Pneumonia -11

Pulse: Full and rapid; small and trembling; intermitting.

Fever: Dry heat towards the evening with sleepiness; no thirst with the fever; hoarse cough; heat with difficult breathing, as if every breath would be the last; heat with thirst, wishes to uncover; much burning; sweat goes and comes alternately; breaks out and dries up continually. Chilliness on uncovering; continuous deep sleep.

Conditions: Great dyspnoea; as every breath would be the last, wants to be fanned; cough relieved after loosening a small portion of mucus or a large quantity of transparent, frothy and bloody mucus is expectorated; cough at night preventing sleep; every shock from coughing gives pain in the head and some pain through the chest; sharp pains, stitches and stingings in chest, sensation of soreness, lame bruised feeling in chest.

Accompaniments: Indifference, fidgety, jealous, hard to please, whining, tearfulness, sensitiveness; dullness, stupor; delirium with or without muttering, cannot bear to be left alone; vertigo on closing the eyes; copious sweat on the head, scalp and forehead; brain feels very tired; pale and waxen face; puffiness about the eyelids. Tongue fiery red; tongue red, hot trembling; red fiery appearance of the buccal cavity; very tender dry tongue; cant protrude the tongue it trembles and catches on the teeth, tongue hangs from the mouth;

Dry brown streak down the middle of tongue, sides being moist; gums look watery; viscid, tough frothy saliva. Craving for milk; absence of thirst or insatiable or thirst for little and often; hard and costive stools with stinging pains; diarrhoea, stools involuntary and painless; scanty urine; bloody or milky urine or very dark and frothy or very fetid; albuminous urine; foot sweat checked by cold; dreams of long journies of flying through air of hot stones; surface of body very sensitive to touch; burning stinging pains; oedematous swellings; red rosy hue; afternoon aggravation; tight feeling; worse heat and better cold; cold legs; cold hands; abdomen sensitive to touch; soreness.

Aggravation: Heat, touch, pressure, afternoon, after sleep, closed heated room; right side; cold weather; lying down.

Amelioration: Cold application; open air; uncovering; during day when sitting erect.

Remedies following well: Ars-a, Pulse.


Type: Lobar-pneumonia; pleurisy; bronchitis; pneumonia senilis.

Stages: Second stage; third stage.

Location: Lower part of each lung; both sides.

Expectoration: “Profuse, loose, purulent or of a sweetish taste, sometimes with a little dark blood, scanty, yellow, jelly-like mucus, expectorated with difficulty; like boiled starch; tenacious mucous in throat detached by coughing; expectoration only in the evening of yellow jelly-like mucus, tasting sweet; sometimes small quantities of dark blood are expectorated (expectoration like boiled starch); bloody mucus; cough with expectoration of boiled starch; expectoration sweetish.”

Cough: Cough with raw sore feeling in chest; cough worse at midnight by talking walking, drinking anything cold, bending the body; spasmodic and hollow cough from roughness and scraping in throat; cough after eating; great prostration after coughing.

Respiration: Irregular, chiefly of frequent deep sighs; slow, difficult asthmatic; fear of suffocation at night with desire for open air; dyspnoea; constant desire to breathe deeply, lungs feel compressed, difficult respiration; can only breathe in gasps.

Pain: Soreness in the chest.

Pulse: “A very slow pulse is one of the chief characteristics of this remedy; never think of it where there is a rapid pulse say over 80”.- Guernsey.

Pulse full, irregular, slow, very slow.

Condition: Pneumonia of old people, weak pulse, cyanosis, cold extremities. “Pneumonia of old people, the hearts action failing.”

Accompaniments: The head is inclined to sink backward, blueness of eyelids, lachrymation in room; aversion to light, coryza with hoarseness. Blue face, lips and eye-lids; dry parched lips; blue tongue, stool gray, ash-colored, white; chilliness before stool; cold hands and feet. Pulse very slow especially when at rest, jaundice, cyanosis; dropsy, general paleness of the skin. Distended veins on lids; ears, lips and tongue. Great weakness of chest, cannot bear to talk. One hand hot the other cold.

Aggravation: Warm room; midnight; toward morning; getting heated; cold drinks; Talking; motion; lying down; sitting erect.

Amelioration: Open air.


Type: Lobar Pneumonia. Broncho-pneumonia. Bad cold ends in Bronchitis. Hurried invasion.

Stage: Second stage. Stage of irritation. (Ant-t, stage of irritation).

Cause: Warm moist atmosphere.

Expectoration: “Expectoration of blood with mucus in the morning.” Cough without expectoration; with bloody expectoration.” “Profuse expectoration with retching and vomiting” (Bronchitis). “Scanty albuminous, nauseous mucus.”

Cough: Cough causes nausea and vomiting. Dry hacking, teasing suffocating cough accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Coughs until face grows red. Face livid during cough. Short respiration and frontal sweat after every cough. Cough rough, shaking. Dry cough from titillation in upper part of larynx. Severe suffocative cough with sweat on forehead. Convulsive evening cough. The chest is full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing with rigidity and blueness of the face; cough without waking the patient.

Respiration: Quick anxious breathing; suffocative attack in the room, from the least motion, better in open air. Rapid cough with no chance to breathe; the face gets blue; spasmodic and wheezing breathing; Respiration rapid, difficult severe dyspnoea. Rattling noises in chest; face blue or pale; sighing breathing; breath smells fetid. Rattling when drawing.

Patient: Infants.

Pulse: Very frequent; but at times scarcely perceptible.

Conditions: Cough sounds loose and rattling; occurs in paroxysms, nausea, expectoration with vomiting; broncho-pneumonia with loud mucus rales, paroxysmal cough, vomiting and sense of suffocation. Bronchitis with great accumulation of mucus especially in the larger tube, profuse expectoration, retching and vomiting; complaints with nausea and vomiting; continuous nausea and gagging; thirstlessness; bronchitis of infancy; bronchitis with coarse rattling. “The child coughs, gags, and suffocates and there is coarse rattling which can be heard throughout the room and the trouble has come pretty rapidly.” The child is pale and anxious; nose drawn; stage of irritation (Ant.t. stage of relaxation, complaints come on slowly) and complaints come on hurriedly.

“Infantile Pneumonia, with chest loaded with mucus, rapid wheezing respiration, surface blue, face pale, finds a very effectual remedy in Ipecac.” -Nash.

Accompaniments: Irritable, restless patient; ill humor cannot endure the least noise; red skin around the mouth. White or yellowish tongue; craving for sweat; thirstlessness; persistent nausea and vomiting, pale face, twitching of face, clean tongue, moist mouth, much saliva. Cough with every breath, sleep with eyes half open; skin pale; blue around eyes.

Coldness of one hand while the other is hot (Dig); external coldness of body also of single parts; cold sweat; no relief obtained by vomiting, the desire still remaining.

Aggravation: From vomiting; from coughing; from suppression of cutaneous eruptions.


Type: Lobar Pneumonia; Typhoid Pneumonia.

Stages: Third stage; second stage.

Location: Both lungs; right lower lobe; right apex; left apex; right middle lobe.

Expectoration: Expectoration is streaked with blood; muco- purulent expectoration; bloody mucous.

Cough: Cough dry as if it came from larynx; cough worse in bed and after sleep; cough worse in bed preventing sleep, dry cough; constant dry cough.

Respiration: Feels hot and oppressed in the chest with mild perspiration all over.

Pain: Dry cough with severe pain in the chest (blood streaked expectoration), sensation of fullness in the chest, is compelled to inhale deeply; stitches in the left side of chest, stitches like knives in the right side of the chest; bubbling and boiling in the chest and the region of the heart; it rises, to the head and he becomes giddy; he breaks out in perspiration; sensation of heat in the region of the heart; stitches in the heart with anxiety; stitches follow one another in quick succession.

Pulse: Pulse very rapid, small, thin, sometimes hard.

Fever: Worse 1 to 2 P.M. with loquacious delirium, brightness of eyes, red flushed face, typhoid symptoms; neck stiff; rumbling in abdomen; red face worse right side (Chel Sang); red cheeks and red face; somnolency; boiling and bubbling in chest; forehead icy cold with sweat.

Conditions: Boiling and bubbling in chest and region of heart; brilliant eyes; circumscribed red cheeks; fevers worse from 1 to 2 A.M. or P.M. Dry cough with severe pain in chest and blood- streaked expectoration; Typhoid Pneumonia; feels hot and oppressed in the lungs and heart, unnatural brightness of eyes with red face and restlessness with sweat deafness and flatulency; pain and stiffness in back, bruised all over, throat rough; skin dry during day, chilliness between the shoulder blades.

N C Das
N C Das