
The pain proceeding from the upper abdomen, when it became more severe, rose upwards towards the chest, and became then constrictive; it was sensibly aggravated by every shock, violent hawking, and the like. Cramp like pain in the abdomen, which does not allow him to sit quietly, lie, nor walk, with empty urging and tenesmus of stool after eating. Griping in the abdomen. Griping in the abdomen, with discharge of flatulence both upward and downward, followed by a thin stool and relief of the pains C. Griping in the abdomen, especially about the navel, with easily repressed tenesmus, continuing nearly two hours (after three hours). Griping and pinching in the abdomen (after twenty one hours). More violent griping in the upper abdomen than he had formerly felt from the mother tincture, but which did not bring on an evacuation (soon). Griping pains in the abdomen, which end above the mons veneris. Violent griping pains in the abdomen, at 2.30 p. m., worst about three fingers’ breadth below the navel, obliging him to bend over; disappearing after a pappy stool, at 5 p. m. Griping and rumbling in the bowels the whole forenoon; more painful when walking than when at rest. Awakened in the morning by griping in the bowels and tenesmus, notwithstanding which the stool that followed was normal. The griping disappeared after drinking black coffee, but returned in the course of the forenoon, accompanied by rumbling and movements in the abdomen.

Griping in the intestines as if all the bowels would be forcibly griped; on account of which he could neither lie nor sit, and could only walk bent over; the pain was not relieved by lying quietly, but only by violent motion or rolling about. Pinching pain in the abdomen, as if the bowels were pressed inward, with cutting extending toward the pubic region, so severe below the navel that the muscles of the face are distorted and the eyes drawn together; the pain is only relieved by pressure upon the bowels with the hands and bending himself inward. Pinching in the bowels as if the intestines were squeezed between stones, and would be crushed, at times with rush of blood to the head and face, and sweat on them, which parts on the relief of the pain seem as if blown upon by cool air. Pressing in the abdomen.

Pressing outward in the right side of the abdomen. Pressure in the abdomen as from fullness. Pressure in the intestines, which sometimes seems to be caused by emptiness, but is rather aggravated when eating, especially when stooping forward while sitting, for six days in succession, especially in the evening. Cutting in the abdomen, immediately after eating. Cutting in the upper abdomen, transient. Cutting and thumping in the abdomen. The cuttings in the abdomen and the tenesmus lasted all the afternoon, and only disappeared entirely in the evening, when he got warm in bed.

Cutting abdominal pains after dinner and supper. Cutting in the bowels with rumbling and gurgling. A violent cutting, like an electric shock, darted through the whole abdomen to the anus, towards noon.

Periodic attacks of frightful cutting in the bowels, extending from the region of the left kidney to the thighs, and spasmodically to the bowels, so that she was obliged to assume a posture as much bent over as possible Pressive cutting in the upper abdomen, as from flatulence, on inspiration. Stitches penetrating deep into the abdomen. Drawing tearing pains in the whole abdomen. Colic. Generally wake in the morning with colic and tenesmus. By far the most prominent and troublesome symptom in my case was colic, which never came on except at night. Colic in the upper abdomen returned, but less violent, towards noon, after violent exercise. Colic; the pains being confined to that portion of the abdomen, above the umbilicus, come in paroxysms and are relieved only by bending double. Colic appearing only when walking, disappearing every time he stood still, towards noon. Colic, with violent rumbling, as if from the bursting of large bubbles.

Colic, with uneasiness in the whole body, and shivering in both cheeks which seems to rise up from the abdomen, and disappear after more violent pains. Constant colic through all the intestines, a bruised pain and pressure combined. Constant colic, with urging to stool, which, however, was subject to control. Slight colic after eating, at noon and evening. Violent colic and sudden stool after eating some potatoes. Violent colic, relieved by smoking, which, however, left a long continuing sensation in the abdomen as if he had taken cold. Colic more violent, gnawing after moving about, in the forenoon; somewhat diminished towards noon, but not entirely intermitting during the remainder of the day. Colic very violent in paroxysms, obliging him to bend forwards. It continued four hours, and only ceased after the evacuation of a soft stool.

Colic of the most violent character. Unspeakable colic. A kind of flatulent colic, after midnight, from sudden flatulence here and there, which becomes painfully incarcerated, and is not emitted (second night). Griping colic. Griping colic, without stool (after thirty four hours). Transient griping colic. Colicky pains with discharge of flatulence, in the night. Severe colicky pains over whole abdomen, griping and cutting, soon followed by diarrhoea, mushy at first, and then watery (after one hour).

Violent colic pains, continuing for an hour, but disappearing after two evacuations, following each other in quick succession.

Symptoms of colic, with inflation of the abdomen (the clothes became too tight) towards noon, when walking.

All the colic pains of Colocynth disappear after a cup of coffee, but after this he is obliged to go to stool. Continued sensitiveness, griping, and commotion in the abdomen for several hours, in the after noon. Increased sensitiveness of the whole abdomen, and constipation, lasting several days. Excessive sensitiveness of the abdomen. The abdomen continued tender and inflated, even after an evacuation. The bowels are painful on strong pressure on the abdomen, as if excoriated. Painfulness of the abdominal integuments, particularly when walking.

Hypogastrium and Iliac Region.

Movements in the hypogastrium, after dinner, disappearing after a soft evacuation. Aching in the hypogastrium soon after dinner, ameliorated by the discharge of abundant fetid flatulence, and disappearing after the subsequent stool at about 4 p. m. Griping in the hypogastrium, going off in a stitch towards the left pubic region, with rumbling and sensation of inflation (after half an hour). Dragging from both sides of the lower abdomen to the middle of the hypogastrium, as from flatulence which will not pass, but only provokes emission. Cutting in the lower abdomen.

Constant cutting in the lower abdomen, so that he was obliged to walk bent over, with weakness in the whole body, which made walking difficult, with dread of work to be done. Violent cutting in the lower abdomen, forcing him to stool; and a fluid evacuation, immediately after dinner. A smarting cutting in the lower abdomen that commenced while walking, and was aggravated by every step (after five days). Bruised pain in the lower abdomen, mostly noticed while walking and standing bent over.

Constant pressure in the pubic region (after eight to ten hours).

Sticking in the pubic region. Pain in the groin, as if a hernia would protrude, and, on pressing upon it, pain as if a hernia were going inward, for half an hour in the afternoon, and the next day at the same hour. Tensive pain in the right groin, aggravated by pressure. Boring pain in the left groin, close to the pelvic bones. Drawing pain in both groins, frequently repeated, and going all around the pelvis. Clucking sensation in the inner side of the groin. Mode rate tension in the region of the anterior superior spine of the ilium of the left side, in the evening; the next day this sensation, hitherto a tensive feeling confined to one point, changed into a violent drawing, extending from the spine of the ilium to the inguinal region and the upper third of the inner surface of the thigh; it continued pretty violent all day, and did not disappear until the next day.

Rectum and Anus.


Pain in the lower part of the rectum, as from swollen hemorrhoids, while sitting, walking and urging to stool.

Ineffectual pressing toward the rectum. Stitches in the rectum.


Blind hemorrhoids. A small painful hemorrhoidal knob in ano (sixteenth day). Moisture at the anus and perineum. Soon after dinner, when walking in the open air, oozing at the anus and discharge of moisture from the rectum, instead of the expected flatulence. This oozing continued the whole afternoon; at 7 p. m.

another pappy stool, with much mucus and subsequent burning of the anus. (Discharge from the anus, some hours after dinner).

Discharge of blood from the anus. Discharge of blood from the anus, which after more than a year still continues in greater or less quantity daily, with violent sticking and burning pain in the small of the back and anus (during the first days). (* Before this proving he had never had a discharge of blood from the anus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.