In the morning, when fasting, she has a sour taste in the month, which goes off after eating.

385. Slimy taste in the mouth.

Sourish taste in the mouth. [Fr. H-n.]

Sour taste in the mouth, when eating and at other times.[Fr. H-n.]

Bread tastes sweet. [Fr. H-n.] `

He has inordinate appetite and hunger, during which he can hardly eat anything, because he has no relish for any food, it has no bad taste, but is tasteless. [Fr. H-n.]

390. Bulimy; she feels that it is not real hunger (aft. 1 h.). [Fr. H-n. ]

Bulimy of short duration, soon after a sufficient meal (immediately). [Fr. H-n.]

Voracious hunger (aft. 1/2, 1 h.). [Fr. H-n. ]

Continued ravenous hunger, during which he always becomes weaker and weaker. [Fr. H-n. ]

He has no appetite for dry food, he takes fluids willingly. [Stf.]

395.Want of appetite especially in the morning. [St f.]

Little appetite but great hunger.

He loathes sweet things.

Beef was repugnant to him, and he did not relish it.

Extreme loathing of flesh meat.

400. Dislike to coffee.

Dislike to butter.

Lost taste for all food, and loss of appetite..

No appetite for any warm food, only for cold things bread and butter, &c.

No desire for food, but when it is put before him he relishes it.

405. Complete loss of appetite.

More appetite for drinking than for eating.

More thirst than hunger, and constant chilliness.

He is immediately satiated after eating only a couple of mouthfuls.

The smell of food is more agreeable to him than eating.

410. No relish for wine and brandy, to which he was formery accustomed. [Stf.]

Loathing of meat end vomiting after it. [Fr. H-n.]

Nausea. [Gn.]

He feels very sick in the chest, where he feels cutting aching; he feels as if he must vomit, and he has no rest in any position or posture, because great anxiety drives him from place to place. [Gss.]

While smoking as usual he feels sick in his chest, from the scrobiculus cordis almost up to the pit of the throat, with oppression and cutting there. [Gss.]

415. Continual sickness, with aching cutting in the chest, and here and there (towards the sides of the chest) obtuse stitches, cutting in the abdomen, and cutting pressure in the scrobiculus cordis [Gss.]

Sweet taste in the throat, and at the same time sickness.

Sensation as if he had eaten something sweet, that excited loathing and hence nausea.

Nausea, increased after eating.

All day nausea. and shivering.

420. Headache each time he has nausea.

Nausea, up in the gullet and not in the stomach, so that he cannot vomit (especially after eating).

He is so sick and inclined to vomit that he loses his hearing and sight.

Inclination to vomit accompanied by vertigo, that obscures his vision, and flying heat.

Inclination to vomit, immediately after eating, with very good appetite and taste.

425. He feels nausea in the scrobiculus cordis, then he has eructation that sometimes stops his breath. [Htn.]

Nausea in the gastric region (immediately), and then bruised pain in the right side, just above the hips, which becomes worse by movement and touch. [Fr. H -n.]

At night (1 am.) much water flows into the mouth, at the same time nausea, so that he wakes up from it and must vomit; something very bitter comes up[ Fr. H-n. ]

There sometimes rose up into her throat a fluid, acrid like brandy, not like acid.

Violent vomiting of bitter mucus. [Fr. H-n. ]

430. Not loud eructation. [Fr. H-n]

Eructation soon after dinner, with putrid exhalation from the month. [Fr. H-n. ]

Constant eructation of air.

Eructation, often without taste, sometimes with a sour taste.

Eructation of bitter water.

435. Eructation tastes bitter, and has a putrid smell.

Bilious eructation in the afternoon.

Eructation with the taste of newly-baked bread.

After eating and drinking, belching.


  1. Rancid scraping heartburn after a simple supper (1st d.). [Rl.]

When eating eructation, so that an acrid fluid comes into the mouth (9th d.). [Rl.]

During dinner hiccuping eructation (9th d.). [RI-1

After eating violent hiccup.

Frequent hiccup, especially in the forenoon.

  1. Hiccup. [Fr. H-n.]

Frequent hiccup. [Lr.]

When walking at a moderately rapid pace a pressure from the left side of the scrobiculus cordis up to the thyroid cartilage, where the pain is worst. [Fr. H-n.]

In the scrobiculus cordis a constrictive tearing; it then goes into the chest. [Fr. H-n.]

On a level with the scrobiculus cordis, on the right near the scrobiculus cordis, he feels an artery beating violently, and he felt and saw it through the clothes. [Gss.]

450. Burning pain in the scrobiculus cordis (immediately).

Ulcerative pain in the stomach and abdomen.

Violent pain in the stomach, as if he had been vomiting violently.

Great shooting in the hepatic region, on account of which he can neither inspire or eructate.

An acute pain in the stomach, especially on breathing deeply and touching.

455. In the scrobiculus cordis a pain like a crucial incision.

When she sits on a. low seat she feels hot in the scrobiculus cordis, and she has blackness before the eyes, which goes off on standing up.

When he sits his food lies in the scrobiculus cordis like a stone, as if it was gathered into a lump.

Fulness and tension in the scrobiculus cordis, which oppresses the breathing, with undiminished appetite.

After eating an aching in the scrobiculus cordis, accompanied by nausea.

460. Bread oppresses the stomach.

If he eats little he has for some hours a drawing down the stomach, and a kind of spasm in it.

He cannot bear even the most easily digested food; even a morsel of bread lies in his stomach and draws down the stomach, and yet he has great hunger; if he eats only a little more he becomes so ill-humoured that he can hardly bear it.

The stomach is full and constricted.

When he bends forwards digestion is immediately interrupted.

465. When he takes hold of something cold (e.g. a bit of cold wood )he gets pain in the abdomen. [Fr. H-n.]

Pain in the abdomen and much noisy flatulence. [Fr. H-n.]

Burning around the navel. [Fr. H-n.]

Burning in the abdomen. [Fr. H-n.]

Pinching in the abdomen woke him up at midnight, two successive nights for an hour. [Fr. H-n.]

470. Over the left renal region a cutting tearing.[Gss.]

While urinating, cutting in the abdomen. [Fr. H- n.]

Aching tensive pain in the abdomen; it was aggravated by pressure, it went off during expiration; was aggravated by walking especially going upstairs, when it became a kind of cutting pain. [Gn.]

Sensation in the bowels as if they were too loose and relaxed; when walking the bowels shake as if they were destitute of firmnes.

When walking pain in the abdomen as if the bowels were relaxed.

475.Chilly in. the abdomen.

Above the navel a teusive pain, deeply seated, relieved by eating [Fr. H-n. ]

A boring stitch perpendicularly from the middle of the hypogastrium down to the anus. [Gn.]

Deep down in the hypogastrium cutting stabs, as with a knife, from the right to the left side, worse when walking than when standing and sitting; at the same time a painful urging to stool without any evacuation, for four days. [Fr. H-n.]

In the hypogastrium just above the genital organs, sensation as if something very heavy pulled down towards the pudendum, for forty-eight hours; at the same time pulling pain in both thighs, as if the muscles and sinews were too short. [Fr. H-n.]

480. Painful contraction in the hypegastrium. [Fr, H-n.]

The evening air causes bellyache aid diarrhoea.

When walking in the open air he feels as if he had got a chill in the abdomen.

Bellyache as if from a chill.

First pinching in the scrobiculus cordis, then soft stool, and thereafter still pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening.

485. Pinching in the abdomen.

First redness and heat in the cheeks, then burning pinching pain in the upper part of the abdomen.

He feels chilly only during the pinching in the abdomen.

During the pinching in the abdomen chilliness and rigor pass over him.

Cutting pain in the upper part of the abdomen.

490. Twisting and cutting in the abdomen with qualmish sensation.

In the evening, cutting in the abdomen with aching pain in its upper part, which compels him to loosen his clothes in this region. (aft. 2.5h.).

At night cutting, or rather tearing in the abdomen, which felt cold externally.

Indescribable abdominal pains, that only go off on lying down.

He cannot sleep on the right side, for the bowels are painful as if they were pressed.

495. Violent pressure in the right side of the abdomen, as if the bowels were twisted out.

Pressure in the abdomen (immediately).

Aching pain in the abdomen, which rises up to the larynx, as if a crust of bread were scraping in the oesophagus and as if heartburn or eructation were coming on.

Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone.

In the morning in bed a painful pressure in the right side of the abdomen.

500. A pushing out-pressing pain in the region of the liver.

Distension of the abdomen.

After a meal gurgling in the abdomen or abdominal muscles, synchronous with the pulse.

After drinking always rumbling in the abdomen.

Frequent discharge of flatus.

505. In the evening a shooting itching on the abdomen, after scratching it burns, but no eruption on the skin is perceptible.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.