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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Women Disease of in an easy question-answer format. …

What are the main characteristic female symptoms of Sepia?

The menses are usually late and scanty, though they may be almost any combination; there are bearing down pains in abdomen; must cross limbs or prevent protrusion; there is extreme weakness, a dragging, weak feeling in the back; the womb often feels as if clutched and suddenly released; gone feeling in abdomen; there are symptoms to uterine stasis.

When is the best time to give Sepia?

It comes in most usually after other drugs. Hearing called it ” a finishing remedy. ”

How does Lilium tigrinum resemble Sepia?

It has bearing down, everything the hand against the vulva. The ovarian and uterine pains are more intense than in Sepia; the nervousness is more marked and exercise relieves; uterus is sore and sensitive; patient is better when busy.

How does Lilium compare with sepia as to time of aggravation?

Lilium is worse in the afternoon, Sepia in the forenoon.

What drug produce as soreness in the womb, a “consciousness of a womb?”


Give some other characteristic symptoms of Helonias.

Tired, aching feeling with burning in back and legs; there is also profound melancholy; soreness and weight in womb.

How does Sulphur resemble Sepia in its uterine symptoms?

There is the bearing down and the weak feeling or “goneness” in the abdomen and flushes of heat. They are complementary.

Give differentiation between Sepia and Murex.

The principal difference lies in the fact that Murex causes sexual excitement and copious secretions, otherwise the drugs are very similar. Murex has a feeling as if something was pressing on a sore spot in the pelvis. Secretions, such as menses and urination, are profuse.

What other drugs besides Murex produce sexual excitement

Lilium tig, and Platina.

Differentiate between Sepia and Kreosote in female symptoms.

Both have intermittent menses.

Both have dragging down pains in back.

Both have pressure outward on genitals.

Both have painful coitus.

Both have red sediment in urine.

Both have turbid and offensive urine.

Kreosote had copious menses, Sepia scanty.

Kreosote has dragging in back relieved by motion, Sepia is worse from motion.

the Kreosote leucorrhoea is acrid and irritating excoriating the parts, this Sepia does not have.

How does Stannum differ from Sepia?

It has prolapsus with bearing down and melancholy, but it has characteristically falling of the womb during hard stools. the patient is so weak that she cannot talk, and has to sit down several times while dressing in the morning.

How is Nux distinguished from Sepia?

Nux has a predominance of Gastric symptoms; there no “goneness as on Sepia; there is less bearing down and dragging.

How does the action of Aloes not the uterus compare with Sepia?

The relaxation of tissues is more pronounce under Also; the heaviness, slight and dragging down are more intense; bowel] symptoms will decide; there is of control of rectum and looseness of bowels.

How does Podophyllum compare here?

There is a diarrhoea, and proposes and burning in pelvic regions there is bearing down as if the genitals would protrude during stool. It differs from Sepia in its gastric symptoms.

What are the characteristic of Pulsatilla in uterine affections?

There is chilliness; there is heaviness and weight in pelvic regions. The menses are delayed and scanty; the flow fitful and changeable worse in warm room and better in open air; amenorrhoea after wet feet.

How is Pulsatilla distinguished from Sepia?

Pulsatilla is milk, tearful and whimsical.

Sepia is depressed, easily excited and irritable.



What are the female symptoms of Aurum?

Aurum congests the uterus and it becomes prolapsed from weight; there is bruised pain in uterine region.

What are the main characteristic of Platina?

There is profuse and clotted menstrual flow occurring too early; voluptuous irritation of fantails and nymphomania; there is prolapsus and induction of uterus; ovaries are sensitive and have burning pains in them.

What drug cures nymphomania from worms crawling into vagina and thus causing irritation?


Mention another drug which has dark, clotted menses, and how is it recognized?

Crocus; recognized by the symptom a of a sensation as if something alive were moving about in the abdomen.

Give two drugs that have menses of bright red, partly clotted blood.

Sabina and Millefolium.

What other drug besides Sepia has induration of the cervix

Carbo animals; distinguished from Sepia by throbbing headache which fools menses.

What two drugs have the symptoms that the womb seems as if pushed up when the patient sits?

Natrum hypochlorosum and Ferrum iod.

What are the characteristic female symptoms of Actea racemosa?

It is especially a remedy for threatened miscarriage when the shoot across the abdomen from side to side. Suppressed, tardy or irregular menstruation when accompanied by reflex disturbances.

How does Caulophyllum compare here?

It produces a spasm of the uterus and is useful in dysmenorrhoea; there is a sensation as if the uterus were congested, the fullness and tension in the hypogastric region. Menstruation too profuse and too frequent the flow is passive.

What are the female symptoms of Science?

The menses are scanty; there is apt to be associated with it bladder pains and dysuria;l suppression follow causes cough with bloody expectoration; sleeplessness reflex from uterine irritation.

Give female symptoms of Aletris.

With all uterine troubles and leucorrhoea there its extreme constipation, great effort being buried for an evacuation; patient is weak and tired.

In what condition is Hydrates indicated?

Prolapsus uteri with ulceration of the cervix; catarrh of uterus, with think, yellow, tenacious discharge.

What drugs have a sensation in the groin as if sprained.

Ammonium mur., Apis, and Arnica.

What are the female symptoms of Apis?

Amenorrhoea, congestion to head, with bearing down pains; great awkwardness.

What is the characteristic indication or Mel.cum sale.?

Feeling of soreness across the hypochondrium from ilium to ilium,. in prolapsus uteri or chronic metritis.

What are the female symptoms of Cantharis?

Nymphomania, with the bladder symptoms; menses too black, to early, and to profuse; it favors the expulsion of moles, hydatids, etc.

What are the female symptoms of Cantharis :

Nymphomania, with the bladder symptoms;menses too black, too early, and too profuse; it favors the expulsion of moles, hydatids, etc.

What are the menstrual symptoms of Lachesis?

Menses scanty and feeble, black and offensive, with pain in the hips and bearing down in the left ovary; better when flow is established.

What drugs have especially sensitiveness to Coitus?

Platina, Sepia, Belladonna, Kreosote, Ferrum, Natr. mur., Apis and Thuja.

What are the uterine symptoms of Palladium?

Soreness in abdomen with downward pressure; tired feeling in back; knife-like cutting pains in uterus; swelling and pains in ovarian region; bearing down relieved by rubbing.

Give female symptoms of Alumina.

Chlorosis with pale and scanty menses and craving fro indigestible substances.

What are the symptoms of the female system calling for Belladonna

Bearing down, worse lying down, relieved by standing; menses bright red painful congestive dysmenorrhoea; offensive menstrual flow, without apparent cause.

In this bearing down how does Sepia compare?

It has relief from lying down and is worse from standing, being the reverse of Belladonna.

What drug has bearing down worse from rest and relieved by motion


What symptoms has Bryonia on he female organs?

Vicarious or suppressed menstruation, flow dark and profuse; sharp sticking pains with the splitting headache of drug.

What are the menses of Calcarea carb.?

Early and profuse.

What are some female symptoms of Michella?

Engorged cervix with irritation and at the neck of the bladder.

What are the symptom calling from Gelsemium?

When the uterus feels as if squeezed by a hand;l scanty flow; aphonia and sore throat during menses.

Give female symptoms of Graphites.

The womb feels as if it would press out of the vagina; enlargement of the left ovary with scanty delayed menses; anteflexions and anteversions; dysmenorrhoea of fat women with herpetic eructations, patients constantly cold.

What are he characteristic symptoms of Natrum mur. in female affections?

There are scanty menses, painful coitus and red sediment in urine. Menses may be scanty for a day or two then copious; the sadness of the drug is increased before the menses. When the patient gets up in the morning she must sit down to prevent prolapsus. backache nd morning aggravation are characteristics.

What is the menstruation of Conium?

Late and scanty.

What are some other female symptoms of conium?

Mammae lax and shrunken or become enlarged and painful. Fibroid tumors of the uterus, induration of cervix. ovaritis with lancinating pains; itching around pudenda-ill effects of suppressed sexual instinct.

What are the indications for Secale in uterine hemorrhage?

Persistent hemorrhages of dark, thin blood. It is a passive flow and it may be offensive. There may be coldness, formication and tingling.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.