
The cough sounds as if the chest were dry and the chest feels as if dry inside. Larynx painful while coughing or speaking. Sweetish taste while coughing. Hard, dry, tight, racking cough: pain in throat on coughing; Violent pain in chest with coughing, the patient is compelled to hold the chest with the hand; Tearing pains in the sternum with the cough.


Type: Lobar Pneumonia. Broncho-Pneumonia. Typhoid Pneumonia. Secondary Pneumonia. Neglected Pneumonia. Latent Pneumonia. Bilious Pneumonia. Pleuro-Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Bronchitis.

Stages: Second stage. Third stage.

Location: Right side. Lower half of right lung. Left side.

Causes: Anger. Fear. Grief, Worry. Strong emotions. Thunder storms. Sexual excesses. Loss of fluids. Lifting. Exposure to drenching rains, washing clothes. Hair cut, change of weather, either hot or cold.

Expectoration: “The expectoration, when falling on paper will break and fly like thin batter. “Bloody, frothy, pale-red, rust- colored, streaked with blood, purulent, white and tough, cold mucus, tasting sour, salt or sweet.” “Sputa of a dirty or muddy colour, flying when falling.” “Bright red blood.”

Cough: Hard, tight, dry cough which racks the patient and is very exhausting, with or without expectoration. Cough dry from tickling in the throat and chest, from cold air, from reading aloud or from talking, from laughing, from eating and drinking, from strong odours, from lying on the left side or on the back. Cough worse in the evening and at night. Hollow hacking tickling (chest) cough. Cough with expectoration in the morning, without expectoration in the evening.

Cough with stitches over one eye. Dry, constant cough. Hollow cough, must press the chest with the hand for relief; Cough shakes the whole body. Involuntary stool and urine when coughing. The cough sounds as if the chest were dry and the chest feels as if dry inside. Larynx painful while coughing or speaking. Sweetish taste while coughing. Hard, dry, tight, racking cough: pain in throat on coughing; Violent pain in chest with coughing, the patient is compelled to hold the chest with the hand; Tearing pains in the sternum with the cough.

Respiration: Moans or grunts with every breath, coughing increases the difficulty in breathing. Short, laborious breathing, oppression and anxiety; Respiration oppressed, quick, anxious; Difficult inspiration, heaviness, fulness and tension on the chest; Breathing always short after coughing, oppressed, difficult, anxious, panting; Dyspnoea with extreme prostration; Labored respiration.

Pain: Stitches in left chest better lying on the right side. Oppression of chest, must sit up in bed, when coughing or expectorating anxiety and pressure of chest. Heaviness of the chest as if a weight were lying on it. Great tightness across the chest; Burning and piercing soreness and constriction in chest: Chest is sore, bruised, with great weight and tightness over chest; Burning, rawness and dryness of the air passages of upper chest.

Inflammation of the lungs (left side) with stitches in the side of the chest. Constriction of the chest as if bandaged or tied tight with a string. Burning in chest; acute pain in lower part of lungs. “In Pneumonia there may be burning in chest, burning in the head, hot cheeks and fever.”

Pulse: Small, feeble, frequent pulse. Pulse thready; The pulse is very quick; Pulse generally accelerated, full and hard, occasionally small and weak.

Patient: Tall, slender persons, narrow chested, with thin transparent skin, delicate eyelashes, fine blond or red hair. Young people who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop. Old people; feeble constitutions; emaciated persons; children who are going into marasmus; persons with a tendency to consumption; delicate waxy, anaemic and emaciated subjects; vehement, irascible persons; chlorotic girls; haemorrhagic constitutions; people sensitive to all external impressions.

Conditions: Pneumonia, constriction of the chest as if bound, tightness over sternum, weakness of chest, great weight on chest, sharp stitches in chest better lying on right side, all symptoms such as oppression, cough, pain, are worse lying on left side, symptoms worse in cold air. Burning in chest, acute pain in lower part of lungs, holds chest with hand. Anxiety, oppression, expectoration of bright red blood. The expectoration may be blood-streaked, or rust-colored or purulent or thick yellow, sweetish frothy mucus. Hard dry, hacking cough; thirst for ice- cold water; restlessness; fan-like motion of the nose; difficult breathing.

Catchy inspiration; lying on back with head thrown far back. Short dry cough; carotids pulsate; rawness in chest; bruised feeling in chest, cutting, burning, sharp and tearing in the lungs when coughing. Suffocation, or inspiration almost impossible, quick hard pulse. Frothy expectoration in typhoid Pneumonia. Threatened paralysis of the lungs. “In Pneumonia phosphorus is indicated when the bronchial symptoms are prominent. It does not cause hepatization of the lungs, so that it would not be indicated when the lung or lungs are in a complete state of hepatisation.

But it may be indicated for typhoid symptoms in the course of Pneumonia, especially in the latter part of the period of deposit and in early part of absorption that is just when hepatization is coming on and just when it is going off.” Farrington. “In Pneumonia it is not indicated until the fever has mostly subsided, when we have difficult breathing and fan-like motions of the wings of the nose, from a sensation of a heavy load resting on the chest and aggravation of all symptoms from lying on left side.”

Fever: Heat at night disturbing sleep. Heat running up the back. Heat with desire to sleep. Perspiration smells of sulphur; Fevers with soporous condition, dry black lips and tongue and open mouth. Sweat on head, hands and feet, increased urine. Quick pulse; perspiration viscid; cold knees at night; hunger; short naps and frequent wakings.

Accompaniments: Easily vexed and angry. Anxiety and restlessness. Amativeness; tendency to start; over sensitive to external impressions; restless, fidgety, red nose. Dryness of nose; fan-like motion of nostrils. Pale sickly face; blue rings under eyes; hippocratic countenance; circumscribed redness of one cheek or both cheeks. Colour of face is changeable. Puffiness under eyes; bluish lips; ulcerated corners of mouth; tongue dry, white. Tongue dry, smooth, red. Thirst for very cold water but water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in stomach.

Saliva saltish. Taste sour or sweet. Large yellow spots on abdomen. Stool long, narrow, hard, like dogs in constipation. Desire for stool on lying on left side. Painless debilitating diarrhoea. Weakness is very great after stool. White hard stool. Stools black or green watery with flakes of mucus (diarrhoea). Wide open anus with discharge of mucus. Urine whitish like curdled milk.

Heat between shoulder blades. Burning of feet and hands, can lie only on right side. LImbs tremble on exertion. Trembling of hands when holding anything. Burning of palms and sweat of palms. Great emaciation. Red spots on skin. Sensitiveness to open air. Head and face relieved by cold but the chest symptoms are aggravated by cold.

Aggravation: In the evening. At night. Evening till mid night. After breakfast, when alone; warm food, warm drinks; when lying on back, when lying on left side; when rising from a seat; from light, thunder-storm, change of weather, use of voice, singing, talking, reading, laughing. Lying on painful side, on walking, while coughing, from violent bleeding, after stool, in wind, exertion, twilight.

Amelioration: In the dark, when lying on right side, from rubbing, after sleep, cold food or drink, open air.

Remedies following: Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc-c, Lycop, Nux-V, Puls, Rhus-T, Sep, Sulph.


Type: Lobar Pneumonia. Broncho-Pneumonia. Typhoid Pneumonia. Neglected Pneumonia. Latent Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Bronchitis.

Stages: First stage, second stage, third stage, when other remedies fail.

Location: Left side, lower lobe of left side.

Causes: Suppressions, alcohol, sun, chills, over-exertion, falls, blows, effects of vaccination, abuse of mercury or china.

Expectoration: Thin, watery, milk-white mucus, mixed with pus globules. Copious, thick yellow globular mucus, lumps or plugs of a sweetish taste. Pieces of hard mucus like starch by hawking, dark blood (Sweet), purulent, pus like, putrid, (offensive), like the discharge of an old catarrh. Thick whitish or yellowish mucus. Expectoration only during cough, milk-white mucus. Sour, putrid, sweet, salty; pus-like greenish yellow; bloody expectoration; greenish, purulent, sweetish, muco-purulent, expectoration nearly impossible.

Cough: Dry cough, caused by rawness in the larynx. Cough awakens from sleep at night. Dry cough in the evening before falling asleep. Dry, choking cough with hoarseness and watery saliva; short dry, violent cough with stitches in chest or under left scapulae; cough worse talking. Cough with pain in head; loose cough worse morning. Cough with pain in abdomen. Cough with expectoration during day, without expectoration at night. Dry cough day and night with constriction of chest. Cough with bloody expectoration especially with heat in chest. Cough short and dry, worse at night after lying down. Dry cough (Pneumonia).

Respiration: Oppressed respiration, particularly from congestion of the lungs (Sense of heat all through the chest). Suffocating spells, wants doors and windows open. Difficult respiration wants windows open. Oppression, as of a load on chest. Dyspnoea in the middle of night relieved by sitting up. Dyspnoea, shortness of breath and oppression of breathing on bending the arms backwards. Shortness of breath from talking and towards evening. Arrest of breathing on falling asleep. Rattling in chest worse after expectoration. Inability to take a full inspiration. Short rapid breathing, a mere heaving of the chest.

N C Das
N C Das