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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Pneumonia in an easy question-answer format. …

When is Aconite indicated in Pneumonia?

Where there is high fever preceded by a chill with full, hard and tense pulse, and a hard, dry, teasing and painful cough.

Is there any expectoration under Aconite; if so, hat is it?

It is only a serious, frothy or watery expectoration, never thick, but it may be blood tongued.

When does Aconite cease to be useful?

When exudation is commencing, a s indicated by thick expectoration.

What other indications do we find under Aconite?

There is great restlessness, tossing about, anxiety, and perhaps fear of death.

How is Aconite distinguished from Veratrum viride?

In commencing pneumonia. Under Veratrum we have a full, rapid pulse, indicating great arterial excitement. the eyes are glistering, and there is a red streak along the center of the tongue.

What is a still further indication of Aconite in Pneumonia?

Especially if it be sudden in its onset and occurs in young, plethoric persons, who are full of life and vigor.

When is Ferrum phos. indicated in first stage of Pneumonia?

When there is a high fever on the onset of he disease, hurried breathing and thin, watery and blood streaked expectoration, it is useful when the second stage has commenced.

How do we distinguish Ferrum phos from Aconite?

There is less restlessness and anxiety than under Aconite.

Another remedy for first stage if Iodine, what are its symptoms?

It has high fever and restlessness like Aconite. There is a tendency to a rapid extension of the hepatization. There is cough and difficulty in breathing as if the chest would not expand, a nd the sputum is blood streaked.

What are the symptoms of Sanguinaria?

There is a great deal of fever, burning and fullness in the chest. A dry cough, sharp, sticking pains and rust colored expectoration. There is great arterial excitement also with this drug.

How does it differ here from Veratrum viride there is little or no hepatization.

What other drug has rust-colored expectation(>)?


What are the symptoms of Sanguinaria in imperfect resolution after pneumonia?

There is purulent expectoration and it is very offensive, even becoming so to the patient himself.

When does Bryonia come in in Pneumonia?

After Aconite, Ferrum phos. and Verat viride

When does Bryonia come in after Aconite?

Bryonia comes in after Aconite when the skin is not so hot, nor the face so red, nor the patient so restless, and the cough is not so dry and teasing then, too, with Aconite we have the anxious expression of pulmonary congestion.

What are some other symptoms of Bryonia in Pneumonia?

There are the sharp, stitching, pleuritic pains. There is the hard and dry cough and scanty expectoration, and the patient desires to keep perfectly still, and it is perhaps more indicative in croupous form of pneumonia. The patient dreads to cough and holds his breath on account of the pain it causes. The patient is relieved by lying. on the painful side, because it relieves the motion. Another indication for Bryonia is where the cough hurts different parts of the body; for instance, the head.

What are the indications fro Kali muriaticum in Pneumonia?

They are mostly clinical. It is given simply on account of he pathological condition, being a fibrinous exudation into the lung substance. The expectoration is white and viscid.

What are the characteristic of Phosphorus in Pneumonia?

It is the remedy when the bronchial symptoms are prominent. There is a cough and a characteristic pressure across the upper part of the chest. There is labored respiration, rust-colored sputum, and it is especially the remedy if typhoid symptoms be present. There is a sensation as if the chest were full of blood, which causes oppression of breathing.

How does the chest oppression of Phosphorus differ from that of Sulphur?

In Phosphorus it is external, as if a load on the chest. In Sulphur it is internal, as if congestion in the chest with dyspnoea and burning.

Mention another drug that has weight on the chest but where the is little inflammation.

Ferrum met.

What are the indications for Kali carb. in Pneumonia?

There are sharp, stitching pains in the chest, intense dyspnoea and a great deal of mucus in chest, which is raised with difficulty. The cough is tormenting and there is a great deal of wheezing and whistling breathing.

How do the stitching pains of Bryonia compare with those of Kali carb.

Like Bryonia, they are worse from motion, but unlike Bryonia they come whether the patient moves or not, land are more about the lower part of the lung.

When does Kali carb. come in in expectoration?

It comes in after Ipecac and Antimonium tartaricum have failed to cause the expectation to be raised.

Give the indications for Chelidonium in Pneumonia.

Here we have stitching pains, especially undue the right scapula; the cough is loose and rattling; there is difficulty expectoration and oppression in the chest. It is especially the remedy in catarrhal pneumonia of young children where there is plentiful secretion and inability to raise it; it is also the great remedy in bilious pneumonia. The respiration is difficult and there is a fan-like motion of the wings of the nose.

What other drug has the latter symptom, and is it ever indicative in Pneumonia?

Lycopodium. It is a remedy in typhoid pneumonia and formal treated pneumonia, especially if there be impending suppuration of the lungs. The fan-like motion of the alae nasi the indicative symptom of the drug.

How does Mercurius compare with Chelidonium in bilious Pneumonia

They are very similar, the stools will decide; the Mercurius stool is slimy and attended with tenesmus, occurring both before, during and after stool the Mercurius expectoration is blood streaked, and there are sharp pains from the lower part of the right lungs; icteroid symptoms are present.

Give the indications for Antimonium tartaricum.

It is especially indicated in the stage of resolution; there are fine, moist rales heard all over the hepatized portion of the lungs, and there is great oppression of breathing, wore award morning, compelling the patient to sit up; there is a characteristic symptoms in that the patient thinks the next cough will rise the mucus, but it does not do it. There is a great deal of rattling on the chest also.

How does Ipecac differ from Antimonium tart.?

Under Ipecac the rales are coarse and large, instead of small and fine, a nd with Ipecac there is always nausea.

When should Sulphur be given in Pneumonia?

Sulphur should be given when the case has a typhoid there are rales, and muco-purulent expectoration; dry tongue and symptom of hectic fever; there is not tendency to recuperation.

When could Lachesis be indicted in Pneumonia?

Especially when it assumes a typhoid form and where an abscess forms on the lung; brain symptoms are present, such s low muttering, delirium, hallucinations; the sputum is frothy and mixed with blood; the patient rouses out of he sleep in an asthmatic paroxysm.

Is Digitalis ever a remedy for Pneumonia?

Pneumonias in old people with a prune-juice e expectoration, cold extremities; cyanotic face and feeble pulse will indicate it. Dyspnoea, the least movement causes palpitation.

When is Hepar indicated?

Late in the disease, when during resolution pus forms; croupous pneumonia.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.