
Pains frequently repeated, at 5 p. m. (first day). The sitting posture was easy, and ameliorated all the pains. Symptoms somewhat ameliorated while walking, but always perceived in the evening after considerable exertion, and connected with indescribable weariness in the lower extremities. Heat or cold atmospheric changes made no difference in the increase or decrease of pain. All symptoms disappeared gradually just as they appeared.



Desquamation of the skin of the whole body. (* During convalescence.–HUGHES. *) (Spontaneous bleeding of a liver spot on the upper lip).

Eruptions, Dry.

White pimples on the face, especially between the eye and ear, on the forehead and chin, with some twinging when not touched, and biting pain when touched (after four hours). Eruption of pimples on the left cheek on touch; there is biting pain, and after scratching a watery oozing (after four hours and a half).

Eruptions, Pustular.

(Itch like eruption). Small ulcers, with itching and burning. A pustule on the left corner of the mouth (after two hours). I observed several days since on the skin of the left upper arm a small vesicle filled with pus (my skin is usually remarkably free from eruptions), in the beginning without any pain, it is now surrounded by a red hot border, burns even when not touched, and is painful on motion; the swelling of the upper arm increases, becomes redder and more painful, with drawing in the whole arm (eighteenth day); the swelling is harder, larger, and more painful, extend ing upwards to the axilla, and down to the fingers; during the night the pains in the furuncle keep me awake (twentieth day); the furuncle begins to ripen, with increase of pains all over the arm (twenty first day); it begins to discharge some pus (twenty second day); is in full suppuration (twenty fifth day). A furuncular eruption made its appearance on the face, and three days afterwards another on the back; both disappeared in a few days. Several little boils appeared on the ulnar side of both hands, and a stye on the left eye, which followed the usual course to suppuration. Three small boils on the left side of the neck, with burning pains, and a larger one at the lower angle of the left scapula.


Prickling and crawling on different parts of the body.

Itching in different spots, especially on the left side of the body, which smart like burning points. Itching, inducing scratching, in various places, most frequently on the scalp.

(Itching as after profuse sweat in the morning on waking and after rising on the whole body, especially on the chest and abdomen (after twenty six hours). Itching in various places in the skin, exciting constant restlessness, so that he can scarcely remain seated. (Severe itching in the afternoon and evening followed by sweat). Biting itching here and there, in the evening, in bed, which was only transiently relieved by scratching; at last it changed to a kind of uneasiness, whereby the limbs must be constantly moved, without being able to sleep (after thirty two hours). Burning in the skin of the calves, more on the right side (tenth day). Fine sticking in the skin of the back of the hand.

Crawling and creeping as from insects in the skin of the left side of the chest and abdomen. Itching in the face. Violent itching on the abdomen in the umbilical region, for half an hour in the evening.

Violent itching in the hollow of the left knee, obliging him to scratch, with biting after scratching (after fourteen hours).

Transitory tickling itching on the thigh, and the same repeatedly in the face, shoulders, flanks, as well as on the tip of the glans penis, with urging to urinate. Tickling itching on the right arm, disappearing on scratching.

Tickling itching in the left gluteal muscle while sitting (after a quarter of an hour).

Sleep and Dreams.


Yawning. Frequent yawning. Spasmodic yawnings constantly return.

Sleepiness and disinclination for mental labor. Early sleepiness, while reading an interesting work. Extreme sleepiness at noon.

Overpowering sleepiness, with inclination to lie down, but during rest constant uneasiness of the limbs, especially of the legs.

Heavy sleep, full of dreams. Sleep not very quiet. During sleep he almost always lies on his back, with one hand under the occiput and the other arm over the head.


Great sleeplessness. Loss of sleep the whole night; thoughts and plans about his occupations and business relations keep him quiet and dispassionate. Great restlessness during the night. Restless at night, and horrible exciting dreams. Restless sleep after midnight, with vivid, troublesome dreams. Restless sleep, often interrupted by vivid dreams; he found himself perspiring every time he woke. Restless sleep at night, vivid dreams, frequent waking, apparently produced by the continual painfulness of the umbilical region. Extremely restless sleep, with vivid, senseless dreams. Uneasy sleep, tossing from side to side.

Tossing about in bed. Sleep disturbed by frequent waking.

Waking almost every half hour at night.


Sleep at night disturbed by many dreams. Numerous and various dreams. Night’s rest interrupted by vivid dreams and frequent waking, when he always found himself upon his back. Sleep interrupted by vivid dreams and frequent calls to urinate. Very vivid but not anxious dreams, which so increase in vividness that he is awakened by them. (1140) A succession of light, imaginative, pleasant dreams at night. Dreams full of difficult thought and mental exertion. Voluptuous dreams, without emission, disturbing sleep. Voluptuous dreams and emissions. During a restless dozing, voluptuous dreams and a pollution during which he awoke, before midnight. Lascivious dreams, with intractable erections, without emissions. Lascivious dreams, with emissions, without erections, while lying upon the back. Vivid anxious dreams.



Chilliness after eating, especially in the upper arms, as in the commencement of a catarrh. Uncomfortably chilly.

Violent chill. Coldness of the body. Internal coldness, with external heat. Feeling of coldness in the whole body. Feeling of coldness over the whole body, especially in the knees, not withstand ing the knees were warm enough. Feeling of coldness in the whole body, succeeded by heat without thirst. Shivering through the whole body, in the morning after rising, with cold hands, heat of the face and rest of the body, without thirst (after half an hour). Cold extremities.

Icy cold hands, in the evening, with warm feet. Feeling of coldness in the abdomen. Cold feeling in the upper arms, as if after taking cold, returning several evenings in succession.

Sensation of coldness in the knees, though they were warm. Icy cold sensation of the soles of the feet, although there are not cold.


Diffusion of a genial warmth, which seemed to deprive the limbs of strength. Sudden flushes of warmth over the whole body, with out thirst. Once when he awoke in the night, he felt an unusual warmth over the whole body, but especially in the lower limbs.

Heat, especially in the upper part of the body. Febrile heat.

Sensation of heat within the whole body, which is also externally warm to the touch.

General hot flush, especially in the face, with sweat on the forehead.

Alternation of heat and cold, and there was always perspiration which went off for moments and then returned, without my experiencing any great changes of temperature. Warmth of the face, in the morning after rising, with icy coldness of the hands and tips of the fingers.

Pleasant feeling of warmth in the abdomen, which constantly increases, and ends in griping, but disappears while walking, with sweat upon the chest and abdomen. Heat in the head, which continued two or three days. Feeling of heat in the nape of the neck. Violent feeling of heat rising from the abdomen towards the chest.


Night sweat. Profuse sweat over the whole body towards morning, for several nights. On walking, a warm moisture overspread the whole body, and he became very weak. A slight exertion in walking fatigued him, and produced a gentle perspiration, which made his limbs feel weak, and ended in sweat; if he stood still, the air, though far from raw, struck through him, in spite of his being warmly clothed, like a cold creeping. Profuse perspiration towards morning.

Sweat on the lower legs, in the morning, on waking. At night profuse sweat of the head, hands, legs, and feet, of a urinous odor. Greasy sweat on the forehead and chest. Warm perspiration over his whole face.

Conditions.– Aggravation.

(Morning), The symptoms; dulness, etc.; soon after breakfast, when walking rapidly, symptoms of vertigo; early, dulness of head; early, in bed, headache; at about 8 o’clock, headache etc.; after rising, pain in forehead; early, headache in temples; early, mist before eyes; coryza; empty eructations; pain stomach; soon after rising, colic, etc.; early, in bed, rumbling in abdomen; abdomen felt caved in, etc.; on waking, colic, etc.; whistling in chest; after rising, pains in wrists, etc.; after rising, pressure in joints; drawing, etc. in shoulder joint; pains in forearm; after rising, drawing in legs, etc.; soon after waking, pains here and there; on waking, and after rising, itching; after rising, shivering, etc.; after rising warmth of face, etc.; on waking, sweat of legs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.