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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Phthisis in an easy question-answer format. …

What are the special indications from Arsenicum iodatum in tubercular conditions?

The great debility, the night swats and the decided cachectic appearance of the patient the recurring fever, the emaciation, the profound prostration and the tendency to diarrhoea.

Give some indications from Calcarea phosphorica in Phthisis.

Associated with fistula in ano; chronic cough, with cold extremities; profuse night sweats in phthisis; sweat, especially about the head and neck. Incipient phthisis in anemic subjects

What are the indications fro Nitric acid in Phthisis?

Difficult, green, purulent expectoration;l night sweats; soreness of the chest;l hectic; haemorrhages dyspnoea and hoarseness, worse in the morning.

Compare Calcarea carb. here.

Pale light complexion; the chest soreness is worse from tough or pressure; dyspnoea and loose, rattling cough are the characteristic of Calcarea; while thin, dark from tough or pressure palpitation and intermittent pains on going up stairs, morning diarrhoea and tight dry cough are the characteristics of Nitric acid.

Give some further symptoms of Calcarea calling for its use in Phthisis.

Pain in he right side of the chest; mucus rales which are worse on the right side; purulent expectoration; great emaciation and sweat; there is great shortness of breath, especially on going up stairs; there is dry cough at night, and it is apt to be loose during the day; the expectoration tastes sweetish.

Give an indication for Tuberculinum.

Tubercular troubles, tubercular meningitis, consumption or tubercular arthritis. Dr. Burnett reports several cures of phthisis with Bacillinum, which is practically the same as Tuberculinum. Constant disposition catch cold.

Give the indication for sulphur in Tuberculosis.

In he beginning of the disease, with pain through the left chest, chest on the head, cold feet, frequent flushes, the patient wanting the window open.

In Spongia ever indicated in Phthisis Pulmonalis; if so with what symptoms?

Hard, ringing, metallic cough, worse from deep breathing, with a sensation of weakness as if the patient would fall, worse from deep breathing,, talking and dry, cold winds; flashes of hat which return when thinking of them.

Differentiate Carbo animals from Carbo vegetables in Phthisis.

Carbo animalis has hoarse cough; sensation as if brain were loose; green, purulent and offensive expectoration;l when patient closes his eyes sensation of smothering.

Carbo veg. Deep spasmodic cough, with smothering burning in chest profuse yellow expectation, more fetid than that of Carbo animals; there is dyspnoea and rattling in chest.

Give the chest symptoms of Stannum.

A teasing cough which is worse at night, with shortness of breath, profuse sweats, and great weakness;l the expectoration tastes sweetish and s of a light yellow or lemon color; this is characteristic.

When is Silicea indicated in Phthisis?

Cough increased by rapid motion; copious rattling of mucus in chest; expectoration purulent; catarrhal phthisis of old people.

How do Phosphorus and Stannum compare?

Both have hectic, copious sputa, evening aggravation, hoarseness etc., but Phosphorus has more blood streaks and more oppression of chest.

What is another drug that has been used clinically of copious purulent expectation?

Balsam Peru.

What are two remedies for the dry, tearing night coughs of Phthisical patient’s?

Codeine and Laurocerasus.

Give symptoms calling for Sanguinaria.

Hectic fever; cheeks have a bright, circumscribed flush; cough is dry; there is burning and fullness in. the chest and sharp pains in right lung, and dyspnoea.

Give the respiratory symptoms of Arsenicum.

Great dyspnoea, with restlessness and exhaustion; cough dry, fatiguing and whistling, with sensation as of fumes of sulphur in the larynx; rawness, soreness, and dryness, and burning in the chest; cough worse after midnight.

What drug has a dry cough worse before midnight?


W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.