (third day). Thirst, in the afternoon (second day).

Thirst and sweat. Much thirst the whole day (second day). Very great thirst, especially on the sixth and seventh days.

Eructations and Hiccough.

Eructations (after one hour); (second day); (sixth day); (seventh day); Eructations of air; (second day); (fourth day); Eructations tasting of foul eggs. Frequent eructations.

Sour eructations (fourth day). Hiccough.


Sudden heartburn (fourth day).

Nausea and Vomiting.

Nausea. Nausea (Berandi, from 20 grains).

Nausea for several hours after dinner (first day). Nausea, continuing the whole day (second day). Nausea and eructations (soon after 4 grains), (third day). Transient nausea and inclination to vomit, before eating (fifth day). Slight inclination to vomit.


Pains in the pit of the stomach, increased by pressure (sixth day). Heat at the epigastrium. Great heat in the stomach. Great heat in the stomach, extending into the abdomen and upward into the chest and head, especially noticed in the throat, with bursting thirst. Burning in the stomach and lower portion of the oesophagus (fifty day). Cold feeling at the epigastrium (Berandi, from 20 grains). Fullness in the stomach. Painful fullness and pressure in the stomach, lasting several hours, after dinner (first day). Pressure in the epigastric region (first day).

Frequent sensation of pressure in the pit of the stomach (fifth day). Pressive pain in the pit of the stomach (fourth day).

Tearing in the stomach, at 10 P.M.

(second day). Epigastric region sensitive and distended (first day).

Throbbing in the epigastric region. Sensation of pulsation in the epigastric region (third day).



Constant pain across the hypochondriac region, as from incarcerated flatus (sixth day). Pressive pain in the region of the liver (fourth day).


Pains in the umbilical region, with passage of much offensive flatus (second day).

General Abdomen.

Distended abdomen, many borborygmi. Abdomen distended; passage of much offensive flatus the whole day (first day).

Distension of the abdomen, after eating (sixth day).

Distension of the intestinal region. Commotion in the abdomen.

Slight motion of flatulence in the abdomen (first day). Rumbling in the abdomen (fourth day), (sixth day). Rumbling in the abdomen, lasting twelve hours.

Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (fifth day).

Flatulence. Very offensive flatus (fifth day). Passage of flatus (third day). Passage of much flatus. Warmth in the abdomen.

Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen, after eating, as if a stone were lying in it, lasting the whole afternoon, and only disappearing towards evening (first day). A little pain, which extends all over the abdomen. Fullness of the abdomen (sixth day). Sensation of fullness in the abdomen (sixth day). Tension of the abdomen. Tension in the abdomen at night (third day).

Abdomen tense, full, and heavy (first day). Slight griping and commotion in the abdomen (first day). Cutting in the abdomen; disappears after the evacuation of nineteen ounces of clear watery urine (third day). Fine cutting in the abdomen compelled him to bend up, extending afterwards to the upper abdomen, and lasting two hours more in bed (third day). Rasping and griping pains in the left side of the abdomen, during the whole day (fourth day). Colic (third day). Violent colic. Colic in the upper abdomen, especially towards the right side, lasting all day (sixth day).

Rectum and Anus.

Frequent dragging and crawling in the anus, relieved by scratching (fourth day). Dull cutting pain in the anus, extending thence to the navel, with fine stitches in the pit of the stomach (twelfth day). Urging to stool at 10 P.M. with soft stool, very difficult to pass (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.