Pneumonia -11

Ars. iod.: Pneumonia that fails to clear up. Broncho-pneumonia after grippe. Pleurisy; cough dry with little difficult expectoration. Pneumonia with heart complication. Anxiety, restlessness, constriction of chest, pale face, cold extremities. In chronic pneumonia when abscess is about to form, great emaciation. Chronic pneumonia with abscess in lungs. Purulent expectoration. Emaciation with good appetite. Expectoration; muco-purulent; stringy; greenish yellow pus-like.

Benzoic acid: Asthenic pneumonia, with expectoration of green mucus. Urine highly colored and very offensive and gouty symptoms. Cough worse lying on right side. Chest very tender, worse in open air, and uncovering; redness of cheeks. Pneumonia with great tenderness of chest, cough worse at night and when lying on right side.

Cactus grand: Hepatization of lungs, constriction in chest, as if bound, hindering respiration. Oppressed breathing as from a weight on chest. Bloody sputa, wandering pains in chest. Thick yellow sputa like boiled starch. Cannot lie on horizontal position.

China: Pneumonia with liver symptoms, icterus. Cannot breathe with head low. Rattling in chest. Breathing wheezing crowing, rattling, tight, oppressed and painful. Difficult inspiration and quick expiration. Oppression of chest at night while lying. Inclination to take a deep breath. Stitches in chest. Suppuration of lungs, with stitches in chest worse pressure. Cough worse lying with head low; in evening after midnight. Touching larynx; awaking, cough with pain in larynx and sternum. Expectoration streaked with blood; also purulent; clear viscid mucus. Whitish mucus mixed with blackish particles.

Elaps: Right-sided pneumonia when the sputa consists of black blood. Feeling of coldness in chest after drinking. Cough with great pain in chest. Haemorrhage from lungs black as ink and watery. Stitches in apex of right lungs. Desquamation of palms and fingers. Cough with terrible pain through lungs. Feeling of weight on chest. Stitches in left side worse on breathing. Cannot lean to right side on account of a very painful pulling in right lung. Sensitiveness of right side. Dry cough which ends in raising black blood. Taste of blood in mouth before coughing, constant cough with frightful pains throughout lungs as if they were torn out, worse right apex.

Ranunculus bulb: Pneumonia or sharp sticking pains in the chest, or sticking pains with soreness, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Stitches in and between shoulders or pain along inner edge of left scapula. Sore spots remaining in and about the chest after pneumonia. Pains about the lungs from adhesions after pleurisy worse from change of weather or change of temperature.

Natrum sulph: Sycotic pneumonia; dry cough with soreness in chest, must hold chest with both hands during cough; loose purulent expectoration in the morning. Stitching from abdomen to left chest. Cough with thick ropy greenish expectoration. Delayed resolution in pneumonia. Springs up in bed the cough hurts so, holds painful side. Stitches in the left side of the chest, when sitting, yawning, during inspiration. Loose cough with expectoration. Shortness of breathing. Roughness of the throat.

Natrum ars: Pneumonia with asthma. Racking cough with profuse green expectoration.

Myrtus com: Hepatization of left lung. Stitching pains in left breast, running through to shoulder-blade. Burning in left chest. Worse morning.

Kreosotum: Gangrene of lungs. Copious purulent expectoration. Greenish yellow purulent sputa or thick coagulated blood.

Kali sulph: Pneumonia in the stage of resolution with craving for cool air, rattling of mucus in chest, yellow expectoration.

Kali nit: Dry morning cough with pain in chest and bloody expectoration. Excessive dyspnoea, burning in chest. Short dry hacking cough. Expectoration of clotted blood; sour mucus.

Agaricus: Inflammation of lungs, jerking stitches through the right lung. Oppression in the lower part of the chest with drawing pains. Cough ends in a sneeze. Expectoration of little balls of mucus.

Argent nit: Painful spots in chest. Many people in the room, seem to take away his breath. High notes cause cough. Chest feels as if a bar were around it. Palpitation lying on right side. Suffocative cough at noon. Aching.

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