Distended hard abdomen. [Fr. H-n.]

Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen before every evacuation (aft. 2 d.). [Hbg.].

In the evening an hour before going to bed and every time after passing water, he is troubled, with flatus, which distends his abdomen much and is discharged without smell. [Htn.]

Frequent discharge of flatus. [Lr.]

510. Inguinal bubo. [Fr. H-n.]

Small boils in the left groin and burning on passing urine. [Fr. H-n.]

Aching boring pain in the right groin when lying and walking (aft. 12 h.). [Gn.]

Aching pain in the left groin.(aft. 30 h.). [Gn.]

Tension in the left inguinal region.[Htn.]

515. Acute stitches in the left groin, aggravated by inspiration.[Gss.]

Pain as from swelling of the inguinal glands (1st d.). [Rl.]

Occasional aching pain in the inguinal gland.

Stitches in the groin (and heel) towards evening.

Formication in the inguinal gland.

520. Drawing pain in the groin and testicles.

Swelling of the inguinal gland (bubo), at first surrounded by redness, painful when walking and pressing on it, then red on its apex and inflamed; he can neither stand nor walk without great pains, he must lie down.

The inguinal gland swells and becomes red and inflamed, it is painful when touched and when walking quickly.

Swelling of the inguinal gland. the surrounding shin is red, without great pains per se, but painful when pressed and after prolonged walking.

Pains like needle-pricks in the right groin on the os ilii. [Gn.]

525. In the right inguinal region great violent knife-stabs, causing him to start each time. [Fr. H-n.]

Frequent urging to stool, after which a small quantity of hard large-sized faeces comes away with great straining at long intervals.[Gss.]

Evacuation after some cutting in the abdomen.(2nd d.). [ Rl.]

Evacuation after pinching and twisting in the abdomen (10th d.). [ Rl.]

Every instant he has urging to stool, with tenesmus in the rectum, without being able to pass anything. [Fr. H-n.]

530. Constant urging to stool, but only a little cave away, with pinching in the abdornen. [Stf.]

Evacuation only once every third day (aft. 14 d.). [Hbg.]

Constipation for several days with catarrhal fever, hypochondriacal dejection and loathing at all food except beer.

Fruitless urging to stool in the morning.

Ineffectual pressing to stool, and extrusion of piles, which pain as if sore.

535. Anxious urging to stool, every time with great nausea and pressing in the temple, during and previous to it.

Cold sweat of anxiety in the face with extreme discomfort for quarter of an hour, then diarrhoeic stool.

Before the diarrhoeic stool much urging anxiety and trembling all over the body, after the stool bitter scraping eructation and some heartburn.

Much urging during the stool with little evacuation (3rd d.).

Great desire to go to stool, which often suddenly forces him to go to the closet.

540. Motion passes in small pieces like sheep’s dung.

Tenacious motion.

Motion smells sour.

Chilliness before every motion of the bowels.

Shivering before every motion of the bowels.

545. Before the diarrhoeic motion, chilliness and urging, and during the chill, flush of heat.

Chilliness from one diarrhoeic stool to another; but when actually evacuating flush of heat especially in the face.

After a motion attended by much pinching he is much exhausted.

During the purging he becomes sick and bets much eructation.

Small evacuations of bloody mucus accompanied by cutting in the abdomen and tenesmus.

550.Very costive motion which call only be passed with horrible pains in the anus and after a long time. [ Fr. H-n. ]

Evacuation of little hard faces without pressing (24th d.). [Lr.]

Hard evacuation. [Fr. H-n.]

Several burning smarting evacuation during the day that cause great strain in the anus, but nothing very considerable is passed. [ Hbg. ]

Mucus and blood on the faeces, which, however, were not hard [Fr. H.-n.]

555. Pappy stool with mucus. [Fr. H-n.]

Brimstone-coloured stool. [Fr. H-n]

Yellowish, diarrboeic stool, twice a day, without sensation, for several days. [Fr. H-n.]

Greyish white stool. [Fr. H-n.]

Discharge of mucus by stool with very little faeces, four or five times. [Fr. H-n.]

560. The motion comes only at night.[Fr. H-n.]

He often cannot get rid of the motion quick enough, when he neglects the call it passes involuntarily, although it is only pappy. [Fr.H-n.]

Diarrhoea. [Fr. H-n.]

Diarrhoea in the evening. [Fr. H-n.]

Diarrhoea at night. [Fr. H-n.]

565. Diarrhoeic stool, streaked with blood. [Fr. H-n.]

Red slimy stool (aft. a few h.).

Bloody stools, with painful acrid sensation at the anus.

After pressure in the abdomen, as from a ball, there occur stools of dark green mucus.

Dark green, bilious, frothy stools.

570. Green, slimy, acrid stools, that excoriate the anus.

Diarrhoea of green mucus, with burning at the anus and prolapsus of the anus.

Soft, brownish, easy stool, which floated on the top of the water.

Diarrhoea, with cutting and pressing in the rectum.

Burning diarrhoea.

575.Burning in the anus.

Diarrhoea, with much blood, for several days, then hard stool with blood. [Fr. H-n.]

Green diarrhoea with violent pinching and cutting. [Stf.]

Along with soft stools, burning pain in the anus.

After every stool burning in the anus.

580. A haemorrhoid comes out of the anus and has shooting pain during the stool and on being touched.

While urinating flow of blood from the rectum. [Fr. H-n.]

Discharge of blood after a faecal evacuation. [Fr. H-n.]

Pinching feeling in the anus, as in diarrhoea, with discharge of much flatus. [Lr.]

Sharp stitches in the anus, causing him to start. [Gss.]

585. Itching in the anus as from ascarides

Soreness at the anus (10th d.). [Rl.]

Ascarides crawl out of the rectum (aft.1.2 h.). [Fr. H-n.]

Discharge of several large lumbrici. [ Fr. H-n. ]

Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge of urine (aft.2 h.).[Lr.]

590. Constant urging to make water, but none comes [Fr. H-n.]

Urging to urinate so that he mast pass urine at least once every hour day and night, with severe burning in the urethra at the beginning of the urinary flow. [Fr. H-n.]

Uncommonly weak stream of urine. [ Fr. H-n. ]

Constant urging to urinate, about every ten minutes, but little passed.

Frequent pressing to urinate (after a nocturnal emission of semen).

595. Pressing after making water.

Whilst urinating a remote sick qualmish feeling.

Pressing in the genitals, whereupon she must make much water.

At 4 a.m., in bed, he must make water.

She must rise three times at night to make water, and much urine is passed each time.

600. Copious flow of water, also several times at night.

Darker urine. [Fr. H-n.]

Much red and brown urine. [Fr. H-n. ]

Frequent and profuse urination (3rd d.). [Rl.]

Urine with flaky white clouds.

605. Urine immediately after being passed very turbid and depositing a sediment.

Urine as if mixed with. flour, with thick sediment.

Urine reddish, becomes thick on standing, and causes cutting pain when he is passing it.

Very dark urine for several weeks. [ Rl.]

Urine passes at first clear, afterwards white, as if mixed with chalk, and shortly afterwards the urethra is the seat of burning pain, after merely touching the penis.

610. Brownish-red urine. [Fr. H-n.]

He passes much more uaine than the liquid he has drunk.[Fr. H-n.,]

Too frequent and too profuse urination. [Fr. H-n.]

Too frequent urination with burning smarting pain. [Fr. H-n.]

Small masses of hardened mucus, like pieces of flesh, pass along with the urine.

615.Considerable pieces of white threads and flakes pass out after the urine, without pain.

Urine smells sour.

Very little urine, as if mixed with blood, passes.

Rare discharge of fiery red urine.

Dark red urine, as if mixed with blood.

620. He cannot retain his urine when types the desire comes. [Fr. H-n.]

When the desire to make water comes he must hasten to pass it, otherwise he cannot retain it.

Burning in the urethra at other times than when urinating.[Rl.]

Burning in the urethra at the commencement of urinating. [Rl.]

In the morning cutting types urinating (8th d.). [Rl.]

625. Cutting at the commencement of urinating (10th d.). [Rl.]

While urinating at first burning then smarting pain.

Burning while urinating.

Acrid urine. [Fr. H-n.]

Burning while passing water. [Fr. H-n.]

630. Haemorrhage from the urethra [Fr. H-n.]

Itching on the ossa pubis above the penis (aft. 2 h.). [Gn.]

A gurgling in the urethra, resembling shooting.

In the urethra, more a throbbing than a shooting.

Stitches anteriorly in the urethra, at other times than when urinating.

635.Stitches in the urethra towards the abdomen, in the evening.

An obtuse shooting (several times) in the urethra.

Gone to sleep feeling (dying away) of the penis, for a quarter of an hour. [Fr. H-n.J’

Cutting smarting pain in the whole urethra whilst urinating especially towards the end of the act to the very last drop, and at the same time he cannot pass his water quick enough, generally some passes involuntarily before he reaches the vessel. [Fr. H-n.]

Vesicles on the front and at one side of the glans penis, they ate in deeper and spread around; several small white vesicles, which also discharged, but soon, disappeared. [Hbg.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.