Agaricus muscarius

21d. 27th February, 10 p.m., 200 drops. Some time afterwards when reading feeling of fulness and confusion of head with drawing towards temples, increased feeling of warmth, especially on ears. Contractive dryness of throat, warmth and rough feeling in sternal region. – 28th, m., tongue covered with thick viscid mucus, dryness and astringent feeling in palate and throat; during the day repeated rumbling and occasional griping in bowels, with several pappy stools. – 1st March. Towards evening itching on lower extremities, especially 1., making him scratch. (Ibid)

22. Dr. FERDINAND ZEINER. a. 17th June, 9 a.m., 5 drops 1x dil. agar. Forenoon, empty eructation repeatedly, rancid taste lasting 3 hours, pinching in umbilical region, cold feeling in belly, transient stitches alternation in right and left frontal protuberance, aching in sacrum; when reading the sight leaves him; on going downstairs weak feeling in legs; this lasts while walking in open air; it seems to proceed from the sacral region. The sun’s heat causes violent vertigo. After dinner (at 1 p.m.) could not get his usual siesta on account of violent burning pain in corn on right little toe, and burning in left thigh. Slept well, but next m. a small noise brought on violent shooting in right frontal eminence. – 18th, 9 a.m., 10 drops. Eructation of air, scraping in throat, pinching about navel lasting till dinner. Soon after taking medicine frontal headache, aching pain in sacrum with weakness of legs on walking in open air. Sneezing excited by the sun’s light caused violent stitches in caecum; occasional violent stitches in anus; shoots first in right then in left knee. 1 hour before dinner bitter taste lasting 1 hour, but good appetite. After dinner the same burning pains in corn of right little toe. Two pappy stools preceded by pinching in belly and accompanied by great discharge of flatus. E., fluent coryza. – 19th, 20 drops. Eructation of air; nausea with anxiety, thereafter discharge of flatus. Slight pinching in belly for some hours; three pappy stools; when writing flickering before eyes, scraping feeling in throat with bitter taste; coryza continues. E, sad in cheerful company, unable to take a part in conversation. – 20th. Coryza more severe. During day, while walking, smarting in thighs, compelling scratching. – From 21st to 26th. Frequent violent shootings in knees, weakness in feet, three liquid stools a day at short intervals, frequent urination with increased discharge of urine. The coryza lasted till the 26th. On the 3rd day it was very severe. First it affected the left side of the nose with the left eye for 2 days; then the right side of nose and right eye for 2 days more; the discharge was acrid and burning. On the 24th, when the discharge diminished, the nose swelled considerably, was bluish red and very painful to the touch; this terminated with desquamation of skin. My coryzas never used to end in this way, but with vesicular eruption on upper lip. – 25th. Felt an aching in right eye as if a grain of sand had got in it under upper eyelid. Nothing was to be seen in the eye, only the secretion of tears was increased. Forenoon, depressed spirits, afternoon cheerful. On left side of scrotum the skin swelled, became red, and itched; in 2 days the swelling was gone.

22b. 2nd proving: 13th July, 5 drops 6th dil. Immediately, rancid taste, eructation of air, slight shooting in forehead, gradually becoming stronger, especially on left side. Weak feeling in left arm and left foot, uneasiness in the latter, compelling him to move it. In 1/2 hour eyes dim-sighted, the left outer canthus burned, and feeling of sand under right eyelid. Head confused, full, could not go on with reading. In 1 hour pinching in left side of abdomen with discharge of flatus. Afternoon, frequent shooting pains in right little toe, especially severe and continuous at 6 p.m., when sitting, relieved by walking up and down room. On rising from seat, twice shooting on right knee; when walking at 7 p.m. a painful drawing in right leg lasting 5 m., on the anterior aspect of leg, extending over knee, with weak feeling in that leg. Slept well. M., on waking, headache, which soon went off. – 14th, 10 a.m., 10 drops. Rancid taste, eructation of air immediately, lasting a long time; later, on trying to read the sight was dim, weak, as if through a veil, flickering before eyes; some shoots in forehead, especially left side. In 1 hour aching in sacrum, with weakness of legs when walking. Afternoon, shoots in anus. 6 p.m., when walking, violent shootings in both knees, for several m., and continued aching in sacrum. Nose dry, and on blowing it some blood came. Appetite good, stool and urine normal. Slept well. – 15th. No med. Immediately on waking, depressed spirits, in 1 hour cheerful. When reading, eyes weak, watery, dim-sighted, great exhaustion of whole body. E., a black, sanguineous blister in mouth, which discharged its contents next d. On front of left leg and on nates boils which were very painful. The boil on nates became as large as a hen’s egg, was very painful and discharged, on the 7th day, a considerable quantity of black blood, no pus. This bleeding lasted 5 days with occasional severe burning pain. Quivering of right upper eyelid with feeling of weakness of it without having strained the eye; the quivering went of gradually, but the weakness of the eyelid lasted 5 months. (Ibid.)

23. Professor D. J. von ZLATAROVICH. a. 8th June, m., 10 drops of a mixture of equal parts tinct. agar. and alcohol. After breakfast slight nausea, disgusting taste on root of tongue, dryness in fauces. – 9th, 10 drops; emptiness in stomach. After breakfast slight nausea, flatulent distension of abdomen, burning in right leg. All forenoon uncomfortable feeling in abdomen, which is not distended, but feeling of flatulent distension in it. Noon, when smoking a cigar, exceedingly disagreeable taste, salty, bitter, especially at root of tongue; much saliva pours into mouth, slight rigor over back. Little appetite. After dinner, again the discomfort in abdomen, especially about navel, and the same disagreeable taste; sometimes a very peculiar feeling of constriction under sternum. Afternoon, pretty well. E., the bad taste, the sensation under sternum, and the discomfort in abdomen returned. – 10th, 5 drops. Noon, a disagreeable sensation in stomach with commencing nausea. Discharge of flatus. After breakfast severe burning under sternum for an hour. Forenoon, well. Noon, some tightness over chest, slight dyspnoea. Later, pressure under upper half of sternum. Till 19th took every m. 5 drops. – 11th, m., coughed several times, severe pressure in left half of head. After breakfast, burning along oesophagus, short broken sounds in bowels. Noon, very disagreeable, sweetish metallic taste, slight pinching about navel, some tenderness under sternum, blowing of much mucus from nose. – 12th, m., cough. Soon slight nausea; afterwards transient stomach-ache, and when this went off some pinching about navel. Forenoon, single attacks of pain under sternum. After dinner great distension of abdomen, several times dry cough, much mucus blown from nose. – 13th, m., coughing of mucus several times. About right inner ankle painful burning of skin as in commencing erysipelas for 1 h. Slight discomfort in stomach and bowels. Repeated sneezing, occasional tensive pain on chest, sometimes between shoulders, much mucus blown from nose. – 14th, m., some mucus coughed up. Noon, slight burning in bowels. Pain in right inner ankle returned. Forenoon, much mucus blown from nose, with burning in upper lip. – 15th, m., on waking, coughed up mucus several times, roughness in throat, slight burning in eyes, frequent sneezing. Had also sneezed at n. without waking. Immediately feeling of pressure and coldness in stomach. Forenoon, pain in head externally, more in posterior half, tension in occiput towards ears, nape, and other parts. Sensitiveness of nasal mucous membrane. – 16th, m., cough repeatedly, with feeling of rawness in chest. Slight tenderness of eyes. Pressive pain on crown. – 17th, m., coughing up of mucus. After breakfast, slight pinching about navel, discharge of flatus. The pinching became more severe, with call to stool. An insufficient firm stool. Forenoon, repeated slight searching in bowels. A peculiar tensive pain in right groin. Frequent sneezing, blowing of much mucus from nose. – 18th, m., severe cough with mucous expectoration, with raw feeling in chest. After breakfast, feeling of weight under navel. All day repeated coughing up of masses of mucus. After dinner, transient tearing pain on shaft of left tibia. – 19th. Slept well, but awoke with violent cough; the first impulses of cough brought, along with a kind of convulsion of the whole body, thick expectoration, i.e., the cough came suddenly and was so violent that he must double himself together, draw up the legs, and even move the arms. The subsequent fits were not so severe, brought away no expectoration, and were accompanied by sore feeling on the chest. This all went off after a short while. Some burning on the skin of right leg. Blowing of much mucus from nose. – 20th and 21st. No med. M., several mucous coughs. All day much mucus blown from nose, without further catarrhal symptoms. For several days past there has been much itching in scalp towards nape, causing continual scratching. – 22nd, 5 drops. M., several violent coughs with mucous expectoration. Much mucus blown from nose. 11 a.m., headache, especially weight and tension in occiput and towards nape. In right upper arm some tension felt on movement. – 23rd, 5 drops. M., mucous cough. Tension in upper arm continues. After the dose, disagreeable sweetish taste, which lasts some time after breakfast. Noon, slight stitches and tension on chest. Afternoon well. – 24th, 5 drops. M., mucous cough, tension in upper arm gone. Some weight in stomach and abdomen. Discharge of flatus. – 25th. No med. Much mucous cough. Burning in right leg, slight pinching and rumbling in bowels. low spirits. – 26th, 5 drops. Slept well, but passed an unusual quantity of urine. M., mucous cough, occasional transient drawing pain in some long bones. After breakfast slight pinching in abdomen, discharge of flatus. In right upper arm painful tension on movement. Copious pappy stool, followed by feeling of weight in hypogastrium. During the day well except occasional cough. – 27th, 5 drops. Slept well. M., great sexual excitement. Much mucous cough and nasal mucus; pressure in stomach, weight on chest. Tension in right leg. Forenoon, very tired after a moderate walk. Skin of whole body, especially face, very smooth, soft, and free from pimples. – 28th and 29th, each day, 5 drops. M., mucous cough, distension of abdomen, burning on right leg. – 30th, 5 drops. M., mucous cough. Coolness and weight in stomach. Sneezed several times. Afternoon, on working hard, frequent cough, whirling running in scalp, occasional pressive pains in shin-bone. – 1st July, 5 drops. Slept well. M., roughness in throat and mucous cough. Some pain in right leg. After dose disagreeable sweetish taste, weight in abdomen. Forenoon, well. Noon, disagreeable taste like the med. Discomfort in abdomen, and also in whole body. Feeling as if belly were quite empty. – 2nd, 5 drops. Slept well. M., mucous cough. After dose weight and discomfort in stomach, slight drawing and pressive pain in right shoulder. Forenoon, frequent drawing pain in left forearm bones, alternating with similar pain in shaft of right tibia. – 3rd, 5 drops. M., cough as usual. After dose, urging towards anus. Forenoon, frequent tearing in bones of left forearm. Warm feeling in anus. – 4th, 5 drops. M., loose cough. Burning on right leg, slight urging in hypogastrium, discharge of flatus, itching and small pimples on occiput, near nape. – 5th, 5 drops. In the n. and m., violent cough with mucous expectoration. After dose, pressure and burning in stomach. Forenoon, short tearing in bones of left forearm. Noon, pressure in both temples. After dinner, burning in chest. Much cough, mostly dry, with mucous rales, but no expectoration. Afternoon and evening, little cough, but much nasal mucus. – 6th, 5 drops. M., loose cough and slight pain in right hand and bones of forearm. During day, frequent loose cough. – 7th, 10 drops. On waking, much mucous cough. After dose, slight burning in stomach. A vesicle on vermilion of upper lip, that burns. – 8th, 10 drops. M., loose cough. After rising, some pressive pain in right side of chest. Much flatus discharged. Vesicle on upper lip gone. Nasty, bitter, resinous taste. Dryness in fauces. After dinner feeling of distension of abdomen. Peculiar, burning itching in right wrist, as from a bristly hair. E., cough with thick mucous expectoration. – 9th, 10 drops. Difficult waking in m. After dose transient pinching pain in bowels. Discharge of flatus. – 10th, 10 drops. M., mucous cough. Insufficient stool, followed by distended feeling in belly. – 11th, 10 drops. M., much mucous cough. After rising, call to stool, but only a little hard evacuation; later, an ordinary stool. For several days, occasional itching on occiput, where small pimples appear. – 12th, 10 drops. All day well, except the usual cough. – 13th, 10 drops. M., mucous cough. Some itching and sore places on hairy scalp. After dose, emptiness of stomach. Burning on right leg. Some itching at anus. – 14th. Well, except usual cough. – 15th. Changed to pure tincture, of which he took 2 drops, in m. Mucous cough, slight pressure in stomach. Sometimes drawing pains in fingers, as if in periosteum. Sometimes internal pain on bones of legs. – 16th, 3 drops. M., mucous cough. Soon heaviness in abdomen, especially about navel. This soon went off, but there came on a peculiar smell of the tincture. – 17th, 5 drops. M., coughing up of mucus. After breakfast, heaviness in abdomen, especially navel, discharge of flatus. On the heavy feeling sinking down in belly, urging to stool, which is firm and unsatisfactory. – 28th, m., loose cough. After dose, heavy feeling in stomach, discharge of flatus. After breakfast, the heavy feeling descends, lasts an hour, and goes off without stool. – 19th, 10 drops. M., some mucous cough. After dose, weight about navel. Forenoon, frequent cough, dry, or with mucus, and pressive pain under scapula. Exhaustion and much affected by the air. Slight drawing about both ankles. – 20th, 15 drops. M., usual cough. Soon after dose, slight pinching here and there in belly, more in the integuments than bowels. Discharge of flatus. After breakfast, pressure in stomach and transient burning in hypogastrium. Forenoon, frequent short cough, rarely mucous expectoration. Noon, again some abdominal pain, sometimes in scalp at occiput tearing, tensive sensation. – 21st, 20 drops. Slept well, but often ground teeth in sleep. M., some cough with mucous expectoration. After dose, disagreeable feeling in stomach, rumbling in bowels, discharge of flatus. Forenoon, much mucous cough. Afternoon and evening, frequent itching here and there in body. Burning on r. leg. – 22nd, 20 drops. The med. had a disagreeable taste. After breakfast, slight searching in hypogastrium with flatulent feeling, some mucous cough. – 23rd, 25 drops. M., some cough with mucous expectoration. Discharge of latus. Sneezed several times. After breakfast, transient pressure and tension all over chest. – 24th, 30 drops. Nothing but loose cough. – 25th, 20 drops. M., loose cough. Soon after dose, rumbling in bowels. Weight and bearing down in hypogastrium. Burning on right leg. – 26th, 30 drops. M., occasional coughing up of mucus. After breakfast, very disagreeable, sweetish sharp taste, weight in hypogastrium, slight urging to stool, lumpy stool, thereafter slight burning in anus. – 27th, 35 drops. On waking, frequent violent cough, slight drawing about both ankle- joints. Soon after dose, slight pinching in hypogastrium. After breakfast, copious loose stool, thereafter slight tenderness and flatulent feeling in hypogastrium. Bad taste. 11 a.m. A second semi-fluid stool. After dinner, great distension of abdomen. – 28th, 35 drops. M., some loose cough. Sore pain on anterior surface of chest, especially right side, near sternum, as if under ribs. Soon afterwards, loose stool, when the pain in chest went off, but beneath navel, in a spot the size of the fist, a feeling of weight and kneading together, lasting 1/2 hour – 29th, 35 drops. M., mucous cough. Noon, painful drawing in occiput, which went off for a couple of hours at noon, but came back after dinner. For some days the skin on the inner surface of the lips is apt to come off when smoking cigars. – 30th, 40 drops. Some discharge of flatus and feeling of weight in hypogastrium. Disagreeable sweetish taste. Some loose cough, rumbling in hypogastrium. Forenoon, when sitting, a disagreeable drawing and tearing in shafts of long bones of upper and lower extremities, occasional tiresome dryness of mouth and fauces, which parts are sensitive to the air. – 31st, 40 drops. M., loose cough. Soon heaviness in hypogastrium, discharge of flatus. – 1st Aug., 40 drops. Soon, feeling of flatulent distension and pressure in hypogastrium. Cigar tastes bad. Coughing of mucus. E., disagreeable sensation in fore part of urethra, along glans, making him press the part. – 2nd, 40 drops. M., coughing of mucus, flatulent distension in abdomen, transient tightness of chest. After dinner, short dry cough. – 3rd, 45 drops. Immediately slight transient burning pain in hypogastrium. Some mucous cough; discharge of flatus. – 4th, 50 drops. M., mucous cough. Epithelium on inside of upper lip detached in flakes. Two hours after dose, pressure and burning in stomach, lasting 1 hour, then feeling of weight and distension in abdomen. This lasts a short time, and is replaced by feeling of emptiness. – 5th, 50 drops. M., mucous cough. Discharge of flatus. Soon after dose, feeling of weight in hypogastrium. Forenoon, when walking, for 1 hour a kind of pointed pricking from within outwards on lower half of chest and abdominal integuments. – 6th and 7th, 50 drops. Nothing but mucous cough, and discharge of flatus. – 8th, 50 drops. M., twice coughed up mucus. A hard, unsatisfactory stool. Noon, disagreeable sensation in anus like weight or fulness, goes off when sitting, – 9th, 60 drops. M., coughs up mucus. After rising, copious stool, soon afterwards transient feeling of weight in hypogastrium. Forenoon, when walking, great thirst. – 10th, 60 drops. M., coughs up mucus. On waking, 1. semilateral headache, going off on rising. After dose, burning in stomach and weight in abdomen, burning on right leg. E., on undressing, finds on back two inflamed pimples, which on being pressed exude bloody pus. – 11th, 60 drops. M., coughs up mucus, copious loose stools, thereafter slight burning at anus. Occasional tension in scalp. After dinner, discharge of flatus. An inflamed pimple on right cheek. – 12th, 60 drops. M., mucous cough. After dinner, short dry cough. – 13th, 65 drops. M., coughs up mucus; all forenoon, copious sweat. – 14th, 70 drops. M., coughs up thick mucus, slight burning in stomach, weight in abdomen, loose stool followed by slight burning at anus. Forenoon, great thirst for beer. After dinner frequent, short, dry cough. – 15th, 70 drops. M., coughs up mucus. After dose, warm feeling in stomach, eructation of air; on back an inflamed pimple, which when pressed exudes much pus. On hairy scalp several spots covered with thin scabs. – 16th, 75 drops. M., coughs up mucus. After dose, discharge of flatus, weight in hypogastrium. – 17th, 80 drops. Difficulty of waking. Coughs up mucus. After breakfast, weight in abdomen. Transient feeling of creeping and running through all nerves, proceeding from abdomen. Burning in skin of right leg. Forenoon, when walking, very much fatigued. E., after drinking a glass of beer and smoking a cigar, became suddenly sick, must vomit up dinner undigested. Soon afterwards felt well, very hungry, ate and drank without further symptoms. – 18th, 80 drops. Slept well, but perspired much at night. On waking, severe cough with expectoration of thick mucus. Soon after dose, weight and tension in hypogastrium. Occasional cough during day – 19th, 85 drops. Awoke frequently at n. by violent fits of coughing. Soon after dose, weight in hypogastrium; flatus present, but not discharged. Urging towards anus. – 20th, 85 drops. Coughed much at n., perspired. Immediately after dose, weight under navel, urging of flatus, thereafter rumbling in bowels, whereupon the feeling of weight goes off. – 21st. Two such violent fits of coughing in the n., each of which lasted 1 hour, that he took no med. The cough was provoked by tickling in trachea, was generally dry, but sometimes with mucous expectoration. After rising and during day very little cough, but in the evening had several violent coughs. – 22nd, 85 drops. Having coughed but little during the n., resumed the proving. Soon after dose, oppression of chest and slight coughing up of mucus. – 23rd, 90 drops. M., some loose cough, pressive pain in left forehead. Pressure on chest. Taste disagreeable, sweet, resinous. A small loose stool, followed by weight about navel. Forenoon, great thirst. – 24th, 95 drops. M., a little coughing of mucus. After dose, weight in abdomen, scanty, half-liquid stool, slight pressure on chest. Burning on right leg. Forenoon, a second similar stool. After dinner, great burning on right leg. Forenoon and afternoon, though had eaten well at noon, very nasty, sweet nauseous taste. Afternoon, frequent coughing of mucus, with feeling of weight on chest. – 25th, 100 drops. Immediately, weight and tension in abdomen. After breakfast, a scanty, loose stool. Thereafter feeling of flatulence in abdomen. This goes off after a while, and is replaced by the disagreeable taste. Burning in right leg. – 26th, 100 drops. M., coughing up of mucus. After breakfast, very disgusting taste, an insufficient, semi-fluid stool, burning in right leg, distension in abdomen. Well during d. E., great itching on back, where several small, red, slightly elevated points appear. The itching lasted 1/2 hour – 27th, 100 drops. M., hardly any cough. Some rumbling in bowels, discharge of flatus. After breakfast, tension over chest, as though it could not be sufficiently expanded. A copious loose stool, followed by flatulent feeling in abdomen, and then slight shooting from within outwards, through abdominal integuments, as though in peritoneum, which soon goes off. – 28th, 100 drops. M., only coughed mucus twice. This cough, which he had throughout the proving, was peculiar. It comes on suddenly, is so violent that it cannot be suppressed easily; several coughs follow one another, which cause him to cower together, and bring the tears to his eyes; then the cough ceases for a considerable time, often half a day. After the dose, rumbling in bowels. A copious soft stool, followed by flatulent distension of abdomen. After 1/2 hour bruised feeling, pain of the whole anterior thoracic wall, with some oppression of breathing. Sweet, nauseous taste. During the day, occasional violent, jerky coughs. Sexual desire during the proving pretty strong. – 29th, 100 drops. M., mucous cough. Soon after dose, tightness all over the front of chest, lasting 1/2 h. During the day several times fine pricks on various parts of skin, as with a needle, nothing to be seen. Forenoon, weight in abdomen under navel. Forenoon, some violent coughing fits with mucous expectoration, between whiles the chest is quite free. – 30th, 100 drops. M., coughs mucus. Soon after dose, warmth in abdomen, discharge of flatus. A couple of fine pricks through urethra. After 1/2 hour tightness over front of chest with some oppression of breath. A half-fluid stool. Sweetish nauseous taste. Pricks through urethra again. Later, many fits of violent cough. Forenoon, while dining, tensive pain in region of bladder. Little appetite for dinner. After dinner, very disagreeable taste. Occasional very violent cough with expectoration of mucus. Afternoon and evening, almost no cough, chest quite free. When walking, shooting burning pain in ankle-joints in fits, also fine shooting in knee-joints. The bad taste frequently returns, especially after drinking beer. – 31st, 100 drops. M., a few coughs with mucus. Immediately after dose discharge of flatus. A consistent stool, afterwards feeling of flatulent distension in abdomen. – 1st Sept., 100 drops. M., a few slight coughs with mucous expectoration. After dose, discharge of flatus. A fit of spasmodic cough; after a little another. Then the chest becomes painful. After 1 hour drawing pressive pain in legs, especially ankle. After a copious loose stool distension of abdomen. Disgusting taste. During forenoon, at intervals of 2 or 3 hours, fits of coughing. Drawing in forearm occasionally. Noon, creeping and burning in skin of both legs from hip to heel. – 2nd, 100 drops. M., violent cough in fits, generally dry. 1 hour after breakfast, extremely disgusting sweetish resinous taste and flatulent distension of abdomen. Forenoon, several convulsive fits of coughing. – 3rd, 100 drops. M., several coughs with mucous expectoration. The cough resembles whooping-cough, a deep whistling inspiration is followed by several short shrill- sounding coughs, with cowering together of the body, inclination to vomit, tears in eyes. The epithelium on inner surface of upper lip becomes again detached; feeling of weight below navel. A loose, unsatisfactory stool, followed by the disgusting taste for 1/2 h. During day several fits of coughing. – 4th. No med. Coughed frequently during n. M., very unwell. Prostration of body, confusion of head, burning of eyes, dryness of nose. After rising cough returned; pressure and drawing pain in chest continues. After a little, severe drawing in loins and sacrum. Forenoon, febrile excitation, chiefly chilliness, occasional flushes of heat, severe headache, especially in crown, now and then fit of violent cough; no thirst. After dinner, cool and sleepy. After slumbering for 1 hour got warm again, less headache, coughing fits rarer, feels rather exhausted. In a short time a violent rigor; he lay doubled up on the sofa. Teeth chattered, headache in crown severe, hands blue, no thirst. Went to bed, soon got warm, but headache lasted longer. Slept with interruptions at n., groaned much in sleep, and towards m. had copious sweat with relief. The spasmodic cough comes more frequently, but he could suppress it. But when the cough did come it was so violent, shook him so much, that he had to sit up in bed, as the spasmodic contraction of his windpipe threatened to suffocate him. – 5th. No med. M., well, except exhaustion and sacral pain. On rising much flatus discharged. On sponging back felt a peculiar sensitiveness along spine that suggested to him spinal irritation; later, when stooping, a peculiar painfulness along spine, especially dorsal vertebrae. (Perhaps the cough was also of spinal origin.) During forenoon, very sensitive to cool air. Eyeballs painful when touched, and moving them was difficult; they felt tight in orbits. After dinner, slight pains in back and tightness over both sides of chest, from back to front. Later, this tightness was felt chiefly in lumbar vertebrae, making bending forwards difficult. Flush of heat in face, with sweat on forehead. E., no fever, but had great general illness and discomfort. Drawing and stretching pain all along spinal column, and occasional transient pains along the course of the spinal nerves. Spinal column sensitive to touch. Drawing and stretching on anterior surface of thighs. – 6th. No med. Slept very ill; the pains along spinal column were so violent that he could find no easy position in bed; the drawing and stretching pains in whole right leg very severe. In the n. great heat, glowing face, towards m. some sweat. At n. several fits of coughing. M., the spinal column so sensitive that even leaning back in chair caused pain. On upper lip several painful, not red pimples. During forenoon, chilliness, constant disagreeable sensation all over back, especially in spinal column. The fibrous aponeurosis in right thigh is painfully tense. After dinner, spine painful; especially a space about the size of a palm on middle of spinal column is very sensitive to touch and to every movement of the body. Constant invitation to cough, but the cough can generally be suppressed, but when the cough comes it is very painful, and generally dry. E., backache slight, but right thigh very painful. Almost no cough. Movement of eyes in their orbits slightly impeded. After supper, the back pains return. – 7th. No med. Woke up about midnight with such violent pains along back, over chest, loins, in right thigh, that he could sleep no more. Tossed about in bed for an hour, then got out of bed at 1 a.m. Took 2 drops of rhus tox. 2. In 1/2 hour the pains abated, went to bed and slept till m., getting into profuse perspiration. M., exhausted, on rising slight backache, copious loose stool with discharge of much flatus. Fits of coughing rare. Noon, back pains pretty severe, pressure in eyes Afternoon, well except a few short fits of coughing. – 8th. No med. The effects of the agar. seem to be at an end. Almost no cough in the night; only the slightest trace of pain in back and legs. During the day coughed several times, and after every cough sneezed several times, and after every cough sneezed several times in succession. – 9th. Coughed a few times on waking, and expectorated mucus. Some spots on head painful to the touch. During the day several violent but short fits of spasmodic cough. – 10th, 100 drops. M., several violent coughs with little expectoration. A copious loose stool, thereafter a violent fit of coughing, with inclination to vomit and tears. Very disgusting taste lasting all day, and great tendency to spasmodic cough, especially when smoking. – 11th, 100 drops. In the n. such a violent fit of coughing that he had to sit up in bed, and for a long time could not get his breath. After breakfast, distension of abdomen, discharge of flatus. After every fit of coughing violent sneezing. – 12th. No med. Wakeful from 1:30 till 2:30 a.m. On waking in m. violent dry cough, with burning in eyes. After rising, pains in chest, burning under sternum. Sweats profusely on legs at n. During day frequent violent coughing, with pain under sternum. – 13th, 100 drops. M., coughed several times, but not so violently. After breakfast, pressive burning pain under sternum. Several violent fits of coughing, ending in sneezing. – 14th, 100 drops. M., several violent coughs with expectoration of mucus. After breakfast, sore pain under sternum. After a loose stool burning at anus. When smoking, disgusting taste, feeling of flatulent distension of abdomen. – 15th, 100 drops. M., loose cough, Soon after dose discomfort in stomach. Eructation of air, weight and tightness in scrobiculus cordis, then drawing and tension in occiput lasting all forenoon. Occasional violent fits of coughing. – 16th. No med. Slept ill owing to pressive pain in crown. While lying awake grew suddenly so weary of life that death appeared desirable, though there was not the slightest moral cause for this feeling. After dinner began to cough and sneeze so violently that he had to cry out. – 17th. No med. M., coughed a few times, followed by sneezing. After dinner violent fits of coughing followed by sneezing. The sneezing follows the coughing so rapidly that he often cannot tell which is which. The nasal secretion is increased. – 18th, 100 drops. M., several coughs and sneezes, later some fits of coughing with retching. – 19th, 100 drops. M., coughed several times with mucous expectoration. – 27th. The last week was spent in the country, and no med,Àà

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.