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He perspires, on slight movement, all over, chiefly on the face, down the nose.

He feels very hot; he perspires all over, but without thirst.

He perspires freely all over when walking in the open air (in the wind) and at the same time gets bellyache, just as if he had got a chill.

Night-sweat, which has a burnt odour.

1290. Profuse night-sweats, which do not weaken him. [ACKERMANN, 1. c.]

Night-sweat. [Hbg.]

Morning sweat. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.]

Profuse sweat. [EVERS, in Schmucker’s verm. Schriften, i, p. 185.GREDING,, 1. C., p. 652.]

Cold sweat on forehead (aft. 1 h.). [L. Rkt.]

1295. Every night profuse sweat. [GREDING, 1. c.. in various places.]

Night sweat during sleep, after midnight.

Waking immediately after midnight in perspiration -(he cannot go to sleep again); the sweat continues while he is awake (aft. 54 h.).

(During sleep at night no perspiration, but he perspires in his day sleep.)

Sweat while asleep. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]

1300. Sweat all over the body during sleep. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]

Sweat all over from 4 p.m. to midnight, then sleep during the sweat. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]

Profuse sweat with diuresis. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.-GREDING, 1. c pp 688, 689 (21, 22) ]

Very profuse, long-continued sweat, which stains the linen dark. [GREDING, I. C., p. 667.]

Sudden breaking out of general sweat, which disappears as suddenly.[L. Rkt.]

1305. Sweat as soon as he covers himself with the bed-clothes, especially on the upper parts. [Hbg.]

It is only the parts that are covered with the bed-clothes that perspire, in the evening.

Quite early in the morning (about 2 or 3 a.m.) after awaking, perspiration when the arms are covered, which goes off when he uncovers them.

In the morning, intermitting sweat, that rose from the feet up into the face, where it was particularly profuse; but immediately afterwards she got cool again. [Kr.]

During the febrile heat there occurs general perspiration when the hands are covered by the bed-clothes, but when she uncovers them general chilliness.

1310. Trembling. [HORST.-DE LAUNAY D’HERMONT.-EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]

He readily starts, especially when any one approaches him.[L. Rkt.]

By day, great anxiety; she cannot rest anywhere;she feels as if she should run away.

Great anxiety about the praecordia. [WAGNER, 1. c. (1).]

Very anxious and fearful. [Mkl.]

1315. Anxiety in the cardiac region (aft. 3 h.). [Ln.]

Anxiety, during the menses. [SCHMUCKER. 1. c.-LAMBERGEN, 1. c.]

Frequent groaning (grunting) especially in the morning, without being able to tell why; or what pain makes him do so.

Grunting and groaning at each expiration.

Grunting and groaning in sleep.

1320. Sighs.( Immediately before death) [EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]

Groaning alternating with hopping and dancing. [MARDORF,1. c-]

With a sudden cry he trembles in hands and feet. [GREDING,1. c., p. 644.]

Much anxiety, and, an hour afterwards perspiration. [HENNING,1. c.]

Events which hitherto he had hoped for with pleasure, now appear to him in an anxious light; they appear to him frightful and horrible. [L. Rkt. ]

1325. In the momentary intervals, when free from fury, complaints of intolerable anxiety, so that she wished to die. [BALDINGR, 1. c.]

About noon and evening, praecordial anxiety, headache, redness of face and bitterness of mouth. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 671 (14)]

Anxiety and restlessness. [EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]

Restlessness.[BOUCHER, 1. c.]

Great restlessness she cannot remain long seated in one place;she is driven all about. [Kr]

1330. Continual turning about of the whole body, as in chorea. [BOUCHER, 1. C.]

Incessant movement of the body, especially of the arms, with unaltered pulse. BOUCHER, 1. c.]

Great movement hither and thither in bed. [BOUCHER, 1. c.]

Unconnected talking in the evening. [ACKERMANN, 1, c.]

Raving, delirium. [ZIEGLER.- MAY.-EL. CAMERARIUS.-Medorrhinum Chirurg. Wahrnehm., vii.-EB. GMELIN.-BUC’HOZ, 1. c.]

1335. Continual delirium. [HORST, 1. c.]

After eating the delirium is allayed. [P. H-n.]

He makes preparations to go home.( See next symptom. )[GREDING, 1. c., p. 688 (21).]

He is delirious, and cries out in his dreams that he must go home, because Everything is on fire there. [GREDING; 1. c., p. 688 (21).]

Raves about wolves being in the room; at the same time full pulse. [G-CH, 1. c.]

1340. Delirious talk about dogs surrounding him. [HUFELAND, Jour., xvi.]

He is beside himself, raves, talks much about dogs, his arm and face swell. [MUNCH, 1. C.]

At night he talks nonsense, by day he is sensible. [GREDING, l, c., p. 676 (16).]

Nocturnal delirium, which is allayed by day. [GREDING, I. c., p. 655.]

At one time he is delirious, at another he answers sensibly and bemoans himself. [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c.]

1345. Delirium in recurring paroxysms.( Not found.) [ALBRECHT, 1. c.]

He murmurs as in sleep. [HASENEST, 1. C.]

She talks nonsense and extreme folly. [GRIMM, 1. c.]

Foolish chatter. [BUUCHER.-EL. CAMERARIUS (aft. 6 h ).- BUCHAVE, 1. c.-GREDING, 1. C., p. 650.]

She chatters nonsense with great rapidity. [SAUTER, 1. C. (1).]

1350. Chattering like a mad person, with staring, protruding eyes. [BUCHAVE, 1. C.]

Chattering, lascivious.( See note to S. 175.) [GREDING, 1. C., p. 663.]

After the chattering fit speechlessness.[BUCHAVE, 1. C.]

Gay mania. [SAUVAGES, 1. c.]

Sits unoccupied behind the stove; she tries to compose songs, and sings aloud songs of a gay, though nonsensical character; sometimes she whistled, but would neither eat nor drink; at the same time she neither heard nor saw anything, with paleness of face and sweat on the forehead. [F. H-n.]

1355. He sings and trills. [ Med. Chir. Wahrnehm.. vii.]

Excessively gay disposition, he is disposed to sing and whistle (evening) (aft. 13 h.). [Ws.]

Involuntary, almost loud laughter, without having any laughable thoughts. [L. Rkt.]

He smiles for a long time to himself. [GREDING, l. c., p. 650.]

Frequent laughter. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 651.]

1360. Laughing and singing she touches surrounding objects all day. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 690(22).].

She bursts out in loud laughter, sings, and touches things near her. [GREDING, 1, C, p. 679 (17).]

Loud laughter. [GRIMM.-DUMOULIN.-HOCHSTETTER, 1. C.-Medorrhinum Chirurg. Wahrnehm., vii.]

Uncontrollable loud laughter. [CARL, 1. c.]

Unrestrainedly and exuberantly merry, inclined to scold without cause, and to insult in a laughing humour. [Htg.]

1365. Excessive gaiety after supper, the vital powers extraordinarily increased for a quarter of an hour, followed by drowsiness. [Mkl.]

Ridiculous grimaces; she takes hold of those about her, at one time she sits, at another she acts as if she were washing, at another as if counting money, at another as if she were drinking. [HASENEST, 1. c.)

At one time he displays laughing madness, at another he talks sensibly (aft. 1, 16 h.).

He does foolish, ridiculous tricks (aft. 1/2, 6. 8 h.).

Various gesticulations. [HOCHSTETTER, 1, c.]

1370. Insanity. [HOCHSTETTER, 1. c.]

Insanity; they strip themselves, run about the streets in their shirts, gesticulate, dance, laugh loudly, chatter nonsense, and do foolish things. [ DILLENIUS, l. c.]

He walks lifting his feet high, as if he must step over things in his path, like a drunken person. [SICELIUS, l. c.]

Violent shaking of the head. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 653.]

Great shaking of the head, foam before the mouth, and lost consciousness. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 673 (14).]

1375. She claps her hands above her head, with a short, very violent cough that threatens to suffocate her, at night. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 691 (22).]

He claps his hands, wags his head from side to side, and viscid saliva hangs down in long strings from his lips. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 691 (22).]

She distorts her facial muscles in a horrible way, protrudes her tongue to its full extent, clacks with her tongue, and retches as though she would vomit, in fits. [GREDING, 1. c.]

At one time he grasps hastily at those ‘near him, at another he shrinks back in affright. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]

Weeping. [DUMOULIN, l. c.]

1380. Very excited humour, she is always disposed to weep. [Bhr.]

While walking, in the open air she is overcome by lachrymose anxiety; she is weary of life, and wishes to go into the water to drown herself.

Lachrymose fearfulness. (aft. 1/8 h.; aft. 2, and within 8 h.).

At first piteous weeping, which then passes into impatient and impassioned howling (with chilliness) (aft. 1 h.).

Violent weeping, whining, and howling without cause, combined with fearfulness.(aft. 2 to 8, aft. 8 to 12, rarely aft. 12 to 20 h.).

1385. Weeping and excessive Grossness on awaking from sleep.

Depression, unhappiness. [ BOUCHER, 1. c.]

He gets up at night and walks up and down buried in thought. [GREDING, l, c., p. 682 (18).]

Indisposed, indifferent to everything, defective activity of body and mind. [Mkl.]

Hourly alternation of weeping and cross humour.

1390. Excessive indifference, for hours; one might take her life, she would not stir. [Kr.]

Apathy; nothing can make an impression on her; after some days very sensitive cross humour; she has no pleasure in anything.

Cheerless, peevish, disinclined for everything.

Whining peevishness about trifles, with headache like pressure from a stone.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.