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A contraction of the abdomen in the umbilical region. [Ln.]

Squeezing and gripping round about the navel, so that he must bend forwards. [Hbg.]

665. Contractive pain in the abdomen; ‘she must bend forwards on account of the pain.

Bellyache, as if a part in the abdomen were grasped with the nails. a gripping, clutching, clawing.

A squeezing together in the umbilical region, worse at noon and in the afternoon.

When walking, great clawing together in the right side of the belly, besides sharp shooting from there up through the right side of the chest and out at the axilla. ( Ws.]

An extremely painful clawing together in the umbilical region, coming from the sides and uniting in the navel. [Stf.]

690. Pinching bellyache, whereby he is compelled to sit with his body bent together, with ineffectual call to diarrhoea and subsequent vomiting.

Pinching in the bowels. [Hbg.]

Pinching in the side of the abdomen, the hepatic region, so that when he wished to rise up from his seat he could not do so on account of the pain. [Hbg.]

Pinching across the epigastrium and downwards as if in the colon.[Mkl. ]

Violent pinching deep in the abdomen, which is much aggravated by drawing in the belly and by bending the upper part of the body over to the left side (aft. 6. h.). [Htn.]

675. Great stitches in the inguinal glands.

Fine stitches in the left groin. [Mkl.]

Obtuse stitches in the right side of the abdomen at the last ribs.[Ws.]

Violent shooting as with a blunt knife between the right hip and the navel (aft. 12 h.). [ Gss.]

From the umbilical region round over the left hip to the lumbar vertebrae a shooting cut, as if in a single thrust, in which latter region it terminated, and where it was most painful (aft.3/4 h.). [Gss.]

680. Obtuse knife-thrusts on the left side below the navel. [Gss.]

An aching, shooting pain in the umbilical region (aft. 24 h).[Ln.]

Early in bed, in the left side of the abdomen on which he is lying quietly, an aching cutting which goes off as soon as he turns on the other side (aft. 11 d.).

Violent cutting pressure in the hypogastrium, sometimes here, sometimes there (aft 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Cutting in the whole of the hypogastrium, but mote violent in the left side. [Gss.]

685. Itching stitches at the navel, which go off by rubbing (aft, 1 h.). [ Ws.]

Anxious heat in the abdomen, in the chest, and in the face, with stuffed nose. [Ws.]

Heat from below upwards, so that the sweat of anxiety broke out, followed by nausea combined with frightful anxiety, until the nausea went always further down. [Kr.]

Painfulness of the whole abdomen, as if all were sore and raw, lasting long (aft. 1 h.). [Stf ]

Violent reiterated rumbling in the bowels. [Gss.]

690. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with the feeling as if all there were mixed up together (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.]

A rumbling and pinching in the abdomen. [Ln.]

Very frequent discharge of flatus almost without smell. [Ln.]

Frequent discharge of inodorous flatus.

During a motion of the bowels, shivering.

695. During a motion of the bowels a shudder ran over the child.

On straining at stool feeling in the abdomen as if diarrhoea were coming on, with internal heat in the abdomen (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

Pappy stool mixed with mucus [Hbg ]

Heat of head, alternating with diarrhoea. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 672 (14).]

Diarrhoea, inclination to vomit, and stomachache. [GREDING,1. c., p. 672 (14).]

700. Curdled, yellow, somewhat mucous stool.

(Motions of a very sour smell.)

Stools as white as chalk(Not found) [WEINMANN, 1. c., p. 138.]

Green Stools.(During recovery from jaundice.) [GREDING, 1. c., Vol ii, p. 320.]

Green stools, with diuresis and yet sweat at the same time.(During recovery from jaundice.) [GREDING 1. C., VOl. ii, p. 319.]

705. Several watery stools immediately after profuse sweat. [Justi.1.c.]

At first soft diarrhoeic stool, but afterwards frequent urging to stool, whereby very little or nothing at all comes away. [Ws.]

Uncommonly diminished stool, only small evacuations occur for several days. [Hbg.]

Urging to stool, which comes away thinner than usual, but in sufficient quantity. [Hrr.]

Frequent thin stools, with tenesmus; he felt a frequent desire to go, he must go to stool every quarter of an hour (aft. 48 h.).

710. He has a constant desire to go to stool.

Straining at stool; a scanty diarrhoeic motion comes away, and is immediately followed by very much increased straining (aft. 3 h.).[Stf.]

Frequent urging to stool, without any, or with only a very scanty and hard motion. [Hrr.]

Tenesmus and bellyache. (FABER,( General account of effects of B.) Strychnomania. p. 13, obs. 5.]

Ineffectual urging to stool.

715. After ineffectual urging to stool, vomiting.

A kind of tenesmus, a constant pressure and forcing towards the anus and genitals, alternating with painful contraction of the anus (aft. 12 h.).

Pressure in the rectum towards the anus. [Mkl.]

Constipation. [FR. HOFFMANN,(Statement of effects of soporifics in general( including opium )) Medicina ration., p. 273.]

After a confined motion distension of the abdomen and heat of head. [GREDING, 1. c., p,673(14).]

720.He cannot strain at stool.[Fr. H _ n.].

Contractive pain in the rectum, then sore pain in the epigastrium, followed by rapid discharge of slimy diarrhoea, at last empty. straining.

Severe itching, and at the same time constrictive sensation in the anus. [Gss.]

Itching in the lower part of the rectum.

Violent, sudden, painful itching in rectum, and anus.

725. Itching externally at the anus (while walking in the open air).

A pleasant tickling in the lower part of the rectum.

Single, rapid, great stitches in the rectum (when moving) (aft. 3 h.).

Haemorrhoidal bleeding for several days.

Involuntary discharge of the stool, temporary paralysis of the sphincter ant. [DUMOULIN, 1. c.]

730. Involuntary discharge of the excrements. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 690 (22)]

Small, rapid, involuntary stools.

Suppressed evacuation of stool and urine for ten hours.

Suppressed evacuation of stool and urine, with extraordinary perspiration. [SALDINGER, 1. c.]

Difficult micturition.

735. Suppressed urine(We can say nothing about Sicelius, but de Launay d, hermonts symptom is difficult only micturition.”)[DE LAUNAY D, hERMONT, I. C.-SICELIUS, 1.c.]

Retention of the urine, which only passes by drops. [LOTTINGER, 1.c.]

Frequent call to pass urine, [GREDING, 1. c., p. 658.]

Frequent call to urinate, but the urine passed in strikingly small quantity, though of natural colour. [Gss.]

Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge of urine (aft 1h.) [Lr.]

740. Incessant urging to urinate. [BUCAVE, 1, c.]

Yellow, turbid urine. [ACKERMANN, 1, c.]

Clear, lemon-coloured urine. ( JUSTI, 1. c.]

Golden-yellow urine. [Hbg.]

Bright yellow, clear urine (aft. 4 h.).

745. (Whitish urine.)

Urine with white, thick sediment (aft. 12 h.)

Urine turbid, like yeast, with reddish sediment.

Frequent micturition. [Hbg.]

Frequent micturition of copious urine. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]

750. Flow of urine [enuresis( This is what we now call “diuresis) ][SAUTER (11), 1. c,-GREDING, 1. c., pp, 644. 648, 650, 652, 675, 686 ]

Frequent micturition of copious, pale, thin watery urine. [GRIMM, I. c.]

Discharge of a quantity of watery urine, with perspiration. [BAYLIES, Praet. Essays on Medorrhinum Subjects, p. 37.]

Along with discharge of a large quantity of urine, and with increased appetite, he is quite cold to the touch. [GREDING, 1, c., p, 694 (23).]

At night diuresis, with profuse sweat. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 689 (22),]

755. Along with constant diuresis profuse night sweat. [GREDING, 1. c., p 689 (21).]

Diuresis, thirst, and obscuration of vision in the morning. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 970 (14).]

Diuresis, with perspiration, good appetite and diarrhoea. [GREDING, 1. c.. p. 667.]

Diuresis, with profuse sweat. (GREDING, 1. c., p. 684 (19 ).]

Diuresis, diarrhoea, and appetite. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 661.]

760. Urine more copious than the drink taken would warrant. HORST, 1. c.]

Diuresis on the occurrence of the catamenia. [EVERS, in Schmucker’s Vermischten Schr., i, p. 185.( From a case of serous apoplexy, in which B. was given.)]

Involuntary discharge of urine. [BOUCHER, 1. c.]

Involuntary discharge of urine, temporary paralysis of the neck of the bladder.( See S. 729 )[DUMOULIN, 1. c.]

During profound sleep (by day) his urine escaped.

765. He cannot retain his urine.

Sensation of winding and turning in the bladder, as from a large worm, without urging to pass water.

In the night obtuse pressure in the vesical region.

Immediately after making water a smarting sensation on the outer border of the prepuce.

In the anterior part of the glans penis an itching tickling like the bite of a flea. [Hbg.]

770. Before falling asleep in the evening in bed tearing upwards left spermatic cord several times repeated. [Mkl.]

The prepuce is retracted behind the plans, whence he has a disagreeable sensation in the exposed glans (aft. 4 h.). [Mkl.]

A long stitch along the urethra, which commenced at the bulbous portion of the urethra, and extended to its orifice, whilst walking (aft. 3 h. ), ( Htn. ]

A violent forcing and straining towards the genitals, as if all would fall out there; worse when sitting bent foward and when walking, better when standing and sitting upright (aft. 10 h.). [Stf.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.