640. A drawing shooting in the urethra, at other times than when urinating.

In the evening burning about the glans, then vesicles on the inner surface of the prepuce, which break out into ulcers that soon heal of themselves.

Itching of the glans.

An itching shooting in the glans when it is pressed.

Itching shooting in the glans after urinating.

645. A formication on the fraenum preputii and in the scrotum.

Glans very cold and shrivelled up (aft. 3 h.).

Formicating itching on the glans. [Gn.]

Swelling of the anterior part of the urethra with suppuration betwixt the glans and prepuce: it is red and hot to the touch, and when touched, as also when walking, very painful; at the same time raging pain in the forehead, and rough, itch-like eruption on the hands, especially where the thumb is attached, most on, the upper side, itching severely at night. [Fr. H-n.];

Tearing shooting pain in the glans anteriorlly that spreads through the whole penis to the anus, sometimes also into the flanks. [Htn.]

650.Inflammation of the prepuce, with burning pain in it. [Fr. H-n.]

Great swelling, of the prepuce,, as if it were distended with air or water to a blister. [Fr: H-n. ]

Swelling of.the prepuce, and inflammatory redness and painful sensitiveness, of its inner surface.

Gonorrhoea glandis. .

Greenish, painless urethral blennorrhoea, especially at night.

655.Voluptuous itching on and in the prepuce of the male organ, that compels him to scratch.

Swelling of the prepuce with burning, smarting and redness, and on its inner surface, chaps and rhagades, on the outside a red fine eruption. [Fr. H-n.]

Several small red vesicles on the end of the glans under the prepuce which after four days broke out into little ulcers, which excreted a yellowish-white matter that smelt strongly and stained the linen; afterwards the larger ulcers bled, and touching them caused a pain that affected the whole body :they were round, their borders like raw flesh, were everted and their surface was covered with a cheesy deposit. [Hbg. ]

Shooting itching on the fraenum preputii. [Fr. H-n.]

Agreeable tickling itching on the front of the glans penis that compelled him to scratch (aft. 9 h.). [L r.]

660. Cold feeling ill the testicles, in the afternoon and evening, for fourteen days. [Fr. H-n. ]

Before the flatus is expelled the swollen testicle is sensitive, but not painful. [Htn.]

Violent stitches in the scrotum.

An aching drawing in the testicles, but more drawing than aching.

Drawing pain in the testicles and groin.

665.A drawing in the spermatic cord, in jerks.

Itching in the right testicle. [Gn.]

Spasmodic tearing pain, that commences between the testicles, then penetrates into the penis and causes considerable itching in the ulcers. [Htn.]

Seminal emission without voluptuous dreams. [Lr.]

Incomplete erections, with tension in the pudendum, caused, as it seemed to him, by much flatulence. [Htn.]

670. Boring stitch in the perineum when walking and sitting [Gn.]

Emission of semen in the midday sleep, followed by burning pain in the orifice of the urethra when urinating.

Painful erections.

Nocturnal seminal emission.

Nocturnal seminal emission, mixed with blood.

675. In the morning after rising, after a nocturnal pollution, he is all over cold, but not exhausted.

Burning in the male urethra during coitus (7th d.). [Rl.]

When walking profuse sweat on the genitals and neighbouring parts.

Excoriation between the genital organs and thighs.

Smarting in the female urethra when urinating. [Fr. H-n.]

680. Bland leucorrhoea. [Fr. H-n.]

Leucorrhoea especially in the evening from 8 till 9 o’clock, which does not drop, has a greenish appearance, and causes smarting anteriorly in the genitals so that she must scratch much, especially in the evening and at night; after scratching it burns violently. [Fr. H-n.]

Discharge of flakes, mucus and pus, as large as hazel nuts from the vagina. [Fr. H-n.]

Itching in the labia pudendi.

Long-lasting itching on the labia pudendi shortly before the menses.

685. Pimples on the labia pudendi.

Internal inflammatory swelling of the vagina, as if it were raw and sore.

Leucorrhoea with smarting sensation.

Purulent leucorrhoea.

Eroding leucorrhoea..

690. During coitus, uncommonly quick and certain conception and occurrence of pregnancy. [Fr. H-n.]

During the menses, anxiety, so that she knows not what to do with herself.

Six days after the menses, recurrence of the flow of blood.[Fr. H-n.]

The catamenia come on to profusely and accompanied by pain in the abdomen. [Fr. H-n.]

Metrorrhagia in an old woman in whom the menses had ceased eleven years previously. [Fr. H-n.]

695. Metrorrhagia for three weeks. [Fr. H-n.]

Menses suppressed. [Fr. H-n.

Great prolapse of the vagina. [Fr. H-n. ]

Pimple on the labia pudundi. [Fr. H-n. ]

Very frequent sneezing, especially in the morning.

700. Very violent sneezing (immediately).

Sneezing (aft. 5 m.). [Fr. H-n.]

Frequent sneezing. [Fr. H-n.]

Frequent sneezing without fluent coryza. [Lr.]

She must sneeze once a day, for twelve successive days.[Fr. H-n.]

705. For three days almost continual snesszing then great swelling of the left lower eyelid, especially towards the outer canthus, with burning pain and lachrymation, for five day. [Fr. H-n.]

Foetid smell from the nose as during severe coryza. [Fr. H -n.]

Coryza with much sneezing. [Fr. H-n.]

Coryza for two days. [Fr. H-n.]

Much fluid drops from the nose all day long, without his having coryza. [Fr. H-n.]

710. Acrid pus smelling like old cheese flows from the nose.[Fr. H-n.]

Dry cough. [Fr. H-n.]

Cough with expectoration. [Fr. H-n.]

Fatiguing, short, dry cough, the tickling irritation of which is felt under the upper part of the chest, and which is especially excited by talking, and hardly allows him to speak.

Many night severe cough, and irritation thereto from below upwards, as from the stomach; it comes when lie is awake and when he is asleep, and he needs not to raise himself up for it.

715. Cough which rings laud appears to him as if all were dry in the chest, with pain in the chest and sacrum. [Fr. H-n.]

On alternate evenings, most violent, shaking fit of coughing, in the evening. when about to fall asleep, as if chest and head would burst, for half an hour; after the cough great stretching.

Rough cough.

When coughing he feels as if he should lose his breath.

(The cough wakes him up early, about 2 or 3 a.m.)

720. During the cough, inclination to vomit.

Coughing of blood. [Fr. H-n. ]

Bloody expectoration when walking in the open air. [Fr. H-n,]

Bloody expectoration when working. [Fr. H-n.]

He coughed up, whilst lying, for three hours (in the forenoon) over a pound of blood. [Fr. H-n: ]

725. Difficult breathings as from want of air, in the morning.[Fr. H-n.]

Shortness of breath, broken-winded.

When going up-stairs, shortness of breath.

Shortness of breath when walking, as if he could not draw in enough breath.

Anxiety under the sternum; he must breathe deeply.

730. Tightness in the region of the sternum.

The chest pains as it oppressed. [Fr. H-n. ]

Anxious about the chest, a kind of tightness of chest. [Stf.]

When he lies (in bed, in the evening) on the left side he has tightness of the chest, and must breathe very deeply, whereby he has an intolerable pain in the left inguinal, region. [Gss.]

Tightness of the chest after a meal. [Fr. H-n.]

735. A pressive pain on the side of the sternum which goes through the back, even when at rest, but worse when walking, in the evening; afterwards the part was painful as if bruised.

Burning sensation in the chest up to the throat. [Fr. H-n.]

Burning in the left side, where the ribs terminate. [Fr. H.-n.]

Aching in the left side of the chest, which prevents deep breathing. [Fr. H-n.]

Aching pain in the right thoracic cavity, when he holds his breath and again expires, going off on breathing in and out. [Gn.]

740. A squeezing and tension in the left side, immediately beneath the ribs, a sensation which, although little painful, yet threatens his life; he is very deficient in breath and dare not move, for at the least movement, e.g. of the arm, or on speaking a single word, his life threatened to leave him (aft.1h.) [Fr. H-n.]

On stooping, pain in the chest, single stitches.

At other tones then when breathing, only when sneezing and coughing, a stitch anteriorly and superiorly in the chest through and through to the back; there is shooting and squeezing together of the chest.

Single pointed stitches (each lasting, five minutes) in the chest (knee, zygomatic process, and outer tuberosity of the elbow), worst ill the forenoon and when walking.

When breathing, stitches in the anterior superior part of the chest and through to the back; there is shooting and squeezing together of the chest.

745. On the left side of the chest when breathing and when not, five or six severe stitches.

Shooting in the left side. [Fr. H-n.]

Stitches in the right side of the chest when sneezing and coughing. [Fr. H-n]

When inspiring, whilst walking, in the open air, shooting in the last right rib and in the inguinal region, with tightness of breath.

Obtuse stitches in the right thoracic cavity, for some minutes, only when expiring, while lying and stooping. [Gn.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.