Agaricus muscarius

1b. A male and a female rabbit were experimented on. Various dilutions were given without effect. On 30th Oct. both got 100 drops tincture. All day they were lively, and ate well, the female passed urine frequently and copiously. 31st. – Both got same dose. While getting it they foamed at mouth, no other effect observed. At 1 p.m. again 100 drops. At 2 p.m. they sat sad in their cage, would not eat, and had jerkings in the limbs. In afternoon they ran about as usual; both passed but little urine. In the evening the female was allowed to escape. She was found dead in a meadow a week afterwards. 1st Nov. – The male got at 8 a.m. 200 drops tincture. All day he sat sadly in a corner and his hind legs jerked much. In walking he dragged the hind legs. Forenoon and afternoon had a watery and slimy stool, and urinated frequently. For lustreless and ruffled. Resp. and heart’s beats quickened. 2nd. – He got 400 drops which caused the mouth to froth, jumped about as if intoxicated, jerked several times his hind legs and was dead. P. M. 1/4 hours after death. Vessels of dura mater filled with black blood; surface of brain showed many vessels filled with dark blood, and black points appeared in substance of brain when cut into. Lungs normal, large vessels and auricles of heart filled with black coagulated blood, ventricles empty. Stomach distended with air, its surface and that of intestines showed vessels full of dark blood, they contained yellowish-brown, greasy slime. M. m. of stomach and bowels reddened with many black points, size of a pin’s head. These black points seemed to be gangrenous desquamation of m. m., destroying it down to muscular coat. Around these points the m. m. eroded. Rectum blue-black and empty. The dura mater of spinal cord about pelvis was redder and some of its vessels distended with dark blood. Spinal cord itself normal.

1c. Two 7 weeks old pointer pups, both males. Dilutions had no effect. 3rd Nov., at 8 a.m., both got 100 drs. tincture, in milk. No effect. At 9 a.m., again 100 drops. After this they had cough and retching, and 1/4 hour later vomited the medicine with much mucus, which ended the retching. They sought the heat of the stove and lay till evening without eating. Whilst so lying there were occasional slight twitchings of limbs. E. they ate ravenously, but would not touch milk. 6th. – Quite lively, at 8 a.m. they both got 100 drops. Frothed at mouth when the drug was given. In 1/4 hour empty eructation for an hour, then vomiting of brown fluid. The rest of the day they lay apparently asleep, and had slight jerkings of limbs. E. ate well, had normal stool, and next m. were quite right. The same dose was given four successive days with the same effects. 11th, 8 a.m., each got a clyster of 200 drops in water. They now had urging to stool, and the clyster was expelled. After 1/2 hour dog No. 1 began to whine, ran about room for 1/2 hours, lay down and slept. Dog No. 2 after the evacuation let his head sink and seemed to fall asleep, sitting on hind legs. In 1/2 hours he lay down and slept. At 10 a.m. dog No. 1 started suddenly from his sleep, coughed a few times, retched, and then went to his bed. The same happened to No. 2 a little later. At 11 a.m. the clyster was repeated. Soon afterwards urging to stool and evacuation of a blackish-yellow slimy fluid, less than the clyster. In a short time the hind legs seemed paralysed and they sat down. On being urged to move they could with difficulty move hind legs, frequent retching and urging to stool, which only resulted in passing a few drops of brown slimy fluid. At 2 p.m. the same clyster. In 5 m. the clyster was evacuated and then urging to stool without result. All the rest of the day they remained sitting as they were not able to stand on hind legs. They ate ravenously. Empty retching and urging to stool without result occurred frequently during afternoon. Urination normal. 12th. – Hind legs still rather unsteady in m., all right in evening 13th. – Quite right. 14th. – 400 drops given by mouth; this caused much frothing in mouth and shore cough. At 10 a.m. 200 drops. Much frothy saliva, coughing and retching. Soon afterwards quite unsteady, the back part of body swayed from side to side, the hind legs seemed as if paralysed, they generally maintained the sitting posture. 1 p.m., 200 drops. Great empty retching often repeated during afternoon. When seated the forelegs were wide apart, the head swayed about; when lying they had jerkings in limbs. By evening they were again lively and next m. quite well. 15th Nov. – They got three times 200 drops. The same array of symptoms followed.

1d. Two pigeons, a cock and a hen, were fed from 9th to 14th December with barley that had been soaked for 24 hours in concentrated agar. tinct. No effect. 14th and 15th. – 10 drops given by beak; no effect. 16th, 8 a.m., each got 20 drops. Soon they made a noise between coughing and retching. In 1/2 hour they walked unsteadily, fell forwards on head or on one side or other; they got up again immediately and ran about staggering as if they could not rest anywhere. From 10 till 10:30 the cock lay on its side, but got up when one attempted to seize it. At noon they went into a corner, hung their head, and would eat nothing. In the night they recovered, walked steadily, but could not eat. 17th, 8 a.m., 30 drops. Soon, gait unsteady, they staggered and fell on one side or other, but instantly got up again, eructated air as if they would eject the drug, sat sadly in a corner, or ran about the room staggering. Thus they continued till 3 p.m., they then went into a corner and remained there till the 18th, m. From 18th till 22nd they got daily the same dose with the same symptoms. On 22nd the hen died, and on the 23rd the cock. P. M. of hen after 4 h. Body emaciated, crop and skin covering it very full of blood vessels filled with dark blood. Crop empty, its lining membrane of whitish-yellow colour, of greasy feel, easily separated from muscular coat, which latter was redder than normal. The passage from crop to gizzard was red and full of congested bloodvessels. The gizzard full of sand, its lining membrane dark green. Upper half of intestines brownish yellow, containing an acid green slime, with white things the size of a hemp-seed. The lungs sometimes coloured, and containing little red froth. Auricles of heart and large vessels filled with black coagulated blood. Liver friable and blackish. Vessels of dura mater full of black blood, brain and spinal cord healthy. P. M. of cock gave precisely similar results. – (Zeitsch. des Verbascum d. hom. Aerzte Oesterreichs, ii.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.