Stiffness of all the limbs under the guise of a feeling of weariness.

Stiffness of the whole body.( Poisoning Of a boy of seven) [EHRHARDT, Pflanzenhistorie, x- p 126. ]

Spasmodic stretching of the limbs with distortion of the eyes. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 664. ]

1090. In the morning weary and restless in the limbs on account of pains, she wanted always to change the position of her limbs. [Kr.]

Great restlessness in all the limbs so that he could not remain still.

Unsteadiness of head and hands.

Bodily restlessness; he was compelled to move the whole body hither and thither, especially the hands and feet; he cannot remain long in any position, sometimes he lies, sometimes sits, sometimes stands, and he always changes his position in one way or another [Hrr. ]

Trembling with convulsive shock.

1095. Trembling in all the limbs, inability to walk, distended vessels all over the body, and disagreeable irritating sensation in the throat, for several days. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]

Trembling at the heart, in the forenoon.

Trembling and weariness of the limbs. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 644.]

Weariness of the limbs. [SICELIUS. l. c.]

In the evening so tired, he can scarcely walk (aft. 50 h.).

1100. Lassitude in all the limbs and disinclination for work. [Gss.]

Disinclination and horror of work, of movement (aft. 1, 5 h.).

Heaviness of the hands and feet. [Bhr.]

Weakness of the body. [ WIERUS, 1, c. ]

Sinking of the strength. [WAGNER, 1. c. (1).]

1105. Great weakness. [CARL, Acta. Nat. Cur., iv, obs. 86. (Symptoms produced by a decoction of the root in a sufferer from rheumatic gout)]

Weariness all day through, and sleep in the afternoon. [Hbg.]

Especially in the evening very faint, and at the same time shortness of breath.

General weakness.

Weak uncertain gait, the knees are inclined to bend beneath him. he cannot walk.

1110. Frequently recurring abort attacks of great weakness; all feels too heavy to her, and drags her downwards as though she would sink together. [Bhr.]

Paralytic-like weakness of all the muscles of the upper and lower extremities (aft. 6 d.). [Hbg.]

Paralytic-like weakness of all the muscles, especially of the legs.

Paralysis. at one time in this, at another in that part. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 703.]

Paralysis of the right arm and right leg.(See note to S.175)[GREDING, 1. c., pp. 661, 663.]

1115. The left side, especially the arm and leg, are quite paralyzed.(See note to S. 175 ) [GREDING, 1. C., p. 662.]

Attacks of syncope. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Apoplectic states.( After epileptic convulsions ) [WAGNER, 1. c. (11).]

He lay for four days, without eating anything and motionless, like a corpse. [ J. B. PORTA, Magia Natur., viii.]

Lethargic,. apoplectic state; for a day and night they lay without motion in any limb; on being pinched they opened their eyes, but emitted no sound. [ WAGNER, 1. c., (1).]

1120. Soporose state. [ HASENEST, 1. c. ]

Very deep slumber.

Deep sleep. [DILLENIUS, (Poisoning of a mother and six children by the berries.)Misc. Nat. Cur. Dec. iii, ann. 7, 8, obs. 161 ]

Deep sleep for twenty-four hours. [WIERUS, 1. c.]

Very deep sopor, with subsultus tendium, pale cold face, cold hands, and hard, small, rapid pulse. [MAY, 1, c.]

1125. Stupefaction that compels him to sleep in the forenoon; he slept profoundly for an hour and a half; on awaking great hunger, with severe burning heat and dryness in the mouth, without thirst; thereafter when coughing foul breath, smelling of human excrement. [Htg.]

Before midnight restless sleep; the child tosses about, kicks, and speaks crossly in its sleep.

Immediately on falling asleep he dreams.

After long sleep great thirst. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 684 (19).]

Sleep full of dreams : she is occupied with many people; she wants to go away, but does not go so far as that. [Kr.]

1130. She dreams to an uncommon extent, but tranquilly, of home occupations. [Stf.]

Very profound sleep, without many dreams, until towards morning (aft. 5 d.). [Hbg.]

Night sleep with unremembered dreams; he fell asleep sooner than usual and woke earlier, and not without refreshment, which, however, always after a few hours gave place to the lassitude in the limbs that was always present at other times. [Gss.]

He dreams of danger from fire, and wakes in consequence (aft. 54 h.).

Frightful dreams vividly remembered.

1135. At night very stupefied sleep, anxious dreams of murderers and highwaymen; he once heard himself call out loudly, but without thereby coming to his senses. [Mkl.]

In the evening frequent starting up out of sleep on going to sleep; the feet were jerked upwards and the head forwards. [Ws.]

Intolerable sleep on account of horribly increased pains and frightful dreams.

He starts up and wakes, just when about to fall asleep.

Full of affright and terror she awakes at night; it seemed to her as if there was something under her bed that made a noise : she had dry heat on waking.

1140. She started in otherwise quite sleep, as though she were falling deep down, whereupon she gave a violent start. [Stf.]

In his sleep he starts up in a fright and wakes. [Hbg.]

Anxiety prevents sleep.

Nocturnal sleeplessness on account of anxiety, with drawing Pad in all the limbs

Fright in a dream, whereon he wakes, and there is sweat on the forehead and pit of the stomach.

1145. He is constantly wakened up out of sleep by frightful dreams and twitchings. [ZIEGLER, 1. C.]

In his stupefied sleep he opens his eyes, gazes wildly about him, and then falls again into snoring sleep [BALDINGER, 1, c.]

At night he had dreams that tired his mind very much, and in the morning he was quite weary when he ought to get up. [L. Rkt.]

At the time of going to sleep he knew not whether he was dreaming of waking. [ Hbg.]

Vivid; but unremembered dreams. [Lr.]

1150. Lying in bed in the evening it seems to him that he is swimming away with his bed; for ten successive evenings, immediately after lying down, he seems to swim in his bed. [Fr. H-n.]

In the morning he cannot rouse himself out of steep; on awaking he is very cross. [ Ws.]

Singing and talking loudly in sleep.

She sleeps much, and even when the cough wakes her, she falls asleep again immediately, and yet in the morning she is giddy and tired.[Kr.]

Frequent waking out of sleep, and though he turns first on one aide and then on the other, he can get no rest and cannot go to sleep again. [Lr]

1155. At night, sleeping or waking, interrupted breathing; inspiration and expiration last only half as long as the pause before taking the new inspiration; the expiration came in jerks, and was louder than the inspiration; the inspiration lasted only a little longer than the expiration.

(When asleep suffocating snoring during inspiration.)

Frequent waking out of sleep at night, just as if he had slept enough (the first night). [Lr.]

Vain efforts to sleep. [GRIMM, 1. c.]

He cannot sleep at night; the delusion that he had to do something necessary keeps him from sleeping.

1160. Very little sleep. [Ln]

Sleeplessness for several days. [HOYER,( Poisoning of an old woman by the berries ). in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. iii, ann. 7, 8, obs. 176 ]

Constant drowsiness, with inclination to stretch out the limbs, in the evening from 5 to 9 o’clock (aft. 11 h.). [Mkl.]

(Sleeplessness, with alleviation of the pains, at night.)


1165. Constant confusion, with sleepiness (aft. 4 h.). [Gss.]

Drowsiness (aft, 1/2 h.).

Towards evening, in the twilight, sleepiness with yawning, but in the morning feeling of not having slept enough.

On awaking from sleep headache and great exhaustion.

In the morning on awaking headache only over the eyes, like a weight in the head, and touching the eye causes pain.

1170. In the morning very tired and giddy. [Kr.]

Drowsiness perceived immediately after waking. [Gss.]

Dozing. [SAUVAGES, 1. C.-VALENTINI, (Same narrative as that of Mardorf (q.v)).Misc. Nat. Our., Dec. ii, ann. 10, obs.118.]

A sort of coma, with small, weak, irregular pulse. [BOUCHER, 1, c.]

Drowsiness, with restlessness. [MARDORF, 1. c.]

1175. Great drowsiness. [Sicelius,, 1. c.]

Afternoon attack of frequent stretching and yawning, during which the eyes fill with tears (aft. 48 h.).

Frequent yawning. [EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]

Yawning like an intoxicated person. (MARDORF, I. c.]

Frequent yawning as if he had not slept enough (aft. 2.1/4 h:). [Lr.]

1180. Feverish movements. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.-SAUVAGFS, 1. c.]

Feverish movements every other day. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]

Fever after every dose. [LEN TIN, (Effects of B. administered for mammary scirrhus) Beobacht., p. 81.]

Evening fever.( Not found.-The whole history related by G-ch embraces a few hours only )[G-cH, 1. c.]

Violent thirst (aft. 30 h.).

1185. Violent thirst after midnight and in the morning.

Anxious thirst. [GRIMM, I. c.]

Very troublesome thirst. [MAY, 1. c.]

Excessive thirst for cold water (aft. 4 h.). [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c.]

Tormented by burning thirst and heat in all parts; she longs for drink from time to time, but rejects it when offered to her. [GRIMM 1. c.]

1190. After the perspiration at first induced has diminished, the thirst increases and the appetite falls off. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 650.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.