
*). Sensation at the anus as if successive slippery bubbles were escaping. Burning at the anus. Burning and sticking in the anus.

Burning and excoriated pain, with moisture at the anus, as after diarrhoea. Slight burning and moisture at the anus, as after diarrhoea. Occasional pressing at the anus, as if a quantity of faeces were about to be discharged, with escape of only a little mucus. Frequent pressure at the anal sphincter, which ceased at once on the escape of the slightest quantity of wind or mucus.

Violent itching sticking in the anus and rectum (after one hour).

Violent itching sticking in the anus when at stool. Twitching and burning at the anus and in the rectum in the afternoon. Prickling and oozing from the anus. Stools caused great soreness of anus and surrounding parts.

Sensitiveness around the anus, with frequent urging to stool, which was unsatisfactory and diarrhoeic, but painless. Itching at the anus, and at the orifice of the urethra. Itching in the anus all day. Severe itching at the anus for several days.

Violent itching at the anus.


Urging to stool twice the first day. Urging to stool (which, however, was under control). Urging to stool and a soft evacuation after dinner. Urging to stool without an evacuation, which appeared an hour afterwards in single pieces of a stony hardness. Frequent urging to stool, without any evacuation.

Violent urging to evacuate the bowels, demanding instant attention (after five hours). Excessive urging to stool which was copious, yellowish brown partly thin, as from a purge, and with a sourish offensive odor, followed by transient relief of the colic. Frequent excessive urging to stool, with sensation in the anus and lower portion of the rectum as if the parts were weakened and relaxed by long continued diarrhoea. Ineffectual urging to stool. Repeated inclination to stool, which, however, was easily resisted. An easily resisted inclination to stool (after one hour), and subsequently a half watery half solid evacuation. Urgent almost irresistible inclination to stool (after five hours) and, in quick succession, two abundant, first pappy, then fluid evacuations, with ulcerative pain in the bowels, ameliorated by bend ing forwards, aggravated by an upright position. Sudden tenesmus, soon followed by a copious pappy evacuation, succeeded by griping, and sensation as if taking cold in the abdomen; sleepiness, disinclination to study.



Diarrhoea (after half an hour). Diarrhoea day and night, with nausea, without being able to vomit. Diarrhoea (twelve stools daily). Diarrhoea, fifteen stools in eighteen hours, with gradual relief of the colic. Diarrhoea followed by much flatulence, and an unpleasant not very marked sensation of weakness. Slight diarrhoea, preceded by griping in the umbilical region. Violent diarrhoea with colic. Copious fecal diarrhoea, accompanied by great discharge of wind. Greenish yellow diarrhoea, with a feeling as if he had taken cold. Looseness of the bowels. Great looseness.

Dysentery. Fatal dysentery. Several small evacuations a day, with frequent inclination to stool. Several pappy stools a day.

Several thin pappy stools every day. Three copious discharges from bowels at short intervals, each followed by temporary relief of the abdominal pain (after five hours). Three very soft brown stools (after five hours). Three pappy stools. Three fluid mucous, but painless stools. Quite liquid evacuation three times in the evening, and once the following morning. Two pappy stools (after each dose). Two pappy evacuations daily (after three days). Contrary to his usual habit, two pappy stools a day, with slight griping in the upper abdomen. Two pappy stools, with discharge of flatulence. Two pappy yellow painless stools in the afternoon. Two, almost fluid, yellowish stools in the afternoon.

Two unsatisfactory stools. A second stool at 4 p. m., with slight subsequent burning at the anus. The usual normal stool was soon followed by one of pappy consistence and subsequent burning in the anus, and at the same time prickling in the orifice of the urethra after urinating. A stool in the morning and another after dinner, hard and unsatisfactory. Stools at first watery, slimy, then bilious, at last bloody. Stools dark green, thin, mushy, but not watery. Pappy stools, with burning at the anus. Stools gradually became more pasty and thinner, always very brown; together with much rumbling in the abdomen. Stools consistent, remarkably brown, often quite blackish brown. Dysenteric stools, with passage of blood and remarkable burning pain in the sacral region (after five hours).

Bloody stools. Diarrhoeic stools after dinner, without colic or tenesmus. A yellow diarrhoeic stool, without tenesmus or pain, after dinner. Diarrhoeic evacuation, with tenesmus. Liquid evacuation (soon). Watery stool, with griping, followed by continued and almost irresistible tenesmus. Fluid stool after eating, with discharge of flatulence and painful feeling in the abdomen the whole afternoon, which was only removed when he got warm in bed. Fluid stool, with rectal tenesmus. A soft, fluid, rapidly discharged stool, after a continual gentle pressure, and the passage of a quantity of slippery flatus at noon. A semifluid stool, accompanied by a perfect storm of flatulence, and followed by a considerable discharge of wind.

Thin, frothy, saffron yellow stool, of a mushy odor, smelling almost like burnt gray blotting paper (after twelve hours). Soft but not copious stool. A very slippery soft stool at about 11 a.

m.; tensive pressure over the whole forehead at its evacuation.

The same symptoms returned in the afternoon, and were succeeded by pressure upon the bladder, alternating with pressure upon the anal sphincter. Stool soft, pappy, leaving behind it tickling in the rectum. Pappy stool immediately after dinner. Pappy stool, with shivering over the head and back, immediately after dinner.

Pappy stool after eating, with subsequent burning at the anus.

Pappy evacuation followed by slight intermitting griping, accompanied by a feeling of having taken cold in the umbilical region, and rumbling in the bowels. An almost formed stool, accompanied by slight tenesmus. Was obliged to retain the stool with great exertion in order not to pass it involuntarily at night. Disturbances in relation to the character and time of the stools, which were either absent, or, instead of coming, as normally, in the morn ing, appeared in th afternoon and were either too soft (diarrhoeic), or too hard and unsatisfactory.

Stool hard and unsatisfactory; on another occasion the evacuation which began knotty and dry ended in a diarrhoea. The stool, which slowed for several weeks a tendency to diarrhoea, is in the evening more constipated (second day); a soft stool of dark brown color, at 8 a. m. (third day); soft in the morning, fluid, light yellow, at 3 p. m., fluid, dark, 6 p. m. (fourth day); soft yellow in the evening (fifth day); hard, dark, about noon (sixth day); small, yellow, consistent, at 9 a. m., copious, soft, light yellow with flatus at noon; fluid, light yellow, preceded by great gurgling in abdomen, at 2 p. m.; fluid, light yellow, preceded and accompanied by a great deal of colic (seventh day); fluid, light yellow at noon (eighth day); light yellow, soft at noon (ninth day); small, hard, dark, at 9 a. m. (tenth day); hard, dark green, after rising; firm, dark, in the evening (eleventh day); hard, dark (twelfth day); hard, dark in the forenoon, soft, dark in the evening (fourteenth day); hard, dark in the morning, and in the evening another (fifteenth day); hard, dark in the morning; during the last days the hard, dark stool consisted most ly of hard knotty pieces, at 2 p. m.; soft, light colored, mixed with hard knots (sixteenth day); light colored, soft at 6 a. m.; small, hard knotty towards evening (seventeenth day); hard, lumpy, with copious flatulency (nineteenth day); towards morning, dark, small, lumpy; soft dark green in the evening (twentieth day); towards morning, small, dark green, lumpy, with flatulence (twenty first day); dark, soft in the morning (twenty third day); two soft ones (twenty fifth and twenty sixth days); two soft ones, mixed with lumpy faeces and great flatulency (twenty seventh day); two soft ones (twenty ninth day).


Constipation (secondary). The bowels were sluggish acting only every other day, but the stools were not particularly hard. The intestinal canal was torpid during the whole time he was taking from three to five drops; the evacuations were hard, and took place, contrary to his usual habit, only once in two or three days. Viscid, soft, scanty stool every three days. Scanty, tenacious, and slimy faeces. A hard, unsatisfactory evacuation about 5 p. m., discharged with difficulty. Stool hard, with slight urging (after forty eight hours). A very hard evacuation, as if he were passing stones. Very hard stool passed in pieces (after five and six days), (secondary action). The usual morning stool was absent. No evacuation the whole day.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.