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Distraction of the mind; he easily makes mistakes in his work, and forgets things that he has just undertaken to do. [Ws.]

He thinks now of one thing now of another; he could not think of anything properly, and he immediately forgot all he had just thought of or read.[ Lr ]

Impaired memory.

Very weak memory; he forgets what he intended to do immediately, and can remember nothing.

60.Return of the lost memory. [GREDING, 1 c., p. 650.]

He remembers long forgotten things. [WIEDEMANN, 1. c.]

He remembered things that happened three years before. [Melilotus chir. Wahrnehmungen aus verschiednen Sprachen ubersetzt Altenb vii. p. 69. (Not accessible)]

Lively memory (curative effect) (aft. 24 h.)

Violent headache. [LAMBERGEN-GREDING, 1. C., p. 669.]

65. Headache as though the brain was numb.

His whole head-feels heavy, as from intoxication, [Stf.]

A weight in the upper part of the forehead, which’ causes vertigo and as it were intoxication (aft. 14 d.).

The head feels heavy as though he would fall asleep; he is disinclined for everything.

Headache, only over the eyes, like a weight in the head, in the morning on waking, and when he touches the eyes it hurts.

70.Feeling, of weight with violent aching in the whole occiput (aft. 2.5h.). [Htn.].

Weight of the head as if it would fall down. [Ln.]

In the morning headache as if something in the forehead above the eyebrows sunk down; which hinders the opening of the eyes (aft.4h.) [Lr.]

An aching feeling of weight, from the centre of the brain towards the temples, with diminution of the hearing in both ears. [Mkl]

Aching in the right side of the crown, later shifting into the left side, then back again into the right, [Mkl.]

75.Aching headache, especially in the forehead (aft. 2 d.). [Hrr.]

Constant dull aching headache in the side of the head (aft. 5, 24 h.).

Painful aching feeling in the head, especially in the lower part of the forehead, just above the nose, intolerable on stepping. [L. Rkt.]

Headache above the orbits, as if the brain were pressed in, so that he must shut his eye?. [Hbg.]

Aching pain beneath the right frontal protuberance, which soon afterwards involves `the whole forehead (aft. 10 m.)., [Gss.]

80.Violent aching under the right frontal protuberance. [Gss.]

The aching pain under the frontal bone only occasionally declines to return again in still greater intensity. [Gss.]

Aching pain beneath the frontal protuberances, in the morning soon after waking, on getting up. [Gss.]

Violent outward-pressing pain in left frontal protuberance. [Htn ]

Violent inward pressure in the left temple, which on leaning this side of the head on something extends over the whole of the anterior half of the brain (aft: 3/4 h.). [Htn.]

85.Violent outward-pressure in the whole of the left half of the brain, especially severe in the forehead (aft. 2.5h.). [Htn.]

Aching pain in the right temporal region, which on leaning the head on the hand changes into a bursting pain, and., extends to the right frontal protuberance (aft. 8 h ). [Htn.]

Pressure in the head, now here, now there, that each time involves large spaces. [Hrr.]

Aching headache in the forehead, so bad on moving that it made the eyes close, alleviated when sitting; he must lie down, whereupon it went off; on standing up it immediately returned, for two days, not aggravated either by eating or by drinking; as soon as he goes into the open air he feels as if the forehead would be pressed in, just as if a heavy stone lay on it; the third day it went off completely when sitting in the room. [Hbg.]

An aching deep in the brain over the whole head, whilst and after walking in the open air.

90. Headache pressing like a stone in the forehead, ameliorated by laying the head down and stooping forwards, with dilated pupils and whining ill-humor about trifles. (aft. 3 h.).

Tensive pressure in the tight side of forehead. [Hrr.]

Tensive pressure in the left side of the crown and in the forehead (aft. 24 h.). [Hrr]

Headache as if the head was screwed together from both sides and thereby became narrower. [Bhr.]

A constant expansion of the whole brain. [Ln.]

95. Violent pressing-outwards in the whole head, as though it would burst (aft. 3 h.). [Htn]

Headache as if the brain would be pressed out, just above the orbits in the forehead, which hinders the opening of the eyes, and compels lying down, with extreme contraction of the pupils and very low voice (aft. 5, 24 h.).

On stooping forwards pain as if all would come out at the forehead. [Stf.]

Sensation as if the brain pressed towards the forehead, which immediately went off when he bent the head backwards a little (aft. 1 1/4 h ). [Htn.]

On coughing the feeling of pressing asunder in the head is much more severe (aft. 3.5 h.). [Htn.]

100. In the open air the feeling of bursting in the head is very severe, and he ii afraid to cough on account of increasing the pain (aft. 4 h.). [Htn.]

Throbbing pressing in the left side of the occiput (aft. 5 h.). [Htn.]

On account of pain in the forehead he must Often stand still when walking, at every step it feels as it the brain in the forehead sank and rose; this alleviated by pressing strongly on it (aft. 6 days). [Hbg.]

Strong pulsation of the blood-vessels in the forehead, and pain as if the bone were raised up. [Hbg.]

On awaking beating of the blood vessel in the head and in most parts of the body. [Kr.]

105. Violent throbbing in the brain from before backs and to both sides; externally it ends in painful shoot. [Ws.]

Aching gnawing headache on the right side of the upper Part of the head down to the ear, produced by transient gnawing pain in the hollow tooth (aft. 9 h.). [Ws.]

Aching shooting in the temples from within outwards (aft. 0.5 h.). [Ws.]

Cutting pressure in the temples from within outwards, always becoming more violent, extending through the brain, and there turning into severe throbbing, continuing in all positions. [Ws.]

Tearing pressure in the head, now here, now there, especially in the forehead and temporal region. [Hrr.]

110. Tearing pressure in the right temple and crown, that spreads out in various directions. [Hrr. ]

Tearing pressure in the head here and there (aft. 5 h.). [Hrr.]

Drawing aching headache. [Hbg.]

A drawing in the head towards the forehead, as if the brain would expand. [I.n.]

Drawing pain from the temple to above the right orbit.

115. A drawing downwards at the temples and in the right orbit.

Boring and throbbing in the right side of the head, like that in the cheek, aggravated by every movement. [Kr.]

Boring and aching headache during the day on various parts, in the evening shooting. [Kr.]

Boring pain under the right frontal protuberance, soon after awaking in the morning. [Gss.]

Incessant drawing and outstretching headache, as if something rocked or swayed about in it by jerks.

120. Jerking headache, which became extremely violent on walking quickly or going quickly upstairs, and at every step jerked downwards like a weight in the occiput (aft. 48 h.). [ Ws.]

The whole head is affected with shooting pain, chiefly in the forehead. [Stf.]

Obtuse shoots in the left temple from within outwards. [Ws]

In the whole forehead slight shooting headache (aft. 1.5 h). [Stf. ]

Sharp shooting outwards in both frontal protuberances (aft. 2 h.).[Ws]

125. Excessively violent headache of obtuse or aching shoots, which dart through the brain from all sides.

In the tight temple violent shooting pain for a quarter of an hour (aft. 25 h.). [Stf.]

Some obtuse stitches in the left side of the occiput. [Ln.]

In the right frontal protuberance severe shooting, aggravated by stooping forwards, lessened by touch (aft. 5 m.). [Stf.]

Stabbing through the head as with a two-edged knife, in the evening. [Kr.]

130. Stabs as with a knife from one temple to the other. [Bhr.]

In the evening some large stitches in the occiput close behind the ear as rapid as lightning, so that he could have cried out (aft.6 d.)

In the right side of the head cutting stabs as with a two-edged knife which extend at one time into the sinciput, then into the crown, and then into the occiput, so teat he cannot lie on either side. [Kr.]

Three violent strong shoots through the head from the forehead to the occiput, whereupon all the previous headache suddenly disappears (aft. 3 1/4 h.). [Stf.]

Shooting tearing in the head above the right orbit. [Hrr.]

135. Cutting tearing pain in the head that extends from one Part to another. [Hrr.]

Burning tearing pain in the left frontal protuberance (aft. 4 h,). [Htn.]

Tearing pain in the right side of the crown, aggravated by, movement. [Hrr.]

Tearing in the forehead externally.

Tearing in the forehead. [Hbg.]

140. Tearing above the eyebrows. [Hbg.]

Violent pains in the head of a tearing kind, in the sinciput (aft. 8 h.). [Gss.]

Headache on the crown, a twisting, sometimes also digging sometimes tearing; the pain was much aggravated by external pressure; her skull appeared to her quite thin, as though it might be pressed through. [8r.]

Cold feeling in the brain, in the middle of the forehead.

Drawing in the forehead. [Kr.]

145. Drawing pain in the frontal bone and in the nape, when at rest and when moving. [ Gss.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.