Homeopathic remedy Colocynthis drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Bitter Cucumber. HAHNEMANN Cucurbitaceae.


      Confusion in the left side of head, with pressing burning pain in the left orbit, temple and nose, on dorsum nasi and in the upper teeth.

Greatly affected by the misfortunes of others as well see as her own.

Depressed, joyless; disinclined to talk, to answer, to see friends.

Extreme irritability; nothing seems right to him; extremely impatient; every word provokes him.

Anger with indignation; also bad effects therefrom particularly vomiting and diarrhoea.


      Vertigo, when quickly turning the head, as if he would fall, tottering of the knees.

Dulness of head and giddiness, at beginning of colic.

Inner Head

      Pressive frontal headache, worse while stooping, or lying on the back.

Painful tearing through the whole brain, becoming unbearable when moving the upper eyelid.

Severe burning pain, on right side of forehead. Tearing in the left side of forehead.

Pressure in both temples.

Boring stitches in the right temple, disappearing on touch.

Pressing and dull throbbing in left temple, growing gradually more acute and cutting.

Outer Head

      Roots of the hair painful.

Smarting, burning on the scalp, left side.


      Vision obscured.

Painful pressure in the eyeballs, especially on stooping.

Sharp cutting in the right eyeball, with pain in the eyes. Smarting in the eyes.

Discharge of acrid fluid from the eyes.


      Roaring and throbbing in both ears, especially the left.

Crawling; itching; stitching; cutting or aching in the ears, relieved by putting the fingers into the ear.


      Fluent coryza, worse in open air than in the room.

Beating and digging pain, from left side of nose to glabella.


      Face: dark red; or pale, with relaxed muscles and sunken eyes.

Tensive tearing pain, with heat and swelling, especially of left side; worse from touch or motion, better in perfect rest, and from external application of warmth.

Left sided tearing, or burning and stinging pain, extending to the ear and head; tearing in the cheeks.

Constriction and pressing in the left malar bone, extending into the left eye.

Transient stitches in the upper jaw recurring frequently.


      Drawing and twitching toothache.

Beating toothache, first in one, then in another tooth of left side.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: bitter of food and drink, less frequently offensive or metallic.

Tongue: coated white, or yellow; rough; burning on tip.

Scalded sensation of the tongue.


      Dryness; rawness; roughness; or scraping in throat.

Desires Aversions

      Canine hunger, with longing for bread and beer.

Aversion to food, with scraping in the throat.

Diminished appetite, without thirst, still great inclination to drink; succeeded by a putrid taste in the mouth.

Eating and Drinking

      After the least food or drink, diarrhoea: Potatoes cause bellyache; coffee relieves the colic.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Nausea arising from the stomach.

Vomiting of bitter tasting, yellow fluid.


      Feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

Burning pain in the stomach.

Feeling of fulness in the epigastric region.

Griping in the epigastrium, after each meal, worse toward


Cramp in the stomach at night, relieved by belching.

Pit of stomach very sensitive to touch.

Violent cutting, tearing pains, which from different parts of chest and abdomen, concentrate in the pit of stomach, better from hard pressure and bending double; brought on by vexation and indignation.


      Transient stitches in the hepatic region.


      Abdomen distended and painful; tympanitic.

Incarcerated flatus.

Cramp-like pain in both sides of abdomen, worse after pressure or leaning with belly on a table.

Collection of fat in abdomen since her first confinement.

Severe colicky pains, mostly around the navel; has to bend double, being worse in any other posture; great restlessness and loud screaming on changing position; worse at intervals of five or ten minutes.

Colic so distressing that they seek relief by pressing the corner of a table, or head of bed post, against abdomen.

Colic-like, spasmodic pain after vexation.

Colic spreading from the navel, better from frequent discharge of flatus.

Isolated, deep stitches, sometimes in felt, at others in right flank, apparently connected with the ovaries.

Pain in the groin, like from hernia, and on pressure, sensation as if a hernia were receding.

Stool etc.

      Chronic watery diarrhoea, mornings, with pain in sides of abdomen.

Dysentery-like diarrhoea, renewed each time by the least food or drink.

Bloody diarrhoea, with violent pain in the bowels, extending down into the thighs.

Frequent urging to stool, with sensation as if the anus and rectum were weakened by long continued diarrhoea.

Stools: copious fecal diarrhoea, accompanied by great discharge of wind; fluid; after eating, with discharge of flatus and painful feeling in abdomen, better after getting warm in bed; thin, frothy, saffron-yellow, of musty odor; slimy, bloody, like scrapings of the bowels, with tenesmus during stool; relief of pain after stool.

Constipation, stools hard; also when caused by cheese, painfully swollen hemorrhoids, in rectum and at anus.


      Sudden violent pressure upon the bladder, which was full, passed off suddenly on the emission of flatus.

Abundant urine; frequent desire to pass water, with burning in bladder and stitches; alternating with stitches in the rectum.

Frequent tenesmus vesicae, with scanty emission.

Urine: fetid; brown; viscid; deposits copious sediment which becomes jelly-like; faint flesh-colored, with light brown, flocky, unequally translucent sediment and depositing small, hard, reddish crystals, which adhere to the vessel, and are not easily removed by water.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire strong; with erections.

Female Sexual Organs

      Cramp-like pain in the left ovarian region, as though the parts were squeezed in a vice.

Female Sexual Organs

      Cramp-like pain in the left ovarian region, as though the parts were squeezed in a vice.

Intense boring or tensive pain in ovary, causing her to draw up double, with great restlessness. Deep stitches, worse in left ovary.

Suppression of the menses, caused by chagrin.

Dysmenorrhoea, cramping pains, must bend double, sometimes worse after eating or drinking.

Swelling of labia, with dragging pain and heat to vagina.

Metritis, from indigestion, colicky pains bend her double; cutting, as from knives, in the bowels, great distress, distention of the abdomen; feeling as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones. May be indicated in some cases of very painful cancer.


      During pregnancy, frequent attacks of colic, which draws the patient nearly double.

Suppression of the lochia; with violent colic; from anger of indignation; with tympanitic swelling of the abdomen and diarrhoea.


      Frequent tickling and irritation in the larynx.


      Asthmatic attacks at night, with slow, difficult breathing, which provokes cough.

Oppression of chest, worse evenings and before midnight.


      Titillating cough, frequent during the night.


      Stitching pains in right or left side of chest.

Heart Pulse

      Stitches in the cardiac region.

Pulse: generally full, hard and accelerated; less frequently, small and weak. Strong throbbing in all the blood vessels.

Neck Back

      Feeling of stiffness in the muscles of the nape, when moving the head. Drawing in the nape.

Violent tensive drawing in the left cervical muscles, worse on motion. Pressure in left side of nape, worse from turning.

Drawing pain, internally, in region of right scapula, as if the nerves and vessel were made tense.

Tensive stitches in the right loin, felt only during inspiration, and most violent when lying on the back.

Painful lassitude in small of back and lower extremities, in the evening.

Pain in the small of the back.

Upper Limbs

      Swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands.

Drawing, lancinating in left shoulder from the face and neck.

Rheumatic pains through the arms.

Pains in the palms, as if the muscles were contracted.

Tearing in joint of left hand.

Tensive pain in left thumb, impending motion.

Violent drawing pain in left thumb, like in the tendons, beginning in the ball and passing off at the lip.

Lower Limbs

      Crampy pain in the affected hip, as though the parts were screwed in a voice; lies upon the affected side, with knee drawn


Drawing, twitching, with dull throbbing in region of left hip, and right loin.

Pain as if the hips were screwed together.

Shooting pain, like lightning, down the whole limb.

Pain in right thigh only when walking, as if the psoas magnus were too short.

Dancing in inner side of left thigh, afternoons., Drawing pain in right thigh, down to the knee.

Drawing in external condyle of right femur.

Continuous pain left knee joint, impeding walking.

Cramp in the left calf.

Drawing, aching in the left foot.

Left foot “goes to sleep”.

Limbs in General

      Tearing or drawing pains in all limbs.,.

Position etc.

      Rest: Walking: Motion:. Moving the head: Turning the head: Moving the upper eyelid: Stooping; Bending double:,,. Bending the knee: Lying on back: Lying on effected side: Changing position: Motion generally relieves drawing, tearing and burning pains.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.