Sarracenia Purpurea

Sarracenia Purpurea symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Sarracenia Purpurea? Keynote indications and uses of Sarracenia Purpurea…




      This remedy is indicated in variola; it aborts the disease and prevents pustulation (Bl.).

Photophobia (Aconite, Belladonna, Euphr., Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sulphur) (Br.).

Black objects move with the eye (Cocc., Phosphorus, Stramonium) (Br.).

Pain in the orbits (Ruta) (Br.).

Eyes feel swollen and sore (Arnica) (Br.).

Bruised pain in the knee and hip-joints (Arnica) (Br.).

The heat is congested (Belladonna, Gloninum, Stramonium) (Bl.).

Throbbing in various parts, especially in neck, shoulders and head, which feels full to bursting (Br.).

The limbs are weak (Kali-P., Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Rhus toxicodendron) (Bl.)

Bad taste in the mouth, with loss of appetite (Nux vomica, Pulsatilla) (A.).

Brownish-white coating on the tongue (Ant-T., Baptisia, Bryonia, Chin- A., Hyoscyamus, Kali-P., Lachesis, Phosphorus, Plb., Rhus toxicodendron, Secale) (A.).

Hungry all the time, even after a meal (Chin-S., Cina, Iodium, Lycopodium, Phosphorus) (Br.).

Copious, painful vomiting (Ant-T., Arsenicum, Cup-S., Phosphorus, Veratrum) (Br.).

Horripilations between shoulder-blades in the afternoon or evening (A.).

General chills between the should-blades. (Caps., Eup-Purp., Ledum, Polyp.) (A.).

Fever with heat and redness of the face, burning in the stomach, great prostration, delirium and loss of consciousness (A.).

Copious night-sweat (China) (A.).


      From light; at night; in the evening; and after meals.


      From lying down.


      Compare: Ant-T., Belladonna, Bryonia, Cocc., Gloninum, Hyoscyamus, Maland., Nux vomica, Rhus toxicodendron, Silicea, Sulphur, and Veratrum

Adolph Lippe
Adolph Lippe (born near Goerlitz, Prussia, 11 May 1812; died in Philadelphia, 23 January 1888) was a homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. Adolph got a legal education at Berlin. After completing his legal studies, Lippe became interested in homeopathy, and emigrated to the United States in 1837 to further his study. In 1838, he enrolled in the North American Academy of Homeopathy at Allentown, Pennsylvania, from where he graduated in 1841. He settled in Philadelphia, where from 1863 until 1868 he was professor of materia medica in the Homeopathic College of Pennsylvania. Besides some essays and treatises from the French, German, and Italian which became standards, Lippe was the author of:
Comparative Materia Medica (Philadelphia, 1854)
Text-Book of Materia Medica (1866)