Agaricus muscarius

16. BRUNO LINCK, M. D., aet. 36, robust constitution, choleric temperament. Health good, but with a tendency to bronchial catarrh, and after a chill disposed to get colic and diarrhoea.

16a. 1st proving: 14th July, m., 10 drops tinct., a second dose at 10 a.m. Soon slight eructation, which, however, does not come up, but stops in the lower part of the oesophagus. After 1 hour scrapy burning in fauces, eructation of tasteless air. A feeling as if eructation would come like a pressing asunder of the orifice of the stomach, drawing tearing in left groin and anterior aspect of thigh down to its middle. Sore pain at lower angle of left scapula as if excoriated. Tearing intermitting pain in right anterior thoracic wall. Drawing tearing intermittently at the outer side of left thigh, above knee to the hough. Comfortable mental state, with mild, accommodating, but serious disposition, fine tearing on ulnar side of left forearm. In bed at n., perspiration, especially on lower limbs, with sensation of a cool air blowing on them. – 15th. No med. In left side of abdomen a pressive very disagreeable pain, causing inclination to vomit. E. in bed, sweat on inner side of lower extremities. On right os ilii externally under glutei rheumatic drawing pains, a pain in hip, drawing pressive headache in left parietal protuberance, affecting eye. Mental indolence. – 16th. No med. Tearing in left little finger down from proximal joint.

16b. 2nd proving: 20th Sept., evening, at bedtime, 12 drops tinct. agar. After being 1/4 hour in bed, a sudden, painless drawing in right lower extremity, so that he raised himself up and looked around him. Shortly afterwards, painful twitches like electric shocks in right elbow and wrist. – 21st, noon, feeling of nausea, with anxiety in chest, quickened and audible respiration, mental depression; call to stool. This lasted till the midday meal, by which it was removed. 2 p.m., 15 drops. No noticeable effect. – 24th, 25 drops, in afternoon. Sleepy very early. Easily irritated and put out of temper. E., tearing pain in posterior muscular parts of upper arm, lasting some time, then ceasing and succeeded by sore pain at insertion of left deltoid muscle, alternating with fine tearing in left shoulder-joint posteriorly, which recurred several times, always more severely. Slept well. – 25th, 11 a.m., 25 drops of 1st dil. An hour after dinner, fine tearing pain in left forearm intermittently recurring, running towards the hand as if betwixt radius and ulna, with a fixed pain on back of wrist, at same time a kind of numb feeling in skin of forearm, especially of back of hand. All afternoon, fine painless tearing, especially on radial aspect of left forearm. E., cutting itching in rectum, just above anus, which compelled him to draw up the anus, but this did not relieve him; on the contrary, it was more relieved by voluntary pressing out; it was like the feeling attending acrid diarrhoea, it lasted half an hour. Thereafter fine tearing in right knee. Occasional anxious uneasy feeling in chest, as though he anticipated something extraordinary happening. Slept well. – 26th. After breakfast, painful pressure on a small spot in left temple. Traces of tearing in left upper maxillary region of face. Repeated tearing in left forearm, also in right thigh above knee on outer side simultaneously with the facial pain. Slept well. – 27th, 100 drops 1st dil. Almost all day repeated attacks of fine tearing pain on left side of head, above and behind ear, as if proceeding from a small painful spot, which however was not painful to touch. The same fine tearing in right upper arm posteriorly sometimes accompanied by similar pain in left forearm. The tearing is worst in left clavicle. No pain anywhere when touched. After dinner, profound sleep from which he awoke with painfulness and lameness of the limbs, which soon went off. E., tearing in left side of chest superficially. – 28th. In addition to the painful feeling of yesterday, there was a tearing pain with feeling of paralytic numbness in left leg. – 29th, evening, great weakness of limbs so that he staggered when walking; great fatigue of legs when going upstairs. For a week after the proving he observed the above-described sensations, and on waking in morning heat of head and face, with a sensation of puffiness of the face, especially of cheeks.

16c. 3rd proving, 7th Oct., M., 15 drops, and afternoon 30 drops tinct. After some hours pinching in bowels, urging to stool with cutting pain in anus, removed by a firm motion. Shortly afterwards painful dryness of anus, with desire to draw it in. In the course of the day a penetrating, fine, tearing pain first in right parietal bone above ear, with a feeling of sore place on bone, very painful to touch, lasting a long time; later the same pain occurred on the front of the right leg, close to ankle- joint, and at the same time in the middle of the back of hand. These pains were only momentary, but very acute, and always combined with a more permanent sore spot, which, however, could not be found by touch. – 8th, m., head confused, tiresome heat in face, especially cheeks. The sleep stupefying, though often interrupted by waking and tossing about. Chest oppressed with mucus requiring to be hawked up and necessitating deep inspiration, which caused the sensation as if something was displaced. M., 40 drops. In 1 hour much flatus discharged, feeling of moisture at anus, painful rumbling in bowels with call to stool, and at same time sensation of the anus being closed; pressive pain in sacrum when leaning back in chair. The feeling of moisture became stronger, and a soft stool ensued, which was followed by soreness in rectum, and desire to draw up anus. A painful momentary formication in glans penis apparently in urethra, tearing in radial aspect of left forearm, also in left hip-bone. Acute shoots in left meatus auditorius, followed by twitching movement in left canthus of eye. Belching eructation up as high as larynx; itching in various spots of upper part of face. Occasional scraping in throat as if behind root of tongue. Painful pressure on a small spot on left side of lower third of sternum. Painful tearing in a line 2 inches long, just above navel. Transient itching on several spots of the body. Occasional imperfect eructation; soon afterwards, feeling of coldness in occiput combined with precordial anxiety, slight nausea, At same time painful tearing in upper half of radial side of left forearm. After rising from seat the anxiety in chest increased, respiration was quickened, and the right hand was unsteady when writing. Repeated painless strong pulsation in an artery, apparently as big as a quill-pen, just above olecranon of right arm. After writing but little, there soon occurred gone-asleep feeling and formication in right fourth and fifth fingers, back of hand and ulnar side of hand, pain in left temple, then in right lower jaw, like a tooth beginning to ache. Very scanty urinary secretion all d. Felt quite well when driving out; on returning home in evening, the tearing pain in limbs recurred occasionally, and much flatus was discharged with a hissing noise. – 9th. Took by mistake ipec. in place of agar. Symptoms similar to those previously experienced occurred, together with some others which might be owing to the ipec. – 10th, 9 a.m., 35 drops. Slight indications of rheumatic pains. Afternoon, painful pressure under upper eyelids, especially when eyes are closed, like great fatigue of eyes after long straining by bright light. Afterwards, during the day, occasional sensation as if headache would come on, which it did in the evening, and consisted of a disagreeable, pressive, and sometimes drawing pain in small spots of forehead and temples, lasting an hour, and accompanied by the pain in the eyelids. Afternoon, lumpy stool, preceded by moist feeling at anus. E., cutting in abdomen, also tearing pain in second joint of left index. On going to bed, feeling of disagreeable coolness in abdomen. Slept well. – 11th. Painful cutting in abdomen, as if colic were coming on, with urging to stool, and feeling as if diarrhoea were about to ensue. After discharge of flatus a firm stool, with scalding in urethra when urinating. 11 a.m., 40 drops. Satiety ensued before hunger was satisfied, and there was pressure in stomach. After cutting in abdomen a lumpy stool. Slight gone-asleep feeling in extremities; the hand went to sleep when writing. An itching place on the hairy scalp that had troubled him for months, and a patch of psoriasis at the boundary of the hair on forehead, disappeared during the proving, but a nasal catarrh that affected him every m. on rising was not altered. 5 p.m., 50 drops. Immediately, sensation in rectum and anus as if diarrhoea were coming on, but it did not, Burning in urethra on urinating, urine normal. Acute pain in splenic region. Soon afterwards soreness in tip of tongue increased by touch, lasting all e. Dislocation pain in left hip- joint for 1/2 h. Falling asleep of left hand while leading a child during a walk. E., pressing pain near right nipple. At same time a superficial lightning-like shock in left side of head. Throbbing pain in right instep along dorsum of foot. – 12th, 9 a.m., 45 drops, and after noon meal 70 drops. Till 3 p.m. very slight pressure in stomach. At 3 p.m., painful and hurried calls to stool, which was firm and passed with effort. Then tearing pain and tension between left index and thumb, and in upper arm. Feeling of hurry and anxiety in chest, causing quick and deep breathing, as though he expected something extraordinary, with desire to sigh. Painful pressure in eyelids, especially right, with great drowsiness. Recurrence of pain in spleen. Scrapy feeling in throat frequently. Sensation of electric twitchings in extremities. When walking painful pressure in right side of chest near nipple, with relief by deep breathing. Later anxious oppression of chest. Paralytic feeling in 1, upper arm, nausea and confusion of head. – 13th, 80 drops Noon, pains in lower extremities, especially in right hip-joint and outer side of right leg, like fatigue pains, accompanied by tearing all afternoon and evening, with feeling of unsteadiness and fatigue in legs. Dislocation pain in hip-joints. Also shooting pressive pains in chest and back, particularly below scapulae and on the corresponding anterior part of chest, necessitating deep breathing, which relieved. A chap in middle of lower lip causing burning pain all afternoon and evening 9 p.m., painful tension transversely across lumbar region to sides of abdomen, where it was dislocation pain in abdominal muscles; produced by stooping. Unsteadiness of legs, the knees doubled up under him. Gnawing, shooting pain on back, under scapulae. Slept well, felt stupefied on waking. – 14th, 8 a.m., tearing on outer side of right leg above ankle-joint; pricks as with many needles on left frontal protuberance. When sitting, pressive bruised pains in sacrum. Afternoon, great retraction of testicles towards inguinal ring. After moderate supper, very tiresome fulness and distension of belly, with oppression of chest. – 15th. Restless sleep with much tossing about, early waking with quickened respiration and catarrhal symptoms and oppression of chest. Chap in lip still painful. The chief symptoms were the pains in the lower extremities, especially hip-joint, and the chest and back pains. – 16th. Extremely violent pain in lower extremities, especially in left hip under glutei muscles, unaffected by touch, pressure, or walking, aggravated by stooping low and changing the position of the affected parts. Very acute, shooting, tearing pains on small spots of thorax anteriorly and posteriorly, e.g. on left side, at the uppermost false rib, under the scapulae, &c., unaffected by breathing. Pains in both sides of sacrum in evening, rendering walking uncomfortable, at same time tearing pain in right ear. – 17th. Slight manifestations of the hip pain; all day long a feeling in the head as if a violent headache would come on. The pain went off on directing attention to it. but returned when he was not thinking of it. – 18th. Still uncomfortable feeling in sacral and lumbar regions. When walking, suddenly a painful contractive spasmodic pain in right calf as if something there were drawn together, worst when raising up and setting down the foot, causing the knee to bend beneath him and making him lame. A dislocation pain in neck, worst when turning towards 1., so that the head remained stuck in that position, and could not be turned back. The proving was now left off, but the medicinal symptoms continued to molest him for weeks.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.