EHRHARDT, Pftanzenhistorie, x.

ELFES, in Bust’s Magazine Vol. xxi.

EVERS, in Berliner Samml., iv.

EVERS, in Sehmucker’s Vermischten Scltyiften, i.

FABER, Strvchnomania.

G-CH, in HUM, Tourn.., xxii.

GMELIN. EB., in Acta Nat. Cur., Vol. vi, app.; Pflanzengifte.

GOCKEL In Frankische Samml., iii.

GREDING, in Ludwigni Adversaria mod.

GRIMM, in Actea Nat. Cur., Vol. ii.

HASENEST, in Actea Nat. Cur., Vol. iii.

HENNING, in Hufel. journ. xxi.

HOCHSTETTER, Obs. teed., Fft., .1674.

HOFFMANN, FR., Medicina Ration.

HORST, Opera, ii.

HOYER, in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. iii, ann. 7, 8. Hufeland’s Journal f, pr. Arzn., xvi.

JUSTI, in Hufeland’s Journ., vii.

LAMBERGEN, TIB., Lectio inaug. silt. eph. pers. carcin., Groping., 1754.

LAUNAY D HERMONT, DE, in Hist, de h Acad. des SC.

LOTTINGER, bled: Chir. Wahxnehm., Altenb., ii.

MANETTI, Viridarium florentinum Florent., 1751.

MAPPI, Plant. Alsat.

MARDORF, Diss. de Maniacis – Giessensibus, Giesae, 1691.

MAY, in Hannover. Mag., 1773, No. 97. Medorrhinum-Chir. Wahrnehmungun aus verschiednen Sprachen ubersetzt, Altenb., Vii.

MEZA, Dr, in Samml. br. Abh. f• pr. Aerzte, xiv.

MOIBANUS, in Schenck, vii,.

MULLER, in Horn’s Archiv. ix.

MUNCH, Ueber die Belladonne.

MUNCH, in Richter’s Bibliothek, v.

OLLENROTH, in Hufel. Journ., vii.

PORTA, J. B. Magia Natur., viii.

RAU, in Actea Nat. Cur., Vol. x.

RAY, Histor. Plant., lib. 13.

REMER, in Hufel. Journ., xvii.

ST. MARTIN, DE, in Tourn. de Me&, xviii Aout.

SAUTER, in Hufel. Journ., xi.

SAUVAGES, Motorola, ii.

SCHAFFER, in Hufel. Tourn., vi.

SOHMU- Chirurg. Wahrnehm., ii; Vermischten Schriften.

SCHRECK, in Commerc. lit. Nor., 1743.

SICELIUS, Observer Dec. iv.

SOLENANDER, in dbh. der Konigl. Acad. d. Wissensch., Breslau, 1750.

STRUVE, Triumph der Heilk., i.

TIMMERMANN, Diss. Periculum Belladonna.

VALENTINI, in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 10.

VICAT, Planter Veneneuses de la Suisse.

WAGNER, Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 10.

WARE, JAMES, in Gilbert’s Annals, 1816 xi.

WASSERBERG, in Stop’s Ratio Medendi., iii.

WEINMANN, in Gmelin’s Pflanzengifle.

WELLS, CHARLES, in Gilbert’s Annals, 1813, ii.

WETZLER, in Annal. d. Heilkunde. 1811, Feb.

WIEDEMANN. in Hufel. Journ., xxii.

WIENHOLT, Heilkr. d. Thier. Magnetismus, i.

WIERUS, De praestig. Daemonum, iii.

ZIEGLER, Boob., Lips., 1787.

In the Fragments there are 405 symptoms of belladonna, in the 1at Edit. 650 in the 2nd Edit. 1422, and in this 3rd Edit. 1440.]


Vertigo. [SICELIUS,( Not accessible.) Observ., Dec. iv, Cas. 4,-ZIEGLER, (Not accessible.) Beob., Leipz., 1787, pp. 21-38.-R. BUCHAVE,( Symptoms observed in whooping-cough patients to whom large doses of the extract had been administered.) in Samml. br. Abh, f, Pr. Aerzte, xiv, iv -HENNING,( Effects of grain doses of powdered leaves given for pemphigus.) in Hazel. Journ. xxi, i.-EB. GIMELIN,( Poisoning of an old man by the berries. When the form m which the plant wee taken is not mentioned, it will be understood that the berries were ingested.] ) in Acta. Nat. Cur., vi. App.]

Vertigo; objects seem to sway hither and thither. [ Ws.]

Whirling in the head, vertigo with nausea, as after rapid turning round in a circle, or as after the morning sleep following a nocturnal debauch. [Hbg.]

Whirling in the head, and at the same time a similar whirling in the pit of the stomach; after, rising it became so bad when walking, that she could not distinguish anything, everything vanished from her sight. [Kr.]

5. Vertigo as if all whirled round in a circle (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

He goes round in a circle. [DE ST. MARTIN.( Poisoning of a boy of four.) Tournal de Medorrhinum, xviii, Aout ]

Stupid and whirling in the head; she feels better in the open air, worse in the room (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.]

Attacks of vertigo, when at rest and when moving. [Gss.]

A giddy feeling in the whole head, like vertigo, when sitting. [Htn.]

10. Vertigo and trembling of the hands, so that she could not do anything with them. [ BALLINGER,( poisoning of four adults.) Neues Magazin f. Aerzte, i, I St., p. 30. ]

When walking he staggers, holds on to the walls, complains of anxiety and vertigo, and often talks nonsense like a drunken person. [BALDINGER, l. C.]

She rises from bed in the morning and staggers as if intoxicated, hither and thither. [GREDING. in Ludwigii Adversar. med. pr., i, P. iv, p. 670(Greding’s symptoms from vol. i of Ludwig’s Adversaria are taken from a series of twenty-three cases, of which the first thirteen were pure epileptics and the remainder epilepto-maniacs, treated by belladonna in increasing doses of the powdered lea”” As al mental symptoms occurring in the patients of the second category must be esteemed doubtful, I have indicated them by adding to each the number of the case from which they were taken.) (14).]

Giddy swaying. [MARDORF, ( Poisoning of several persons.) Diss. de Maniacis Giessensibus, Giesae, 1691.-LOTTINGER,(Not accessible.) Medorrhinum Chirurg. Wahrnehm., Altenb., ii, p. 326.-TIb. LAMBERGEN,( Symptoms observed in a patient taking an infusion of Belladonna for some mammary indurations.) Lectio inaug. list. eph. pets. carcin,. Groping., 1754.]

Attacks of vertigo with obtuseness of senses for some minutes (aft. 12 h.).

15. All day long confusion of senses; he known not what he is doing. [Lr.]

Obtuseness of senses.

Cloudiness of the head, with swelling of the glands in the nape (aft. 6 h.).


Immediately after a meal as if intoxicated.

20. On drinking the smallest quantity of beer immediate intoxication.

Muddled head and intoxication as if from drinking wine, with bloated red face. [Commercium liter. Nor., (Same as Albrecht, q. v. ) 1731.]

His whole head is dazed for many days. [Stf.]

Muddled state as in intoxication. [HOCHSTETTER,( Effects of infusion to an adult.) Obs. Medorrhinum, Fft., 1673, oba. 7.-MAY.( Not accessible.) in Hannover. Map., 1773. No. 97.SICELIUS, 1. C.-DE LAUNAY D’HERMONT,( Poisoning of an adult. ) in Hist. de t’ ACad. den Sc.. 1756.-ALBRECHT,( Poisoning of two women and a boy.) in Commerc. lit. Nor., 1731.-BUC’H0Z,( Poisoning of a young boy.) in Vicar, Plantes venen. de la Suisse, p. 183.] [L. Rkt.]

Muddled state of sinciput as if an oppressive fog went hither and thither, especially under the frontal bone. [Gss.]

25. Muddling of the head as from much brandy and tobacco smoke.[ Hbg.]

Muddling and confusion of the whole head, as from the disagreeable feeling of commencing intoxication. [Gss.]

Confusion of the head ; worse during movement. [Hrr.]

Disinclination for all intellectual work. [Hbg.]

Weakness of mind and body. [Hrr.]

30. Weakness of mind. [WIERUS,( Poisoning of an adult.) de Praestig. Daemonum, iii, cap. 17.]

Stupefaction. [WAGNER,( Poisoning of (I) two old women and. (11) some children. [Them numbers will be used to designate the subjects to whom the symptoms belong.] Miscell. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 10, Obs. 108 (11)-BUCHAVE; WIERUS, 1. C.]

Confusion of mind, [SICELIUS, l.c.]

Confusion of mind, so that he knows not whether he is dreaming or awake. [MOIBANUS, (Poisoning of a man. ) in Schenck, vii, obs. 164.]

Confusion of the senses; sleepy and yet awake, he thinks he is dreaming, [MOIBANUS, 1. C.]

35. His senses deceive him. [ACKERMANN,( Not accessible.) in Struve, Triumph der H., iii, p. 303. ]

Exalted, deluded phantasy conjures up a number of beautiful pictures to her. [Kr.]

He imagines he sees ghosts and insects of various kinds, [MOIBANUS, 1. C.]

Her nose appears transparent to her. [Kr.]

He imagines he sees things not present.[ WIEDEMANN, (Effects of B. when given freely to children for whooping-cough) in hufel. Jour., xxii, I.]

40.It seems to her that a spot on the left side of her head is transparent and spotted brown. [Kr.]

He thinks he is riding an ox. [G-cH (Effects of enema of infusion of leaves given for incarcerated hernia) in.Hufel.Jour., xvii, I,]

He does not know his own relations. [ WIERUS, 1. c.]

Want of consciousness; he sat as if in a dream. [Hbg.]

Unconsciousness. [Stf.]

45.He often lay without sense, without consciousness. [Stf ]

Loss of consciousness and convulsion in the arm, at night. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 672.]

Extreme stupefaction of the senses. [OLLENROTH,( Effects of extract given for mammary scirrhus) in Hufel. Jour:, vii, 4.]

Unconsciousness. [HASENEST,( Poisoning of a young woman) in Acta Nat. Our., iii, obs. 35. -GRIMM, (Poisoning of a child of three) in Acta Nat. Cur., vol. ii, obs. 60-(aft. 2 h,). RAU( Poisoning of a man of fifty), in Acta Nat, Our., x, obs. 24.-EB. GMELIN, 1. c.-HOCHSTETTER, 1. c.]

Unconsciousness with convulsions of the limbs. [BUCHAVE, 1. C.]

50. Complete unconsciousness; she knows nothing -going on. [HENNING. 1. C.]

Complete loss of reason. [SAUTER,( Poisoning of a child of six.-This case will be distinguished by a (I).) in Huf. Jour. xi, I, p. 125, (I).-BUCHAVE, 1. C.]

Loss of reason, for some weeks. [RAU, 1. c.]

Insensibility. [ VICAT,( Account of general effects of leaves and berries) Plantes veneneuses de la Suisse, p. 181.]

Stupidity. [WAGNER, 1. C. (1)]

55. During the headache her thoughts leave her; she forgets what she thought of shortly before, and cannot recollect herself. [ Bhr. ]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.