
Stitches in the calves (tenth day). Tearing in the left calf, as far as the heel. Tearing pain at times in the calves, while sitting and standing.


Pain in the ankle, coming on when walking in the street, as if from a false step, ceasing when at rest. Drawing in the right ankle (eleventh day). Drawing in the right ankle towards the internal malleolus. Pressure and tearing in the ankle, while sitting.

Pressing and drawing in the right ankle (ninth day). Severe pressing in the left ankle (tenth day). Boring pressing in the ankles, during walking, neither originating in nor increased by walking, but felt just the same when sitting (sixteenth day).

Tearing sticking pain about the right internal malleolus.

Stitches in the ankle.


Increase in size of both feet, so that all his boots were too small in the instep. Trembling of the feet, as after great fright, with shaking chill. Feeling of numbness, swelling, and heat in the left foot, which gradually encroaches on the whole leg, with itching and tickling, and lasts for a considerable time. The left foot goes to sleep, even during rest. Sensation as if the left foot would go to sleep, evening, when sitting. As the sensation (as if asleep) in the left foot began to decrease, the same feeling came on in the right. Falling asleep of the feet and knee joints, when stooping down, so that it was troublesome to get up again, in the evening. Drawing aching in the left foot. Feeling of burning in the left foot along the tibia (when walking). Boring and drawing in the joints and dorsum of the foot, when walking, frequently repeated (twentieth day).

Gnawing pressing pain in the inner ball of the left foot, in the evening. Sticking cutting pain in the right foot, as if a nail were driven through. Drawing sticking in the joints of both feet, lasting for a minute, often recurring, and not interfering with walking; it becomes worse after coffee and wine, and is accompanied by boring pain in the bones of the lower limbs; these pains continued the whole day, with inconsiderable remissions, but in diminished intensity.The upper extremities are similarly affected, in the afternoon. Frequently recurring tearing in the right metatarsus, towards the great toe joint, in the evening.

Constrictive pressing in the dorsum and ankle of the left foot, and in the right upper arm. A constant dull, pressing, cramp like pain, as if in the periosteum, on the dorsum of the right foot, in the scaphoid and internal cuneiform bones; the skin was not discolored or tense over the painful spot; a swelling on the right edge of the tarsus, soft, pale, painless, clearly circumscribed, and as large as a pigeon’s egg, appearing like a common lymphatic tumor, lasting six months; the same pain in the left foot as in the right, and in the same spot; sometimes, also, in the second joint of the great toe, but less severe, and accompanied by no swelling. While writing he perceived in the dorsum of the right foot, more on the left side towards the great toe, a painful pressure, with slight numbness of the right leg (after one hour); the whole was less perceptible when walking, and spontaneously disappeared (after a quarter of an hour).

Transitory stitches in the dorsum of the right foot, foot joint, and left great toe. Itching boring stitch on the back of the right foot, most violent during rest. Tearing pain in the dorsa of the feet (eleventh day). Violent tearing on the back of the left foot. Twitching pains in the dorsa of both feet towards the tibia, when walking in the street. Drawing in the soles (seventeenth day). Transient stitches along the external border of the left sole. Tearing in the sole of the right foot, most severe during rest.

Tearing in the periosteum of the heel.


Very remarkable feeling of stiffness in the left great toe.

Pain in the right second toe and knees, alternately appearing and disappearing for almost four hours. Boring in the right toes (eleventh day). Boring in the joints of the toes, then in the shoulders (thirteenth to fifteenth day). Threatening of cramp pain, alternately in the right second toe, and in both knees, with feeling of stiffness.

Cramp pain in the second toe of the right foot, extending towards the metatarsus (after two hours). Sudden cramp pain in the right great toe, in the evening, extending toward the metatarsus; waking accidentally in the night, he found the whole right foot, especially the metatarsus, swollen; this continued the whole of the next day, but was only painful when stepping on it, or making strong pressure. Drawing in the right toes (tenth day). Pressing on the right great toe, lasting nearly all day, most perceptible during rest. Pressing in some of the toes, and in the calves, in the afternoon. Pressing in the posterior joint of the left great toe, as if the boot were too tight, only perceived when quietly seated, disappearing when walking about; throbbing in the same spot, likewise vanishing on motion; heaviness of the feet, most troublesome in the forenoon, as though he had made a great journey on foot; constant sensation in both feet, when sitting, especially in the left, as if they were going to sleep. Pressure in the posterior joint of the right great toe, when moving about, lasting all the evening. The sensations of pressure and drawing in the posterior joint of the right great toe and ankle and knee joints, as well as in the left hip, returned in short paroxysms, especially when walking about. Frequent stitches, as with needles, on and below the nails of the toes (twenty sixth day).

Sprained feeling in all the toes of the left foot, when going upstairs, in the evening. Tearing pain under the nail of the left great toe.

General Symptoms.


Entire relaxation, to a most remarkable degree for a whole hour during which he was entirely unfitted for either bodily or mental labor. Unusual inclination of the muscles of all parts of the body to become painfully cramped. This remedy seems to increase the mucous secretions to a considerable degree. Lassitude in the afternoon. In the afternoon, great lassitude (perhaps from the warm weather). Great lassitude towards evening. General lassitude, and painful weariness in the small of the back.

Towards 5 p. m., universal lassitude, with chills, violent thirst, and accelerated pulse; this febrile excitement lasted for about half an hour. Weakness for several days. Weakness, fulness, prostration all day long, probably in consequence of the diarrhoea (although there were only two motions during the day); they were, however, quite watery. Great weakness and relaxation.

Great weakness on going out. He was very weak in the evening.

Great debility and weariness. Very much debilitated, but only when at rest. Strength completely prostrated. Faintness.

Faintness, with coldness of external parts. Deathly faintness.


He became exceedingly sensitive to the damp weather.

Severe action on the muscles and sinews. Disinclined to exertion of either body or mind, even to visiting his nearest friend.

Lazy, gloomy, and listless, almost pusillanimous. Unfitness for every occupation in the evening. Unusual weariness. He felt very weak and debilitated in the evening before going to sleep, and also on waking the next morning, but it soon disappeared on moving about. Sensation as if all his strength was failing, when walking in the evening. Felt faint, tired, and weak the whole day. Some symptoms similar to syncope but I was always able to check their progress by holding the hand before the eyes.

Uneasiness throughout the body, especially in the digestive organs in the afternoon (second day). Discomfort; he desires and demands much. Discomfort and weakness of the whole body, especially of the lower limbs, in the evening. Pains all over, jumping from point to point, and changing quickly from one kind to another (twenty second and thirty first days). Drawing in the legs, ankles, shoulders, forehead, in the muscles of the thighs, in the wrists, knees, migrating and quickly changing its location, after rising (sixteenth day). Transient drawing in the posterior joint of the left thumb and right great toe, in the right knee, and on the left side of the neck, especially when turning the head. Sticking drawing pains, now here, now there, in the morning soon after waking. Transient sensation of pressure in different parts of the body, especially in the posterior joint of the right middle finger and right great toe.

Sticking pressure in various parts of the body. Internal oppressed sensation towards evening. Transient stitches, drawings, itching, burning, biting in various parts of the body.

Tearing stitches in the whole body lengthwise, the head, back, abdomen, and limbs.

Feels bruised and tired (tenth day). Sometimes a sensation of general confusion, with tired feelings, passing off during a walk (twenty seventh day). Pulsation in the whole body, most perceptible in the back and left side of the chest. While lying still he feels the beating of the heart and blood vessels through the whole body. All pains frequently repeated during the day, and are worse when sitting than during motion (eleventh day). All the pains frequently repeat, jump from one part to another, remain nowhere very long, but return easily to the affected part; cold or heat appears to be without any influence to increase or diminish them (twelfth day). During the whole day the pains wander about, especially when sitting, but some of them appear only when walking, as the very painful drawing in the muscles of the calves and thighs, preventing motion (seventeenth day). Each time after taking the medicine, he perceived a remarkable aggravation. It was particularly observed that the symptoms appeared in groups, and were aggravated in the evening and during rest.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.