Headache, shooting combined with aching, above the left eye, aggravated by stooping.

A humming in the left ear synchronous with the pulse.

Inflammation of the eyes, which project from their orbits. [C. Fr. SCHWARZE, Beob. una Erfahr., i. d. Med.,( Not accessible.) Dresden, 1827, p. 322.]

5. Staring look. [SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

Distortion of the features. [SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

Tearing in the upper jaw (antrum Higbmorianum) towards the eye, followed by swelling.

On the gums and in the mouth a burning pain.

The lower lip much swollen, and its inside so much everted that the border rests on the chin. [SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

10. Swelling of the lips, tongue and neck. [SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

Roughness in the throat which makes speaking but not swallowing, difficult.

Salt taste in the mouth (aft. 2 h.).

Salivation. [ SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

Unquenchable thirst. [SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

15. Vomiting. [ SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

Aching feeling in the gastric region and chest. [SCHWARZE, 1.c.]

Immediately after a stool; downward pressure in front below, navel, which lasts some time.

Cutting in the abdomen (immediately) with chilliness in the open, though warm, air.

Painful burning from the mouth to the gastric region. [SCHWARZE, 1, c.]

20. Very distended, painful abdomen. [SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

Uncommon distention of the abdomen (aft. 12 h.).

Stool of viscid faeces.

Stool of thin formed faeces.

Along with almost constant cutting in the abdomen and intolerable painful almost ineffectual pressing, forcing, and tenesmus, frequent discharge of a little bloody mucus, day and night.

25. Evacuations of faeces mingled with mucus and dark coagulated blood. [SCHWZRZE, 1. c.]

Diarrhoea. [SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

Tenesmus. [ SCHw ARZE 1. c.]

Strangury. [SCHWARZE, 1. c.]

Itching anteriorly in the urethra.

30. Urethral blenorrhoea at first thin, then thick; finally with smarting pain on urinating, and stitches through the urethra..

Leucorrhoea., pale yellow with disgusting sweetish smell.

(During coitus on touching the mouth of the womb, an aching pain, followed by a pressing.)

Very severe coryza.

Dry cough.

35. Hollow, fatiguing, dry cough (aft. 2 h.).

Nocturnal shooting pain transversely through the whole chest.

Oppression of the chest.

Round about the nipples painful glandular swelling.

Shooting pain in the hip-joint when moving and when at rest:

40. Sensation of going to sleep of the leg.

Icy cold feet (aft 2 h.).

Towards evening disagreeable feeling in the periosteum of all the bones, like the commencement of ague, with hot feeling in the head (aft. 6 h.).

(In the morning, on the arms and body painless blisters that go off in the course of the day.)

Fine shooting pain here and there in the muscles, by day.

45. He starts suddenly on going to sleep with a shock of the whole body (aft. 8 h).

He is chilly on the head.

On the slightest movement, even on rising from a seat, chilliness and cutting in the abdomen.

From the open; though warm air, which is very repugnant to her, chilliness, cutting in the abdomen and tenesmus.

On stooping heat, on rising up again coolness.

50. At night he cannot rest in any position, owing to a feeling of heat and anxiety.

Frequent peevish disposition, so that no one can do anything to please him alternating with cheerfulness.


(Acetate of Mercury.)

(Eyes inflamed in the canthi, with burning itching pain, in the morning and evening.)

Dryness in the throat, that impedes speaking, with a scraping cough.

On coughing more than on swallowing, at the back of the throat an aching shooting.

Frequent urination.

5. In the morning he passes a quantity of water, but slowly (stricture of the urethra?) with tenesmus.

A burning in the urethra, when urinating and at other times.

Cutting in the urethra with the last drops of urine.

Swelling and inflammation of the anterior part of the penis (with burning and pricking pains, that wake him up at night); cold water aggravates the pains, tepid water diminishes them.

Contractive pain in the testicles.

10. Internal swelling inside the labia pudendi.

(Catamenia four days too early, at the new moon.)

In the chest pain as if it were ulcerated, raw and sore.

On the sternum, just above the scrobiculus cordis, a pressure with tightness of the breath when standing, even when he did not walk.

Tearing in the hands, the knuckles of which become red and swollen.

15. The borders of the ulcer become very painful.

Eruption of itching bursting pimples; after scratching they burn like fire.

In the forenoon drawing pain in the limbs and shivering not followed by heat.


(Red Oxyde of Mercury.)

(Attacks of suffocation, when lying at night, whilst going to sleep; he must leap up suddenly, by which it always went off.)

(Violent palpitation of the heart, which threatened to burst his chest.


(From the internal use of Cinnabar. (The action lasted nine days. ) )

Roaring in the head, half an hour after dinner and in the evening before going to sleep, which makes him dizzy.

A projection on the external parts of the head, only by day.

On touching the head the skull is painful, and even the hairs are painful.

(Inflammation of the right eye; itching, aching and shooting in the inner canthus and on the lower lid, with constant lachrymation when he looks at anything, with severe coryza.)

5. In the palate a contractive burning sensation.

In the throat, aching contractive pain, on, swallowing the saliva..

At night much dryness and heat in the mouth and throat, he must drink frequently; whilst doing so some shooting posteriorly beneath the tongue.

A pricking itching on the front part of the neck, with swollen cervical glands, and on the anterior part of the chest; there appear red points that coalesce into round spots, covered with hard granular papules; on scratching the eruption burns and itches still more; finally the places become; painful.

Great appetite for eating and drinking and great desire for coitus.

10. Great appetite for food and for coitus.

No appetite; all food is repugnant to him.

Immediately inclination to vomit.

While lying in bed at night a heat rose from the stomach into the throat and head, which went off on sitting up.

Every day two easy soft stools each time preceded by pinching less afterwards.

15. Bowels open twice daily.

A pain like soreness in the urethra when urinating, although the urethra is not painful when pressed.

The penis is swollen.

Twitching in the penis.

In the sulcus behind the glans, itching pain; matter of a disgusting sweet smell therfrom.

20. Small red spots on the glans penis.

Tearing stitches in the glans

On the glans red spots appear, as if pimples were about to come.

In the evening on the corona glandis, burning pricking itching, which was allayed by rubbing, but soon returned more severely.

Redness and swelling of the prepuce; it looks sore, with itching pain.

25. (Here and there on the prepuce warts, which bleed when touched.)

Leucorrhoea, which on passing causes a pressing in the vagina.

In the evening in bed strong erections.

Much coryza.

(When she lies dorm she must continually cough; less when she sits; single, quite dry cough-impulses.)

30. Beating like a pulse and shooting here and there near the sternum and under the short ribs, most when walking, least when sitting and lying.

Tearing pain and as if everything were lacerated on the side of the back, especially at night, on the slightest movement in bed, and in the arm when writing both diminished by the heat of the stove.

Severe stitches sometimes in the arm.

Perspiration betwixt the thighs when walking, which smells badly and causes excoriation.

In the evening, after falling asleep, a painful twitching in the legs, which woke him up.

35. In the foot an aching sensation, as if the foot would go to sleep.

(Rheumatic pain in the big toe.)

After eating, a very uncomfortable feeling in the body, as if it were blown out and distended; over the chest and stomach as if oppressed.

Coldness in the joints; shivering and drawing in the arms and legs.

Paralytic feeling in all the limbs; he is lazy and sleepy.

40. Sleeplessness at night, without pains and without fatigue; he felt in the morning as if refreshed and required no more sleep.

After midnight he wakes suddenly as from a dream and has no breath, like nightmare.

(From fumigation with Cinnabar.)

Intractable headache.

Pain in the cervical vertebrae as if dislocated.

Nocturnal diarrhoea far two weeks, without pain in the bowels.

(The borders of the ulcers became painful and tense.)


Weakness of the reason [SWEDJAUR, (From mercurial vapour.) Traite des malad. vener., tom. ii, p. 368.]

Self deception; he considers himself well. [JAC. HILL, (From the vapour of a drachm of cinnabar.) in Edinb. Essays, iv.]

Insanity [LARREY, (From the internal employment of various mercurials in Egypt.) in Description de l’ Egypte, tom. i, Memoires et Obs. ]

Complaining: she is deranged and knows not what she is doing. [DEGNER, (From the external employment of corrosive sublimate.) in Acta Nat. Cur., vi,Obs. 600.]

5. Great want of memory; he often forgot the first part of a sentence before he could say the last part of it. [Hufeland’s (From the use of oxyde of mercury-using at the same time a gargle of walnut shells. ) Journal d. pr. A., x., i, p. 62.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.