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875. When he rises up after sitting, he gets a pain at the border of the ilium over the hips, as if a sharp body was cutting its way outwards. [Ws.]

Rheumatic pain in the back. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 674 (15).]

At the left side of the spinal column, below the false ribs, aching pain. [ Hbg. ]

Gnawing in the spinal column and cough.

Shooting and gnawing pain in the spinal column.

880. In the vertebrae, stabbing from without inwards as with a knife. [ Hr. ]

In the right side of the back and spinal column, pain as if dislocated.

Cramp-like aching sensation in the middle of the spinal column, which becomes tensive when he tries to straighten his back (aft. 1/2 h.). [Htn.]

The back, especially the scapulae, is covered with large red pimples; the whole skin looks red, and pains, when touched, as if excoriated, but in the apices of the pimples the pain is fine shooting (aft 10 d.). [Ws.]

Pain in the head extending into the scapulae. (GREDING, 1. c., p. 656.]

885. Boil on the shoulder.

Aching pain under the left shoulder-blade, more towards the outer side. [Gss.]

Drawing pressure between the right scapula and the spinal column. [Hrr.]

Pain between the scapula as from a sprain.

Violent drawing between the scapulae down the spinal column, in the evening.

890. Cramp-pain, almost like pinching, between the right scapula and the spinal column. [Ws.]

(A tickling itching on the left scapula.) [Ln.]

Itching shooting on the right scapula, causing her to scratch. [Ws.]

Shooting itching on the scapulae, that goes off on scratching.[Ws.]

Fine stitches on the right scapula. [ Ws.]

895. Repeated shoots as from electricity, from the left scapula towards the tight (aft. 1 h.). [Mkl.]

Shooting aching on the top of the left shoulder (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]

Painful stiffness between the scapulae and in the nape on turning the neck and head hither and thither, in the morning (art. 16 h.).

Externally on the neck aching pain, on bending the head beck and on touching the place.

Glandular swellings on the nape with cloudiness of head (aft. 6 h.).

900. Pimples break out on the nape and arm, rapidly fill with pus, and become covered with a scab.

Painful swelling of the left axillary gland (aft. 5.).

Swelling of the affected arm and foot. [MUNCH, in Richter a Bibliothek. v, p. 558.]

A stretching and wrenching of the upper extremities. [Ln.]

Rheumatic pains of the arm combined with formication, followed next day by spasm of the arm. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 671 (14).]

905. Arm as if numb and painful. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]

Swelling of the arm. [MUNCH, 1. c.]

Great feeling of exhaustion in the arms, still more in the hands, as if she must allow them to hang. [Stf.]

Heaviness in both arms.

Heaviness of the left arm. (Relieved by venesection) [GREDING, I. c., p. 694 (23).]

910. Paralysis of the right arm.( See note to S. 175 )[GREDING, 1. c., p. 662.]

A heaviness and paralysis of the upper extremities, most of the left arm. [Ln.]

Weakness, like paralysis, first in the right upper arm, afterwards also in the forearm (aft. 5 h.). [Mkl.]

Paralytic aching in the left upper arm, with paralytic feeling and weakness in the whole of the left arm. [Hrr.]

Paralytic drawing aching, with weakness in the right upper and forearm (aft. 4 d.). [Err.]

915. Paralytic tearing aching on the anterior surface of the left upper arm (aft 5 d.). [Hrr.]

Cramp of the right arm, with grinding of the teeth. [GREDING1. c., p. 687 (20).]

(Painful) twitching in the arms, more in the right than the left. [Stf.]

He raises the tight arm involuntarily and without knowing it above the head. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 692 (22).]

A downward-drawing in the muscles of the right upper arm, and when it got down it then twitched several times back in the region of the right elbow-joint upwards towards the shoulders, and then it ceased for a time.

920. Convulsive shock of the arms as from the most violent shivering.

Spasmodic shocks of the arms. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 644.]

Continual inward-twisting (intorsio) of the arms and hands (The original is pimply “contorsions continuelles”) [BOUCHER, 1. c.]

She occasionally stretched out her arms and hands, as if she would clutch something. [BOUCHER. 1. c.]

A violent outward-stabbing pain, as with a blunt knife, under the head of the humerus. [Gss.]

925. (n the right arm on which she had not lain (about 3 a.m.) a stiffness (she could not bend it), with:-a feeling as if it were shorter than the other, and tearing pain in it). [Stf.]

Drawing pain in the inside of the left upper arm.. [Hbg.]

Tearing pain in the humerus. [Hbg.]

Bruised pain in the upper arms (aft. 6 h.). [Ws.]

Tearing pain in the humerus.

930. A slow running upwards on the left arm, as when a fly creeps on the skin, frequent rubbing does no good.

A pimple on the left arm, below the elbow-joint, dark fed, without sensation or suppuration, paining

like a sore on being touched (aft. 9 d.). [Hrr.]

Below the right elbow a pimple, touching it causes shooting pain. [Ws]

(The elbow pains on being moved and touched, as if burnt.)

A rumbling in the left arm in the bend of the elbow, as if water or a heavy fluid coursed through the blood-vessels. [ Hbg.]

935. Cutting pain in the left elbow-joint internally, when walking. [Ws. ]

Sharp stitches externally on the left elbow-joint (aft. 72 h,). [Ws.]

Paralytic drawing pain to the elbow.

Paralytic drawing pain in the elbow and fingers of the left hand.[Hbg.]

Fine stitches on the left forearm (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]

940. Obtuse shooting in the middle of the internal portion of the forearm which becomes gradually worse, and at length very violent. [ Gss. ]

Cutting tearing in the lower muscles of the right forearm (when at rest) (aft. 5.5 h.). [Htn.]

Cutting tearing in the lower muscles of the left forearm (aft. 3/4h.).

Paralytic tearing in the bones of the wrist. [Hrr.]

Shooting tearing in the metacarpal bones of the left hand. [Htn.]

945. Tearing ache in the metacarpal bones and the distal joint of the left index. [Hrr.]

Frequent cold perspiration of the hands.

The backs of both hands are covered with small, red spots, which rapidly disappear. [ Ws. ]

Swelling of the hands. [WIENHOLT, I, c., p. 310.]

Great swelling of the hand. [MUNCH, I. c., p. 390.]

950. Feeling of stiffness on the right hand and fingers; she could not bend them. [Stf.]

He cannot turn the hand freely on its axis (e. g, when dropping a fluid out of a phials, he can only do it by jerks, just as if there was a deficiency of synovia in the wrist-joint; but this impeded movement is Painless (aft. 4 h.).

Painful drawing in the proximal phalanges of the left middle finger, as if in the periosteum [Hrr.]

Paralytic tearing in the middle-joint of the right index, [Hrr.]

The distal joint of the middle finger feels stiff, and on bending it has simple (sore?) pain.

955. Tearing cutting in the muscles of the right little finger. [Htn.]

Sharp stitches in the metacarpal bone of the thumb (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

The points of the fingers of the left hand pain as if pinched. [Hbg.]

Along with chilliness of the body stitches out at the finger-points, chiefly when grasping.

In the point of the middle finger, feeling as if something were stuck in and had caused ulceration, worst when touched. [ Ws.]

960. On the finger a blister with painful inflammation. [LAMBERGEN, 1. c. ]

A pustule breaking out close to the nail of the right index exuded much fluid. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 673 (15).]

The fingers are easily dislocated.

On the inside of the thigh, sore pain.

Pain of the thighs and legs as if generally bruised, and as if brittle, towards the shafts of the bones fine shooting and gnawing, besides severe tearing in the joints; the pain mounts gradually from the ankles to the hips, when seated compelling the feet to be constantly moved and shifted; relieved by walking (aft. 4 h.). [Ws.]

965. In the legs sometimes weariness, with drawing pain in them.

A kind of stretching; he is compelled to stretch out the legs (aft. 11 d.).

When walking, weight in the thighs and legs, along with stiffness of the knee-joints (aft. 12 h.). [Ws.]

Increased(“Increased;” i. e. only an aggravation of a symptom she had before beginning the medicine) weight of the thighs and legs (and discharge of yellow nasal mucus with increased thirst). [GREDING, 1. c., Vol ii, p. 321.]

Paralytic drawing in the right thigh and leg. [Hrr.]

970. Paralysis of the lower extremities, she must lie down, with nausea, trembling, anxiety and vertigo. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]

Temporary paralysis of the lower extremities.( See SS. 729, 763. )[DUMOULIN, 1. c.]

Cramp-pain in the gluteal muscles with tension, on bending the body. [ Ws. ]

On the right hip three or four violent stitches when at rest and when moving. [Stf]

On the right hip-joint cold feeling (rapidly passing off) (aft. 1 h). [Ws.]

975. Pain in the left hip with limping. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 687 (20).]

When she lies on the right hip she has pain in the left, but if she lies on the left the pain goes off (aft. 8, 9 d.).

On walking a paralytic tension in the hip-joints as if they were dislocated. [ Ws.]

Cutting, jerking tearing in the posterior muscles of the left thigh when sitting (aft. 3/4h.). [Htn.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.