
Taraxacum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Taraxacum? Keynote indications and uses of Taraxacum…




      The limbs are movable, but it seems to him as if the moving power was obstructed.

Painfulness of all the limbs by touch and a like condition when in an improper position.

Crampy pains in different parts of the body (Cuprum, Magnesia phos., Secale).

Sensation of weakness through the whole body with a desire to lie around.

More symptoms appear while sitting or standing and disappear when walking.

Perspiration in the evening when going to sleep.

Debility and profuse night-sweats, especially when convalescing from bilious or typhoid fever (China, Lachesis, Phosphorus) (A.).

Sensation of great heat on the top of the head (Arsenicum, Lachesis, Sulphur).

Gastric headache (Ant-C., Kali-M., Nux vomica, Pulsatilla,) (A.).

Darting pains in the outer parts (G.).

Sterno-cleido mastoid muscle very painful to the touch (Lachesis).

Cramp in the left sterno-mastoid muscle.

Tongue covered with a white film with sensation of rawness. This film comes off in patches, leaving dark-red, tender and very sensitive spots (Ran-S.). (A.).

MAPPED TONGUE (Arsenicum, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Natrum muriaticum) (D.).

Salivation (China, Kali bichromicum, Mercurius) (Bl.).

Hawking up of sour mucus.

Sour blood from decayed teeth during toothache.

Collection of water in the mouth (Colchicum, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Pulsatilla, Thus-T.).

Loss of appetite (China, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla) (A.).

Food tastes sour 9Am-C., Arsenicum, Calcarea, Caps., China, Jac-C., LYc., Nux vomica, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Tabacum, tarent.).

Bubbly sensation in the abdomen (Helleborus, Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum, Acid phosphoricum., Pulsatilla, Stann., Sulph-Ac.).

Sharp, stitching pains in the hepatic region (Bryonia, Chelidonium, Kali- C.,) (Bl.).

Liver troubles, with soreness in the region of the liver (China, Mercurius,) (D.).

Difficult evacuation (Alumina, Plb., Sepia) (Br.).

Bilious diarrhoea (Bryonia, Nat-S., Podophyllum) (D.).

Tympanitis (Carbo vegetabilis, LYc., Pulsatilla) (Bl.).

JAUNDICE WITH ENLARGEMENT AND INDURATION OF THE LIVER (Chelidonium, Iodium, Lachesis, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Podophyllum, Sepia) (A.).

Secretion of urine increased (Acet-Ac., Gelsemium, Helonias, Lycopodium, Mercurius, PHos-Ac.).

Frequent desire to urinate (Nux vomica) (C.).

Restlessness of and pain in the thighs and limbs in typhoid and typho-malarial fever (Rhus toxicodendron, Zincum met.) (A.).

Great chilliness after eating, and especially after drinking (Belladonna, Caps., Kali carb.). (A.).

Long-lasting chill (China, Nux vomica), when he falls asleep, sweat breaks out, mostly on the head (A.).

Nose, hands and tips of fingers are icy cold (Sabad., Stann.) (A.).

Heat in the face, with redness (A.).

Copious sweat at night, with pain in the spleen (Natrum muriaticum). (A.).

Neuralgia of the knees (Belladonna, Pulsatilla). (Br.).

Yawning and sleepiness during the day (Nux vomica). (C.).

Vivid, unremembered dreams (C.).

Tearing pains in the occiput (C.).

Pustule in the right corner of lips (C.).


      When sitting; while standing; from lying down; from fat food; and white resting.


      When walking; and from moving.


      Compare: Arsenicum, Bryonia, Chelidonium, China, Cuprum, Hydrastis, Kali-M., Lachesis, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Nat-S., Acid nitricum, Nux vomica, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur, Thuj and Veratrum

Antidote: Camph.

Adolph Lippe
Adolph Lippe (born near Goerlitz, Prussia, 11 May 1812; died in Philadelphia, 23 January 1888) was a homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. Adolph got a legal education at Berlin. After completing his legal studies, Lippe became interested in homeopathy, and emigrated to the United States in 1837 to further his study. In 1838, he enrolled in the North American Academy of Homeopathy at Allentown, Pennsylvania, from where he graduated in 1841. He settled in Philadelphia, where from 1863 until 1868 he was professor of materia medica in the Homeopathic College of Pennsylvania. Besides some essays and treatises from the French, German, and Italian which became standards, Lippe was the author of:
Comparative Materia Medica (Philadelphia, 1854)
Text-Book of Materia Medica (1866)