Agaricus muscarius

7. Rosalie A -, aged 60, single, no catamenia for fifteen years, lost both eyes in infancy from ophthalmia. Enjoys good health. Brunette, black hair, sanguine temperament. – 14th Sept., 100 drops of agar. 2x (always took the drops 2 hours after breakfast). In 1 hours rigor all over, with goose-skin, lasting 1 m. Never had anything like it before. 15th, 200 drops. In 1/2 hours violent rigor with goose-skin, then heat in head, with painful throbbing in frontal region and sweat on forehead, soon passing off. – 16th, 300 drops. In 1/2 hours some stitches in hepatic region; next n. intolerable noise in both ears like that of a spinning-wheel, lasting several hours – 17th, 10 drops of tincture. In 1/2 hours burning in left eyebrow near temple, and creaking in left occiput aggravated by pressure, lasting 1/4 h. At same time deafness of left ear, as if something lay before it. Some vesicles on hard palate, with sore pain in them. – 18th, 15 drops. In 1 hours violent burning pain in left eyebrow and occiput, with sensitiveness to touch; great general weakness. All lasting 1/2 hours – 19th, 20 drops. Soon violent shooting and twitching in left eyebrow, shooting in left axilla and ribs of left side. In 1/4 hours nausea and great weariness; salt taste in mouth as from herring; then warmth steaming through the whole body. – 21st, 25 drops. In 1/2 hour pinching in belly, scraping together in upper abdomen, stitches, then cutting in it, followed soon by violent bitter vomiting. – 22nd, 30 drops. In 1/2 hour frequent empty eructation, the vomiting of a bitter fluid. Immediately afterwards in-pressive pain in forehead, then painful twitching in right eyeball; soon afterwards tearing in left thigh and calf, burning in stomach. – 25d, 40 drops. In 3/4 hour belching of a salt fluid, then stitches in left temple and sacrum, and soon after clawing in scrob. cordis, as with pincers. – 24th, in 1/4 hour bitter vomiting with shuddering all over the body, then transient stitches in rectum and right lumber region. Then pressure and twitching in forehead to the eyes, for 1/2 h. Then transient itching and sharp smell in nose, as though she would sneeze. – 25th, no medicine. During the day frequent stitches in liver and right lumbar region; pressive frontal pain all day. – 26th, 30 drops. In 2 hours burning on crown with stupefaction and vertigo, she seemed to be turning round, so that she must quickly sit down on floor, otherwise she would have fallen. This vertigo lasted 2 hours, along with it were nausea, shooting in liver and scrob. cordis. All day could take no food. Next day well except slight pressure in head. (Ibid.)

8. J. BAUMGARTNER, aged 32, sanguine-choleric temperament, thin, subject to boils in different parts of the body, and a purulent discharge from right ear, otherwise well.

8a. His first provings were with dilutions made with 10 drops tincture to 80 alcohol. – 24th Oct. Began with 8th dil. and descended gradually to the 1st, taking each dilution for 4 day, 100 drops every morning, and leaving a day free between each dilution. From 24th to 29th o symptoms. – 30th (7th dil.). Transient tearings in the fibrous expansions of different part of the body, especially the outer aspect of the left thigh. Since yesterday a pain on touching between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae; to-day there appeared on the same spot a painless pulsation, beating downwards, synchronous with the pulse, as though the aorta were in the spinal cavity. This sensation lasted more one hour, and was relieved by pressure. – From 1st to 3rd Nov. (6th dil.). Each time after taking the drug, pain in sacrum and increased flow of saliva to mouth, firmer stools. After noon meal inclination to vomit, without loathing of food, cutting searching pain in bowels, prostration of the bodily strength and inability to think, with internal restlessness that drove him from one place to another. At same time, feeling in head as though the frontal portion of the skull were enlarged and the brain there all stirred about, with pressive pain in both temples, dryness in gullet, yawning, and a painful sensation in fauces when swallowing saliva, as if something were torn. – 4th. Boring pulsating pain in squamous portion of temporal bones, lasting more than 2 hours – From 5th to 8th Nov. (5th dil.). Firmer stools, the superciliary prominences are painful when touched, tenderness of the eyeballs, with constriction of them. The region between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae is painful on turning the body. In morning increased appetite, breakfast can hardly be waited for. A painful suppurating abscess, the size of a bean, has formed in the middle of the right deltoid muscle. In the fibrous expansions of the extremities there occurred occasional transient tearings; in abdomen some times cutting pains with discharge of inodorous flatus, increased secretion of saliva and inclination to vomit. This last chiefly in the room, went off in the open air; at same time deficient thirst, chilliness in open air, and a pulsating pressure in the nasal bones, with sensation as though a swollen body in the upper nasal cavities would force itself out. E., increased heat of face, especially about the zygoma, dryness in throat, and flying stitches there on being touched. – From 9th to 11th Nov. (4th dil.). Painful pressure in eyes on moving them, and straining them by candle light. – 12th. The pain betwixt eighth and ninth vertebrae recurred, it was drawing, and periodically extended to hyoid bone. After dinner inclination to vomit; the left big toe, at the depression of the nail, is swollen and very painful. – From 13th to 16th (3rd dil.). Along with transient tearing and spasmodic contraction of the left gluteus maximum, there occurred increased painfulness of the spine on turning the trunk, great dryness of the gullet, earthy taste, eructation, and obtuse pains, now in one now in the other frontal protuberance. – From 17th to 20th (2nd dil.). Empty feeling of head; disposed to quarrel, with great weariness of lower limbs, as if lead hung on to them. In the fauces a sensation as if some food had stuck there. Breathing interfered with by momentary stitches in cardiac region, with irregular, often intermittent, pulse. A cold sensation frequently in the glutei muscles. – From 21st to 24th (1st dil.). Frequently felt tearing now and again in the fibrous expansions of the body, that of the skull not excepted, with uncommon weariness of lower limbs when walking, so that he must often sit down; at same time pain in sacrum and great drowsiness; the feeling of a foreign body in the fauces compels frequent attempts to swallow, which are as ineffectual as troublesome.

8b. Proving with tincture. – 25th Nov., 20 drops. Stitches in left heel on treading, which extend up the leg; tension in the gastrocnemii; transient stitches in left hip- joint, and a stretching pain in the articular cavity, as if the bone of the cotyloid cavity were severed from the sacrum. This pain spread to the lower abdominal cavity, and then disappeared gradually. – 26th, 7 a.m. 30 drops. Fulness of head, with a stirring up sensation as though the brain in the frontal region were an ant-hill; cutting boring pain from the left anterior nasal orifice upward through the nasal canal extending into the nasal bone, just like an electric shock. Two small stools with slight burning in anus and discharge of cadaverous smelling flatus, at same time occasional transient tearings from behind through the chest without disturbance of respiration, and stitches in left knee lasting several seconds, followed by weak feeling of the limb. – 27th. During a walk – in consequence of a jump – a burning, shooting, dislocation pain beneath right nipple, which prevents respiration for a few seconds. 4 p.m., great weakness of whole body; anxiety with breaking out of sweat, violent stitches in cardiac region, with intermittent pulse; at same time loathing without vomiting, and raging pain in right hough. – 28th, 7 a.m., 50 drops. No effect. – 29th, 7 a.m., 100 drops. Soon empty feeling in head, dryness in throat, which was not moistened by swallowing saliva; inclination to vomit and once actual vomiting. The inclination to vomit continues after the vomiting; at same time great weakness, uncertain gait, stumbling over every object; pressure and heaviness in chest; involuntary sighing with accelerated heart’s and pulse’s beats, constant spitting of saliva, dry cough, which causes shooting pain in left side of chest; rumbling in abdomen as if peas were shaken about in it; frequent quite soft stools, the call to which had to be quickly obeyed on account of paralytic weakness of the sphincter ani, feeble sexual function. Along with these phenomena there was a very acute pain at the twelfth dorsal and first and second lumbar vertebrae, with cold feeling in the glutei muscles, and formication on the feet. – 30th. Vacant feeling in head, indifference to the world, apathy in business, great dryness of the throat not removable by water or beer; a tiresome pressure in the fauces as if a foreign body were sticking there, which cannot be removed by swallowing; shooting burning pains from scrob. cordis to left scapula, excited by deep breathing, and very much aggravated by coughing sneezing, and hiccup; violent pains in spinal column on turning the body, especially in the region of the last dorsal and first and second lumbar vertebrae, which became pulsating after strong exercise. Weakness in sacrum, with pressive tensive pains in it. Cold feeling in glutei muscles, which are spasmodically contracted and hinder walking. A shooting tearing now and then in the limbs on commencing to move, but going off on persevering; powerlessness and weariness of the whole body. – 6th Dec. Head vacant, vertigo when walking, which makes the gait unsteady, tender gums; dryness of throat and sensation of a foreign body less, but roughness of voice with shooting pain in larynx on drawing a deep breath; weight and shooting pain in chest; quick pulse, intermitting every 30 to 40 beats; fluent coryza; several soft stools causing burning at anus. – 10th. Cross and irritable, with vacancy of head, full feeling of upper nasal passage, with sensation as if a ball wanted to come down through nasal canal; pressive pain in sacrum as if it would burst, formication in feet, strong pulsation of heart felt down to the coccyx; quick pulse with painful stitches in cardiac region, with great heaviness and weariness of lower limbs. All the symptoms, except the weakness, gradually declined to 14th Dec. – 15th, 9 a.m., 150 drops. Soon afterwards he went out to walk, but whilst walking was seized with such weakness that he could scarcely go on; then there occurred four liquid stools with burning in anus, profuse perspiration all over the body, even on the hairy scalp; pulse at same time quick and small. On the hairy parts of occiput and along sagittal suture, small elevations appeared, which burned and smarted after scratching. During day, three more diarrhoeic stools, with swelling of haemorrhoids, and a strong forcing downwards of the bowels into the inguinal canal and pelvic cavity; after urinating the urine flowed on involuntarily for some time, so that the thighs and knees were often quite wet; it seemed that the sphincter muscle of the bladder refused to do its duty; at same time pressure in sacrum as if a weight lay on it, formication in glutei muscles, and a coolness running down from the legs to the toes; sexual power almost extinguished. These symptoms gradually declined till the 25th Dec. The pain in sacrum lasted longest. – 26th, 9 a.m., 200 drops. Immediately inclination to vomit, but not actual vomiting. The other symptoms were like the above, except a feeling as if the head were enlarged, and a cough attended, in the morning especially, by expectoration of large brown masses of mucus. – 30th, 1 p.m., 300 drops. Soon slight burning in stomach, with loathing and heaviness of lower limbs; afterwards great drowsiness. At 1 a.m., sudden waking with ill- feeling and inclination to vomit, he had to get out of bed, and with great effort vomited several times undigested food. The pain in the fauces, as from a foreign body, was aggravated during the vomiting; after vomiting felt as if left eyeball were enlarged. Constant salivation causing him to spit incessantly, great weariness, especially of the lower limbs, with trembling of them; insensibility and coldness of glutei muscles. Constant twitching movements in sacrum and lower extremities, coldness of all the body with hot head, at same time as if destitute of senses and thought, followed by severe rigor all over the body. – 31st. Had to remain in bed, he felt so weak. Severe headache that diminished in the evening, and was confined to the forehead; pressure on root of nose, with feeling as if nose were stopped, which it was not, with dryness of throat; loathing, though the taste of food and drink was all right; shudder spreading from stomach over the body; swelling of haemorrhoids with stitches in anus; sometimes violent shooting pains in rectum from flatus pressing down to the anus, and then seeming to make a backward movement in the pelvic cavity. Cough increased towards evening, quick pulse = 100, intermitting. Painless pulsation in spinal cavity. In back, sensation as if a cold air spread from spine over body. Fullness and pressive weight in sacrum, shooting pains in fingers and toes when at rest, creaking and cracking of them when moved, shooting pains now and then in general integument. – 1st Jan. Many of the above symptoms declined or disappeared, but in their stead there came on a peculiar change in the urinary secretion. When the need to urinate came on, the sphincter muscles had not the power to retain the urine for a moment, it flowed out in several gushes, with long after-dribbling which wets the thighs; the penis was cold and shrivelled. These symptoms gradually went off till 9th Jan. – 10th, 9 a.m., 400 drops. Pressive pains in left frontal protuberance, a stirring-up in brain, as if all there were moving about; confusion of thoughts with forgetfulness, weak sight, tearing in left lower jaw, hiccup in throat; griping in bowels; frequent liquid stools with burning in anus; paralytic weakness of sphincter ani and vesicae, so that the faeces and urine could only be kept back for seconds. Pressure in sacrum and hip-joints, especially in m. in bed, sometimes a sensation as if the painful head of the femur were separated or dragged from its cotyloid cavity, or the pelvic bones from the sacrum. Burning in glutei muscles, salivation and formication in upper and lower extremities; great weakness of body, dry cough with wheezing under sternum, causing burning, accelerated heart’s beat, with redness of face and tickling in the navicular fossa of the urethra, as if some foreign body were lodged there. Burning of tongue as from pungent tobacco, shooting in the second and third row of the ankle-bones and heel when walking, ill-humour and irritability, long, gentle, refreshing, long, gentle, refreshing sleep. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.