Outward pressive pain in the zygomatic arches. [Gn.]

Tearing in the right masseter muscle. [Gss.]

Great swelling of the left cheek. [Fr. H-n.]

155. On the left cheek a large node under the skin (10th d.). [RL.]

Single pointed stitches, each lasting five minutes, in the zygomatic process (also in the chest, knee, and external elbow process more in the forenoon and when walking.

Tearing on the left side of the cheek, it involves the whole ear.

He can hardly hear anything, and yet everything resounds loudly in the ear. [RI.]

Ears as if stopped up, and a roaring in them.

160. In the morning, rushing in the ears.

Roaring and rushing in the ear, as if something were sticking in it.

Roaring in the ear as if something were stuffed into it.

Buzzing before the ears, as if he were about to faint.

Roaring before the ears, in pulsations.

165. Hardness of hearing in both ears. [Fr. H-n.]

Roaring in the ears. [Fr. H-n.]

Roaring before both ears, when lying in bed. [Fr. H-n.]

Roaring with hardness of hearing in both ears. [Fr. H-n.]

Rushing before the left ear. [Fr. H-n.]

170. Buzzing as from wasps in the left ear (aft. 5 m.). [Fr. H-n.]

Fluttering before the left ear. [Fr. H-n.]

Fluttering and crawling in the left ear. [Fr. H-n.]

Ringing in the ears, as from several loud ringing glasses, especially in the evening. [Fr. H-n.]

Various ringing sounds before both ears, worst in the evening, for many days. [Fr. H-n.]

175. Deep in the left ear tearing, at the commencement of the menses.[Fr. H-n.]

Aching shooting pain in the ear; the warmer she got in bed the colder and wetter became in her ear, at last as if she had ice in the ear.

Stitches in the internal ear on stooping.

The left ear is painful as a inflamed; the meatus auditorius also pains as if inflamed. [Rl.]

Violent pain in the ear as if something was forcing itself out.[RI.]

180. The ear is as if inflamed externally and internally, with partly cramp-like, partly shooting pains and as if stopped up by swelling. [RI.]


Pinching and tugging in the ears.

Shooting and burning deep in both ears, worse in the left. [Fr. H-n.]

Both ears are sore and excoriated internally, the right worst. [Fr. H-n.]

185. Several times daily in the internal right and left ears a sensation as if cold water run out of them, which suddenly comes, and goes away after a few minutes; in the intervals great itching in both ears. [Fr. H-n.]

A moisture runs out of both ears. [Fr. H-n.]

In the morning blood comes out of the left ear. [Fr. H–n.. J.

Blood and ill-smelling pus flow out of the right ear, with tearing pain in it. [Fr. H-n.]

Pus flows out of both ears; anteriorly in the right ear is a small abscess, which when touched discharges pus out of the ear; at the same time pains in the whole right half of the head and face, on account of which she cannot lie on that side. [Fr. H-n.]

190. Yellow pus comes out of the left ear. [Fr. H.-n.]

Fluid wax runs out of both ears. [Fr. H-n.]

Fluid wax runs out of both ears. [Fr. H-n.]

Burning pain in the cartilage of the left eat. [Gn.]

The lobe of the ear is very painful for eight days, and is red and hot; two days afterwards a pimple appears in the lobe, that continues for twelve weeks. [Fr. H-n.]

A lump in the ear lobe, that is not moveable, it is only painful at the commencement, it lasts four weeks (aft. 34 d.). [Fr. H-n]

195. Burning eroding itching and exuding pimple of a scurfy appearance, like a small tetter, on the right ear lobe; he is forced to scratch it. [Lr.]

Tugging and twitching behind the left ear, that prevents sleep; the part is painful when touched. [Fr. H-n. ]

Swelling of the root of the nose. [Fr. H-n.]

Crawling and gnawing sensation in the skin of the root of the nose. [Fr. H-n]

Tension transversely across the nose. [Fr. H-n.]

200. The nasal bone is painful when laid hold of. [Fr. H-n.]

The whole nose, especially on the left side, is swollen, very red, and shining, with itching, especially in the inside of the ala nasi. [Fr. H-n.]

A very painful pustule on the nose.

Inflammatory swelling on the nose.

The tip of the nose swollen, red, inflammed, itching.

205. Great itching on the right side of the nose; he must rub it.

A pressure down from the. nose, as if a weight were tied to it.[Hbg.]

Swelling and cracking of the septum nasi. [Fr. H-n.]

Swelling on the left ala nasi, as in severe fluent coryza. [Lr.]

Cannot get air through the nose. [Fr. H-n.]

210. Epistaxis of various degrees of intensity. [Fr. H-n..]

Bleeding from the left nostril; the blood coagulated as it dropped out, so that it remained hanging in strings from the nose. [Fr. H-n. J

The nose is scabby internally, and bleeds when blown. [Rl]

Epistaxis during sleep. [Fr. H-n.]

When coughing severe epistaxis. [Fr. H-n.]

215. Pain on touching the lips with the fingers, as if they were hot and burning, as from nettles. [Stf.]

Dryness of the lips. [Fr. H-n.]

Roughness and dryness of the lower lip, as from cold rough air (aft. 7 h.). [Lr.]

Eruption on the upper lip, more on its border, covered with yellow scabs, with smarting burning pain. [Fr. H-n.. ]

Internal swelling of the upper lip.

220. On the inner surface of the lower lip, opposite the incisor teeth, painful ulcers.

Under the red of the lower lip, and spreading towards the corner of the mouth, eruption of pimples, which when touched smart.

Soft red swelling of the upper lip, which internally detaches itself from the gum, and there looks pulled away; on its inner and outer surface there occur deep ulcerated rhagades, with shooting pain, sometimes with itching. [Fr..H-n.]

Great swelling of the upper lip and of the lower part of the cheek, which is soft yet very red, wherein inch-deep holes (as if bored out) occur, as if painted over with greyish-yellow matter, from them is discharged only a watery yellow fluid; they had a somewhat putrid smell, and bled when touched, but only at their border. [Fr. H-n.]

Ulcerated angle of the mouth, that pains as if sore.

225. On the inside of the lips a whitish-blue spot. [Fr. H-n. ]

In the angles of the mouth pain, as if they had been incised. [Fr. H-n.. ]

Cracks in the corner of the.mouth. [Fr. H-n,]

Cracks and chaps in the corner of the mouth. [Fr. H-n.]

The muscles betwixt the lower lip and chin were visibly spasmodically drawn hither and thither.

230. In the morning, about 3 am., the mouth is drawn towards one side, with loss of breath. [Fr. H-n.]

Burning in the skin of the cheek, before the chin. [Gn.]

Little red ulcers, the size of a millet seed, on the right side of the chin, painless when touched. [Lr.]

On the chin a pustule, the size of a pea, full of pus.

Suppurating little red ulcers on the left side of the chin, painless (3rd d.). [Lr.]

235. He cannot separate the jaws from one another. [Fr. H-n.]

A tension in the maxillary joint on opening the mouth.

Almost complete immobility of the jaw, so that he can hardly open the mouth a little way, with the most violent pains. [Fr. H-n.]

She cannot separate the jaws from one another, at the same time a tensive pain on the right side of the hyoid bone, bitter taste of all food (except milk, which tastes well), tearing and hardness of hearing in the right ear, loud discharge of much very ill-swelling flatus, and moist eruption on the head. [Fr. H-n. ]

Pain under the lower jaw.

240. Towards evening tearing in the lower jaw.

Under the chin yellow scabby eruption, a quarter of an inch thick, almost painless. [Fr. H-n.]

The gums are painful when touched and when chewing, particularly hard food. [Stf.]

Itching on the gums [Fr. H-n.]

The gums separate themselves from the teeth. [Fr. H-n.]

245. Tearing in different parts of the gums, they are sore and swollen. [Gss.]

The gums are swollen and separated from the teeth.

The upper border of the gums stand up in jags, which are white and ulcerated.

Ulcerated gums.

Painful swollen gums.

250. Swelling of the gums at night, better by day.

Every night swelling of the gums.

Transient swelling of the gums, only in the morning.

At night, every time he wishes to go to sleep, burning pain in the gums, that wakes him up.

Burning throbbing pain of the gums, which increases after noon, is allayed by lying down, and goes off at night.

255. The greatly swollen and painful gums are retracted. [Hbg.]

In the spongy gums, which are detached from the teeth and bleeding, a fine tearing, as also in the roots of the exposed teeth, almost all day and in the morning on rising; in the evening the pain is somewhat allayed by smoking tobacco. [Gss.]

The gums that are detached from the teeth look discoloured and are white at their borders. [ Gss.]

Painful swelling of the gums, for several days. [Lr.]

Bleeding of the gums at the slightest touch, for fifty-six days.[Fr H-n.]

260. Horrible tearing in the teeth, especially increased by eating; the teeth commence to be loose. [Gss.]

Pain in the teeth, especially after eating, as if they were eroded. [Gss. ]

The teeth become greyish black-black. [Fr. H-n. ]

On moving the mouth sensation as if the teeth were loose, especially the lower front teeth. [Lr. ]

Feeling as if all the teeth were loose. [St f. ]

265. Looseness of the teeth; which are painful when touched by the tongue. [Hbg.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.