Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Fingers.- Redness of balls of index, with swellings; of distal phalanges of three l. middle, with swelling and with stinging extending into tips at 5 P.M. Twitching in r. middle. Sticking; in tip of r. third; in r. thumb; nail of l. thumb; first joints; metacarpal joints of thumb and index; l. ring at 10 A.M.; tips of three l. middle in afternoon; above middle joint of middle, (<) bending finger; outward in third phalanx of index; drawing in r. index and middle. Tearing in r. little; sticking, in little. Drawing pain in l. middle in afternoon. Drawing; in thumb; in little; l. thumb; dorsum of r. ring; first joint of r. index; third joint of r. ring; r. thumb in morning on rising; l. index at 11 A.M.; l. thumb at 11 A.M.; r. index at 10.30 A.M., (>) movement; in first joint of r. thumb at noon, so that it was not easily moved; in r. at 4 P.M., (>) then in r. elbow; in first joint of r. thumb at 7 P.M. motion; (>) walking in open air, with pressure in l. upper arm; occasional, in r. thumb; intermittent painful, in l. thumb at 10 A.M.; sudden, in l. thumb and r. little in forenoon, (>) during touch; in thumbs extending into wrists. (Numbness.) Crawling in tips of three l. middle as if asleep.

Lower Extremities

      Staggering when walking in the air; S. after stooping. Burning stitches extending thence in every direction. Pain in l. in bed; drawing tensive, in r. at night, with heaviness and difficult motion. Weariness, (<) legs. Stiffness when walking. with heaviness.

Thigh.- Quivering above l. knee. Sticking high up on it, in l. as far as knee; in external tuberosity of l. when walking; paroxysmal, in l. acetabulum down to calf, deep in bone, when walking in the street; drawing, in head of l. femur. Tearing in r.; in r. hip-joint, posteriorly from r. ischium to popliteal space. Cramplike pain above l. knee when sitting. Pain as if dislocated in r. T. and leg on being carried forward when walking; in hip-joints and knees, (<) walking in open air. Pain in hip; anteriorly in lower third of r.; in l., as if it would break in evening on walking; circumscribed, in inner side as after a long walk; as if beaten, above middle on walking in open air. Scraping soreness in inner side of r. Drawing; in inner side of l. upper, in r. hip and r. knee; through outer surface in afternoon; in evening; in hips, inward and downward towards genitals; in upper part of l., making walking difficult; through T. to head and thence to pit of stomach, with blackness before eyes and nausea; painful, extending from bend to internal surface of r. during rest. Tension in outside of r. extending into knee, (<) walking and bending; in hip-joint extending to groin and posteriorly to hollow of knee, (<) walking, (>) standing. Painful laxity in hip-joints as if the capsules were weak, as if they could not support the body when standing, (>) walking, with general weakness. Paroxysms of weakness in inner muscles. T. and leg fell asleep when sitting.

Knee.- Involuntary motion (with pain). Cracking. Sticking in l.; on outside of l.; in morning in bed; on inner side of l. when standing; when walking; in l. patella on ascending stairs; on beginning to walk, (<) rising from a seat; in r. coming from popliteal space; in hollow, impeding stretching of leg; burning- biting, anteriorly in l.; burning-biting, near inner hamstring. Tearing in l.; in r. popliteal space on bending body to the right; in l. extending to middle of calf when sitting; drawing, in r. at 5 P.M. Pinching near and beneath r. patella on bending and stretching leg. Gnawing in patellae and heels latter (<) walking. Pain; in r. in forenoon when sitting, then coldness again in K., throbbing on outer side when sitting, (<) walking; bruised, on walking in evening, the weight of body seemed too great. Pressing on inner side of r.; P. inward on inner side when sitting. Drawing in r. Tension in r. popliteal space in afternoon; in K. and heels in evening, (<) rising after sitting long, afterwards only on walking. Strong extension impossible on account of a painful obstacle in popliteal spaces. Weakness; lasting longest in l.

Leg.- (Shaft of tibia swollen.) Sticking beneath knee; under r. knee; in r. tendo-achillis; in tendo-achillis above heel; in bones form tarsus to knee. Tearing; in r. tendo-achillis; downward in r. tibia all day; downwards in l.; in r. shin-bone from knee down and from tarsus to knee. Intermittent pinching in calves; periodical, in middle of l. calf, as form pressure of a convex button. Pain in r.; in r. at night, so that he must lie on l. side; in r. twice during the day, felt next morning after rising and a spot next to tibia, near a varicose dilatation, smarted as if sore, was red and sensitive to touch, pain again as if sore on its upper surface in evening. Burning pain on inner side of r. in afternoon; sticking, in external tuberosity of l. tibia, beginning when sitting, (<) pressure. Bruised pain; in r. shin-bone. Drawing pain in l. shine-bone at 9 P.M.; paroxysmal, downward in r. Drawing in r.; in r. calf all day. Tension in flexor surface of r.; in r. in forenoon, (>) dinner, with pain in skin as if ulcerated; in r. at noon when walking; in r., with weight; like weariness. Pressure outward in tibia. Weakness; of l. when sitting, changing into cutting in muscles of calf when walking, which returned paroxysmally when sitting. Heaviness; of r. in evening, with burning; of r., with burning on inner surface.

Ankle.- Stitches in l.; in r. malleolus; like bites of insects in bend; burning, near r. outer malleolus during rest. Tearing inside r. in afternoon; sticking, in r. in forenoon when walking. Pain as form a false step, in r. outer malleolus on walking. Benumbing pain in r. inner malleolus. During pains below r. inner malleolus at 5 P.M.; sharp, in l. inner malleolus, gradually extending into calf. Tension in r. when walking. Compression in region of l. malleoli.

Foot.- Back of F. and toes swollen, red, painful as if numb, with tension on motion. Red spot on dorsum, impeding walking. Jerking up (with pain); clawing J. in soles as after a long walk. Stitches in l. sole near great toe; in middle metatarsal bones; in heels; l. heel and great toe; heel and ball of r. foot in evening; outward in middle of sole; tearing in a corn. Tearing in r.; outer border of r. sole; r. metatarsal bones; r. middle metatarsal bone. Cutting in the joint on back of l. when walking, then warmth. Pinching in dorsum of l.; intermittent P. near metatarsal bone of little toe. Ulcerative pain in soles on stepping. Drawing in r. heel at 10 A.M. Weakness; of l. when sitting; of l. sole when sitting; when walking; of l. on going out; of l. when walking in the room, with falling asleep of it.; with lameness; of r. sole as after a long journey and as if bruised, when sitting and walking. Heaviness of r.; H. in evening, with tension, so that walking was painful; and coldness. Falling asleep of l. (>) walking in open air; of l. sole when sitting. Pain in heel as if asleep in morning on rising. Feeling of paralysis in l. in afternoon when sitting.

Toes.- Shining, red, swollen, itching, and after rubbing burning. Stitches in l. great; and fourth and little; l. fourth, l. sole and r. thigh; noon and evening on bending body to l. side; superficial in tips of fourth and little; tearing in sides of nails. Tearing in r. great, and in tarsus; in l. little. Pain in r. middle; drawing, in great on waking. Drawing in great l. great; in all, extending into leg; cramplike, in distal phalanx of r. great, less when walking than when sitting, with warmth; painful in r. great towards evening. Feeling in little as if skin were pulled in spots.

Clinical Sciatica of l. side from fright. Toe-nails crumble, are very brittle.


      Wartlike excrescences on back of r. hand, on chin and other places; on hands, in shape of a truncated cone, smooth in epidermis, later the largest were rough and split, the larger ones became depressed in centre. Warts on hands; on backs of hands and fingers, the old horny ones were painful on touch and washing, with red areola afterwards there were four sets, the oldest still with red areola the next rough and irregular, the smaller ones of the second crop smooth and shaped like truncated cones and the third crop very small, old ones less painful and the areola paler on appearance of menses.

Blue about clavicles. Red streak on forehead over root of nose. Red mottled spot on l. forearm; on back of r. foot. Red itching spots on inside of r. arm near wrist in evening; round, on inside of l. forearm, with white vesicles raised upon it, which burst, poured out a clear lymph and left a yellowish crust. Eruption on an inflamed surface on l. side of chin; scabby E. on cheek, not far from corner of mouth. Blotch with red areola on dorsum of r. foot, making walking in boots difficult, changing to a dark red elevation with a lighter areola, later another blotch in the still existing red spot, impeding walking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.