750. At every inspiration a stab as with a knife, under the left short ribs in the side. [Gss.]

In the chest a sore pain.

Bruised pain in the left side of the chest; on touching it.[Fr. H-n.]

Pain as from a blow in the upper part of the chest, in the evening. [Fr. H-n.],

In the left side, beneath the last ribs, painful feeling as if it were swollen there. [Fr. H-n.]

755. Quivering in the right pectoral muscles (aft. 24 h.). [Gn.]

Pain in bath breast. [Fr. H-n.]

Unnatural swelling of the female mammae, especially of the nipples, which were also harder than usual. [Fr. H-n.]

Periodical pain in the breasts, as if something in them were about to suppurate. [Fr. H-n.]

After eating, under the breasts, a jerking griping. [Fr. H-n.]

760. Horrible tearing in the pectoral muscles, near the left shoulder. [Gss.]

(When sitting) tensive pain anteriorly about the breast, that impedes breathing (for several days). [Lr.]

Violent bruised pain anteriorly over the breast; he knows not how to sit or move in order to get rid of it. [Lr.]

Smallpox-like eruption immediately above the anus, with aching pain, worst when sitting. [Fr. H-n.]

On the coccyx tearing pain, which is diminished by pressing on the abdomen. [Fr. H-n.]

765.Grasping pain in the sacrum, especially when standing, somewhat allayed by walking. [Fr. H-n.]

Pain in the sacrum as if bruised.

In the os sacrum pain as from a hard uncomfortable couch.

Sacral pain, which is diminished by sitting.

Grasping pain in the sacrum, especially when standing; diminished by walking.

770.Bruised pain in the sacrum, especially bad when sitting (for several days). [Lr.]

Itching in the os sacrum when walking. [Gn.]

Shooting itching in the os sacrum when walking. [Gn.]

Shooting in the sacrum during ordinary breathing (aft. 1 h.).[Fr. H-n. ]

In the sacrum and thighs shooting pain with unsteadiness in the sacrum, knees and feet. [Fr. H-n.]

775. Fine stitches on the right near the false spinous processes of the os sacrum. [Gss.]

In the sacrum and lower limbs shooting pain on touching; it seemed to him that he had no steadfastness or power in the sacrum and legs from the knee to the sole of the foot. [Fr. H-n.]

Sharp needle-pricks in the spine, betwixt the scapulae. [Gss.]

Fine and coarse stitches in the muscles of the back whilst walking. [Fr. H-n.]

Smarting pain in the back, especially while sitting. [Fr. H-n.]

780. Itching on the back, in the evening in bed. [Fr. H-n.]

Tickling itching on the left side of the back, that compelled scratching. [Lr.]

(A burning itching and heat of the whole back, most when walking in the open air.)

Pain in the back as if bruised.

Burning hot sensation on the whole back. [Fr. H-n.]

785. The back pains as if bruised. [Fr. H-n.]

On moving, especially in the open air, bruised pain on the left side of the back, as from prolonged stooping, for several days. [Lr.]

On the right shoulder up to the nape burning pain (while sitting). [Fr. H-n. ]

Burning betwixt the shoulders down the back.

Betwixt the shoulders, where the neck begins on turning the head and when he (when lying) turns the rest of the body, violent pain, which, when he raises himself a little, becomes so severe that he must bite his teeth togther. [Fr. H-n.]

790. Quivering in the right scapula. [Gn.]

Tearing in the scapulae.

In the scapula a painless throbbing, that ends in trembling.

Under the scapulae a squeezing pain when moving, in bed after midnight.

In the left scapula bruised pain with shooting and tension in it, so severe when he turns his head, that he weeps and cries out (in the morning immediately after waking). [Fr. H-n. ]

795. Pimples and boils on the scapulae and abdomen. [Fr. H-n.]

Itching in the back, on the right scapula. [Gn.]

On the right shoulder up to the nape burning pain, when sitting.[Fr. H-n. ]

Stiffness in the nape, and shooting in it when moving.[Fr. H-n. ]

Rheumatism in the nape, like aching, even when at rest, worst when bending the head backwards.

800. Neck swollen and so stiff that he can only turn it with difficulty.[ Hbg. ]

Painful stiffness of the neck, so that she cannot turn her head round, with heavy feeling in it. [Fr. H-n.]

The left shoulder becomes perceptibly higher than the right, but without increasing its dimensions laterally, with pain in it, especially when moving, which even wakes him up out of sleep. [Fr. H-n]

The shoulders together with the upper arm are as if asleep, in bed in the morning. [Fr. H-n. ]

Frightful stitches on the shoulder-joint, in the evening.

805. Cracking in the shoulder and elbow-joints.

More twitching than throbbing in the shoulder-joint, once every quarter hour.

Tearing in the right shoulder-joint, the shaft of the humerous end the wrist-joint (in the knee and hip-joints and the shaft of the femur).

In the shoulders pain like a down-pressing sensation.

In the humeri a crushing pain.

810. A twitching tearing in both upper arms; then their flesh is painful when touched.

Burning on both arms, so that everything falls out of his hands, and he must let the arms sink down. [Fr. H-n.]

The right arm and hand were as if asleep, relieved by movement. [Fr. H-n.]

Tearing on the inner surface of the right arm. [Gss.]

He cannot let the arm lie long in one place, there occurs an intolerable tired feeling in it; he must at one time extend, at another flex it, but it is better when he extends it.

815. Twitching of whole muscles on the right arm. [Rl.]

The right arm is shaken and tossed about all night.[Fr. H-n.]

The left arm feels heavy on raising it up high and pains as if sprained. [Fr. H-n.]

Tearing in the elbow-joint.

Single sharp stitches, each lasting five minutes, in the external tuberosity of the elbow (also in the zygomatic process, chest, and external tuberosity of the knee), worse in the forenoon and when walking.

820. Slow, tearing stitch in the elbow-joint.

On the left arm especially on the elbow, eruption of small, red, not inflamed elevations, whose apices became covered with white scurf and itched; after scratching they burned. [Fr. H-n.]

Large, red, hot swelling of the left elbow, which spreads to the hand with extremely burning and tearing pains and at the same time creeping as from ants (aft. 6 h.). [Fr. H-n.]

Burning in the elbow-joints. [Fr. H-n.]

Itching on the left elbow. [Fr. H-n. ]

825. Shooting on the elbow. [Fr. H-n.]

In the bones of the forearm (and the shafts of the tibiae,) pain as from fatigue, per se, but not when touched.

Itching miliary eruption on the forearm.

Tetter on the right forearm of a circular form, with desquamation of the cuticle, which caused voluptuous itching, and lasted eighteen days.(aft 6 h.). [Fr.H-n.]

Large, red, round, scurfy tetter with burning pain, an inch in diameter, on the forearm and wrist.. [Fr. H-n.]

830. In the wrist-joints attacks of painless throbbing.

On the back of the hand a red pimple, with burning sensation on its first appearance..

(When walking) dull shooting cramp-pain in the periosteum of the inner side of the right forearm. [Lr.]

Dull shooting cramp-pain of the right forearm inferiorly, in all positions (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]

In all positions, dull shooting cramp-pain in the muscles of the outside of the left forearm. [Lr.]

835. On the inner side of the wrists vesicles full of watery fluid. [Fr. H-n.]

Painful stiffness of the right wrist-joint. [Fr. H-n.]

A powerlessness and paralytic state of the left wrist-joint, and cracking and shooting in it. [Fr. H-n.]

Pain in the left hand (in the bones) on stretching it out and grasping, followed by aching, as if paralysed and rigid. [Rl.]

The hand is as if rigid and stiff. [Rl.]

840. In the wrist-joint cracking, shooting, and powerlessness.[Fr. H-n.]

The left wrist-joint is swollen and pains when grasped firmly and moving. [Fr. H-r. ]

Deep rhagades on the hands, like cuts (chapped hands).[Fr. H-n. ]

Considerable swelling of the left hand. [Fr. H-n.]

Tension in the whole hand.. [Fr. H-n.]

845. Drawing pain in the hands, with coldness of the fingers.[Fr. H-n. ]

(On moving the hands) great cramp-pain in the left hand, especially in the fingers [Lr.]

Hands and fingers tend to grow rigid when working, with cramplike pain in them (7th d.). [Rl.]

The back of the hand desquamates. [Fr. H-n.]

In the evening in bed, on the backs of the hands eroding itching, which goes off after scratching, but soon returns. [Gss.]

850. Great tickling in the left palm, which compels scratching (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]

Fine tickling in the right palm, that forces him to scratch (aft. 5 h.). [Lr.]

The fingers of both hands are drawn together and flexed, particularly the thumb, so that it is quite bent in, as in epilepsy; with out assistance he can with a great effort and with trembling of the hands only straighten them to the extent of two thirds. [Fr. H-n]

Cramp-like contraction of the fingers and hand; they are drawn into a bent position.

Painful cramp of the fingers and hand, at first in the extended position, so that she could only close them with difficulty; after they are closed, however, cramp that drew the fingers firmly inwards.

855. Dying away of the fingers. [Fr. H-n. ]

Deep rhagades on the fingers, which in their depths look sore and bloody. [Fr. H-n. ]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.