Agaricus muscarius

9. JOSEPH COPAINIGG, medical student, aged 23, choleric temperament, venous habitus, generally healthy, but suffers from tapeworm.

1st day, 8 a.m., 5 drops tinct. agar. 9 a.m., tension in pelvis and hypogastrium, transient griping recurring after short intervals, always commencing with a stitch, and gradually going off. From 9 to 10 a.m. The griping always more severe and more frequent, the stitches commenced in the pelvis, spread thence to the right side of abdomen, along the iliac region to the right hypochondrium, growing weaker in their passage, and at last going off completely. Tension in the whole abdomen, very disagreeable humour. From 10 to 11 a.m. pain in abdomen gradually declined, tendency to vomit, stomach felt full and as if seated just below the oesophagus, so that only the slightest effort would be required to vomit. In order to avoid this, he must cease smoking tobacco. Head very warm, dull drawing pain in middle of forehead betwixt eyebrows; heat and weariness of eyes, the eyelids every time they are shut leaving a burning feeling, just as when he has sat up all night by candle-light Great weariness of all the body; ill-humour, melancholy disposition; indisposition to all work. From 11 to 12 noon., cessation of griping in belly; head full, confused; dull, rather severe, pain along forehead and sagittal suture; constant heat in eyes; frequent yawning; weakness of whole body, restless disposition, dislike to tobacco smoking. From 12 to 1 p.m., head constantly confused; dull pain in occiput, which becomes severely burning on lying down, and while lying on the back goes gradually between the eyebrows. Every time he rises up a stitch in the forehead, whereupon the pain goes again towards the occiput. Heat and burning of eyes less, no appetite for dinner, a good deal of thirst. Afternoon, pain in head declining, heat in eyes gone, prostration of the whole body, but general feeling better, Cheerful humour. E., well. – 2nd day, 8 a.m., same dose as yesterday. From 9 to 10 a.m., transient stitches in the right hypochondrium in rapid succession, two or four at a time, and occurring after 10 m. Fulness of stomach, a flat feeling in it; it seemed to be immediately below the gullet, inclination to vomit, and as though he should vomit on the slightest movement. Tension in abdomen. From 10 to 11 a.m., the stitches in hypochondrium less; head heavy, dull, a drawing pain just between the eyebrows; burning in eyes, which as well as the head feel hot to the touch; bitter taste, tongue dry; laziness and general prostration; ill humour. From 11 to 12 noon, head heavy, pretty severe pain along forehead and sagittal suture; head sways hither and thither as if intoxicated; ringing in left ear, recurring three times in 1/2 hours; a feeling like ants crawling along vertebral column; chilliness in hands; nails quite blue, pulse small and hard; weariness of all the body; drowsiness, frequent and violent yawning; burning in eyes, especially when the eyes are shut and opened during yawning. From 12 to 1 p.m., the dull pain in head has gone into occiput; head always falling backwards, as though a weight were attached to occiput. Chilliness continues; hands quite blue, eyes always closing, weariness of body, ill-humour, obtuseness of senses, constant yawning, no appetite. Afternoon: invincible sleepiness, followed by 6 hours of undisturbed sleep. On awaking, quite well. Slept afterwards 9 hours – 3rd day, at 8 a.m., 10 drops tinct. In 1/2 hours violent inclination to vomit, great nausea, but no actual vomiting. From 9 to 10 a.m., heaviness and bearing down in pelvis. Call to stool without result; drawing pain towards navel and right hypochondrium, from pelvis upwards. Slight chilliness along spinal column and upper extremities; occasional yawning; cessation of inclination to vomit. From 10 to 11 a.m., gradual advent of rigor; face and hands quite blue, icy cold. pulse very small, hard; pain in abdomen gone; head rather heavy, constant prickling along spinal column and in occiput. Very frequent spasmodic yawning, with violent gaping recurring two or three times per m., laziness of whole body. From 11 to 12 noon, rigor gradually subsided, yawning less frequent; head dull, full, swaying hither and thither; obtuseness of sight and hearing; dejection bordering on melancholy; he feels quite stupid; eyes hot; eyelids burning, drawing pain in centre of forehead, drowsiness From 12 to 1 p.m., rigor quite gone, agreeable warmth ensues, hands and face warm, no longer blue, yawning less; head full, the pain extending all over cranium, worse when touched, head swaying to and fro; unconquerable depression, weariness, laziness, obtuseness of all senses; the whole psychical sphere as if paralysed, hence a king of stupidity, brain feels constricted, he is unable to think of a subject for a few minutes. Disinclination for all active exertion. No appetite; feet cold and staggering. He had to go to bed. Sleep soon came on and lasted 3 h. After waking, dull fulness in occiput, great weariness, tongue quite dry, little thirst, pulse small, often hard. Agreeable warmth all over the body. – The next three day the drug was omitted, and the health was good. – 6th day, 8 a.m., 5 drops. Up to 11 a.m. no symptoms. From 11 to 1 p.m.; dull undecided pain in centre of forehead, which goes off on pressing both temples, but returns more severely after a little. Except weariness, no other derangement of health. In afternoon, ill- humour, dejection. – 7th day, at 8 a.m., 10 drops. Soon, inclination to vomit, then vomiting of mucus. A few glasses of water brought all in order, and the rest of the day quite well. 8th and 9th days, medicine omitted. 10th day, 8 a.m., 5 drops. No symptoms. (Ibid.)

10. WENZEL HOOR, medical student, aet. 22, thin, almost phthisical habitus, sanguine-melancholic temperament, with predisposition to pulmonary ailments. At the commencement of the proving quite well with the exception of slight catarrh.

11th Nov., 7:30 a.m., 5 drops tinct. From 8:30 to 9 a.m. frequent eructation with taste of apples, though he had eaten none. Catarrh worse in evening, the cough very tiresome. – 12th, 7:30 a.m., 6 drops. Between 9 and 11 a.m. eructation like yesterday, with slight nausea and inclination to vomit; all day dull aching pain in frontal region; stool noon and evening – unusual. Cough as before; restless sleep. – 13th, 8 a.m., 7 drops. Urine turbid on passing, deposited in 1/4 hours copious, white flocculent sediment, consisting of phosphate of magnesia; a glittering skin on the surface of the urine consisting of small elongated crystals. At n. copious perspiration; catarrh declining, cough better. – 14th, 8 a.m. 8 drops. Urine like yesterday, catarrh as before. – 15th, 9 drops. Urine very red and clear, but after standing an hour quite turbid, and depositing a red flocculent sediment. – 16th and 17th. No medicine, no symptoms. – 18th, m., 10 drops. Afternoon, urine fiery red, after standing an hour a red purulent sediment. – 19th, 11 drops. All forenoon frequent eructation with taste of apples; inclination to vomit, dull frontal headache; noon, little appetite. Afternoon, urine milky, after an hour covered with a glittering skin and with copious white sediment. Two fluid stools. – 20th, 12 drops. Frequent eructation as before. Appetite good; severe pressive occipital headache; pulse 80. E., great weariness, and disposition to sleep. Urine clear, with glittering skin. – 21st, 15 drops. Frequent eructation Great inclination to vomit; headache, in forehead dull aching, in occiput throbbing pain; appetite good, but after eating again inclination to vomit. Digestion bad; at 10 p.m. still the taste of food in the eructations. 6 p.m. The occipital pain went off, but the frontal pain remained till he went to sleep. During all this time the catarrhal symptoms were only observed in the forenoon. – 22nd. Sleep restless. On awaking in morning dull headache, general malaise, pressure in gastric region. At 7:30, 20 drops. The smell of the medicine disagreeable, causing him to shudder. Immediately feeling of considerable illness, pale face, salivation, trembling of limbs, and frequent retching, but not vomiting. Pulse weak and slow. Must go to bed, where he got better in an hour. Inclination to vomit almost gone, eructation frequent, then rumbling in bowels. 10 a.m., pretty well, could get up, but there was still weariness of limbs. After taking the medicine the headache went off. and did not recur. All the rest of the forenoon slight nausea with copious salivation. Appetite for dinner pretty good; urine very watery. – 23rd, no medicine. No symptoms. – 24th. The smell of the medicine was so disgusting to him that he could only take 5 drops in a pint of water. Soon eructation, rumbling in bowels, confusion of head, which lasted till 11 a.m. and then suddenly ceased. Appetite for dinner good. Urine very turbid, cloudy. – 25th, 6 drops. Nothing observed except red turbid urine, which deposited a copious white flocculent sediment, apparently mixed with a red powder. Took 10 drops on going to bed at 9 p.m. – 26th. Very restless n. On waking in morning dull headache and pressure in stomach. Took another 10 drops. Immediately watery vomit, with shudder through whole body. Ill feeling all forenoon. Pulse weak and slow; appetite bad. Urine in forenoon watery, in afternoon milky with a thick glittering skin, no sediment. Nausea and confusion of head until evening – 27th and 28th. No medicine. – 29th. The smell of the medicine, even greatly diluted, caused retching, so that he could not take any. – 30th, 10 drops on sugar. All forenoon frequent sour eructation, rumbling in bowels, slight headache. Two fluid stools; urine red and turbid, without sediment. – 1st Dec., m. 10 drops on sugar. 9 a.m. Violent frontal headache, with contraction of frontal and palpebral muscles. Nausea, ptyalism, inclination to yawn, pulse weak, appetite and digestion weak, frequent eructation with taste of food. Urine milky, turbid, with white flocculent sediment. Two stools; general weakness and prostration. – 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. No medicine. – 4th. Digestive organs in order, appetite good, weakness gone, pulse normal, urine reddish with slight reddish sediment. – 5th, 10 drops on sugar. Forenoon, sour eructation, frequent yawning. Confusion of head. Urine turbid, red, no sediment. – 6th, 10 drops. Eructation frequent, inclination to yawn very great, dull frontal headache, ptyalism, pulse weak, appetite pretty good, digestion good. Afternoon, frequent eructation. Urine milky, turbid, with copious white flocculent sediment; two fluid stools. – 7th, 10 drops on sugar. Slept ill; woke with headache and pressure in stomach. Soon great feeling of illness, frequent sour eructations, shuddering, frequent yawning, inclination to vomit, violent boring frontal pain, little appetite. After eating nausea and frequent vomiting. Urine, forenoon, clear as water; afternoon, fiery red, no sediment; two liquid stools. – 8th and 9th. On account of the anorexia and indigestion took no medicine. – 10th, 15 drops on sugar. Forenoon, sour eructations, rumbling in bowels, increased saliva, confusion of head. Appetite pretty good, digestion bad; pressure in stomach. Urine turbid, red, no sediment. – 11th, 12 drops. Great feeling of illness; violent boring frontal pain, relieved by pressure, frequent sour eructation, weariness in limbs, increased saliva, appetite very bad, loathing of food, digestion very much disordered. Urine milky, turbid, with glittering skin and copious white flocculent sediment; two liquid stools; pulse weak and low. – 12th Sleep restless; m., dull headache, frequent eructation with taste of yesterday’s food. Little appetite. The symptoms gradually declined, and soon ceased completely. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.