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A tearing in the eyes proceeding from the inner canthi. [L. Rkt.]

Drawing pain under the left eye upwards.

245. Contracted pupils, difficult to dilate.

Very contracted pupils all day; they only dilate in the evening.[Stf.]

Contracted pupils (aft. 10 m.). [Gss.]

Contracted.pupils,(aft. 1 1/4 h.). [ Ws.]

Contracted pupils (aft. 21/4 h.). [Lr.]

250.The dilatation of pupils commenced after half an hour, and then increased gradually. [Gss.]

Dilated pupils after 3 1/4 hours. [SAUTER, 1. c (1).-Ln.]

The pupils are very dilated in the evening, even when the light is held close to the eye (aft. 12 h ). [Gss.]

Dilated pupils (aft. 14. 15 h.). [Lr.]

The pupils are more dilated, from the third day onwards. [Stf.]

255. Dilated immovable pupils. [MAY, 1. c.]

Extremely dilated pupils. [BOUTCHER, 1. c.]

A small white pustule in the left, extremely dilated pupil. [Hbg.]

Extremely dilated pupils (from laying a fresh belladonna leaf on an ulcer beneath the eye). [RAY, Bistor. plant., lib. 13, cap. 23.]

Sometimes complete loss of, sometimes merely diminished, vision, with enormously dilated and quite immovable pupils. [ELEES, Bust’s Magaz., vol. xxi, pt. 3.]

260. Complete dilatation of the pupil of the right eye and blindness for three weeks (from the juice of the plant injected into the eye). (DARIES, Dias. de Belladonna. Lips., 1776., pp. 34, 35.]

Obscuration of vision from dilated pupils. [BUCHAVE, 1.c.]

Obscuration of vision, with extremely dilated pupils. [GREDING,(From three cases of jaundice treated by belladonna.) 1. c.. vol. ii, p. 324.]

Blindness, the pupil of the right eye extremely dilated and incapable of contracting. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 662.]

Great dimness of vision. [JUSTI, 1. c.] –

265. Before the eyes, as if dim, dark, and black (aft. 1 1/4h ).[ Stf.]

Blindness. [HASENEST,( Poisoning of a young woman ) Acta Nat. Cur., vol. iii, obs..35.]

Amaurosis for three days; he cannot read print [HASENEST, 1.c.]

He awakes blind. [EL. CAMERARIUS,( Poisoning of four children. 3 Poisoning of a man) in his Obs. and in Wepfer, Hist, Cicuta]

The eyes are blind and stand open. [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c.]

270. Extreme weakness of sight. [OLLENROTH, 1. c.]

Transient blindness, with headache. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 679 (17).]

Dimness of vision, alternating with convulsions in hands and feet, dulness of head and weariness of limbs. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 683 (18).]

Dimness of vision, dryness of mouth, and pain in belly. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 606.]

Dulness of sight for three hours. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 679 (17).]

275. Along with dulness of sight trembling in all the limbs. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 643.]

Long-sightedness (Presbyopia), as in old age. [LOTTINGER, 1.c.]

He only sees distinctly distant objects and perfectly parallel rays (e. p. a star in the sky) (from bellodonna juice injected into the eye). [CHARLES WELLS, in Gilbert’s Annals, 1813, pt ii, p. 133, and JAMESWARE, ibid., 1816, pt. xi.]

Long-sightedness, as in old age (presbyopia); he can only read large print. [LAMBERGEN, 1. C.]

Mist before the eyes, blindness [SAUTER, 1. c. (1).-BUCHHOIS, 1. c.]

280. As if mist were before the eyes, obscuration.[ Ln.]

On reading he cannot perceive anything in the book except the white border, which Surrounds black letters transformed into rings,

(MOIBANUS,(Poisoning of a man ) in Schenk, vii, obs. 164.)

Feeling as if he could see nothing, and yet he saw when he tried to see anything, and strained the eyes to do so. [L. Rkt.]

The letters tremble and quiver, of a golden and blue colour, when reading, [BUCHHOLZ, 1. C.]

Before the eyes a large, bright coloured ring round the candle, particularly of a red colour; sometimes the flame seems to be quite dissipated in rays (aft. 15 h.). [Mkl.]

285. Before the eyes she sees flames, when she lays her hand on the swollen cheek, and the air appears to be misty. [Kr.]

She sees on the ceiling of the room a white star as large as a plate, and light silver clouds pass over it from left to right-several times and in various places. [Kr.]

Large bright sparks from tile eyes.

He sees sparks before the eyes. [ZIEGLER, 1.c.]

On moving the eyelids he sees sparks, as from electricity. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.]

290. Sees objects double. (HENNING,-SICELIUS, 1. c.-Stf.]

He sees nothing at- all near, and everything double at a distance, [Stf.]

He sees objects multiplied and dark.

He sees objects inverted. [HENNING, 1, C.]

Feeling in the eyes as if they stood farther out. [Stf.]

295. Projecting eyes, with dilated pupils (aft. 6 h.). [Mkl.]

Staring eyes. [ MULLER,( Not accessible.) in Horn’s Archiv, ix.]

Bold look. [DUMOULIN,( Poisoning of two little girls. ) in Jour. de Med, xi, Aout.]

The eyes ate projecting and sparking. [GRIMM, 1. c.]

Glittering (glassy) eyes. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.]

300. The eyes are very animated, with fully dilated pupils (aft. 20 h.), [BOUCHER, I. C.]

The eyes are red, glittering (glassy), and roll about in the head, [SAUTER, 1. C. (11).]

The eyeballs roof about in a circle spasmodically. [BOUCHER, 1. C.]

The eyes are distorted. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 657.]

Spasms of the eyes, distorting them. [SCHRECK,( Fatal poisoning of a boy of three.) in Commerc. did, Nor., 1743.]

305. Eyes and hands are inconstant spasmodic movement. [BOUCHER, 1, c.]

Unsteadiness of head and hands (aft. 6 h.)

The eyes are distorted, with redness and swelling of face. [BUCHAVE, 1, c.]

Squeezing pressure on the left zygoma. [Ws.]

A tearing and drawing under the right zvgoma (aft. 1/4 h.). [Gss.]

310. Pressure under the right zygoma.. [Gss.]

When chewing, in the right maxillary joint a violent shooting extending into the ear, which continues after chewing, but more as twitching (aft. 1 h.). [Stf.]

Fine stitches in the cavity of the maxillary joint (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

Stitches from the upper jaw into the inner ear.

Stitches in the parotid gland.

315. Violent stitch in the right parotid gland, extending to the auricle when it terminates in a crampy pain (aft. 2 h,); next day the same about the same hour (aft. 26 h.).

Tearing pain on the posterior side of the cartilage of the left ear. [Ws.]

Tearing pressure on the lower half of the cartilage of the right ear. [Hrr.]

Tearing in the right auricle, which extended backwards. [Hbg.]

Tearing downwards in the inner and outer ear.

320.Tearing pain in the right auricle, and downwards in the whole side of the face (aft. 24 h.).

Stitches in the external meatus auditorius. [L. Rkt.]

Pinching in the ears, first in the right, then in the left, immediately after the hiccup. [Kr.]

A disagreeable aching in the meatus auditorius, as if a finger were bored in. [Ln.]

Feeling in the external meatus auditorius. as if some one pressed upon it. [L. Rkt.]

325. A very disagreeable feeling in the right ear, as if it were forcibly torn out of the head. [Gss.]

Alternately out-tearing and in-pressing pain in the eats and temples, alternating with a similar pain in the orbits. [Gss.]

Earache in the left ear (aft. 5 d.). [Hbg.]

Sharp blows in the inner ear, with squeezing, like earache. [Ws.]

Near the right ear boring pain. [Kr.]

330. Aching tearing behind the right ear (aft. 1/2 h.). [Htn.]

Behind the left ear to the neck the muscles are painful, as if they were strongly pressed, the same in the frontal muscles. [Hbg.]

A flying stitch darts from the ear into the chin (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

Stitches in the inner ear, with impaired hearing in it.

Stitches in the inner eat during eructation from the stomach with the taste of food (aft. 12 h.).

335. Drawing pain from the ears to the nape. [Hbg.]

Violent pressure on the mastoid processes below the ear. [Gss.]

Cutting blows through the mastoid process inwards (aft; 12 h.). [Ws.]

Purulent discharge from the ears for twenty days. [F. H-n.]

Increased sensitiveness of the auditory organ. [SAUTER, 1, c. (11).]

340. First a noise like trumpets and-drums in the ears and like roaring (immediately); afterwards humming and buzzing, worst when sitting, better when standing and lying, still better when walking.

Noises in the ears. (VICAT, l, c., p. 181. ]

Rushing noise in the ears, vertigo, and dull bellyache. [GREDING, 1. c., p., 658.]

Wind rushes out of the ears. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 658.]

In the morning, immediately after waking, a fluttering and bubbling before the ears.

345. Deafness, as if a skin were stretched before the ears.

Difficulty of hearing.( Immediately after a severe epileptic paroxysm. )[GREDING, 1. c., p. 694 (23).]

On the root of the nose a couple of small red lumps, paining like a fester, but only when touched (aft. 16 d.). [Ws.]

Pimples break out on the cheeks and nose, rapidly fill with pus, and become covered with a scab.

Very cold nose.( Continuing during seven days of mania.) [GREDING, 1, c., p. 664.]

350. Smell before the nose like rotten eggs for a quarter of an hour (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

Aching pain in the nasal bones. [Gss.]

In the nose above the aloe pain as if bruised on touching it externally.

Too sensitive sense of smell; the odour of tobacco smoke and soot is intolerable to him (aft. 1 h.).

Nose-bleeding (immediately).

355. Nose-bleeding at night.

Nose-bleeding in the morning.

Painful drawing over the left half of the nose. [Hbg.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.