Agaricus muscarius

12. VINCENZ KLETZINSKY, medical student, aet. 21, robust, full blooded, sanguine temperament. Healthy, except tendency to slight attacks of diarrhoea. – 1st trial, 21st Oct., 7 a.m., 5 drops tinct. agar. in water. 9:30 a.m. Flying shoots in occiput, violent left semilateral headache. From 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., involuntary twitching of facial muscles on right zygoma, weakness of vision, heat and pressure inwards in eyes. From 2 to 5 p.m., confused tendency to fall backwards. – 22nd. 8 drops. At 8 a.m., slight painless vomiting smelling of alcohol. – 23rd. 10 drops. Drawing sensation in knees as in fever, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; the smoke of a cigar did not smell in left nostril, but very strongly in r. The hemicrania, twitching in facial muscles, weakness of sight, and tendency to fall backwards recurred. Frequent sneezing. Sleep profound, dreamless. – 2nd trial, 18th Jan., 7 a.m., 5 drops tinct. in water. 10:30, shootings across occiput, recurring every 10 m., sometimes more, sometimes less violent till 2 p.m. Complete anorexia. 3 p.m. till late in evening, vertigo with tendency to fall backwards. From noon till 5 p.m. a painless feeling as from jumping of the tendons of the right upper arm; similar twitching in right zygoma. Late at n. anxious palpitation of heart, with febrile thirst. Sleep restless. – 19th. Awoke in m. with bitter mouth, and drawing pain in knees. This and muscular twitching in face lasted all d. Noon, good appetite. In the evening the palpitation of the heart returned, but without the anxious feeling. N., sleep quiet. From 20th to 25th, no med; no symptoms. – 26th, 7 a.m., 10 drops. From 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., repeated shoots through the occiput, vertigo with tendency to fall backwards, sensation of jumping of tendons in upper arm, and twitching in right zygoma. No appetite. Bitter taste lasting till 28th. Took a moderate meal without appetite, and 4 hours afterwards had three liquid stools. 8:30 p.m., attack of violent palpitation of heart, with anxiety that caused sweat to break out, terminating in a restless half slumber, with dreams about walking up and down the room and reading; it was not till after midnight that his sleep became deep. Woke in the m. of the 27th with dry palate, bitter taste, cloudy vision, and unsteadiness of movements till noon, when these symptoms went off gradually, and gave place to moderate appetite, though always with bitter taste in mouth. – 3rd trial, 11th Feb., 7 a.m., 5 drops. Shooting left semilateral headache began at 9:30, and lasted till 2 p.m., when it gave place to flying shoots recurring every 10 m. Afternoon, tendency to fall backward. 11 a.m. When urinating, burning in urethra. Anorexia with loathing of roast meat. E., visual vertigo and weak sight and diplopia. Drawing pain in knees, going off on moving, worse on lying down. N., late, short, restless sleep. On awaking, m., tired, out of sorts as after great fatigue. – 12th. General feeling and appetite still considerably deranged in forenoon. 2 p.m., 10 drops. The semilateral shooting headache, the tendency to fall backwards, the scalding when urinating, the drawing pain in knees recurred in an increased degree. 4 p.m., face equally and highly red, burning hot, almost swollen, with tiresome tension of cheeks. Roaring in ears, sometimes right sometimes 1. Complete disinclination to work of any kind. On going to bed, about 6 p.m., a severe rigor came on while undressing; when wrapped up in bed, a desire to laugh seized him, the cause of which seemed to be a mixture of well-and ill-feeling. The urine passed was burning hot, and dark yellow. The heat of face, which was accompanied by intolerable anxiety, yielded four or five times to the sweat it occasioned, which he promoted by covering up the head and breathing quickly, whereupon a transient sensation of very agreeable coolness streamed through him, which ceased as soon as he uncovered his head, and the sweat ceased, and the previous heat and anxiety recurred, until at length, at 8 p.m., a restless, dreamful sleep occurred, out of which he woke, at 7 a.m., with a feeling as after a severe illness, with confused head, bitter taste, anorexia and pain in knees. He remained in bed as he felt so ill, and in the course of the day yesterday’s symptoms recurred, though less severely, and the evening exacerbation was less. An undisturbed dreamless sleep restored him so far that he could leave his bed next day by 10 a.m., but vertigo and weakness were still present. The scalding during micturition lasted three days longer. (Ibid.)

13. FRANZ KRAUS, medical student, aet. 23, sanguineous- choleric temperament, of robust frame, and, with the exception of an ague never seriously ill. – 30th Oct., m., took some drops of tinct. agar. in water. 11 a.m., slight transient heat in head, combined with mental fatigue as after long-continued intellectual labour, at same time slight pricks in left upper eyelid, obtuse pains in eyeball, obtuse pains in eyeball pains in eyeball similar to the pain caused by pressing on the eyeball with the hand. Frequent call to urinate, the quantity of urine passed much greater than usual. This last symptom lasted all day, as also the occasional recurrence of heat. – 31st. Some dose. Same symptoms, with the exception of the eye pains; call to urinate again present, in addition, shooting pain in almost all the joints, especially well marked in left knee joint and head-joint; the right knee-joint was very painful on going upstairs. (Ibid.)

14. J. LANDESMANN took from 21st to 27th July daily in the m. twelve globules moistened with the 300th dil. without result. From 28th July to 4th Aug., daily 10 drops of the 3rd dil. On the 29th July and 2nd and 4th Aug. he had nocturnal emissions. From 5th to 8th Aug. Daily 30 drops of 1x dil. without result. – 9th and 10th, 5 drops tinct. On m. of 10th on waking, cough with loose expectoration. – 11th, 12th, 13th, 10 drops tinct. On afternoon of 11th, sore pain on outer half of back of right hand as though it had been slightly burnt, increased by touch. This symptom was also present on 12th. On that day at noon, a sudden violent stitch in hepatic region. – 14th, 15 drops. – 15th, 20 drops. – 16th, 25 drops. No symptoms. – 17th, 30 drops. Forenoon, several times short dry cough. – 18th, 35 drops. Afternoon, unusual thirst. – 19th, 40 drops. Nocturnal emissions. 20th, 45 drops. – 21st. No med. No symptoms. 22nd, 50 drops. M., the chin studded with white, closely-set vesicles the size of a millet- seed, which go off the next day when shaving. – 23rd, 60 drops. Nocturnal emission. – 24th, 70 drops. Nocturnal emission. – 25th, 80 drops. – 26th, 90 drops. – 27th, 100 drops. – 28th, 110 drops. No symptoms. – 29th, 120 drops. Many dreams at n., suffocative anxiety in dreams. Feeling as if nose were quite stopped. An emission. – 30th, 130 drops. – 31st, 140 drops. – Sept. 1st, 150 drops. – 2nd, 180 drops. No effects. – 3rd. 300 drops. Forenoon, confusion of head. 2 p.m. When lying noise in right ear, like the intermittent noise of a locomotive, going off on rising up, recurring on lying down. E., on lying down, the same noise, it changed subsequently into the sound of a nail being knocked into a board at some distance. This lasted till he went to sleep, but both delusions of hearing occurred regularly by day as well as by n. when lying, often alternating with one another, and lasting till 9th Sept., but the last 3 days the only sound heard was that of a nail being driven in, and it always became weaker. – 9th. The skin again studded with small vesicles, which only went off after several day – 20th. Similar vesicles appeared near the right corner of the mouth, and lasted till 24th. – 25th. One large and several small vesicles scattered over forehead. – 27th. Violent coryza came on, probably the consequence of a chill; the acridity of the discharge caused an eruption about nose and upper lip. – 30th. Repeated violent tearing in left thumb. After 17th Oct., there appeared here and there on forehead small vesicles, and there was occasional tearing in the fingers. The urine during most of the time of the proving unusually lemon-coloured. (Ibid.)

15. Dr. LAZAR, aet. 29, blond, sanguine temperament. Had an inflammatory chest affection a year ago, since when suffers from palpitation; otherwise healthy. – 14th Sept. An hour before breakfast took 200 drops agar. 2x, watery dilution. 8 a.m., dyspnoea, as if chest was too full, and after every deep breath – which he was obliged to take frequently – a squeezing and shooting pain in scrob. cordis. 10 a.m., above symptoms in less degree; a paralytic feeling in left hand and tension in right forearm; at same time stupefying headache and disinclination for mental work. Noon, less appetite than usual, pain in scrob. cordis gone. 2 p.m., very violent palpitation of heart, and always 5 m. after the commencement of the palpitation renewed and more violent paralytic pain in left hand and arm. 5 p.m., heat in face and extraordinary redness of both cheeks, especially the 1. 6 p.m., after a bath in the river that refreshed him much, felt much better. 8 p.m., felt well; before going to sleep severe palpitation. Slept well. – 15th. Early, slight palpitation and weariness of all the limbs, especially left arm. 6:30 a.m., 200 drops agar. 2x. 11 a.m., violent palpitation for 5 m. Appetite for dinner. 2 p.m., pain in right temple more stupefying than throbbing, at same time weariness in limbs and weakness of mental powers. 4 p.m., headache continues, at same time drawing pains in left arm, which extend to the middle finger. 6 p.m., considerable malaise, frequent attacks of faintness, excessively violent tearing in both hands, then inclination to vomit and veiled sight. 8 p.m., symptoms abated. Frequent eructations with taste of rotten eggs, as if the stomach were disordered. – 16th. After a good night’s rest profuse sweat all over the body. 6 a.m., palpitation for several minutes. Till noon, with the exception of occasional pressive and burning pain in cardiac region, nothing particular. From 2 p.m., recurrence of paralytic pain in left arm till 6 p.m. 6 p.m., attacks of faintness, with inclination to vomit, veiled vision, pressure in brain like lead on cranial bones extending down to nose, flushes of heat on cheeks and frequent yawning. These symptoms last in this severity till 7 p.m., then get weaker. 8 p.m., they are quite gone, and only the paralytic feeling in left arm remains. Loathing of food, sourish, disagreeable eructation and stupefaction of head. – 17th. Slept well. All forenoon felt unwell, slight drawing headache. Noon, no appetite. 3 p.m., pressure at heart and depression of spirits, at same time dull frontal headache. From 4 p.m. till evening, constant pressure at heart, probably owing to vexation, with nausea and empty eructation. – 18th. Slept well, feels quite well. 300 drops agar. 2x. Felt nothing but crampy pain in right thumb, frequently recurring and lasting some m. – 19th, 5 p.m., violent palpitation and very frequent diarrhoeic stools. – 20th. Towards evening and during the n. tension and drawing pain in both legs and feet. – 21st. Much empty eructation almost all day, once like rotten eggs, no appetite. More than ten loose stools with griping and discharge of much flatus. During his proving of agar. the stools always continued diarrhoeic, which was quite contrary to his usual state. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.