His thoughts completely forsake him. [Fr. H-n.]

His thoughts sometimes go away entirely for some minutes. [Fr. H-n.]

He knows not where he is. [Fr. H-n. ]

He cannot calculate., cannot reflect. [Fr. H-n.]

35. Unconsciousness and speechlessness; she appeared to sleep, but was pulseless; the body was warm enough, but she looked just like a corpse; after an hour her consciousness returned and some sound in her voice; she wished to speak but could not, not till after 12 hours did her speech return. [Fr. H-n.]

Distraction; when he wishes to do some work, something else always comes into his mind; one thought always drove out another, from time to time (for a couple of days).[Gn.]

Heat and pain throughout the head. [Fr. H-n. ]

In the evening an uneasy painful feeling in the head till he goes to sleep; loud talking distressed him, one must talk, in a low voice diminished by sitting and leaning the head against something.

Burning in the head.

40. Pain in the head like an annular violent out-stretching in a stripe not above three fingers broad, which appears to go round just above the eyes and ears.

Pressive headache as if the head were tightly bound.

In the evening, headache, as, if the brain were tied round with ligature.

Headache as if close under the skull, as if it were too heavy and too tight there.

Headache, a. forcing outwards.

45. Headache, like a pressing outwards in the parietal bones.

Head is painful, as if it were pressed asunder.

Headache, as if the brain were forced asunder.

Fulness in the brain as if the head would burst.

Aching pain in the occiput.

50. Headache; outpressing in the forehead and pain in the bone below the eyebrows, even when touched.

Violent headache, as if the head in its upper part would fall asunder, and as if all were pressed down to the nose.

In the evening headache; in the front and upper part of the head a painful dull. feeling, with crossness. [Fr- H-n. ]

Pressing pain out at the forehead. [Gn.]

Pressing pain out at the forehead, worst when lying; he got relief by pressing on it with the open hand (aft. 41 h.). [Gn.]

55. Tensive aching pain in the sinciput; he felt relief by holding his open hand there. [Gn.]

Undulation and beating in the whole sinciput. [Fr. H-n..]

From the occiput a strong, tearing, continued pain, which went into the forehead and there pressed. [Hbg.]

Shooting in the forehead whilst walking in the open air. [Fr.H-n. ]

Tearing in the skull, especially in the frontal bone.

60. Tearing headache in the sinciput extending to the crown.

Tearing headache in the lower part of the occiput.

Headache like a slow tearing stitch, and as if bruised.

Stitches all through the head.

Shooting headache in the forehead (immediately).

65. (When sitting) intermitting boring stitches in the left side of the forehead, very painful. [Lr.]

(When standing) painful tearing stitches in the left side of the forehead. [Lr.]

(When sitting) tearing stitches in the left side of the forehead, with rigor over the whole body, cold hands, hot cheeks, and warm forehead, without thirst [Lr.]

Drawing digging in the front part of the head. [Gr.]

On stooping headache, like digging in the forehead and a weight there.

70. Pain in the upper part of the occipital bone.

A boring pain in the occiput.

Contractive headache; the head is as if screwed in, sometimes in the sinciput, sometimes in the occiput, sometimes on the: left side, at the same time watering of the eyes. [Fr. H-n.]

In the morning when he has lain in a wrong position in bed, a drawing from the palate into the brain, where it is very painful, as if all were bruised there. [St f.]

Jerking blows in the brain, especially when moving and stooping forwards.

  1. Aching pain in the left temple. [Gn.]

Aching pain in the right side of the forehead. [Gn.]

Violent drawing in the right temple (5th d.). [Rl.]

Twitching drawing and pinching in the right temple, on the occiput down the nape. [Rl.]

Tearing headache externally.

80. The whole external head is painful to the touch.

Tearing pain externally on the forehead, in all positions. [Lr.]

Burning on the left temple. [ Gn.]

Burning in the skin of the left side of the forehead. [Gn.]

Itching on the forehead. [Fr. H-n.]

85. Burning itching on the forehead. forehead and head. [Fr. H-n. ]

Over the leftside of the forehead, in the scalp, burning pain, that went off after touching .[Gn.]

Itching smarting in the nape and on the hairy scalp. [Fr. H-n]

Burning and itching on the hairy scalp. [Fr. H-n.]

Itching on the hairy scalp, day and night. [Fr. H-n]

90. Itching eruption on the head, compelling scratching. [Fr. H-n. ]

Dry eruption on the whole head, that causes pain when grasped all over. [Fr. H-n.]

Small elevated, firmly adherent scabs, among the hairs of the head. [Fr. H-n. ]

Much scurf on the hairy scalp, which itched and after scratching burned. [Fr. H-n. ]

Moist eruption on the hairy scalp, which eats away the hair as it were, with painful aching. especially on the sore places. [Fr. H-n.]

95. Without headache the hair falls off. [Fr. H-n. ]

Sensation under the scalp, when the open hand is laid on it, as if it were ulcerated. [Gn.]

Horripilation over the hairy scalp, whereby the hairs seemed to stand on end, or the integuments of the head to contract and remble. [ Gss.]

Burning feeling in the right superciliary arch. [Gn.]

Dilated pupils (aft. 1 h.). [Lr.]

100. A black spot before the eyes, which always seems to go down in front of him. [Fr. H-n.]

Black spots before the eyes. [Fr. H-n. ]

Black insects or flies seem always to be flying before the sight. [Fr. H-n.]

All appears green and black before the eyes, the room seems to go round with her in a ring; she must lie down (during a meal). [Fr. H-n.]

The sight leaves him entirely for five minutes, and every half hour a similar attack occurs, when he is completely deprived of sight for five minutes. [Fr. H-n.]

105. Fiery points before the sight upwards towards the clouds, especially in the afternoon. [Fr. H-n. ]

Fiery sparks before the eyes. [Fr. H-n. ]

Mist before one or both eyes. [Fr. H-n.]

Amaurotic dimness before the left eye, which gradually increased, lasting ten minutes.

(In the evening when, reading the letters appear in motion.)

110. Amaurotic blindness of the left eye, without pain, for some minutes, when walking in the open air.

Weakness of the eyes. [Fr. H-n. ]

Dimness of sight in both eyes. [Fr. H-n.]

Deception of the vision; it seems to him that a straw hangs down before both eyes. [Fr. H-n.]

He sees pointed things (e.g. an awl) as if with a double point. [Fr. H-n.]

115. If she wishes to see something she cannot rightly distinguish it, the eyes are almost always involuntarily closed, and the more she tries to prevent this closing, the less able is she to prevent it; she must lie down and shut the eyes. [Fr. H-n.]

He cannot open the eyes well, just as if the eyeballs were adherent [Fr. H-n.]

When sitting, standing and walking; the eyes are as if forcibly closed, as if from prolonged want of sleep. [Fr. H-n.]

The light of the fire dazzles the eyes greatly [Fr. H-n.]

A burning in the eyes, as if he had read much at night; one eye is red.

120. The eyes cannot bear the light of the fire and day-light [Fr. H-n.]

Burning in the eyes. [Fr. H-n]

Burning and smarting in the eyes, as from horse-radish.[Fr. H-n.]

Many red vessels are visible in the white of the eye. [Fr. H-n.]

Inflammation of both eyes, with burning smarting pain; worse in the open air. [Fr. H-n.]

125. Heat in the eyes and lachrymation. [Fr. H.-n.]

Watering of both eyes, in the morning. [Fr. H-n.]

Watering and.lachrymation of the eyes. [Fr. H-n,.]

Great lachrymation of the right eye. [Fr. H-n. ]

The eyes weep in the open air.

130. The eye is full of tears.

Burning pains in the right upper and lower lids. [Gn.]

The left lower eyelid is very much swelled, especially towards the outer canthus, with burning pains, for five days, with much watering of the eye, which was preceded by much sneezing for three days. [Fr. H-n.]

The eyelids are stuck together in the morning.

The upper eyelid is swelled and red like a stye.

135. Constant twitching in the lower eyelid.

Great swelling, redness and constriction of the eyelids,, which were very sensitive when touched. [Fr. H-n.]

Aching in the eyes. [Fr. H-n.]

Aching in both eyes as from sand. [Fr. H-n.]

Aching in the eye;when it is moved; it also aches when touched.

140. Itching in the eyeballs [Fr. H-n.]

In the left eye.pricking pain, for some minutes (7th d.). [Rl.]

Shooting in the eyes. [Fr. H-n.]

Sensation, under the left upper eyelid, as if a cutting body were behind it. [Gn.]

Quivering and twitching in the eyelids. [Fr. H-n.]

145. Bluish-red rings round the eyes, especially below them.[Fr. H-n.]

Inflammatory swelling in the region of the lachrymal bone.

Features sunken, eyes dim and dull, complexion white and earthy lengthened features. [Hbg.]

The right side of the face is swollen and hot, especially underneath the eyes. [Fr. H-n.]

Dull stitch in the left superior maxillary bone, near the eye. [ Fr. H-n.]

150. Red spots on the face. [Fr. H-n.]

A rough-skinned, partly red, partly whitish teetery spot on the skin of the left zygoma [Lr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.