Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Menses.- Scanty and early; D. and delayed. Lasted only one day; and scanty; and consisted of a clot of black blood, next time lasted only one day and consisted of three clots of black blood, third time lasted a day and a night. Weak.

Clinical Secondary syphilis; roseola, iritis, with condylomata, etc. Chancroidal ulcers on the genitals. Epithelioma of the vagina and uterus. Uterine polypi, with terrible pain. Ovaritis, l. Chronic ovaritis following gonorrhoea. Prolapsus, (<) driving, with great pain in the back. Condylomata. Vagina extremely sensitive in coition (Kreosotum, Sulphur).

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx. Mucus at night, and in trachea. Constriction and burning; C. in region of os hyoides after eating ices. Pressure. Voice rough. Voice deep and hoarse in morning on waking. Hoarseness during the lecture, with inclination to hawk; H., with violent cough and stitches in l. breast and l. scapula; as from constriction in pharynx.

Trachea.- Sticking in region of pit of throat on breathing; in l. side below larynx, (<) swallowing. Scraping causing cough.

Cough.- In morning on rising, (>) noon, with roughness in threat; C., with oppression of chest; inclination to, with burning in l. side of throat near larynx, which afterwards extended towards l. ear, with more soreness; as from pungent food, in morning on rising. Dry; in evening; (>) wine and beer, with constriction in spots on thorax and corresponding parts of lungs, compelling deep inspirations; interrupted, when sitting smoking a cigar. Hacking dry; in morning; in morning on waking; in afternoon and evening; in evening, from tobacco-smoke; after dinner; two hours after dinner; from tension, now in l. chest, now in l. hypochondrium. Dry, short, barking in morning. Short interrupted, convulsive at night and on waking, from irritation in larynx and leaving dryness in it. Coughing up mucus; in morning and evening; when eating and after eating; tough M.; thick M. in morning; tickling, in forenoon; thick, at night; tenacious, towards noon, irritation to vomit and retching, then illness and weakness and return of headache.

Expectoration of thick mucus; of mucus in morning after rising, leaving sensitiveness in larynx; of tough mucus in morning; of blood when walking.

Respiration.- Breathlessness when walking in after noon, with heat and weight on chest, dry cough and sticking in head. Difficult; in evening, with pressing in chest towards back; before bedtime, with pressure on chest, delaying sleep; on going to bed, with pressing on chest and sticking in side; on ascending stairs; (<) ascending stairs, with weak feeling in chest and pressure under sternum; with anxiety; also with great desire for water; almost panting. Short at night, necessity to breathe deeply; S. on walking; with weight on chest. Hurried at night. Necessity for frequent deep breathing.

Clinical Polypi of the vocal cords. Cough in the morning after rising and during the day, sometimes in evening after lying down; immediately after eating.


      Stitches in side; l.; l. lung; under sternum; region of r. fifth rib; in r. fourth rib near sternum; on side near middle of sternum; in lower half of side; on r. side near lower part of middle of sternum; under mammae, not affected by respiration; in l. often during the day; in r. lower; part at 6 A.M.; in l. in forenoon; on r. side near sternum at noon, (>) deep inspiration, returned on expiration; lower part of r. lung at 3 P.M. after sneezing; lower part of r. lung from 3 till 11 P.M., (<) sneezing, deep breathing and coughing; at 4 P.M. after sneezing; in l. side often in evening; in l. side in evening, (<) inspiration; low down in l. side in evening when going home; in l. during inspiration and expiration; now in r., now in l.; double, in breast; like lightning transversely through it; in side extending to axillae; backward through upper part of l. breast, then twitching feeling; forward through lower part of lungs, with bruised sensation in chest, Dullness of head, sadness and discouragement; sudden, backward, in r. half in forenoon, next day in l. half; periodical, deep in l. pectoralis major; intermittent, inward, from l. axilla; throbbing, in l.; crawling, in r.

Cutting in different directions; upward on r. side near sternum; upward through middle to pit of throat, often during the day; from sternum to r. elbow; under sternum, embarrassing respiration. Pinching in region of fifth and sixth ribs. Knocking under sternum extending to sacrum, when lying on back. Clawing in sternum at 2 P.M. Cramplike pain under sternum ( (<) deep inspiration), and in inguinal region. Tearing drawing in region of l. fifth and sixth ribs when standing and sitting, (>) moving and deep inspiration.

Pain in l. side; at r. lower part; under sternum; under l. short ribs; in l. side, (<) region of fifth rib; in r. side in afternoon, accompanied in evening by sticking, which extended into small of back; in middle of sternum at 6 P.M.; in l. side in evening, (>) stool; in upper part, (<) pressure; in r. side, (<) deep breathing and bending; in lower lobe of l. lung, (<) deep breathing; in middle, with sticking on deep inspiration; in a spot under sternum, gradually extending to scorbiculus, in afternoon and evening; in middle up to throat, causing difficult respiration; crawling, in a spot in l. side of sternum, leaving soreness.

Sensitiveness of spots. Sore pain in region of ribs on touch. Internal smarting as if sore, (<) dry cough. Scraping causing cough. Sprained sensation in l. side close to pit of stomach. Bruised sensation in afternoon; under r. arm; under sternum, with fulness; with oppression under sternum. Sticking beating in middle of r. side.

Feeling in spots as if chest from without and corresponding parts of lungs from within were constricted, (<) rest, causing deep sighs. Constriction of lower part as from a bandage, at noon; C. in in lower half, with compression. Compression when laughing, with shortness of breath; C. backward when sitting, (<) stretching body. Oppression; of lower part; with pain on inspiration; with inclination to cough; at noon before dinner, with difficult respiration and pain in anterior surface of stomach on deep inspiration as from external pressure; as from internal adhesion. Sensation as if distended from within.

Tightness obliging deep breathing. Tension on deep inspiration; T. from first false rib to l. axilla, (<) raising arm; in lungs, becoming sticking on deep inspiration. Pressure; after eating; on sternum, not affecting respiration; in middle when sitting, not impeding respiration; with cramplike constriction; in attacks about axilla; from within towards nipple. All diameters seem shorter. Want of pliability and sufficiency of inspired air. Heat; under sternum. Weakness.


      Sticking in region. Tearing in region extending into l. scapula, in open air. Twitching pain under it. Pain; in forenoon, with tension; in a spot in evening; in a spot in region on touch. Palpitation; visible, without anxiety. Pulsation imperceptible at night, then trembling of it and anxiety.


      Rapid; during the access of heat, and full; and full, hard, also in evening. Feverish in evening, with headache. Slow, weak.


      Swelling; of glands; of glands, with pain so that he could not lie down at night. Vessels distended and blue. Creaking in vertebrae on certain movements of head. Sticking over joint of atlas in evening; in muscles on motion; pinching, in r. side, (>) moving it. Tearing in nape; in tendinous expansion on r. side; in nape, extending into shoulder; intermittent sticking, in r. muscles in evening, extending to scapula; digging, in r. muscles, extending to scapula, in evening, (<) touch, with roaring in l. ear and creaking on swallowing saliva. Sticking cutting in l. side as far as ear in morning.

Pain in nape; in l. side as from a hard bed; in nape close to occiput, as from a hard bed, during the day this spread over r. side of back as if muscles were sprained, (<) bending head forward and raising r. arm, in the evening the pain moved more into region of r. shoulder and neck, next day on bending head forward pain as if muscles were too short, with roaring and boiling in r. ear, afterwards the pain was a sort of tumultuous digging, as if muscles had been crushed and as if a gathering were taking place in subcutaneous and intermuscular areolar tissue, (>) sweat. Sensation in nape as if beaten to pieces.

Pressing and drawing pain upward in r. side. Drawing in nape in evening, with sticking from nape to r. ear and shoulder; D. in l. side in evening before sleep and next day till afternoon; in l. side on waking; painful, in l. side close to occiput alternating with a similar pain in r. frontal eminence at 11.30. Tension in l. side; in r. side and in small of back; in l. side, darting to occiput and scapula, preventing turning of head, afterwards (<) morning; drawing, in nape, (<) l. side. Stiffness of l. side; of nape in afternoon; of nape and l. side extending into ear, even during rest, not impeding movement. Uneasiness or intermittent pinching in muscles, nape and in chest, with nausea.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.