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When not passing water obtuse stitches in the urethra, behind the plans, especially when moving.

775. Whilst passing water drawing in the spermatic cord.

Discharge of prostatic fluid from flaccid penis.

On the glans penis a soft painless pimple.

Sweat on the genitals at night.

Great stitches in the drawn-up testicles (aft. 12, 18, 30 h.).

780. Nocturnal emission of semen, with flaccid penis.

Two seminal emissions in one night.

At every step violent stitches in the pubic.region, as if in the internal genital organs (aft. 10 h.). [Stf.]

Nocturnal seminal emission without lascivious dreams (the first night). [Lr,]

Indifferent at the thought of the difference of the sexes; he cannot summon up any lascivious, lustful thoughts; the sexual desire in the imagination is as if extinct.

785. The most voluptuous pictures and stories excite neither his imagination nor his genital organs; he remains indifferent to them (aft. 20 h.).

Before the catamenia weariness, bellyache, want of appetite, and dimness of vision. [GREDING, I. c., p. 679 (17).]

During the catamenia perspiration on the chest, yawning, and rigor running over the back. [GREDING. I. c., p. 671 (14).]

During the catamenia cardiac anxiety. [GREDING, 1. c,]

During the catamenia great thirst. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 672 (14).]

790.During the catamenia a cramp-like tearing, sometimes here and there in the back, sometimes in the arms.

Appearance of the catamenia.

Catamenia four days too soon.

Increased menses. (Curative effect )[LAMBERGEN, 1. c.]

Increase and delay of the menses to the thirty-second, thirty-sixth, and forty-eighth day. [GREDING, in several places.]

795. (In the morning a pressing as if all would be forced out at the genitals (with distension of the abdomen); after the pressing the abdomen contracted and white mucus escaped from the vagina.)

Ill-smelling metrorrhagia. [EVERS, (Not found). in the Berliner Samml., iv.]

Leucorrhoea and colic. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 672 (14).]

Repeated sneezing. [Ln.]

The nose is sometimes stuffed, sometimes water flows from it.[Bhr.]

800. Catarrh, or cough with coryza.

Fluent coryza only in one side of the nose and out of one nostril.

Coryza, with stinking odour’ in the nose, as of herring-pickle, especially on blowing the nose. [Kr.]

Hoarseness. [VICAT, 1. C.]

Rough, hoarse voice.

805. Noise and rattling in the bronchial tubes. [RAU, 1. C.]

Every inspiration excites irritation to (dry) tussiculation.

For several successive days, about noon, violent cough, with discharge of much viscid saliva. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 691 (22).]

Fit of coughing, followed by heat. [Kr.]

Nocturnal cough, which often wakes her out of sleep, after which she immediately falls asleep again. [Kr.]

810. Fit of coughing, as from inspiring dust, wakes her up at night, with expectoration of mucus. [Hbg.]

(In the forenoon) severe dry cough, as if some foreign substance had fallen into the trachea, with coryza (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]

In the evening, after lying down in bed, an itching tickle in the back part of the larynx, exciting to irresistible, dry, short cough.

It is as if something lay in the scrobiculus cordis, which always excites coughing.

He has a tightness in the chest like dry catarrh, excising him to dry cough.

815. Oppression in the chest (in the upper part of the trachea); he expectorates something like old catarrhal mucus, of purulent appearance (in the morning in bed and after getting up) (aft. 16 h.).

Cough commences in the evening (about 10 o’clock), and comes every quarter of an hour and oftener, of three or four impulses.

Cough with taste of blood in the mouth:

In the morning on coughing expectoration of bloody mucus.

(Cough hollow and scraping.)

820. Violent cough during sleep, with grinding of the teeth (aft. 10. h.).

Cough with needle-pricks in the side under the left ribs (aft,6h.).[Lr.]

When coughing a violent aching pain in the nape as if it would break (aft. 3 1/2 h.). [Htn.]

Dry tussiculation whereby the throat is scraped. [Stf.]

Oppression of the chest. (SCHMUCKER, (Observation on a patient.-In original. “viel Angst and Beklemmung )Chirurg. Wahrnehm., ii.]

825. Difficult breathing. [RAU, 1. c.]

(When coughing the child strains much, and is peevish.)

(Before every fit of coughing the child became quiet, and just before the cough came it cried.)

(The attacks of coughing ended in sneezing.)

(When coughing the stomach turns over as about to vomit, even when it is empty.)

830. Very difficult respiration. (No such symptom found in d’Hermont’s narrative. He expressly say “larespiration etoit libre.’) [DE LAUNAY D’HERMONT, 1. C.]

Violent, small, frequent, anxious respirations (aft. 18 h.), (GRIMM, 1. c.]

A pressure in the cardiac region, which stops the breath and causes anxiety.

Pressure on the chest (it affected the heart).

She felt at the heart (the scrobiculus cordis) like cardiac oppression; she could not breathe properly; at the same time nausea, which rises up to the throat, as if she must vomit. and so cardiac oppression and nausea in fits about every seven minutes (aft1/4 h.). [Stf.]

835. After drinking (coffee) short breathing (in the afternoon) (aft. 3 d.). [Hbg.]

Whilst walking frequently an oppression in the scrobiculus cordis. a kind of spasmodic feeling, that complex him to breathe deeper (aft. 1 h.). [Htn.]

Over the chest violent oppression as if it was forced inwards from both sides (aft. 5 h.), [Htn.]

Tightness of chest. [VICAT, 1. c.]

In the evening in bed a very oppressed feeling in the chest, which is not removed by voluntary coughing; he could only draw his breath wit h difficulty, just as if the phlegm in the wind-pipe hindered him; at the same time a burning in the chest (aft. 60 h.).

840. Sometimes he breathed, sometimes he seemed to have fetched his last breath, in four recurring attacks during a quarter of an hour. [EL. CAMERARIUS, I. C.]

Burning in the right side of the chest. [Mbg.]

Heat rises suddenly from the abdomen into the chest and goes off very rapidly (aft../5 h.). [Ws.]

Stitches in the sternum when coughing and when yawning.

Whilst walking fine stitches under the clavicle from before backwards (aft. 4 d.). [Ws.]

845. Fine stitches in the left aide of the chest from the sternum to the axilla, aggravated by movement, without reference to breathing. [Ws.]

Fine shooting pain in the chest. [GREDING, 1, c., pp. 661, 681.]

On the right side of the chest a deeply penetrating and enduring stitch, without reference to breathing (aft. 72 h.). [Ws]

Stitches in the side of the chest under the right arm, which impede respiration, in the evening.

In the right side, stitches here and there under the skin, to a certain extent externally.

850. Stitches in one of the breasts (aft. 3 h.).

Painful stitches on the left side of the chest, without relation to breathing. [Ws.]

Stabs of short duration, as from a blunt knife under both last ribs, near the ensiform cartilage, and above the false ribs (aft. 8 m,), [Gss.]

Shooting pinching pain in the chest on both – Aides of the upper part of the sternum. [ Ws. ]

Intermitting aching cutting on the right side of the chest, without reference to inspiration or expiration (aft1/2 h.). [Ws.]

855. Continued aching shooting in the left costal cartilages, becoming still more violent and passing into an almost burning sensation on expiration (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]

Sharp pressure from within outwards in the region of the sixth true rib (aft. 1/4 h.). [ Ws. ]

A sharp pressive pain in the sternum, immediately above the ensiform cartilage. [Gss.]

An aching pain under the right nipple. [Gss.]

Aching pain in the chest and between the shoulders.

860. Aching pain in the chest with short breath, at the same time between the shoulders, when walking and sitting. [Hbg.]

Aching squeezing pain in the left and right breast. [Hbg.]

A throbbing pain under the sternum above the scrobiculus cordis. [Gss.]

Aching in the right side of the chest, which causes anxiety.

Great restlessness and throbbing in the chest.

865. (When at rest, palpitation of the heart, as if the shock went up to the throat, worse on moving, with difficult slow breath.)

When she goes upstairs the heart clucks, a kind of palpitation. [Stf.]

A corroding gnawing pain under the last right cartilages of the ribs (aft. 2 h.). [Gss.]

Painful blisters containing water on the sternum.( Probably the effect of long-continued wet dressings on the mamma )[LAMBERGFN, 1. c.]

The chest and thighs covered with very small dark-red irregular spots. [GREDING. 1. C., p. 685 (19).]

870. In an unimpregnated woman, milk comes. into the breasts and flows out; on the left breast there appeared small, scattered pimples, which cause creeping itching, which is relieved by rubbing.

The ischia are painful; she feels as if she had no flesh there, but she is better when sitting on a hard than on a soft seat. [Kr.]

A dark (mist-like), painful drawing in the whole extent of the pelvis, but this pain wanders alternately from the sacrum to the os pubis. [Gss. ]

Spasmodic sensation in the left lumbar region. [Hbg,]

Extremely painful cramp-pain in the sacrum and coccyx; he can only sit for a short time, becomes quite stiff from sitting and on account of the pain cannot rise up again; he cannot even lie comfortably, it often wakes him up at night, and then he turns on the other side with violent pains; he cannot lie at all on the back; he gets most relief from standing and walking about slowly, but he cannot walk quickly (for 8 days). [Ws.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.