Pneumonia -11

Aggravation: Turning head, ascending, from tobacco. Wind; full moon, after sleep. Lying right side. In warm room. Before midnight. Living down (Dyspnoea) thinking of her symptoms, sweets, touch, pressure, stooping, motion.

Amelioration: When at rest, when lying in a horizontal position (excepting symptoms of respiratory organs). Descending. Lying with head low.


Type: Lobar pneumonia. Capillary bronchitis.

Stages: Second stage. Third stage.

Location: Both sides.

Expectoration: Yellow, tough, bitter or salt only during day. Bloody, copious, easy, frequent, lumpy, mucous, purulent, bitter, putrid (taste) salty, sour, tough, viscid yellow.

Cough: Cold perspiration on the forehead when coughing. Cough worse in the morning, and late evening till midnight, when entering a warm room from cold air, in the warm room, when getting warm in bed, from eating and drinking especially cold things (water); when child crises, in the spring or fall; vexation. Cough comes on from drinking especially cold water. Urine escapes when coughing. Dry tickling cough. Cough when weather changes.

Respiration: Rattling in chest. Coarse rales. Cold breath. Difficult respiration. Dyspnoea. Suffocative attacks caused by constriction in the larynx or in the chest. Respiration oppressed.

Pain: Constriction of chest. Stitches in the sides of the chest worse when coughing.

Patient: Old people.

Pulse: Pulse very weak or imperceptible. Pulse irregular, generally small. Thread-like, weak and slow.

Accompaniments: Cold perspiration on the forehead. Cold perspiration on the face especially on the forehead. Lips wrinkled, pale or black and cracked. Dryness and stickiness of the mouth. Salivation; salty tastes. Tongue red; dry black cracked; cold and withered. Froth before mouth. Dryness in throat not relieved by drinking. Violent thirst for cold water. Desire for acids and refreshing things.

Aversion to warm food. Cool sensation in mouth. Hard, dry, large stool in constipation. Cold sweat on forehead and pale face during stool. Cold breath. Icy coldness and blueness of hands. Icy coldness of whole body, cold perspiration over whole body. Blue purple colour of skin and cold. Elasticity of skin is lost. Desquamation. Icy cold body, cold breath, cold sweat on forehead, purple skin, pulse cannot be felt. Blackness of outer parts.


Type: Lobar pneumonia. Bronchitis. Pleurisy.

Stages: Second stage. (after bleeding)

Location: Right side always.

Expectoration: Bloody; streaked with blood; copious; difficult, mucous; bloody mucous. Odor, burnt offensive, rusty, nausea, sweat, thick, tough, viscid, watery, white, profuse slimy salty.

Cough: Loose morning cough, dry evening cough. Hard cough, coughs, gags, sneezes, urine escapes, quite frequently feces. Cough with sweat. Two or three little lumps of white tenacious mucus with cough. Spasmodic cough caused by mucus in trachea or a tickling creeping, sensation in chest. Dry cough at 11 A.M. worse from cold water and cold air. Cough with lachrymation and sneezing. Dry morning cough, from 5-7 A.M. Violent, furious exhausting cough. Child rubs face with fist during cough. Sneezing with coughing. Short dry cough, rattling cough. Evening dry cough with sweetish expectoration.

Respiration: Respiration difficult with stitches in the chest when breathing and coughing. Great dyspnoea, child cannot drink, drinks only in sips. Frequently obliged to take a deep breath which provokes a cough. Shortness of breath on every exertion.

Pain: Pain in chest worse morning. Stitches when inhaling, jerking pains, soreness of chest worse motion. (Bry when Bry relieves but cannot complete the cure, Squil. cures).

Conditions: Absolute lack of sweat, pneumonia, stitches, when inhaling jerking pains; always right side; catarrh of chest and threatened pneumonia after haemorrhage from the lungs. Soreness of chest worse motion. (acts well after Bry). Dry cough at 11 A.M. worse from cold air and cold water. Dyspnoea and stitches in chest, sputa copious and thin. Cough worse morning. Gastric symptoms. Pleurisy, stitching pain in left side, short rattling cough, inability to lie on left side, stitches when coughing. Bronchitis, good deal of mucus in chest which rattles, rattling spasmodic cough, severe sticking pains in the sides of the chest, especially on the left side. Cough with sharp sticking pains especially in the left side of the chest and involuntary urine during cough.


Type: Lobar pneumonia. Pleurisy, pleuro-pneumonia.

Stages: Second stage.

Location: Right side. Left side.

Expectoration: Tough mucus like the white of an egg. Expectoration of transparent and yellow mucus. When coughing. Profuse expectoration of viscid mucus. Tough white mucus.

Cough: Dry shaking cough from tickling in the larynx, especially in the open air. Cough with copious expectoration of tough mucus. Shaking cough in morning. Cough worse evening and night during rest, in the room, when sitting, when lying on the side (left side). Hacking cough from irritation in larynx. Cough often ends in a sneeze. Before or after coughing great burning in chest. Dry cough with aphonia worse in cold air and from walking. Violent cough, shakes him from head to foot. Expectoration most difficult with cough. Pain under right scapula when coughing.

Respiration: Dyspnoea especially during rest. Troublesome oppression of chest worse open air, stooping. Thorax feels too narrow. Rattling in chest (Ant. t.) oppression and weight on chest. Shortness of breath from accumulation of mucus in the chest and trachea. Suffocation when lying down from adhesiveness of mucus.

Pain: Feeling of soreness either diffused or in spots in chest worse coughing, sneezing, or any other jarring of body. Stitches in left lung, through to back, with soreness to touch, worse deep inspiration, in open air, walking fast. Sensitiveness of the walls of the chest when moving the arm especially left one. Pressure on chest as if the lungs were pushed back upon the spine. Great soreness in the walls of the chest. Sensation as if chest were too tight. Dull stitches and burning in left chest, when sitting or lying.

The pains of the chest are worse during rest and on inspiring. Stitching pains in the chest when lying on the right side. Pain under right scapula during cough. The chest pains are better while walking in the open air. The rattling in the chest is as marked as in Ant-tart. Pleurisy, right side of chest, with thickening. Majority of the chest symptoms are most violent during repose. “Burning pain in the chest either before or after coughing. “Left side of the chest particularly.” Soreness of chest worse by pressure, coughing sneezing. Stitches in chest when coughing and breathing. Great sensitiveness to the inner chest, also to the touch.

Pulse: Pulse hard and frequent. Small, scarcely perceptible.

Patient: Plethoric and phlegmatic persons. Old people.

Conditions: Right sided pneumonia with rattling of mucus and violent stitches in chest on coughing and deep breathing. Burning sensation under sternum worse motion and deep inspiration. Burning in chest before or after coughing. Cough worse lying on right side and in a warm room. Soreness of the walls of the chest. Weight on chest. Mucus expectorated with difficulty. Oppression of the walls of the chest, worse coughing, sneezing pressure, moving the arm. “Pneumonia, right side; violent stitches, sinking of strength, small scarcely perceptible pulse, rare cough without expectoration but great rattling of mucus in chest; somnolence; dejected feature.” Ropy difficult expectoration tinge with blood. Great accumulation of clear albuminous mucus which is difficult to expel. Chest symptoms are aggravated when at rest and relieved when walking in open air.

Accompaniments: Great anxiety with rapid breathing. Headache worse warm room better in cold air. Painful sensitiveness of hearing, white tongue. Dry throat, urine like taste in mouth. Great thirst. Hard, retarded and insufficient stool.

Pain under right shoulder-blade as if the chest would burst when coughing or drawing a long breath. Great weakness which seems to originate in the chest. Perspiration wanting. Throat dry and sensitive so that even talking is painful. Dryness of inner parts which are usually moist. Burning in chest before or after cough; profuse secretion of mucus. Left sided medicine.

Aggravation: Touch, pressure, rubbing, rest, lying down, lying on right side, motion, motion of arms, ascending, stooping, bending forward, morning, night, warm air, warm room, open air, cold air, looking intently at an object.

Amelioration: Sweat, bending head back, rest (dry cough), walking, open air, pressure on left side.

Aranea diad: Violent haemorrhage from lungs. Cough with bloody sputa. Very short respiration. Oppression of chest. Bright red haemorrhage from lungs in persons with abnormal sensitiveness to damp and cold, inability to live near fresh water, lakes, rivers and in damp chilly places.

Antim ars: Pneumonia catarrhal pneumonia, pleurisy, left lung especially. Right side cases in old pneumonia; catarrhal pneumonia in children. Pleuritic effusions. Cough worse by eating and lying down. Excessive dyspnoea. Pleurisy especially left side with exudation. Catarrhal pneumonia with influenza. Much mucus secretions.

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