Pneumonia -11

Accompaniments: During perspiration restlessness and tossing about; great loquacity, afterwards stupid and irritable; delirium, 1 to 2 A.M., with redness of cheeks; vertigo and icy coldness of forehead; head feels enlarged and body is icy cold, wrinkles on the forehead; twitching of upper eyelids on closing them; violent lachrymation with sensation of dryness in the eyes in the morning; eyes dry, eyes feel cold;

Complete deafness during fever; profuse bleeding from nose, blood pale; circumscribed redness of face with violent delirium and brilliant eyes; face red or yellow; crawling sensation over face; saliva of tough mucus; redness of lips; great dryness in the throat especially awaking during the night, with much coughing; sore throat with short cough; itching to a small spot in throat (left) during swallowing; fermentation, rumbling in abdomen and discharge of flatulency; rolling of wind in (left) abdomen; sensation of heat through abdomen; frequent ineffectual desire to stool (Nux-v); continuous stitching pain in rectum; hoarseness in forenoon; bridge of nose as if pinched; sensation of ice lying between shoulders; stiff neck; sensation between the shoulder- blades as if wet with cold perspiration, the skin being dry and cool; burning of palms and soles; continued chilliness; icy cold perspiration chiefly on the forehead; great weakness.

Aggravation: Afternoon; 1 to 2 A.M., lying.

Amelioration: Walking about.


Type: Lobar Pneumonia; Typhoid Pneumonia; Pleurisy.

Stage: Second stage.

Location: Left chest.

Expectoration: “Copious jelly-like expectoration mixed with bloody points; patient cough and spits a great amount of phlegm, which is sprinkled over and through with distinct dots of blood, these dots may be close together or considerably scattered; copious jelly-like or bloody expectoration which contains little specks of blood scattered through it.”

Cough: Dry teasing cough worse at night; bloody cough with sensation as if the mucous membranes were too dry; little short cough caused by tickling and scraping in throat; short hacking dry cough; cough dry and hard excited by tickling in pit of throat and in centre of chest; cough worse motion, stooping warmth.

Pain: Burning in the chest on taking an inspiration. Pain in every external part of thorax on moving it; stitches in region of heart; constriction of chest; burning and stitches in chest. Pressure on the chest as from a load; pressure on sternum.

Respiration: Panting breathing; slow feeble, almost imperceptible breathing; slow moaning and rattling breathing; dyspnoea, with sensation as if the lungs would not be sufficiently expanded; spasmodic oppression of the chest; slow weak and anxious respiration; rattling, stertorous breathing.

Suffocation, difficult breathing better lying down.

Pulse Pulse feeble, slow and irregular, often imperceptible, again more rapid, seldom full and hard.

Conditions: Typhoid Pneumonia; expectoration, copious jelly- like, mixed with bloody points; Paralysis of lungs. Hurried rattling breathing. Cold extremities. The patient puts his hands to the heart; gasping for breath. Coughs continuously when lying down.

Accompaniments: Pupils dilated immovable. Eyes open and staring. Objects appear larger. Hardness of hearing; itching and tingling in ears. Nose feels stopped up; sunken face, distorted face, bloated face. Twitching and convulsions of the facial muscles. Crawling over face; foam at mouth, dry mouth. Dry and rough tongue, tongue white, dry; feels cold; or burnt; drink rolls audibly through oesophagus and intestines.

Dry mouth with violent thirst. Clean tongue and no appetite. Coldness of abdomen. Stool hard and firm in constipation; ineffectual urging to stool, passes only wind. Distention of the veins of the hands. Rough scaly skin between the fingers with burning when touched by water. Deep snoring sleep. Painlessness with ailments (Op).

Aggravation: Evening. Before eating. Stooping. Sitting (grasping). Motion (cough). Night.

Amelioration: Sitting. Bending head forward.


Type: Lobar pneumonia. Typhoid pneumonia.

Stages: Second stage.

Location: Both lungs. Upper or middle lobes. Entire posterior region of right side of chest.

Expectoration: “Profuse expectoration.” “Great dryness of mucus membranes.” “Bloody expectoration.” “Thin expectoration, very difficult of detachment.” “Expectoration streaked with blood.

Cough: Dry hacking cough. Dry mucous membrane of air passages causes a short dry cough worse when lying down after eating. Winter cough.

Respiration: Breath short, hurried and anxious. Rales in both lungs. Difficult breathing.

Pain: Burning in chest along the sternum. Soreness of lower chest after cough. Pressing behind sternum. Burning and tightness.

Pulse: Pulse intermitting, irregular.

Condition: Typhoid pneumonia. Hepatization of lungs. Moist crepitating rales in upper or middle lobe. Great burning and tightness of chest. Mucous membranes dry. Expectoration profuse or difficult to detach, a thin expectoration.

Accompaniments: “Dull pains in the region of the kidney. Burning in kidneys. Pains extending from kidneys down through the ureters; burning during micturition; strangury and albuminous urine. Urine dark, cloudy, smoky-looking, as though it contained decomposed blood, urine has odor of violets (Canth)”. When the above urinary symptoms are present you may give terebinth with confidence no matter what the patients disease may be.” Farrington Feeble heart in pneumonia.” Face pale, sunken.

Tongue dry, red, sore shining, burning in tip with prominent papillae. Enormous distention of abdomen. Watery greenish fetid stool; fainting after every stool. Pressure in the kidneys when sitting, better during motion. Burning in bladder and urethra. Strangury with bloody urine. Typhoid with tympanitis, haemorrhages, stupor, delirium, prostration. Drowsiness and strangury. Coma.


Type: Lobar pneumonia, Broncho-pneumonia. Bronchitis.

Stages: Second stage. Third stage.

Location: Both lungs. Apices of one or both lungs. Apex of left lung.

Expectoration: “Sputa taste sour or salty.” Profuse secretion and expectoration of mucus in the stage of resolution.” Tough, yellow, hardened mucus in small quantity, must swallow it again (usually in whooping cough).” “Expectoration of viscid mucus.” Expectoration, scanty, saltish; tenacious, yellow, indurated, sour; loosened morning, must be swallowed again; smelling like milk; of yellow mucus in little lumps.

Causes: Cold weather, cold air. Sudden changes and atmosphere.

Cough: Cough relieved by eating and drinking. Hard, ringing, metallic cough. Cough caused by deep breathing, by talking, by experiment, by dry cold winds, by damp weather (seldom). Cough better from eating and drinking warm things. Cough lying with head low. Dry sound of breathing and cough.

Respiration: Difficult respiration as from a plug in larynx. Dyspnoea relieved by bending body forward, wheezing anxious breathing with violent laboring of the abdominal muscles. Wheezing, anxious breathing. Dyspnoea most severe on lying down. Great exhaustion after every exertion, especially of the chest, could scarcely talk.

Pain: Burning in chest, soreness in chest. Stinging, pressing in praecordial region. Burning, rawness, in chest. Fullness and obstruction in chest. Pain in chest with dyspnoea. Cough day and night with burning in chest. Stitches in both sides of the chest.

Pulse: Pulse rapid, full and hard.

Patient: Persons of tubercular diathesis, light haired persons. Fair complexioned with lax and flabby muscles and skin, women and children with history of croup.

Conditions: Broncho-pneumonia, croupous pneumonia with burning and soreness in chest and inability to lie down and with cough which is usually relieved by eating or drinking especially warm things. Bronchitis with suffocative attacks of coughing, worse from dry cold air, from lying with head low and when in a hot room and better from eating and drinking. Oppression of breathing better from eating. Anxiety and difficult breathing. Everything dry, no ratting.

Accompaniments: Attacks of anxiety, with pain in the region of the heart. Anxiety and fear. Every excitement increases the cough. Tickling in throat causes cough. Clears throat constantly. Face pale with sunken eyes. Redness of the face with anxious expression of the countenance, heat on one side of face, renewed when thinking of it. Dry brown tongue. Cannot bear tight clothing around trunk.

Hard insufficient stool. Frothy urine. Great dryness of all air passages. Cough abates after eating or drinking, especially warm drinks. Awakes in a fright and feels as if suffocating. The whole body feels heavy. Sleeplessness and when going to sleep delirium. Anxious heat with red face and weeping inconsolable mood. Cold sweat on the face in evening. Asthma, croup, etc. where everything is perfectly tight and dry, no loose ratting sound appearing in the breathing or cough. Respiration loud, very low voice, all without any rattling sound or any looseness (without any mucus rattle).

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