
Tearing in the left side of the nape of the neck.


Pain in the back above the lips, with nausea and chilliness.

Stitches in the back.


Drawing in the dorsal muscles. Occasional slight drawings in the shoulder blades. Drawing pain internally in the region of right scapula, as if the nerves and vessels were made tense. Severe drawing pain extending from the right side of the neck across the scapulae, as if the nerves were forcibly torn and stretched or as if bruised. Tensive sticking pain between scapulae, mostly when walking, so that for a while he was obliged to walk bent over.

Dull stitches beneath the right scapula, on inspiration. Sore pain in the left scapula, during rest. Pressing inward and dull throbbing in the right lumbar region, when sitting. Tensive sticking in the right loin, only noticed on inspiration, most violent when lying upon the back. Pressive bruised pain in the lower portion of the back, with severe pressure in the pit of the stomach, during rest and motion.

Feeling of weariness in the small of the back. Painful lassitude in the small of the back and lower extremities, in the evening.

Pain in the small of the back. The small of the back and lower limbs were painful as if after a forced march. Feeling of pressure and heaviness in the small of the back.


Aching in the region of the left sacroiliac articulation, accompanied by crawling in the whole left sole, as though it were asleep. Pressive pain in the sacrum, diminished by movement.

Transient stitches in the sacrum. Bruised sensation in sacrum (ninth day).

Extremities in General.


Contraction of all the limbs, so that he resembled a hedgehog.

Twitching of different parts of muscles in the limbs.

Weakness of all the joints, especially of the knee and elbow.

Weakness of all the limbs on walking in the open air, as after a long walk, with great trembling of the lower legs, especially of the right, so that sweat broke out over the whole body (after eleven hours). Disagreeable feeling in all the limbs on making any intellectual exertion. Tired sensation in all the joints (nineteenth day). Migrating pains in the joints of the fingers and feet (tenth day). The rheumatic gouty pains came on more violently than ever before, sometimes in the joints, and sometimes in the bones of the upper and lower extremities, but did not last long. The rheumatic pains in the limbs and joints are the more important phenomena, and with greater certainly ascribable to the drug, in as much as I had never experienced the like before or since. Some of the joints feel as if they were compressed by a tight ring (twenty sixth day). Boring and burning pains in the muscles of the extremities and of the buttocks (twenty fifth day). Boring and drawing in the joints of the fingers, in the shoulders, in the knees, in the shin bones and ankles (thirteenth to fifteenth day). Drawing pressing boring pains in the wrist, fingers, knees, muscles of thighs, in the morning after rising, and again in the evening (fifteenth day).

Drawing in different parts of upper and lower extremities when walking (twenty second to thirty first day). Drawing and pressing in all the joints; more when sitting than when walking; lasting the whole day (sixteenth day). Transitory drawing in the upper and lower limbs towards evening. Transient drawing in various joints of the upper and lower limbs, especially of the fingers and toes, disappearing instantaneously on motion, and as rapidly recurring in rest. Towards evening the pains increase in the extremities while sitting, and are especially severe in the knees, feet, and shoulder joints; it is a pressing drawing pain, a sensation of tiredness (thirteenth day). Tearing drawing in both thighs and in the left arm down to the finger joints.

Pressing in several of the finger and toe joints, especially during rest. Tearing drawing pressing in different joints and parts of the head, especially boring behind the right ear and on the right side of the head (nineteenth day). Pressing and boring pains in the joints of the toes and fingers at 9 p. m. (eleventh day). Pressure in the joints of the hands and feet after rising (eleventh day). A great deal of pressure in the knees and wrists when sitting; also in the thighs (sixteenth day). Feeling of pressure in the joints. Tearing in the joints of the arms and legs, more when resting; during the night very little pain in the joints (tenth day). Bruised feeling in all the joints (twentieth day). Bruised sensation in the knees, arms, shoulders, when sitting (seventeenth day).

Superior Extremities.

Sensation of weakness in the arms (seventeenth day). Sensation of swelling in the arms. Pain in the left arm, soon disappearing (after one hour). Pressive drawing bone pains in the long bones of the arms during rest, especially painful on the head of the humerus and across the wrist, where it seems as if the pain were in periosteum, on raising the arm. Paralytic pressing in the whole of the left arm.

Stitches in the arms from time to time, now here, now there (after four hours). Paralytic bruised pain in the arms from time to time (after five days). Pulsation in the left arm.


Axillary glands swollen and painful (twenty third to thirty first day). (Suppurating swelling of the axillary glands). A drawing aching came on in both shoulders in the afternoon. Boring in the shoulder (twelfth day). Boring in the right shoulder, then in the left knee, then in the right one (twelfth day). Painful tension in the right shoulder on first waking, continuing and becoming worse from using the arms. Drawing and burning in the muscles of the left axilla down the arm, after a while also in the right axilla (seventeenth day). Drawing and boring in the shoulders and joints of the hands (twelfth to fourteenth day). Drawing and tearing in the right shoulder joint in the morning, lasting all day. Drawing in the right shoulder when lying in led at night.

Transient drawing in the right shoulder. Pressing in the shoulders when sitting (twenty second to thirty first day).

Tearing in the shoulders. The arm is painful behind the right scapula, as if sprained, during rest and motion.


Prickling burning pain on motion of the right upper arm.

Drawing in the right upper arm the whole day, and continuing into the next forenoon. Slight drawing in the right upper arm, remarkably increasing after dinner, and becoming almost painful, but decreasing again when walking in the open air. Pressing in the joints of the upper arm (twelfth to fifteenth day). Flying stitches in the humeri in the evening. Tearing in the left upper arm (eleventh day).

Frequently repeated throbbing, finally twitching pain in the right upper arm in the region of the insertion of the deltoid, whence it extended through the shoulder to the upper teeth, and as far as the region of the temples and vertex. The pain was in the periosteum, and, after it had frequently returned, the muscular parts of the arm there became painful on pressure as if sore.


Drawing in the right elbow joint. Pressure in the elbow joints (eleventh day). Fine itching sticking in the bend of the right elbow during rest. Frequently returning stitches in the right elbow and forearm. Tearing and burning pain in the right elbow (fourteenth and fifteenth days).


Stiffness of the right forearm, with painfulness of the extensors; continuing the next day. Falling asleep of the right forearm. Occasional violent pains in the right forearm in the morning.

Tensive pain in the right forearm (after twenty seven hours).

Very crampy pain in the left forearm. Pressing drawing in the forearms (sixteenth and seventeenth days). Drawing pains in the left forearm, persisting at the elbow. Transitory drawing sticking in the periosteum of both bones of the forearm.


Boring and pressing in the wrists and forearms (seventeenth day).

Severe boring in the wrists (fourteenth and fifteenth days).

Drawing pressing pains in the wrists when sitting (sixteenth and seventeenth days).


Feeling of stiffness in the hands. Contractive pain in the right hand, which constantly increased until a similar one occurred in the left malar bone (in a quarter of an hour); the pain in the right hand then spread over the forearm as the facial pain decreased, and again grew milder when the facial pain and some pain in the bowels occurred. Cramp like pains in the palms, so that the fingers can only be opened with difficulty; worse during rest than motion. Frequent drawing in the hands and fingers (twelfth to fifteenth day). Many drawing and pressing pains in the joints of the hands, fingers, and shoulders (tenth day).

Pressing in the palmar joints (twenty first day) Pressing pains in the joints of the hands (eleventh day). At 7 a.

m., while writing, exceedingly painful, long stitches in the right metacarpus, frequently repeated in the course of a few minutes, and somewhat embarrassing the operation of opening the hand and stretching the fingers. The stitches appeared during both rest and motion, a symptom which I had never had before. At 8 p. m. while reading, the symptoms recurred, only the pain was more continuous, the stitches more intense and longer. The same symptoms were repeatedly felt at different times on subsequent days. Tearing in the joints of the left hand.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.