

Boring on the right side of the occiput (tenth day).

Violent, long continued pressure in the lateral occipital protuberances. Pressing and tension in the occiput, most sensibly felt at the inferior lateral protuberances.

External Head.

Roots of the hairs are painful. Burning pain in the skin of the forehead, above the eyebrows. Biting burning on the left side of the scalp. Drawing in the scalp. Soreness of the skin on the vertex, as though the hair on this part were constantly pulled upward, accompanied on the second day by a drawing pressing pain in the occiput; both symptoms disappear towards evening. Crawling and itching on the whole left side of the head, compelling him to scratch.

Itching of the scalp.


Eyes dull and watery. Feeling of dryness in the eyes, in the evening.

Smarting in the eyes; painfulness of the eyeballs. Severe itching in the right eye, obliging him to rub it.

Brow and Orbit.

Pressing feeling in the orbits, towards the root of the nose.

Fine sticking and drawing, varying in intensity, with aching, in the left orbit, and burning as if from pepper in the mouth, especially on the hard palate. Stitches above the right eye, accompanied by itching of the scalp.


Annoying twitching of the right upper eyelid, continuing four days. Heaviness of the eyelids, without sleepiness. Burning sensation in the right upper lid (after thirty four hours).

Biting burning beneath the upper eyelids. Exceedingly painful sticking burning on the edge of the left upper eyelid. A prickling burning pain in the right inner canthus. Transitory pressing in the right eyelid.

Burning cutting in the right lower lid during rest. Smarting pain in the eyelids.


Slight sticking in the conjunctiva palpebrarum of the left eye.

Next morning it was perceptibly inflamed; here and there were indications of commencing ulceration, which continued to increase till 4 in the afternoon, when it was complete; next morning cicatrization had taken place.


Burning pain in the whole right eyeball. Aching in the upper and outer portions of the right eyeball in the evening, aggravated by rubbing it with the finger; it feels harder than usual there.

This aching lasted some days. Painful pressure in the eyeballs, especially on stooping. Pain as from pressure upon both eyeballs from above downward. The left eyelid lay thick and heavy upon the ball, which felt as though squeezed anteriorly and superiorly.

Pain in the eyes; a sharp cutting in the right eyeball.

Stitches as with knives in the right eyeball, extending to the root of the nose.


Obscuration of vision. Mist before the right eye, early in the morning, lasting several hours; not removed by rubbing it. A great, white, very bright light was seen at the side of and below the right eye; but as he turned his eyes rapidly sideways, in order to examine it, it vanished. At 10 a. m. shimmering before the right eye, in the shape of a circle with rays, coming on a short time before getting up from writing. (Sparks before the eyes).



Drawing above the right ear (eleventh day); behind the left ear (twenty second day). Pressure behind the left ear, continuing a long time. Cutting sticking pain in the lower fossa of the right external ear, relieved by boring in with finger.


Feeling of warmth in the right ear. Sensation of obstruction before the left ear. Itching sticking deep in the ear, extending from the Eustachian tube to the tympanum; relieved by boring in with the fingers (after one hour and a half). Twinges in the right ear, not relieved by boring in with the finger. Crawling within the ear, relieved by boring in with the finger.


Difficult hearing. Transient deafness, at least every thing heard was accompanied by a roaring noise; nothing seemed to have its proper sound; lasting a few minutes. Frequent, long continued, and violent ringing in the ears. Constant ringing in the right ear. Roaring and feeling of obstruction in the left ear, going and returning rhythmically; the roaring soon changed to singing. Constant roaring and throbbing in both ears, especially in the left.



Sneezing. Frequent sneezing, with dryness in the nose.

Fluent coryza. Fluent coryza, in the morning, without sneezing.

(Fluent coryza, constant and uncommonly violent, with constant dropping from the nose, worse in the open air than in the room, for two days). Fluent catarrh, and frequent sneezing.


Feeling as if from an incipient catarrh. Severe boring above the nose (seventeenth day). Throbbing borrowing pain in the nose, extending from the left side to the root of the nose.

Violent itching in the left nostril, which provokes scratching, in the evening; with irritation as in coryza (after fifteen hours).



Redness of the face. The muscles of the face are relaxed and pale, the eyes seem sunken.


Tension in the left side of the face, extending to the ear, and into the head. Painful drawing in the face.


Aching pain in the left cheek. Burrowing burning pain in the cheeks, more during rest than motion. Constriction and pressing in the left malar bone, extending into the left eye. Persistent pressing in the right malar bone and eye. Transient stitches in the upper jaw, frequently recurring. Tearing in the cheeks (eleventh and twelfth days). Prickling in the region of the right cheek bone as though an eruption would appear.


Burning of the under lip. Burning and feeling of swelling of the under lip.


Twitching in the muscles of the chin during rest of the parts.

Boring in maxilla, right side, in the evening (twenty second to thirty first day). Severe boring in the inferior maxilla, 10 a.

m. (third day). Boring pain in the right lower jaw (eleventh day).



Painful looseness of one of the lower incisors. Feeling of the teeth being on the edge, which appeared in the evening, and was very annoying the next day. Heat and swollen feeling in the roots of the right lower teeth. Pain in all the upper teeth. Violent pain in a hollow tooth. Frequently repeated aching in an upper hollow tooth. Toothache on the left side. Toothache on the right side. Drawing in the upper teeth of the right side, with feeling as if the upper lip was swollen. Drawing in the lower incisors’ twitching pain from the left lower molars into the left arm, as far as the elbow. Violent drawing pain in all the teeth of both jaws, in the afternoon. The teeth of the lower jaw are painful, as if the nerves were torn and stretched. Sensitiveness of the incisor teeth. Sticking throbbing pains in the right lower back teeth, as from a beating with a wire.


Tongue red. Tongue coated white, with a sensation of rawness on it, as from too much smoking. Rough tongue, as if sand were scattered upon it (after thirty six hours). Burning on the anterior surface of the tongue. Burning upon the tip of the tongue, continuing several hours. Every exacerbation of the symptoms, without exception, began with burning at the apex of the tongue. Sensation on the tongue as if it had been scalded with a hot fluid, during the whole day. Sensitiveness of the borders of the tongue while eating.

Persistent, severe biting in the middle of the tip of the tongue, as if it were sore.

General Mouth.

Burning pain in the right corner of the mouth.

Scraping sensation in the palate, even when not coughing.

Beating pain in the mouth, in the right cheek, and on the side of the tongue.


Collection of saliva in the mouth. Tasteless saliva, like water, in the mouth.


Insipid taste in the mouth, after dinner, for an hour and a half.

Nauseous, bad taste, more in the throat than in the mouth.

Metallic astringent taste on the upper part of the tip of the tongue.

Bitterness in the mouth, for four hours. Bitter taste in the mouth, immediately; (soon). Bitter taste in the mouth, after drinking beer.

Intensely bitter taste in the mouth, for some minutes. The disagreeable bitter taste of the drug remained for several minutes in the mouth. Nauseous bitter taste. Persistent bitter, disgusting taste.

Salt taste of the mucus hawked up. The mucus raised had the bitter taste of the drug. Beer tastes remarkably bitter, at noon.

The taste of Colocynth. seemed very disgustingly bitter, it continued the whole day.



Constant hawking. Sensation as of a foreign body in the throat, as though he had to swallow over a lump. Dryness of the throat and hard palate, as though the parts stuck together.

Feeling of dryness in the throat. Fine sticking in the throat, as from grains of corn, on the upper part of the arch of the palate.

Feeling of rawness in the throat. Feeling of roughness in the throat. Scraping in the throat. Scraping in the throat, which is red in the region of the uvula; swallowing is difficult. Scraping and burning in the throat, and on the hard palate (as from pepper). A true angina set in, for which the prover took Belladonna, and subsequently Lachesis.

Fauces and Pharynx.

Sensation as of a ball as large as the fist rising up in the pharynx, with oppressed respiration. Fine biting stitches in the fauces; not noticed when swallowing. Sensation in the pharynx and soft palate, consisting of roughness and burning, continuing until afternoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.