Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Pimples over face; red, in a streak extending forward on side of neck, with soreness on touch; red, full of serum, itching, behind l. wing of nose; painful, in raphe of perineum; painless, near raphe of perineum; itching on chin; itching with burning on touch and after scratching, on r. nates also on knees. Tubercle on inner side of r. thigh, feeling like a wart, dark red, areola bright red, tip dingy white, pain on touching or moving it, next day filled with pus later changed to brown scab; red T. between scrotum and r. thigh; inflamed, on face; painless, in sulcus between nates; painful, in middle of l. eyebrow; painful inflamed, on r. side of forehead, also on various parts. Node on l. side of nape near border of hair, next day a rough place; white, on calf, with itching in and around them, and after rubbing sticking-burning pain. (Nettle-rash.)

Condylomata about anus, sore even to touch; C. bleeding profusely; by anus, with stitches when walking; burning and stinging; itching stinging; burning pain on touch; tickling; tickling itching. Pustules between eyebrows, with itching; red bleeding on scratching, above lip; like chicken-pox on knee; like chicken-pox with red areola on thighs, elbows and forearms. Boil, with red areola and itching, near sacrum; B. behind r. ear, formed a scab which exuded a glutinous moisture, this fell off and another formed, it was sensitive to touch. Ulcer on back.

Stitches on l. elbow; in various parts changing to burning; biting on r. patella, with jerking; in spots leaving itching. Sensitive to cool air. Tension in nape on moving head. Biting on whole body. Crawling on toes; l. toes, with pain on treading; corrosive on nose.

Itching on face; forepart of neck; lower part of sacrum; in hollow below os coccygis; on r. knee, l. shoulder, scrotum and other parts; in distinct points on inside of thigh and on hairy parts of genitals, also with scraping; general, on going to bed, (<) abdomen; in spots, with burning pain after rubbing; as from flea-bites on abdomen back arms and legs (<) evening and night. Sticking itching on different parts, (<) breasts; on chest and sides of neck towards noon; over whole body at night till after 1 A.M., (>) rubbing. Crawling itching over whole body; in upper arm, then stitching in a spot. Voluptuous itching between r. toes; on inner side of back of r. foot.

Clinical Fungoid excrescences from various parts of the body, which bleed easily on the slightest touch. Molluscum, tubercular, umbilicated. Numerous crops of warts, and condylomata, which bleed readily. Lupus. Varicose ulcers. Pemphigus, eczema. It was used by Boenninghausen in variola as soon as the vesicles filled; he believed it caused rapid desiccation and prevented scars.


      Yawning; in evening. Sleepiness; all day; in morning. afternoon and evening; in morning with disinclination to rise, fretfulness and weariness; in afternoon, the eyes close when sitting; towards evening, without ability to sleep; in evening, with the fever; before dinner; after dinner; when sitting; early, but sleep uneasy with dreams and waking early in morning with fretfulness and disinclination to rise. Sleeps much during the day.

Sleeplessness; before midnight and waking about 4 A.M.; before midnight, from emission of flatus, itching and burning in anus, flying stitches in rectum and repeated micturition; after midnight, was not sleepy in the morning; till towards morning; with restlessness with restlessness and coldness, if he slumbers for a moment he dreams of dead people. Late falling asleep and early waking next morning; sleep came late and was unrefreshing. Unrefreshing sleep, interrupted by terrible dreams of the dead; U., disturbed by starting and horrible images. Frequent waking. Uneasiness at night, with apprehension, could scarcely sleep,. with coldness of legs, which are covered with cold sweat. Restless sleep; before midnight; on account of heat; with dreams with odorless sweat; interrupted by straining cough; and awake from 2 till 3 A.M., then frequent waking; with moaning; with frequent waking and passing from one dream into another, with an emission. Quiet talking in sleep. Cries. Full of dreams and starting up. Sudden bounding up in abdomen during siesta at 5 P.M., with starting in whole upper part of body as from fright. Sudden anxiety after half an hour’s sleep, then sweat, then sleep, but continual starting up again.

Dreams; immediately on falling asleep; long, caused by conversation in evening, with deep reflection, he relies upon his good conscience when accused of a crime; lively and pleasant; vivid; restless; heavy, harassing; frightful, from which he woke in heat; of danger of death when lying on l. side. Anxious D.; with loud cries; on falling asleep, he felt thrusts in l. side, woke and gasped for air. Confused; about absurd things. Voluptuous; with pollution; of coition, but without emission, on waking a painful erection.


      Coldness; all day; all day, (<) back, with weakness, in evening headache, heat of skin, full, rapid pulse, sticking in r. hypochondrium ((<) respiration), extending into sacral region, so that she went to bed, then heat then quite sleep; every morning, without thirst; in forenoon, also without thirst; all the forenoon, with internal, also without thirst; all the forenoon, with internal shivering and with confusion of head; in forenoon, alternating in heat in afternoon; at noon, (<) limbs; at 3 P.M.; every day from 6 till 7.30 P.M., with external heat of body, dryness of mouth and thirst; in evening, without thirst, pulse 100, full and hard; in evening, passing into heat on lying down; in night on appearance of menses, next day alternating with heat, with weakness even to falling (for several days past heat and sweat during dinner), sleepless after 3 A.M. on account of heat, coldness before dinner, next afternoon heat when walking, in evening coldness in back heat in head, drowsiness and thirst; after dinner; with headache; with thirst; with vomiturition; with numbness of l. foot. Alternating with heat in forenoon. Creeping chill; during dinner. Shaking chill with yawning, the warm air seems cold and the sun has no power to warm him; S. chill without external coldness; at 3 A.m., then thirst, then sweat except on head, which was only warm; on l. side of body, which feels cold, in evening in bed.

Shivering; in the daytime; in evening in bed; when dressed; from slightest uncovering in warm air, with or without gooseflesh, while hands and face were warm; with dryness of throat, painful deglutition, nausea and illness driving him to bed early; with want of appetite peevishness and weak small pulse she now took Nux-vom., after an hour shaking chill for half an hour, then heat; gradually extending over whole body at night then sweat; creeping, (<) back, with hot face; creeping over body in evening, with agreeable warmth of body, cold fingers, (<) l., without thirst, with sensation of gooseflesh; beginning in head; in back.

Coldness of face, with heat of forehead, hands warm and their veins distended; C. running from nape to small of back on lying down, (<) movement, (>) rising. Coldness of back not (>) warmth of stove; of back in afternoon and evening, with debility and stiffness in limbs; in evening alternating with heat in it. Cool limbs in evening, with redness of face, but in evening after Cocc. 30th sweat and amelioration. Cold hands; and internal heat in face; hands and feet in forenoon, hands purple; H., feet and anterior surface of thigh when sitting in a warm room. Coldness of tips of fingers, with external heat of rest of body, without thirst; C. of tips of fingers, the rest of hands lukewarm rest body hot to touch, and internal heat in face. Cold feet internally in night, with external warmth of them; after going to bed; after going to bed, with anxiety, trembling of heart, then sweat.

Heat; in morning and chill in evening, then heat and sleepiness; towards morning, with sweat; in evening, then creeping chilliness, with cold hands; in evening; with activity of mind and thirst; with vertigo; with feverish pulse; dry, at night with uneasy sleep. Feeling as if sweat would break out. Orgasm of blood, heart beats violently on ascending stairs she must rest often; O. every evening, throbbing in vessels on every motion, (>) sitting.

Heat in forehead in forenoon; externally in a spot in occiput corresponding with which H. and pressure in brain. Heat in face; all day; in evening, with redness of cheeks; when sitting, with redness, without thirst; of l. cheek with redness of it and with chilliness on back on motion, fingers dead; flushing, without thirst; sudden with redness. H. externally over r. lower ribs. In lumbar region. Burning in r. leg in morning; in r. leg at noon; in skin of r. leg; inner side of r. leg; in hollow of l. knee as if an eruption would break out. On dorsum of r. foot. In corns. In spots under skin, (<) r. side of chest.

Sweat in evening after warm soup, then diminution of pain in nape; at night; on all covered parts at night as soon as he fell asleep; in axillae; on hands and feet; feet, (<) toes; inner side of thighs and legs on waking; thighs near genitals when sitting; cold; sour-smelling, almost every night. Dry sensation in skin, (<) hands.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.