Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The greatest and most important question arising in a given case, is, whether a new remedy should be administered, or the former one repeated, or no medicine should be given, and we should wait. This is surely very often a perplexing question. In the case here stated an error was committed, and we have already dwelt upon it; but in a great majority of cases such an error is not so easily remedied.




Mezereum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Mezereum? Keynote indications and uses of Mezereum…


Millefolium symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Millefolium? Keynote indications and uses of Millefolium…


Moschus symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Moschus? Keynote indications and uses of Moschus…

Murex Purpurea

Murex Purpurea symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Murex Purpurea? Keynote indications and uses of Murex Purpurea…

Naja Tripudians

Naja Tripudians symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Naja Tripudians? Keynote indications and uses of Naja Tripudians…


Naphthalinum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Naphthalinum? Keynote indications and uses of Naphthalinum…

Natrum Carbonicum

Natrum Carbonicum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Natrum Carbonicum? Keynote indications and uses of Natrum Carbonicum…

Natrum Muriaticum

Natrum Muriaticum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Natrum Muriaticum? Keynote indications and uses of Natrum Muriaticum…

Natrum Sulphuricum

Natrum Sulphuricum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Natrum Sulphuricum? Keynote indications and uses of Natrum Sulphuricum…

Plumbum Metallicum

Plumbum Metallicum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Plumbum Metallicum? Keynote indications and uses of Plumbum Metallicum…

Paris Quadrifolia

Paris Quadrifolia symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Paris Quadrifolia? Keynote indications and uses of Paris Quadrifolia…

Podophyllum Peltatum

Podophyllum Peltatum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Podophyllum Peltatum? Keynote indications and uses of Podophyllum Peltatum…

Passiflora Incarnata

Passiflora Incarnata symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Passiflora Incarnata? Keynote indications and uses of Passiflora Incarnata…


Petroselinum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Petroselinum? Keynote indications and uses of Petroselinum…

Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric Acid symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Phosphoric Acid? Keynote indications and uses of Phosphoric Acid…


Phosphorus symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Phosphorus? Keynote indications and uses of Phosphorus…


Physostigma symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Physostigma? Keynote indications and uses of Physostigma…

Nitric Acid

Nitric Acid symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Nitric Acid? Keynote indications and uses of Nitric Acid…


Phytolacca symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Phytolacca? Keynote indications and uses of Phytolacca…

Nux Moschata

Nux Moschata symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Nux Moschata? Keynote indications and uses of Nux Moschata…

Picric Acid

Picric Acid symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Picric Acid? Keynote indications and uses of Picric Acid…

Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Nux Vomica? Keynote indications and uses of Nux Vomica…

Plantago Major

Plantago Major symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Plantago Major? Keynote indications and uses of Plantago Major…


Oleander symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Oleander? Keynote indications and uses of Oleander…

Platinum Metallicum

Platinum Metallicum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Platinum Metallicum? Keynote indications and uses of Platinum Metallicum…


Opium symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Opium? Keynote indications and uses of Opium…

Rhus Toxicodendron

Rhus Toxicodendron symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron? Keynote indications and uses of Rhus Toxicodendron…


Selenium symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Selenium? Keynote indications and uses of Selenium…

Rumex Crispus

Rumex Crispus symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Rumex Crispus? Keynote indications and uses of Rumex Crispus…


Senega symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Senega? Keynote indications and uses of Senega…

Ruta Graveolens

Ruta Graveolens symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Ruta Graveolens? Keynote indications and uses of Ruta Graveolens…


Sepia symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sepia? Keynote indications and uses of Sepia…


Sabadilla symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sabadilla? Keynote indications and uses of Sabadilla…


Silicea symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Silicea? Keynote indications and uses of Silicea…


Pulsatilla symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Pulsatilla? Keynote indications and uses of Pulsatilla …


Sabina symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sabina? Keynote indications and uses of Sabina…

Spigelia Anthelmintica

Spigelia Anthelmintica symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Spigelia Anthelmintica? Keynote indications and uses of Spigelia Anthelmintica…

Radium Bromide

Radium Bromide symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Radium Bromide? Keynote indications and uses of Radium Bromide…

Sambucus Nigra

Sambucus Nigra symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sambucus Nigra? Keynote indications and uses of Sambucus Nigra…

Spongia Tosta

Spongia Tosta symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Spongia Tosta? Keynote indications and uses of Spongia Tosta…

Ranunculus Bulbosus

Ranunculus Bulbosus symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Ranunculus Bulbosus? Keynote indications and uses of Ranunculus Bulbosus…

Sanguinaria Canadensis

Sanguinaria Canadensis symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sanguinaria Canadensis? Keynote indications and uses of Sanguinaria Canadensis…

Ranunculus Scleratus

Ranunculus Scleratus symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Ranunculus Scleratus? Keynote indications and uses of Ranunculus Scleratus…


Sanicula symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sanicula? Keynote indications and uses of Sanicula…


Ratanhia symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Ratanhia? Keynote indications and uses of Ratanhia…

Sarracenia Purpurea

Sarracenia Purpurea symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sarracenia Purpurea? Keynote indications and uses of Sarracenia Purpurea…


Rheum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Rheum? Keynote indications and uses of Rheum…


Sarsaparilla symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sarsaparilla? Keynote indications and uses of Sarsaparilla…


Rhododendron symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Rhododendron? Keynote indications and uses of Rhododendron…

Secale Cornutum

Secale Cornutum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Secale Cornutum? Keynote indications and uses of Secale Cornutum…

Stannum Metallicum

Stannum Metallicum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Stannum Metallicum? Keynote indications and uses of Stannum Metallicum…


Staphisagria symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Staphisagria? Keynote indications and uses of Staphisagria…


Stramonium symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Stramonium? Keynote indications and uses of Stramonium…

Strontiana Carbonica

Strontiana Carbonica symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Strontiana Carbonica? Keynote indications and uses of Strontiana Carbonica…


Strychninum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Strychninum? Keynote indications and uses of Strychninum…

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sulphuric Acid? Keynote indications and uses of Sulphuric Acid…

Teucrium Marum Verum

Teucrium Marum Verum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Teucrium Marum Verum? Keynote indications and uses of Teucrium Marum Verum…


Variolinum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Variolinum? Keynote indications and uses of Variolinum…

Theridion Curassavicum

Theridion Curassavicum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Theridion Curassavicum? Keynote indications and uses of Theridion Curassavicum…

Veratrum Album

Veratrum Album symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Veratrum Album? Keynote indications and uses of Veratrum Album…

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris? Keynote indications and uses of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris…

Veratrum Viride

Veratrum Viride symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Veratrum Viride? Keynote indications and uses of Veratrum Viride…

Thuja Occidentalis

Thuja Occidentalis symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Thuja Occidentalis? Keynote indications and uses of Thuja Occidentalis…

Verbascum Thapsus

Verbascum Thapsus symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Verbascum Thapsus? Keynote indications and uses of Verbascum Thapsus…


Sulphur symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sulphur? Keynote indications and uses of Sulphur…


Thyroidinum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Thyroidinum? Keynote indications and uses of Thyroidinum…

Viola Odorata

Viola Odorata symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Viola Odorata? Keynote indications and uses of Viola Odorata…


Symphytum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Symphytum? Keynote indications and uses of Symphytum…

Trillium Pendulum

Trillium Pendulum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Trillium Pendulum? Keynote indications and uses of Trillium Pendulum…


X-Ray symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of X-Ray? Keynote indications and uses of X-Ray…


Syphilinum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Syphilinum? Keynote indications and uses of Syphilinum…


Tuberculinum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Tuberculinum? Keynote indications and uses of Tuberculinum…


Yohimbinum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Yohimbinum? Keynote indications and uses of Yohimbinum…


Tabacum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Tabacum? Keynote indications and uses of Tabacum…

Urtica Urens

Urtica Urens symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Urtica Urens? Keynote indications and uses of Urtica Urens…

Zincum Metallicum

Zincum Metallicum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Zincum Metallicum? Keynote indications and uses of Zincum Metallicum…


Taraxacum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Taraxacum? Keynote indications and uses of Taraxacum…

Uva Ursi

Uva Ursi symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Uva Ursi? Keynote indications and uses of Uva Ursi…

Tarentula Hispania

Tarentula Hispania symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Tarentula Hispania? Keynote indications and uses of Tarentula Hispania…


Vaccininum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Vaccininum? Keynote indications and uses of Vaccininum…


Terebinthina symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Terebinthina? Keynote indications and uses of Terebinthina…


Valeriana symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Valeriana? Keynote indications and uses of Valeriana…

Tarentula Cubensis

tarentula Cubensis symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Tarentula Cubensis? Keynote indications and uses of Tarentula Cubensis…


Pyrogen symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Pyrogen? Keynote indications and uses of Pyrogen…


Petroleum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Petroleum? Keynote indications and uses of Petroleum…

Muriatic Acid

Muriatic Acid symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Muriatic Acid? Keynote indications and uses of Muriatic Acid…


Ignatia symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Ignatia? Keynote indications and uses of Ignatia…


Iodium symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Iodium? Keynote indications and uses of Iodium…