Agaricus muscarius

11. Dr. W. HUBER. a. 5th Sept., m., 10 drops 6x tinct. agar. After 2 hours giddy, confusion of head, like slight intoxication, lasting almost all day, with unusual weariness of the body. Good n. On waking in m. pressive pain deep in right frontal eminence, then painful pressive tension in tendons and ligaments of right sacral and lumbar regions, extending to gluteus maximus, only felt when lying on right side, always going off on lying on left side. – 6th, m., 15 drops. About 4 p.m., giddy confusion of head, especially when reading and looking at light, with weariness of limbs and general ebullition of blood; pulse much excited, strong, quickened, 77; the pulsation was felt in almost all part of body, especially in epigastrium. N. good. On waking, m., when lying on left side, a pressive tensive pain in sacrolumbar vertebrae, extending thence to left hip, but went off at once on lying on right side. – 7th, 30 drops. At 2 p.m. a violent stitch in left elbow with simultaneous shock through arm as from an electric shock. – 8th, 40 drops. During the day a gnawing biting here and there on various part of skin. – 9th, 50 drops. Severe coryza with confusion of head; white furred tongue, pappy taste, stitches in chin and elbows, with electric shocks in those parts, at same time frequent chilliness, and restless sleep. The coryza lasted till 15th Sept. – 16th, m., 15 drops of 5x dil. Soon giddy confusion of head, scraping sensation in gullet, head confused all forenoon. 9 a.m., digging pressive pain in left occipital and nuchal region, with weariness of lower limbs, and great drowsiness. When lying frequent muscular twitchings, now on the inner side of the left knee, now on the upper arm, now on the back at right scapula. 8 p.m. 20 drops. In 2 hours smarting prickling for 25 seconds on left half of tongue; afterwards smarting burning on a small spot of the dorsal spine that went off in a few m., whereupon a similar sensation occurred in the tip of the tongue. N. good. At 6 a.m., in bed, colicky griping in abdomen, extending from left ilium between navel and symphysis pubis through abdominal cavity to right ilium, relieved by pressure, and lasting only a few m. – 17th, m., 30 drops. At noon confusion of head and slight cool horripilation on the scalp of crown with the feeling as if the skin there were stretched more tightly. After dinner unusually long and profound sleep. After sleep subsultus tendinum on right leg and right foot, with jerking shocks there like electric shocks; afterwards smarting itching on left sole near toes and on left index. N. good. On waking, m., some griping in bowels. – 18th, 7 a.m., 40 drops. 10 a.m., head as if intoxicated; weariness of legs in open air. 11 a.m., burning stitch in left heel. Afternoon, transient shooting on crown of head. N. good. – 19th, 50 drops. Soon dry feeling of lips, buccal cavity and fauces for 1/4 h. After 11 a.m., on a small long spot of right glutaeus, a cooling sensation, lasting 20 seconds, like the sensation experienced when quicksilver is taken into the hand. After dinner long sleep. E., 20 drops of 4x dil. In 1/2 hours a slight cooling burning sensation in gullet and stomach. At 9:30 p.m., in bed, the same quicksilver sensation again in right glutaeus, along with bruised pain in sacrum, frequent twitching and subsultus of glutei, and a prickling running on anterior border of left index, toes, and heel. This prickling was very like what one feels on frostbitten limbs in change of weather. After 1/2 hour, in the warm bed, a severe burning came in the feet as high as the ankles as though the blood in the vessels were hot, just like the sensation experienced in parts numbed by cold when exposed to sudden beat. This lasted 1/4 hour, went off, and recurred. At night restless sleep, many unremembered dreams. In the m. on waking, while still in bed, a cutting shooting pain in inner canthi of eyes, with some mucous secretion there. Just before getting up a violent stitch from the spinal marrow in the sacro-lumbar region towards the right gluteus. – 20th, 7 a.m. 40 drops. Soon a slight pressive sensation on crown of head, and on looking out at the window into the light and again withdrawing a sudden giddy stupefaction in head as though he would lose consciousness, with roaring in left ear. This lasted a few seconds, but a confusion of the head remained, which lasted all forenoon; then there came on the right lower jaw and surface of the back a short pain; in the former as if fine, in the latter as if coarse splinters were pushed in between skin and flesh; an itching, smarting, and burning, causing him to scratch now and again, in the skin, with transient stitches as from fine splinters in the point of the left elbow. After dinner, on a small spot of the left glutaeus muscle, the above cold quicksilver feeling. At 4 p.m., on lying down with the head resting on right arm, the body suddenly shuddered as with cold, the arm involuntarily drawn down to the trunk, and this was followed by several fine stitches on both elbows. N. quiet. – 21st, m., 50 drops. Soon a short pain passing through the left side of forehead, dryness of buccal cavity, with scrapy feeling in fauces, fine stitches above left knee and anterior surface of thigh; quivering of left upper eyelid; subsultus tendinum on right index and on posterior border of right hand. At 2 p.m., after dinner, smarting on posterior front of left border of tongue and under tongue on same side as from horse-radish. 3 p.m., the well known sensation on a spot of the right natis and on the surface of the back under right scapula. This cold feeling seemed to have its seat in the skin and muscular substance, and lasted several m. E., 20 drops of 3x dil. After 1/2 hour, in bed, an acrid bitter taste at root of tongue; repeated griping in left hypogastrium with rumbling in bowels; heat of body as if sweat would break out, with roaring in left ear, frequent muscular twitching in left calf, cramp-like pains now on the anterior aspect of thigh, above left knee, now in muscles of left leg, now in interior of left ear. At midnight woke and felt a stitch on a dorsal vertebra. Remainder of night undisturbed. M., on rising, bruised pain in right hip, going off on walking. – 22nd, 10 a.m. 30 drops. Soon cramp-like pain for some seconds in region of spleen, followed by violent pricks as with coarse needles on the lower border of left orbit at the exit of the lower orbital nerve, with frequent muscular twitchings on left temple. After dinner a hard stool, causing sore pain at anus. 6 p.m., tickling itching in left ear-lobe and external meatus, going off by boring in finger, cracking in both ears during empty swallowing; evening, in bed, twitching and serpentine subsultus in rectus abdominis muscle. N. quiet. – 23rd, 5 a.m., 40 drops. After 1/2 hours, while still in bed, jerking convulsive shocks, first of right leg, then of lower jaw, lastly of left arm, as from an electric shock, which appears to originate from the neighbouring joints of these organs; thereafter frequent twitching of muscles of left temporal and zygomatic regions. Stitches in skin of right calf and right side of neck. At 2 p.m., after dinner, another 50 drops. After 1/2 hours smarting stitches on tip of tongue, on point of chin, and on navel. At same time frequent subsultus tendinum in right leg. – 24th. No medicine. After dinner, on a small spot of right hough, the well-known cold quicksilver feeling with frequent muscular subsultus in various parts of body. 3 a.m., woke and felt first internal uneasiness in all voluntary muscles, followed by trembling of whole body, especially lower jaw, lastly there came on a choreic muscular action, that could not be arrested by the strongest effort of will, there was twitching of the hairy scalp, temporal muscles and cheek muscles of both sides, on which there often occurred a pain as if splinters were pushed in betwixt skin and flesh; the upper lip, lower lip, muscles of both shoulders and back, those of upper and lower extremities, and especially the left deltoid muscle, the calf muscles, even the muscles of the soles, were similarly affected. The abdominal muscles were confusedly twitched. At same time jerking blows on several limbs, or violent shuddering of them, and frequent quick movements of single fingers. This lasted 2 hours, during which the heart beat so violently that the sound of the heart’s beats could be heard by the prover. The muscular twitchings were irregular, sometimes right, sometimes 1., sometimes simultaneous, sometimes in quick alternation. He then fell asleep, but woke at 7:30 with fine pricks in the border of the lower jaw. – 25th, 10 a.m., 15 drops, 2x dil. 2 p.m., the above cold feeling occurred on the left natis and trochanter. 3 a.m., woke without cause; after waking there occurred a pricking as from splinters on inner surface of left leg, close above ankle, then, after a few minutes, a similar pain on same place of right leg. Soon afterwards again a trembling uneasiness in all the voluntary muscle apparatus, followed by choreic involuntary muscular action in various parts of the body. Fell asleep at 5 a.m. – 26th, 10 a.m., 30 drops. During the day, nothing but involuntary jerking of some muscles. 8 p.m. 40 drops on going to bed. The effects were; digging shooting pains in right heel and toe as from splinters; cramp-like pains on inner side of right calf and left flank above hip, with frequent twitchings of muscles, especially on nates. N. good. M., after waking, while still in bed, the same thing occurs as last night, only in addition frequent electric shocks of single limbs and jerking up of single fingers. Shortly before getting up a digging pressive pain on left frontal eminence, with roaring in left ear. These went off after 3 – 4 m. – 27th, 15 drops, 1x dil. After 1 hour a burning cooling feeling along oesophagus to stomach as after taking peppermint; eroding itching, inviting scratching, in the hairy scalp of forehead, and in several part of skin; at the same time a smarting sensation in Schneiderian membrane, with frequent violent sneezing and muscular jerking in left iliac region. After dinner transient pricking in tip of right thumb as from fine splinters, and a short hut violent pain on right dorsal surface below scapula from coarse penetrating splinters, with confusion of head and frequent twitching of upper abdominal muscles. After 9 p.m., in bed, a burning sensation of tip of tongue, as if it had been dipped in pepper, with a cramp-like pain in left side of abdomen above hip, lasting more than 1/2 hours, relieved by discharge of flatus. Thereafter the above-mentioned cold quicksilver feeling on a spot about 1 in. long and some lines broad on the posterior aspect of right thigh (in sciatic nerve?), followed by a short cramp-like pain in right calf and later also in left deltoid muscle. N. good. On waking at 4:30 a.m., a smarting sensation in tip of tongue as from pepper, followed by a tickling itching spreading from the faucial orifice of r. Eustachian tube to interior of ear, lasting 8 to 10 seconds, and alternating with loud ringing in left ear. In addition, every time he attempted to swallow a creaking in both ears as from a wooden screw; intermittent muscular subsultus at left scapula and left deltoid muscle, with a violent convulsive shock of whole right side of body proceeding from spinal column. – 28th, 10 a.m., 20 drops. After 1/2 hour muscular jerks in left forehead, lips, 1. scapula, 1. iliac region, right knee, with itching, like electric pricks, on hairy scalp and now and then on skin. Noon, transient digging pain in left occiput and left forehead. 6 p.m., fine penetrating very painful pricking in middle of right cheek, as if a splinter were stuck through the skin into the muscles, lasting 6 to 10 m. 7 p.m., 25 drops. At 10 p.m., in bed, the cold quicksilver feeling came in both nates simultaneously, and at same time itching pricking in crown of head, and regular muscular twitching in left forehead and temple. N. good. M., in bed, a short boring pain near right os calcis in tendo Achillis, muscular twitching in both nates; quick movements of single fingers and a horrible shuddering of whole body proceeding from a lower dorsal vertebra. – 29th, 11 a.m. 40 drops. At 11:30 the well-known cold feeling in right natis, not continuous, but at regular intervals, synchronous with each pulse, as though each time it were touched with an icy cold body; soon afterwards violent pricking in left cheek where the infraorbital nerve joins the pes anserinus, as if splinters were stuck in. After dinner, during the siesta, a violent shock of the left arm, followed by undulating jerking of the upper abdominal muscles, and a scraping irritation in trachea, causing dry cough. At 5 p.m., on going from open air into a dark passage he was attacked by momentary nausea, with vertigo, as though he should lose consciousness. At 2 a.m. became wide awake, and immediately had frequent subsultus of muscles and tendons, with a violent convulsive shock of whole lower part of body, originating from an upper lumbar vertebra. He took no more of the drug after this. 30th. – A pricking pain as from splinters in the middle of upper lip, close to nose, and a similar pain in right heel. – 1st and 2nd Oct., m., in bed, frequent muscular twitching, especially in both pectoral muscles, in abdominal muscles, and in the pyramidal muscles at the pubic arch, accompanied by such a violent shock of the head, proceeding from the atlas joint, that he bit his tongue involuntarily. – From 2nd to 5th the same symptoms. – In the n. between 10th and 11th he woke with unusually frequent muscular movements, during which the external muscles of the larynx were engaged, at same time there came between the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae a pricking pain as from splinters; this was followed by the well-known cold feeling in the same spot, as if the spinal cord were touched there with a very cold body; some m. later the same pricking sensation in the cervical vertebra. – 12th., m., in bed, the well-known cold feeling in the right axilla and left inner ankle. – From 13th to 15th similar symptoms. – 18th. An icy cold feeling close to coccyx repeatedly. – 19th. Frequent, as it were electric, pricks in the skin, with shocks in several limbs and frequent muscular jerkings. – From 20th to 21st. Familiar symptoms. – 22nd, forenoon, while walking in open air a violent shoot like lightning through the cerebrum, with feeling as though he would lose consciousness. Noon, a pricking pain in left sole, as from splinters. Afternoon, several jerking beats of the heart – convulsio cordis. evening, in bed, pressive tensive pain in occipito-nuchal region at both sides of the atlas, with electric pricks in skin on anterior aspect of right thigh. Hardly had he fallen asleep when he was awoke by a horrible shock in the interior of chest and throat with a piercing cry. This explosion seemed to begin in the diaphragm, and took its course in the back of the thoracic cavity, upwards along the oesophagus or trachea (nervus vagus?), impinged with great force on the larynx, causing the above noise. The noise itself was a prolonged one, and not interrupted, as e.g. in hiccup. About 1/4 hours after this there came on restlessness, a trembling shake, and lastly a positive convulsive condition of the lower jaw. This lasted but a few m., but recurred several times in weaker degree. Later a slight pain in left molars. – 23 rd. During the day frequent electric pricks in left zygoma, and repeated muscular twitchings, especially in left cheek. – 24th, evening, in bed: in addition to several familiar symptoms pricking as from splinters in atlas- joint, crepitation in the lumbar and cervical vertebrae, and coldness of feet up to ankles. From this time the action of the drug was only in mere traces. 1st Nov. – Recrudescence of the effects: the noteworthy symptoms were – frequent clapping jerking in interior of right tympanic cavity; jerking of tensor tympani, with a sound such as is made by a metallic valve covered with leather, when it is set in motion.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.