Agaricus muscarius

5. Dr. ADLER, aged. 39, small, thin, black, haired, sanguine-choleric temperament. Healthy, only suffers occasionally from hereditary haemorrhoids.

5 a. Proving of agar. 2x. – 10th September, 100 drops 1 hour before breakfast. In 1/2 hour had full feeling in umbilical region, later pressure in stomach as from accumulation of flatulence. Symptoms all went of before breakfast, but 1/2 hour thereafter pressive pain and down-drawing in stomach, relieved by discharge of much wind. – 11th. 200 drops morning fasting. Immediately nausea with inclination to vomit and aching on right side of larynx, with cough irritation. Soon afterwards quite well. 1/2 hour after breakfast on taking a draught of cold water painful jerks in a loose tooth in lower jaw This symptoms recurred several times in 1/4 hour on drinking cold water. About 10 a.m. transient vertigo with pressive frontal headache. – 12th, 6 a.m. 300 drops. Soon pain in sinciput as if forced together from both sides, and feeling in belly as if about to be purged. About 8 a.m., shooting pain in right temple above eye. On drinking water jerks in teeth as before. About 8:30 a.m., transient vertigo. 12, noon, spasm in stomach, urgent call to stool, which was copious, and could scarcely be kept back; just before had painful pressure on rectum anteriorly. 1 hour after noon meal prostration and weakness of lower extremities; stitches in right calf, burning in rectum, and inflamed piles. E. Burning and itching on sternum, whereon were some pustules the size of a millet-seed with red areola. Sleep at night much disturbed. 13th Woke at 4 a.m. in cross temper, with transient shooting pain in head going from left parietal bone to right temple. Immediately afterwards pressure of flatulence against navel, lasting some minutes; then momentary shooting pain in right eyeball.

5b. Proving of mother tincture. – 14th. At 7 a.m., fasting, 4 drops of mother tincture. Immediately transient boring and pressure in stomach. 15th. – At 7 a.m., 5 drops. Thereafter empty eructation. 1/ 2 hour afterwards nausea on drinking cold water. 3 hour after breakfast violent pinching in umbilical region for a few second. 16th. At 7 a.m. 10 drops. Pressure in stomach for some second. – 17th. At 6 a.m., 20 drops. Immediately a stitch in right temple, then a stitch in left temple followed by slight pressure in the latter, lasting some morning;l at same time great rumbling in belly. In 1/2 hour tearing drawing pain in right upper maxilla and right cheek, lasting some second. At 7 a.m. pressive less twitching in right masseter muscle like a jerking of some second. In afternoon heavy feeling and invincible drowsiness. – 18th. At 6 a.m., 30 drops. About 9 a.m., vertigo 9:30. Pressure and drawing in stomach, increased by pressing on it with the hand; forcing below the navel. 9:45. Shooting pain in right frontal region. About 5 p.m., needle pricks in left thumb, aggravated and also excited by slightly touching; painful lameness of right upper and forearm, and slight fatigue of the latter on writing but little. Before midnight pressure in chest and difficulty of breathing. – 19th, 6 a.m., 30 drops. Frequently during day attacks of anxiety, then oppression of breathing, compelling frequent deep breathing. -20th. 40 drops. About 1 p.m., pressive pain in right eyebrow and burning in fauces, the lower surface of tongue on the right sore and burning in several spots; the sore spots looked shaggy. About 5 p.m., transient twitching in right side of head. On lying down at night several blows in the hart and trembling in scrobiculus cordis with anxiety, caused by every little sound, also on waking in morning accompanied by stitches in umbilical region, frequent sneezing and yawning. – 21st. 40 drops. About 11 a.m., painfulness of left maxillary joint aggravated by touching. About 2 p.m. shooting tearing in horizontal branch of lower jaw. – 22nd. On awaking. at 5 a.m., itching in borders of eyelids and considerable frontal headache. About 7 a.m., 45 drops Then anxiety of chest and frequent headache. About 9:30, stupefaction and drowsiness, better in open air. Night spent in restless dreams and half-slumber. 23rd. 50 drops. Immediately pressive pain in right eyebrow, relieved by washing the body in cold water, but then becomes worse. After 1/2 hour stupefaction and vertigo, gnawing in scrobiculus cordis and pinching in belly. About 8:45, pressive frontal headache. About 10:30, understands what he reads with difficulty, though it is quite easy; reads with difficulty, because the print seems to move. In both eyes itching and burning. Great drowsiness. – 24th 60 drops. 1/2 hour afterwards as if a pressive pain round about the whole head; at same time pressing pain in left eyeball. About 8:30, forcing in left groin and pinching in belly, lasting some minutes. Thereafter pressive pain in left eyebrow for 5 minutes; immediately thereafter transient pressive and shooting pain in right eyebrow. About 10 a.m., twitching and shooting in right temple and along zygoma. In the room vertigo, less in open air, but soon returning. 10:30 a.m. Stitches on left side of hairy scalp, passing into pressive pain in crown. Piles highly inflamed and painful since yesterday. 6:30 p.m. Pressive pain in left eyebrow. Woke at midnight with pains in stomach, as if flatus the pains went off. (Three successive nights woke precisely at midnight.)-25th, 6 a.m., 60 drops. 9 a.m. Pressive pain in left eyeball, lasting 1/4 hour during the day slight vertigo. Woke at 2 a.m. with blows and aching pain in right ankle-joint, then a very tiresome sensation in heart as though it were constricted, going off gradually in 1/2 hour. – 26th. On waking at 5 a.m. vertigo and tightness of chest and lasted almost all day. Violent burning in piles. Woke about every 1/2 i the night. -27th, minute violent forcing in the rectum after copious stool. Discharge of several ounces of bright red blood from rectum, with tenesmus. (Has had no haemorrhoidal flux for years.) During the day drawing pain in forehead to the eyes, going and coming. – 28th, minute, on waking twitching in left eye. – 1st October 80 drops. Noon Pressive and drawing pain in forehead, eyes and occiput; pressure in stomach, with frequent inclination to sigh. After noon meal uncommon drowsiness; drawing pains in head all the rest of day. – 2nd minute pressive pain in right eyebrow. No further symptoms till 6th, when had in morning on walking out-pressive shooting pain in left eyebrow, and that night, about 1 a.m., transient blows in heart with anxiety, and transient burning in orifice of urethra. No further symptoms. (Zeitschrdes Verbascum d. hom. Aerzte Oesterreichs, ii, 1863.)

6. Mrs. ADLER, aged 29, since her confinement, nine months ago, very irritable; is stout, blonde, health good, catamenia always regular. 14th Sept. took 100 drops of 2x aqueous dilution of agar. Immediately rumbling in belly, and pressure in sacrum for a few seconds. Then weight in scrob. cordis. Slept well at night, but awoke unrefreshed, with heat and heaviness of whole body. – 15th, 200 drops. In 1/4 h. Catamenia came on at night two days too soon. At night restless sleep, constant tossing about owing to a tiresome shuddering in the whole body, as also in head, chest, abdomen and feet. 1 a.m., woke with violent tearing pain in all the upper teeth, lasting 1.4 h. On waking in m., drawing pain in right sinciput, palpitation, and the same heaviness in body. – 16th, 7 a.m., 200 drops. 7:45 a.m., violent vertigo, must sit down often. No appetite for breakfast. 8 a.m., when sitting down on account of vertigo, suddenly a violent headache, pressive, extending into left ear, soon followed by shooting pain in right side of head. This headache continued more or less all day 11 a.m., spasmodic contractive pains, from the scrob. cordis to deep into belly, with nausea, all lasting some minutes, then empty eructation alternating with three violent hiccups. 2 p.m., tearing pain in left upper arm and lower teeth, with similar tearing or violent itching in left ear, causing her to bore into the ear. When she lay on the affected side, the pains were aggravated; they lasted all afternoon with nearly equal violence till evening, when they became better. Catamenia more profuse than usual, with violent tearing and bearing down pains in abdomen and back. Very cross, answered unwillingly. Dislike to work, ran restlessly from one place to another, though very fatigued in limbs and prostrated. E., a copious, soft, greenish stool. Twice, afternoon and evening, attacks of shuddering all through body, several times palpitation of heart, water frequently rose into her mouth. On lying down at night, violent itching betwixt left index and thumb, also in right side of nape, and pustules the size of poppy-seeds appear on both places. Intolerable itching in external genitals lasting till next day – 17th, m., stupefying headache with vertigo lasting all forenoon. 11 a.m., difficulty of breathing and burning pain in cardiac region with palpitation. Afternoon, a dark green fluid stool; catamenia increased last night, restless sleep, waking frequently on account of violent drawing and tearing pain in teeth and sides of head; the little sleep was full of vivid dreams. – 18th, m., dull headache with stupefying vertigo and palpitation of heart, somewhat relieved by getting up, but soon becoming more violent, with frequent chilliness; catamenia declining. Cross with herself, and sorry for herself; face pale and sunken feels very prostrated. Felt as if the whole body was wasting away. This weakness and prostration on the slightest exertion, with palpitation and stupefying headache and vertigo, and the restless sleep with anxiety, lasted more or less for eight days, and alternated with one another. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.