Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Drawing from H. over nape to small of back. Several times sensation as if brain were raised. Internal weakness, brain seems numb and dead. Empty feeling when sitting and walking. Fulness; in afternoon, with drawing pain in neck. Feeling as if lead lay in brain on turning head to one side. heaviness, (<) occiput, (<) motion; H. as if a weight were pressing brain inward. Stupefaction; in morning. Rush of blood, even when undressed, with sweat on face and desire for cold drinks. Drunkenness as from alcohol, heat in head a nd face, uncertain gait, etc.

Confusion; in morning; in morning, (<) forehead and temples, after an hour extending over vertex; in forenoon; in forenoon, with vanishing of objects on attempting to fix them; in forenoon, with paroxysms of drawing pain in middle of forehead, (<) l. frontal eminence, extending thence to posterior part of l. eyeball and at times to occiput, changing at 3 P.M. into digging pain and lasting till 10 P.M.; at noon; in afternoon; in evening, (<) forehead; after dinner; after supper; when standing, so that he does not know where he is; with dim vision; and incapable of thought.

Vertigo; at 1.30 P.M. on closing eyes; in evening on going out; after a siesta; on being waked from his siesta, with trouble in collecting his thoughts; in bed; on moving head sideways; after talking long and when walking; when sitting or lying; when sitting, with staggering on walking; (<) sitting and closing eyes, (>) lying; with heat; with vanishing of letters when reading; like a moving to and fro when sitting, (<) lying; as if his seat were balancing to and fro when closing eyes, (>) opening eyes; sudden, on looking up after dinner; sudden, at 11 A.M. when writing, from a feeling as if a current of air ascended from occiput and penetrated towards forepart of head, with loss of thought; in attacks; returning as in pushes every minute when seated; as if stupefied in morning.

Forehead.- Maddening twitching in r. eminence in evening. Sticking; in eminences; l. eminence; side; l. eminence in afternoon; l. eminence at 6 P.M.; l. eminence on waking; (>) waking in open air; above; eye, extending towards r. Tearing; in r. side of sinciput and face, transversely across nose to zygoma and over eyes, (<) morning and evening; beating, in eminence, with heat. Transitory pain as if a nail had been driven into l. eminence in evening, also when walking in street; on l. eminence, (>) touch, but returning immediately in superior posterior angle of l. parietal bone, as if a convex button were pressed against it, next day at 5 P.M. digging in l. eminence alternating with pressure as of a convex button near vertex, this sensation (>) touch, but returned immediately, was felt in r. mastoid process, l. parietal bone and r. side of pit of throat. Pain; in middle; in r. side; externally above r. eye; over r. superciliary eminence; all day; in morning, with obstruction of nose; in l. side at 9 A.M. when writing, lasting all the forenoon; in evening; in evening, with failure of sight; at 6 P.M.; at 8 P.M., and in temples; on waking; on waking, (>) rising, returned at 9.30, became heavy; with warmth; with heat in cheeks; with burning in eyes; transversely across; in evening after much conversation, gradually extending towards vertex; over l. brow, extending to r. side of forehead in forenoon when walking in open air; merging into a sensation as if a wedge we driven into temple, (<) motion of head or swallowing; as before catarrh, and in brows; stunning, and in vertex; consisting of pressure, bruised and tearing sensation extending to occiput, on waking, (>) sleeping a gain. Twitching pain, and in l. side of face; in l. eminence; r. eminence extending to eye. Clawing pain in l. eminence, becoming fixed in a small spot, with rumbling in bowels. Drawing pain in r. side; in l. eminence in evening after lying down and next morning on waking; intermittent, in l. side, with colic and emission of flatus; paroxysmal, in r. eminence at 5.30 A.M. on waking, extending to r. orbit and r. nasal bone, ending at 8 O’clock; transversely across, as if a weight were sinking into it; sudden, over l. eyelid, extending through middle of l. brow and dividing l. eminence into threads and rays, which penetrated deep into brain, after waking. Drawing over l. brow; painful, in l. eminence at 10 A.M. when walking in open air; intermittent painful, in r. side at 10 A.M. Pain as if compressed in anterior part of head covered with hair, in evening. Constriction externally on l. eminence, pressing upper lip downward. Confusion; in r. side at noon; in evening.

Temples.- Swelling of veins. Sticking; externally in l.; in r.; in mastoid process, with drawing behind r. ear; suddenly through l., as if an awl had been forced through brain, then sensitiveness; drawing, in l. muscle, (<) chewing. (>) touch; boring, from one to the other. Drawing tearing in l. mastoid process in evening and then in eyeballs. Periodical pinching in r. mastoid process as from pressure of a convex button. Pain deep in r.; P. in evening; in r. in evening; in l. after dinner, lasting all the evening; in morning, now in r., now in l., and again in vertex; raging, extending inward, as if brain would be pressed outward; intermittent contractive, in r. Pressure inward in r. in forenoon. Drawing pain in muscles, (<) chewing. Drawing below r. mastoid process in evening, with tension and with roaring in l. ear and occasional drawing in l. frontal eminence towards temple; pressive D. in l.; downward from r. mastoid process. Sensitiveness of l. Throbbing in r. towards noon on rising from a seat.

Vertex.- Sticking; as if a needle pierced bone near sagittal suture in evening. Feeling as if a nail were driven outward. Drawing tearing extending towards middle of brain. Pain; in morning, returned in evening, with burning in stomach; in morning, (>) rising; in morning on waking, afterwards extending to frontal eminences and eyes and returning to vertex, pain (>) evening, but it threatens to return when he thinks about it; towards noon, (>) evening; in evening; in evening till midnight; after dinner; in V. and occiput, (<) moving head and a false step, with sensation as if lead were in it and feeling as if brain moved about loosely; heavy, in upper surface in evening and next forenoon, (>) cool air and rubbing forehead, eyes and face, with intermittent sticking, head and eyes sensitive to touch, next evening crawling in these places. Weight. Sensation as if brain were pressed out on nodding forward. Drawing in pericranium, at times in vertex, at times in occiput, with tearing. Sensitiveness in morning; S. to touch in a spot in r. side, with redness. Sensation as if upper part of skull were beaten in.

Sides.- Sticking in r.; in l. parietal bone; in l. on bowing; in l. on waking, then Dullness of head all day. Sensation as if a nail were driven into r. parietal bone (Coffea), (>) touch; in r. bone, after dinner; in angles of bones, then itching gnawing. Tearing in l. and l. teeth; in r. on going to bed. Pain in r., (<) vertex and above eye; in l. parietal bone, with pressure in r., extending over whole head; in posterior and inferior angle of l. parietal bone, extending to r. frontal eminence during rest, waking him one day at 5 A.M., (>) rising, then stupidity and Dullness of head. Cramplike sensation in l., then warmth. Spot in middle of l. parietal bone sensitive to touch. Pressure as from a convex button in l.; in superior and posterior angle of l. parietal bone, (>) touch. Painless drawing in r. parietal bone, with pressure and with almost agreeable warmth of whole body. Numbness and tingling in l. half of brain and in l. ear.

Occiput.- Sticking downward through O.; from foramen magnum through brain to vertex; in brain from neck to vertex; upward in brain from occipital foramen. Tearing stab through r. half to forehead. Tearing in protuberance and in petrous portion of temporal bone; jerking, (<) r. side. Pain; in evening; on moving head to one side, with stupefaction; in a spot on l. side on touch, so that he was disinclined to lie on l. side at night. Drawing; and tension; painful, in l. side. Tension from one ear to the other. Fulness in evening when walking in open air, with pressure. Dullness, with floating black points before vision, even on closing eyes; D. ending in headache. Crawling on l. side of bone. Heaviness.

Scalp.- Twitching on r. side of occiput. Hair comes off of vertex. Red painful pimples on temples. Painless tubercles. Feels shrunken and hard on temples and forehead. Tearing in tendinous aponeurosis on vertex. Jerking constriction at beginning of dinner. Compression on occiput, with crawling. Pain as if tense. Sensitive to touch on vertex, and shining; sensitive where cool air was felt on forehead by an open window after dinner. Biting and corroding smarting on r. side in evening; corroding biting on occiput, with sensation as if something were crawling in the hair. Itching on occiput.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.