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A headache apparently tearing asunder the sutures of the skull, as if a lever were inserted in order to burst open the head. [Ln.] Sensation in the brain as of splashing water. (BUCHHOLZ,( Effects of two-grain doses of the powdered root given to a boy as prophylactic of hydrophobia) in Hufel. Journal, v, 1, p. 252.)

On stooping forwards the blood rushes towards the forehead. [Bhr. ]

On stooping the blood mounts into the head and he become heavy and as if giddy.

150. Ebullition of the blood to the head, without internal heat of head; when he leaned the head back it seemed to him that blood rushed in. [Hbg.]

Heat in the head (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.]

External pain in the whole head like that from rough pulling and rumpling the hair; pain remains in the scalp. [L.Rkt.]

Gnawing headache externally on the frontal protuberances.[Ws.]

Fine shooting burning on the left frontal protuberance (aft.1/4h.).[Htn. ]

155. A cueing headache on the left side near the occipital protuberance,[ Gss. ]

On the right side of the head, and at the same time in the right arm, drawing pain, when at rest (after dinner). [Hbg.]

Very transient cramp pain on the right side of the vertex (aft. 11 h.). [Ws.]

Cramp pain on the root of the nose. [ Ws.]

Severe cramp pain on the frontal protuberance, that extends downwards over the zygote to the lower jaw. [ Ws. ]

160.External feeling of contraction of the frontal and eye muscles.[Ln.]

Scratching itching on the forehead (aft. 1 h). [ Ws.]

A painful boil on the temple.

Red painless pimples break out on the temple, on the tight corner of the mouth, and on the chin;- on scratching bloody water exudes (aft. 13 h.). [Lr.]

Swelling of the head. [Kr.-MUNCH. (Effects of large doses (gr. 4-14) of the powdered root given as prophylactic of hydrophobia) On Belladonna -HORST, (Poisoning of an adult by inspissated juice.-The head, he says, “swelled to double its size)Opera, ii, p. 488. ]

165. Great swelling of the head and redness all over the body.( In two days) [MUNCH, (Effects of large doses(gr. 4 – 14) of the powered root given as prophylactic of hydrophobia.) in Richter’s Biblioth., v. p. 387. ]

Falling out of the hair, for an hour (aft. 24 h.).

The hairs, whack were previously idioelectric, are no longer so (aft. 24 h.).

The external head is so sensitive that the slightest touch, even the pressure of the hair, causes her pain. [Kr.]

Restless expression. [BOUCHER,(poisoning of five children – it is only the eyes which are said to be distorted.) in Tour. de Medorrhinum, xxiv, 3i0.]

170. Distorted features. [BOUCHER, 1. c.]

Paleness of face. [SICELIUS, 1.. c.]

Pale face with thirst. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 650.]

Pale face with increased appetite. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 650.]

Sudden paleness of face for a considerable time. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 677 (16).]

175. Often extreme pallor of face, instantaneously changing into redness of face, with cold cheeks and hot forehead.( Occurring daring a succession of epileptic paroxysms )[GREDING, 1, c., p. 662 ]

Hot feeling in face without external redness (aft. 8 h.). [Ws.]

Burning hot feeling in the whole face, without redness of cheeks and without thirst, with moderately warm body and cold feet (aft. 4 h.), [Htn.]

Creeping hot feeling in the face beneath the skin (aft.1/4; h.). [ Ws.]

Burning heat over the face, without thirst (aft. 10 h.). [Lr.]

180. Unusual redness of the face. [Ln.]

Great redness and heat in the face, without perspiration (aft. 24, 30. h.). [ Mkl. ]

Very red, hot face, with icy-cold limbs. [Stf.]

Glowing redness of face, with violent indescribable pains in head[Stf.]

Heat and redness only on the head.

185. Perspiration only on the face.

Rush of blood to the head, red cheeks. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]

Great heat and redness of the cheeks. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]

Face very swollen and hot. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]

Redness and heat in the whole face, as if he had drunk much wine. [Hbg.]

190. Heat in the face all day, as if the blood had mounted to the head from drinking wine (aft. 12 h.).

Blood-red face. (SAUTER, 1. c. (1).]

Swollen skin of face, as if an eruption were going to break out. [ SAUTER.( Effects of large doses of powdered leaves given in fully-developed hydrophobia’ Symptoms from this source will be distinguished by a (11).1. C. (11). ]

Face bluish-red, with great heat of the body, in the evening. [WIEDEMANN. 1. C.]

Scarlet redness of the face and chest during sleep. [SCHAFFER,(Effects of B. given to children for Whooping-cough.) in Hufel. Journ., vi.]

195. Scarlet redness of the skin of the body, especially of the face, with marked activity of the brain. [WETZLER,( Not accessible) in Annaleder Heilkunde, 1811, Febr.]

Dark-red spots on the face, resembling the rash of scarlet fever, with full pulse. [WIEDEMANN, 1. C.]

Along with sudden rigor great dulness of head and sight, red eyes, and swollen face covered with very small, unequal, dark-red spots, especially on the forehead. L GREDING, 1. c., p. 685 (19).]

In the morning on awaking a small bluish-red spot on the left cheek, which gradually enlarges until the bluish-red swelling involves the whole cheek, with burning and shooting in the actual red part, and boring and throbbing in the whole cheek, much aggravated by movement; after some days the. other cheek swelled, and the swelling lasted eight days. [Kr.]

Red swollen face. [MAY, 1. c.]

200. Red swollen face with staring eyes. [JUSTI,( Effect of a single full dose given to an adult as prophylactic of hydrophobia.) in Hufel. Journ., vii, 4, p. 65.]

Swollen face.

The face was red and swollen, but the rest of the body pale. [GRIMN,1. C.]

Swelling of the cheeks, with burning pain. [Fr. H-n.]

Hard large swelling on the face about the nose and eye, with swelling of the parotid gland on the opposite side, lasting five day [GREDING, 1. c., p. 668.]

205. Swelling of the left cheek about the nose and eye, which comes on in the afternoon, increases the following day with -heat, and lasts five days. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 667.]

Swollen face. [MUNCH,1. c.]

Swelling of the face, and especially of the lips. [LAMBERGEN,( connection with S. 367) 1. c.]

An uninterrupted quivering (and winking) of both eyelids. [Ln.]

All day long an uninterrupted trembling and quivering of. the right upper eyelid, that at last becomes painful. [Htg.]

210.Expanded eyelids, eyes standing wide open.

Throbbing pain in the lower eyelids towards the inner canthus, with great inflammatory swelling at that point, with much lachrymation, for half an hour (aft. 32 h.). [Mkl.]

The eyes close and become watery. [L. Rkt.]

Heaviness in the eyes, especially the upper lid. [L. Rkt.]

After waking in the morning, the eyes again close involuntarily; she cannot keep them open until she gets up. [Kr.]

215. Itching stitches is the inner canthi which only leave off for a short time on rubbing (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

The inner canthus of the left eye is very painful, even when lightly touched. [Gss.]

Smarting in both eyes. [Hbg.]

Involuntary lachrymation of the eyes.

Salt water runs constantly out of the eyes. [Hbg.]

220. Lachrymation of the eyes. [Mkl.]

Dryness of the eyes (of the nose, mouth, pharynx). [WASSERBERG,( Proving on self. The observer adds, after “eyes;” “with burning in these and the lids.”) in Stoll, Ratio Medendi, iii, p. 403.]

Burning dry feeling in both eyes, alternately worse in one or the other (aft7 h.). [Mkl.]

Pain and burning in the eyes. [GREDING, l. c., p. 644.]

Increased heat and hot feeling in the eyes. [Mkl.]

225. Feeling of heat in the eyes; it is as if they were enveloped in a hot vapour.

Photophobia; he avoids looking into the light. []USTI, 1. c.]

Burning of the eyes, accompanied by painful itching; but both cease when the eyes are pressed upwards (aft. 28 h.). [Mkl.]

In the morning the white of the eye is red-streaked, with aching pain.

Inflammation of the eyes; injection of the veins of the white of the eye, with a tickling sensation.

230. Inflammation of the eyes : the conjunctiva is traversed by red blood-vessels, with shooting pain; the eyes water. [Hbg.]

Shooting in the eyes towards the interior. [Kr.]

Yellowness of the white of the eye.

In the morning the eyes are quite sealed up with matter. [Mkl., kr.]

Swelling and purulent inflammation of the left punctum lachrymale, at first with burning pain, afterwards with aching pain, for three. days (aft. 4 d.). [Mkl.]

235. A general aching in both eyes. as if hard spring water had got into the eyes. [Ln.]

When she closes the eyes, an aching pain deep in the eyeball. [Stf.]

A cloudy aching comes in the right orbit and goes from that alternately into the forehead and back again. [Gas.]

Aching and watering of the eyes, especially in the morning. [F. H-n.]

Creeping aching pain in the eyes, as if they were full of sand; she must rub them (aft. 1 h.).

240. Aching in the eyes, as if sand had got into them (aft. 2, 1/4 h.). [Lr.]

Aching in the eyes, as from a grain of sand. [GREDING, loc, cit., p. 650.-Mkl.]

Pain in the orbits; sometimes it is as if the eyes were torn out, sometimes (and this more persistently) as though they were pressed into the head, to which a pain is superadded, that presses from the forehead upon the eyes, [Gss.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.