How does this compare with Bovista?

Bovista has bright, thin hemorrhage; it is very periodic. The flow chiefly occurs at night or in the morning.

Give the hemorrhage of Ustilago.

The flow is bright red, partly clotted. Slight manipulations, such as examinations, cause haemorrhage. Menorrhagia from retroflexions

What drug has dark, thick uterine haemorrhage, and menstruation occurring chiefly at night?

Magnesia carb.

What drug has menses flowing only in daytime when about ton feet


What are the hemorrhages of Trillium?

Bright red, profuse hemorrhages, with faintness in abdomen. it is an active acute hemorrhage, with pains in sacroiliac synchondroses.’

How does Millefolium compare here?

It is remedy for thin, bright red flow.

What is the metrorrhagia of Sabina?

Bright red, paroxysmal, with pains in limbs. Uterine haemorrhage at change of life.

Ipecac has the same symptoms as Sabina, how is it distinguished.

By the nausea.

What drug has early and scanty menses in tall, slender females?


What are the female symptoms of Kali carbonicum?

Menses are too early and too profuse, and last too long; there may be itching of the body during menstruation and a great deal of backache. Amenorrhoea, with backache. Amenorrhoea, with backache.

What are the female symptoms of Calcarea flour?

In excessive menstruation with bearing down pains, flooding; displacements of the uterus; prolapsus; dragging pains in the region of the uterus and in the thighs.

Give three remedies having early and profuse menstruation, stating how they may be distinguished

Belladonna. Menses too early to or profuse, with downward pressure as it everything would protrude, bright red in color, or of decomposed, dark red blood, which feels hot to parts.

Calcarea carb. Too early, profuse, and last too long in characteristic Calcarea patients; the feet feel cold and damp.

Nux vomica. To early and profuse; nausea in the morning during menses with chilliness and pressure towards the genitals.

Distinguish three remedies having early and scanty menstruation.

Conium is one of the principal remedies for early and scanty menses accompanied by painful cramps in abdomen, preceded by soreness or nodular swellings of the breast.

Silica. Menses early and scanty; the discharge has an acrid smell; cold feet during menses; burning soreness and itching of the pudenda.

Phosphorus. early and scanty menses, preceded by leucorrhoea.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.